Super Mario has been a staple of Nintendo systems since the original NES over 26 years ago, and while the series has evolved to a great degree over time, one immutable fact remains: Mario games sell systems. That's why it comes as no real surprise that the plumber's first foray onto 3DS has been about as hyped as any game in recent years. Although it's not going to set new standards for originality, its hefty dose of classic influences make it a veritable greatest hits collection of past Mario moments.
The Super Mario gameplay has evolved in many different directions over the years, but Nintendo decided to take a trip back to earlier releases when putting the level designs together for Super Mario 3D Land, even resurrecting the classic flag pole jump with a new 3D twist.

Much like the 8-bit titles, the worlds are broken down into four or five individual levels, all leading up to a boss fight at the end. Instead of having only one standard type of boss encounter, this time there's two: the old-fashioned Super Mario Bros. Bowser fight, where you'll have to make your way around the Koopa king and pull the bridge out from under him, or the Super Mario Bros. 3 Air Ship rendition which has you chasing one of the annoying Koopa underlings around a room, jumping on their head in order to dispatch them. Both are equally challenging, but there's just something about going head-to-head with Bowser that feels a bit more engaging and traditional.
Although there's a basic theme to each world, there's a huge level of diversity between the individual levels contained within them, with everything from colourful forest levels to spooky ghost houses that can be found in most worlds. There are even a handful of underwater levels to keep you on your toes. Each level features a very distinctive array of challenges, some as simple as riding moving platforms, to more challenging sections where you'll have to avoid giant spike rods twisting out at you in every direction. And to make things even more challenging, there are also three Star Medals hidden in each level for you to locate and pick up, something far easier said than done.

Since you're going to be faced with a barrage of hazards and enemies, the game offers up a series of power-ups to help even out the odds a bit. While the basic power-ups like the Super Mushroom and Fire Flower are in heaping supply in each level, it's the special suits that really make things interesting. The classic Tanooki Suit from Super Mario Bros. 3 is the most prevalent suit in the game and will give you the ability to not only tail swipe enemies, but also hover around levels and reach areas that couldn't be accessed without it. There's even a special Invincibility Leaf that you can pick up if you lose several lives in a row that will make you completely untouchable by hazards and enemies. Of course you will still be susceptible to falls, but it's a nice touch for gamers whose skill levels aren't quite up to the challenge.
To add a new wrinkle, the game introduces a unique diversion called Mystery Blocks on the map screen in between certain levels. These are basically just short mini-games that consist of nothing more than gathering up a group of coins or dispatching all of the enemies inside of the block within a strict time limit, rewarding you with a Star Medal. You'll even be able to gain new Mystery Block challenges from other Super Mario 3D Land owners via StreetPass, a good way to build up Star Medals that you'll need in order to access later levels.

The sheer number of classic Super Mario influences strung throughout Super Mario 3D Land is quite staggering. At times the game feels like a cross between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario 64 in its level designs and presentation. And since no two levels really look or play the same, you'll never be at a loss for new challenges. Mario is also stacked to the brim with moves from past adventures and additional abilities brought on by the power ups and suits, lending you all the moves you'll need to scale every square inch of the game and the responsive controls with which to do it. You're even likely to find yourself coming back to the game in order to pick up any Star Medals you might have missed the first time through.
When it came to creating the world of Super Mario 3D Land, Nintendo wasn't shy about borrowing from just about every Super Mario Bros. game ever crafted. There's a slight majority of elements snatched from Super Mario Bros. 3, but there's a level of variety in the backdrops that we're just not used to seeing in one single release. All of the traditional vivid colours abound and the added depth the 3DS brings to the table really brings the world alive. Long time Super Mario fans will likely get the most out of the package as it's quite amazing to see some of the old 2D Super Mario Bros. areas transformed into full 3D with this type of depth. It might have been nice to see the distant backdrops feature a bit more detail, but given how much of your focus will be on the areas in close proximity, it's a minor gripe.

There might actually be a few new tunes in the game, but it's nearly impossible to pick them out among the insane number of classic Super Mario tracks playing in each and every level. Reaching back as far as the original Super Mario Bros., there are tracks from virtually every release in the series, each with their own unique modern remixes. Even the sound effects sound off with that same level of familiarity we've come to expect from the series. As heavily as Nintendo has borrowed from Mario's past in other aspects of the game, it was pretty much grand theft when it came to compiling the soundtrack for this game and it's never sounded better.
It's obvious that Nintendo played it fairly safe for Mario's first 3DS outing — something that will likely make the game seem like a bit of a step backwards from the brilliance of the Super Mario Galaxy series — but it's impossible not to be impressed by the vast number of classic Super Mario elements that have been squeezed into the package, especially given how fresh they all look and feel in their new 3D presentation. If you've been looking for a reason to pick up a 3DS, you've just found it.
Comments 210
Heck yeah! I'll be all over this next week. :3
So it has about 50 levels total? (4-5 levels per world with 8 worlds + mystery box thingies?)
I'm glad I pre ordered! Can't wait for November 18th!
I really loved playing the preview levels at Eurogamer Expo. Can't wait to play thru the whole thing soon. Nice review Corbs, you have confirmed my suspicions that this is full of WIN!
I know that the end-score is not the most important thing to consider when checking out a review, but I couldn't help but smile contentedly that this new 3DS Mario title managed to whips its Tanooki tail towards scoring a prestigious Nlife 9/10.
I love the idea of a 3D Mario that has managed through its unique controls, graphic settings and nostalgic audio nods to "take a trip back to earlier releases."
I really enjoyed reading this review, @Corbs. You have just cemented this as an unmissable day one purchase for me.
Tick, tick, tick until Friday 18th November in the UK.
@pixelman Apparently the game has 16 worlds (another 8 after beating the initial 8 worlds)
Damn that's awesome. Thanks @TheSolarKnight.
Seems like a must have. And I've already hit my gaming purchases limit this month... Oh well, I guess it'll fit nicely in December budget. Great review by the way!
Sweet review, Corbs! I can't wait to play this next week!
Another great review from corbie
Sweet! I am REALLY looking forward to this.
I think even if the new Mario might not set new standards this time, it doesnt have to because Mario titles so many times have, and I have a feeling this is going to be a favorite among players.
Only the King of Gaming! Another Mario classic!
Nice review. 18 November can't come soon enough!
Awesome Corbie---Pickin' this up on Sunday in the U.S.
Did anyone really expect this game to get a lower score? Great review Corbs. I cant wait for this to come out.
Great reveiw, although there is no way im not getting this game anyway.
@Tasuki I knew that Corbie's Nlife review was on the way, but I honestly could not predict his choice of score. For example, I read reviews of Super Mario 3D Land in EDGE issue 234 and gamesTM no.115, and it scored an 8/10 in both magazines.
Of course an 8/10 is a great score anyway, this game is clearly brilliant, but I felt a certain amount of joy to see it receive the 9/10 here.
If only I could pre-order this where i live! UGH. I'm gettin' this no matter what yo. And i agree, it's great to see a rating of 9/10.
Great review.
This game is basically like Galaxy without the gravity effects. The levels look just as imaginative. They even brought back the Beat Blocks!
Kinda sucks that I have to wait till next month to get this...great game, but Skyward Sword comes first. xD
It does look like the reintroduction of time limits is a good thing given the size and style of the levels. I wonder how much fun this will end up being for speedrunning.
Didn't I hear that you can also pick up best level-times from others (just times, not ghosts?) via Streetpass? That should extend things a bit.
A 9/10? You know I'm heading to GameStop this weekend! I'm so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ARGH I'M ALREADY HYPED ENOUGH. Thanks Corbs. Now I can't wait even more then I couldn't before. y u not here yet sunday
With this and skyward on the same day, MK7 just round the corner. my nintendo consoles wont be getting any time on the horizon to take a brake.
Just got to practise playing two consoles at once..
Another 10 in my book, don't even have to play it.
Great review, though. Nice to hear there are some extra-challenging parts.
Great to see another reason to pick up the 3DS is almost here :3
Gah! So excited! When does it come out (North America)? On the 13th or 15th?
I think 8/10 is more appropriate. With no intention of trolling ... As with new super Mario bros, multiplayer, even in minigame format, gives more value in the long run. The price should be in the 25€ margin for single player only.
@tendoboy1984, Sunday, the 13th.
While I didn't preorder this due to lack of money, I do want to get this game, hopefully I can get it for Christmas
It seems that this will only have Fire, Boomerang, Tanooki and Propeller power ups. Is this true? Because we were told there would be more familair suits returning. Or are you not allowed to tell us?
Either way I don't mind. NSMB only had Shell and Fire and I will still defintitely be purchasing this game.
can't wait! so frickin' stoked for this game
Why can't it be Christmas already. Nintendo needs to announce the bundles in the USA so that I can figure out which one I want. I guessing they're going to announce them tomorrow or next Thursday, which will be right on time before black Friday . People need to be informed on what to put on their christmas list.
I was thinking of not getting this one until i read the review and saw the first level being played by IGN Entertainment. It looks just too AWESOME!!! I only wish it had more online options.
Great review Corbie. Super Mario 3D Land and MK7 are the reason why I bought the 3DS. Unfortunately, my fiance is picking up my preorder at Gamestop, and she will be holding on to it for me until Christmas...
Friday, friday, friday! Waiting for Friday 18th.
Greatest hits, eh? It works with music, might as well work for a video game.
If you know that you'll be getting Mario for Christmas, doesn't that defeat the purpose of holding off until Christmas?
Presents were supposed to be a surprise.
This will sell MEGA! So looking forward to this!
Oh yeah, cannot wait to pick this one up. My Mario itch hasn't been scratched in awhile, that darn hedgehog's been in the way
It's still too much classic, not enough new. No thanks, I don't have enough nostalgia for this series to overlook a rehash.
Sounds awesome. Great revw
I preordered this, but I won't be able to get it until Monday. Can't friggin' wait for this!
Great review Corbs. It sounds like the killer app for the 3DS is finally here.
This will make the 3DS a sure-fire money-printer. Can't wait.
excite excite excite
A Mario game that didn't get a 10/10 on NL?
This must be the worst Mario game ever made D:
time to grab my 3DS from me collection cupboard
this is gonna be the best weekend ever!! skyrim on friday and then mario on sunday!! im gonna skip a week of school for this lol
Soon my precious 3DS, soon!!
Although there are elements of it that disappoint me and it doesn't look as good as Mario's other 3D platformers, I'm still very much looking forward to playing this on the 18th as the level design looks fantastic and overall it still looks like a very good game.
sigh. do I go for this or Zelda? Such a dilemma...
I'm sad. I was hoping a 10/10. I'm VERY picky about my games, so I don't know if 9/10 is worth $40. I'm might return it and use the money to buy monster hunter 4.
I'm all paid up and just have to wait it out until Sunday!
Cave Story 3D and Super Mario 3D Land in less than seven days... yeah, it's a great time to own a 3DS!
Great review @Corbs!
My wallet is ready. Bring on Zelda and this.
Game informer gave the game a 9.5. It also gave Skyward Sword a perfect 10.
It is games like this that make me love having a birthday in November. Zelda and Mario for the win!!
No Pre-order for me, I got MW3 instead (Which is fantastic, btw) but I can't wait to get this sooner or later. Probably christmas.
Am I the only one who is not so excited about Mario Land and MK? Games as PW vs Layton, RE Mercenaries, One Piece UC and DQ Rocket Slime excite me more.
i flipped when i saw on home page
This is exactly what I expected; nothing less! Great review Corbie!
so what they're saying is if this game's only problem is lacking in originality? for me it's a ten - originality matters, but it's not worth a whole point!
@Dragonite64 LOL HAHAHA SOOOOOOO funny... Yet sooooooo true!!!
Great review! No surprise though. It's a Mario game after all
Got it preordered at GameStop, but I won't be able to pick it up until Monday Sunday will be a very long day for me, knowing others are playing it and I'm not, but I think I'll survive.
Also, this probably means a review for Skyward Sword should be up within a week? I'm very satisfied right now.
Hell yeah! I already love this game soooooooooooooooo much!
"I'm sad. I was hoping a 10/10. I'm VERY picky about my games, so I don't know if 9/10 is worth $40. I'm might return it and use the money to buy monster hunter 4."
A 9/10 game not worth forty dollars? I hope that attitude doesn't carry over to metacritic.
YEEAAH!!! That'll be mine!!!
this game looks nice huh? anyway does omebody know when will flipnote memo will come? i have a 3ds and i really want memo
Soooo does anyone know how many hours this'll last? I'm planning to get it...if it's 10~15 hours for a mario game.
The only fault I've seen with the game so far is all the recycled music. I would have liked some more original tracks alongside the Mario Galaxy music redux. The underground theme especially bugs me because it even still has the cosmic, outer-spacey sound effects to it that just don't fit with 3D Land. I know the game was kind of a rush job, but jeez, guys.
The more I read up on this game the more excited I get! I LOVE how they're incorporating Mario's past releases into this.
As awesome as this looks and sounds, my pre-order is on Skyward Sword. I fully intend to get this, but I can only handle so many games at once.
Nice review, getting this real soon. Mario Kart 7 will be here soon
This game looks like a whole lot of fun.
Not much longer now, and it'll be worth owning a 3DS!
Me to the black dragin i almost pead reading this
@LordJumpMad There have been a few main Mario games that have also scored less than 10/10 on Nlife. Here are some examples:
All of these games still vary from decent to top-notch, and are worthy of a gamers' time. I am particularly fond of GameCube Super Mario Sunshine.
Wouldn't getting a StreetPass community together for coins be "cheating?"
I..uh..um..I just peed my pants. Thats how exited I am.
No, just joking...
BUT, I am gonna go to the Times Square launch! Iz gonna be EPIC!
Just resreved it! I can't wait until Sunday!
What is the point of reserving/preordering games?
Anyway, any references from Super Mario Bros. 2 in this?
So. Sunday. Best day ever?
wow Im glad this game is made for 3ds and its comn out sunday for USA here.Look out mario,im gonna get u lol.XD Well ever since I played super mario bros 3 on n64 even gba and its so fun so when I heard bout this game,I was like hey I no this from n64 so im suprised its on 3ds in 3d so cant wait.>u<I bet its more fun than the old game-_- lol.
November is my birthday, literally. Though here mario comes out on the 11th.( I think the twilight movie will ruin my birthday though)
We get a tanooki suit keychain...
I want this game so bad now but unfortunately I don't have money for it. I'll have to get it after the fact.
4 days... 4 DAYS!!! I'm getting it IMMEDIATELY on Sunday!
I feel like I'm three years in the past saying this, but a 9 from Corbie was to be expected.
Wow I've moved on to 9s now. It was 7s and then 10s and now 9s. Awesome!
It seems like some critics are cynical about the game taking so much inspiration from the Mario games of old, and some are embracing it. I'm glad to see your embracing it
Great review, Corbs.
@84 With a pre-order, you reserve a copy for usually about 2 days. I paid for the game when I pre-ordered it, so for me it'll just be in/out. Oh, and I get a keychain (You get one when you pre-order MK7 too)
I'm looking forward to it. I told my friends and they laughed. Oh well xD
all as expected the ign review has me most excited they gave it a 9.5. gamespot tries to act superior by giving it an 8 lol. that is probably the worst gaming website out there.
With the amounts of 10/10 this site gives out, I'm a bit disappointed.
IMO New Super Mario Bros. Wii wasn't worth a 10 and if this game is worse, I won't be happy.
i am going to get this game this sunday not trying to be rude to nintendo but you could have put in more levels
Some critics have also decried the run button as feeling clunky with analog controls. I played the demo at Best Buy and yeah, it does take some getting used to. It's definitely not a deal breaker but it did make the controls a little weird for me. Still yet, even that one level demo was the probably the most fun I've had on a 3DS ever so I'm excited.
I agree. The run button does take a bit of getting used to with analog controls. That being said, I did find myself getting rather comfortable with it after a few worlds.
Still 14 more days till it releases in Australia (along with Skyward Sword).
Going to be the best day ever!
Can you get the streetpass mystery blocks through with play coins or some other means? I love the streetpass function, but I very rarely get any. Even with a Mario bump in sales, I feel like it would still take me months to rack up enough to play everything.
Besides control issues and unoriginality, this game sounds perfect.
Sounds like my wallet is going to be hurting this year. xD
Super Mario 64 DS had a run button, but the digital pad was "meh" though. I think the run button is a good idea btw. Even with an good analog stick, it can be difficult to walk very slowly with precision. The run button makes jumping in 2D games much more flexible and precise, and I believe it will allow greater precision control in 3D games as well.
Quick question for Corbie Does the "run" button also function as the "attack" button (launch fireballs, etc) like the "B" button did on NES Super Mario Brothers 1 & 3, or are "run" and "attack" mapped to separate buttons, like on the Mario 64 / DS control scheme?
Thanks again for the awesome review!
Hmm.. the game looks good, but I'll still go for MK7 first, then this.
So, how much? $30-50? Can't wait for this!! Will it be available everywhere this Sunday? Best Buy, Target, etc?
$39.96 on Amazon.com if you pre-order (I just found out for those wanting to also know)
Free Tanooki keychain if you preorder at Gamestop (I reserved mine there), but it wouldn't surprize me if they were already sold out of preorders by now - $39.99 MSRP
Luigi is unlockable!!!
@StarDust - Yes, the RUN button is also the button for attacks and projectiles.
Ah, so once again, a new Mario game is revealed and haters whine about it being 'too safe' and that Nintendo have 'lost the magic'.
Don't these people ever get tired of being wrong?
In my opinion, Super Mario 3D Land isn't as 'safe' as it seems; there are some fairly controversial new features, such as the 'run' button, and the 'back to basics' approach that straddles the line between 2D & 3D.
Either way, this game looks awesome...shame I won't have time to play it till Christmas
Best day ever? I think that's an understatement. November 24th can't come soon enough. When it does, I'm going to be busy for a long time...
Some people just love to bash everything Nintendo does even when they're supposed to be 'fans', it's just the popular thing to do. Best not to rise to the boring dullards.
I just hope i can agree on the 9/10 more than with SML2. (Which to me is a perfect 7/10.)
Arg, finally getting into the Master Quest and yall got to hit me with this
I do have one question. IGN hit up on how essential the 3D is for this game, and how it is a great if not perfect example on how 3D changes gameplay, not just visuals. Can you expand or offer your opinion to that?
Mario Forever
Flag pole jump with a 3d twist
I dunno, it could be a decent game as long as you can navigate through the game at a medium to hard difficulty, not outlandishly hard (needing a strategy guide) or not way too easy either. The graphics seem to be alright.
Its been werid but ive lost interest with mario's adventures laterly.
And havent really been excited over this at all. Game looks great but more of same.
Nintendo does sumthing really unique with mario franchise like they did in mario galaxy 1 & 2 for example.
And then resort bringing out new mario game for 3DS thats more of the same standard platforming of course has few new twists but still nothing revolutionary?
Am sure they didnt want to venture to far away from norm for first mario 3DS outing but i would of liked if they tryed something new & fresh and unique.
Am not hating on mario at all am sure ill probably get game in near future.
I just wish they would of done sumthing new and fresh like they have been doing with kirby franchise like → mass attack with ability to take control 10 kirbys or epic yarn's unique art style gameplay.
I'm actually kind of pumped for having a run button in a 3D Mario game. The platforming in the 3D Marios has never been quite as satisfying as the 2D ones for me, and I think it's that run button. There's something really satisfying about having your thumb on the run and jump buttons on the same time.
I find it utterly disgusting to entertain the idea of shopping at Gamestop but, that Tanooki keychain pre-order bonus they're offering is absolutely irresistible and since Amazon isn't giving any incentive to purchase Super Mario 3D Land at their site, I fear i must bargain for the better bargain.
Btw, I really enjoy reading your positive review on Super Mario 3D Land, Corbies. Keep up the great work, man.
@Tate24 (120.): To me having the little Mario mechanic and the time limit in a 3D game the first time is refreshing enough. And while SMB2 (US version) and Sunshine were good games on their own, for me they just don't really fit with the series anymore. Heck i even was a bit disappointed that SML 1 & 2 didn't really have the typical Mario level design.
Nice review and nice score! This game may not be revolutionary in any way, but I guess the 3D and different perspectives coupled with good Mario gameplay makes it worthwhile! I'll pick it up as soon as I have a 3DS!
I have to wait till Christmas!!!!!!
nz doesn't get this until the 24th, I hate being in Nintendo of Australia's jurisdiction
@Corbs Out of curiosity, is there any specific reason why it missed a perfect score by a point?
Can I have a true sequel to Mario 64 please?
Really there were only a handful of gripes I had with the entire game. One thing was the rather short length of the levels. I know Nintendo was going for bite-sized levels, but many of them felt like they ended just as they were getting really interesting. Another gripe I had was the backgrounds off in the distance, which lacked detail. In truth, Super Mario 3D Land is a fantastic game and one any Mario fan will likely love from start to finish, but I just didn't feel like it was quite worth a 10.
Corbs, any chance you can address my question in 115? very curious.
"I am the arbiter."
I felt like the 3D was more for show than gameplay. Other than one area where the blocks become visible if you turn on 3D (although I could still tell with it off), there wasn't many instances where I found the 3D that integral to the gameplay experience. Just a nice visual touch, really.
great review. But i'm not obsessed with mario games, but i like them. So i'm looking for an adventure game, could SM3DL be worth it? And remember, i like mario games but im not obsessed with them thanks in advance
Ho, yeah, Mario time!
@sam332 Have you got Ocarina of Time? Might be a better bet...
@James no i didn't, not even starfox 3D
@ sam322
So...you have a 3DS...but you don't play StarFox Zelda or Mario....what do you play? I mean, after all, it IS a Nintendo system...
But I say you give this one a shot. IGN gave it a 9.5 too.
This game is gonna ROCK! I already preordered the game at Gamestop, so this is a can't miss! XD
"Arg, finally getting into the Master Quest and yall got to hit me with this"
Heh heh heh, how are you liking Jabu Jabu's pet cows?
@139 i didnt get a chance to buy them, that's all. But i like all three of them
@sam322: You haven't played ....... 3DS yet? You, my friend, have some shopping to do.
The game's launch has been delayed in Mexico from november 13 to november 17. IDK why.
I. can't. wait. :X
Great review, Corbs. Definitely a game to pick up once I have a 3DS...
Just pre-ordered my copy from Best Buy. Can't wait to pick it up on Sunday
Getting this tomorrow!!! Can't wait!!! (head explodes)
Loooved it. I'm liking the Master Quest more that the original game.
Thanks Forbade
Tomorrow shall be a great day.
I cant wait thisll be fun for sure, and I get a key chain ^.^
I'm passing on the keychain, because a close source (friend who works there) told me they will be sold out in less than an hour, and GameStop is gonna be pretty crazy that day. I hate lines. So I pre-ordered with Best Buy instead. I'm still so excited, tho. Tanooki time!!!
I AM ABOUT TO KICK SOME GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!who ever gave this a 9 is getting their gas handed to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!this game deserves a 10.i demand a immediate score change now!before i blow a fuse and kiss everybody.CHANGE SCORE TO 10!!!!!!!!
Ummmmmmm no.
I'm gonna get in the afternoon at Walmart!
Super Mario 3 is the game I feel the most nostalgic passion for, so consider me stoked. Today is the day.
GameStop opens in a half hour. This game will be mine.
This game shines in creativity. 2-3 and 2-4 were awesome.
I finally got my hands on Super Mario 3D Land and it's awesome. It's classic Mario platforming in 3D! The visuals are brilliant and the soundtrack boasts great music and classic remixes. The StreetPass feature isn't that of a big deal, but it's a neat bonus passing random 3DS owners for items and mystery box challenges. While I await for an original 3DS Mario adventure sometime along the road, I'll be enjoying this one for quite a long time. Super Mario 3D Land is a must-have title for the 3DS; it’s one of the reasons to own the system!
BRILLIANT game. Absolutely brilliant. I'd even say it's better than Super Mario Galaxy 1. This is really the reason people should get a 3DS. It's got a Zelda remake, the eShop is pretty cool, but now it has a Mario game.
This...is the greatest platformer I've ever played.
I BEAT THIS IN 4:28!!! NO JOKE! (first Mario game)
I'm starting to think something is wrong with my 3DS because no one else commented on it. The control doesn't feel like true analog motion, it feels like playing a DS game on 3DS. I push the analog stick slightly and nothing happens. I push a little more and suddenly mario begins a fast walk. I push a little more, still a fast walk, then finally he runs when I push the entire way.
Same with direction, I push right and he moves right. I move slightly up but he continues right. So it's like he has 2 digital speeds and 16 digital directions, it's like a double d-pad rather than analog. ANYONE else notice this? It's making it unplayable since I can't go exactly where I want.
Furthermore, it's driving me absolutely insane that I have NO control over the camera. Wow, I can lean it slightly right and left when they feel like allowing it. I was expecting like 8/10 reviews after playing this for ten minutes but instead I find "best game ever" everywhere. Why can't the touch screen be camera control, it's not really being used for anything. Third, why is B jump and Y action. I want it to be A jump and B action like every single mario game before this, and I can't change it? I'm so appalled right now I might return it.
9 out of 10 is a fantastic score for this game. I'm loving every moment of this game, it may not have any new powerups but it is still challenging and fun to find ways to beat the usual and predictable paths of getting the star medals.
@winter123 Erm, you did play Super Mario World on the SNES, didn't you? And Yoshi's Island...both of those had B to jump and Y as an action button too,
For every 100 people who love something there is 1 person who can't stand it, no matter how amazing it is.
Wait a minute here ...
You really need to get StreetPassed to have access to all the "real" levels of this game ? I thought it was a nice bonus and a way to help you, shouldn't you be able to get every secret in the main levels...
Im so excited to get my Nintendo DS, but I have to wait till Christmas to play this game looks really good though!
@172 No, you don't need streetpasses.
@173 You're getting a Nintendo 3DS, right? Because this game won't play on a regular Nintendo DS.
The rumored later 8 worlds are just harder versions of the previous worlds with small changes and add-ons
Expect HEAVY SPOILERS below.
Including much unlockable content.
The 8 bonus worlds are called Special worlds, with a "S" before the world number. Just unlocked them today. Yeah, they are remixes of the levels of the worlds they are based on. And once you get them... wow. Simply amazing. The Tanooki Suit gets a variant that can turn into a statue (separate power-up. Silver leaf, suit has red scarf like the original), and stuff such as the Poisonous Mushroom make a comeback. Only Mario title that beats out 3D Land as my favourite Mario game is Sunshine.
For those wondering about the length of the game, I got all the Star Medals and Golden Flags on the first 8 worlds in 9 hours (In one epic sitting according to my 3DS although I had a few breaks truth be told.). I took my time, but the average player should take around the same if they too take their time.
3D Land has bite sized levels, but they are packed with stuff, and there's a ton of them. I still have the 8 Special worlds, Luigi and 3 Stars left to get out of the 5 you can achieve. Only thing I'm a little sad about is not getting glittering stars by never dieing more than 5 times on one level, but that's my fault. After 100% completion (All star medals, all golden flags, Mario & Luigi clear for all stages) I think you unlock a final level ala Galaxy. 3D Land is definitely a reason to get a 3DS if you haven't already.
end spoilers
It does use 16 directional movement. I didn't have any problems with it though, same with the camera. I too disliked the run/jump controls, but adjusted quickly.
@grumblegrumble (152) I didn't pick up my preorder at GameStop until the day after the release (Monday), and I still got a keychain.
Thanks a lot @Dark_TeeJay (174.).
I don;t think there's much improvement in this... IGN rated super mario galaxy2 10/10. and this...
This game is a little on the short side in my opinion, but then there are the Star Coins to colect, which I love! This game is pretty sick!
I hope to pick this one up for Christmas. I had a blast collecting all the Star Coins in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I imagine I will have just as much fun doing the same in this one
found some surprise money in my account this morning.have ordered this hurry up.
@1. pixelman
Nope. I'm on the special world 8. there are 16 worlds, buddy.
this game is great, im currently going for the 100% + NO LIVES LOST >: )
You do know that comment was posted a while ago, right? Like, before the game was even released. If pix was all over the game like he said he would be, than he already knows that there are more worlds >.>
Yay I beat Special World 1 and unlocked Luigi, this is one of the best games ever. By Nintendo Life's review scale I would give it a 10/10.
I want this game so much RIGHT NOW!!! But I've gotta hold off for a week as I'm going to the Maldives on the 27th. It's a 10 hour flight so I need something to keep me going. This game will be it. Off topic, can anyone recommended (if there is one) an extra long life battery for the 3ds?
I like how different levels play similar to past mario games!
It really is a great game, but like mario games, its easy and repetitive.
I'd still give it 8.8
I just want a true successor to Mario 64...(galaxy is bad)
Wow. I know this game is out already but, they always spoil the whole entire game before it comes out. They do that in Pokemon all the time. They basically release the whole entire pokedex like 8 months before it comes out. I think when they say a game is gonna come out, shot the release and maybe a couple of screen shots. Not an actual person playing the game and showing every single powerup there is in the game.
tis most enjoyable.
Tempted to buy it today, but I keep my gaming time free for Skyward and ToA. Mario jump'n runs just have lost too much appeal to me. They aren't bad, just not my kind of thing any more.
I just got my first StreetPass hit for this game (even though it's just the gamestop kisok's). The mystery box I went into was filled with 1-ups and two star medals! What a blast StreetPassing is!
I actually played the demo at target and my wife had to pull me off the 3ds.. I'm very TEMPTED ... I'm trying to hold out for a 3ds lite version... dont know how long I could wait though.. even the virtual games are bringing back memories
If you were tempted by the demo, you're gonna love the rest of the game.
@corbs i know brother...I gonna sell my soloflex and get the bundle!
Smart move!
Great review! Hopefully, im getting it on christmas.
i beat it in just 4 days!
@waffle_cones im not sure what the hell is the matter with u animals dont get skinned in this game u dork
Hey corbs um i heard rumors this game had 8 more worlds after you beat the 8 world is that true cus ive also heard this game is pretty short but i played the demo and it was amazing and im gettin it with a 3ds bundle just wondering if theres more worldsbut even if theres not im still gettin it.
@ 202: 182 was mocking PETA for such a StooPid claim against Nintendo....
@201 yup.
best plat ever but im getting galaxy 2 for easter, so that will change in a few weeks XD
Must Play IT!
I agree with a 9/10.
An 8/10 for me
@Mcgoogles Late-ass response, but a lot of those are either completely untrue or repeats of earlier statements.
Unchallenging - Beating it is easy. 100% it is hard
Light on content - 45 hours. Loads of levels. Longer then OOT3D for me
2 Predictable Bosses - I assume you mean "too" and nothing that former Mario games had.
Uncontrollable camera - Hell no? The camera (due in part to linearity) was way better then SMS/SMG.
Underwelming story - Dude, it's freakin Mario. Name 2 Mario games other then SMG1 with a good story.
No replay value - THIS I AGREE WITH.
Short - $40 for over 40 hours. Better then games like COD with 3 hour campaigns.
No additional modes or minigames - I don't consider this a necessity, but I have to agree.
No exploration - It's a huge-ass game on a portable device.
Useless touch screen - No more useless then most platformers.
Overrated stereoscopic graphics - The graphics look great to me. Far better then most 3DS games.
Overpriced - Again, repeat.
No depth - Again, you got me there, but it's a really big game for a portable device.
Is this technically the classic 2-D gameplay formula put into a 3D world? Sounds awesome. So jealous... Let me guess what the control scheme is : A/B: Jump X/Y : Dash Circle Pad/D-pad : Movement L Button: Crouch R Button: Active Camera
@rayword45 You want two suggestions, well fine then. Sunshine and SMG2, am I right?
@Varia01 SMS - I don't recall how good the story was.
SMG2 - Are you joking? That was the typical Mario storyline, with the whole "it was just a book" ending.
Also, while it borrows concepts heavily from the 2D games, it still had the 3D feel to it. The pacing and gameplay is much closer to the 3D games.
..... ask that on facebook (my friend says it fac-e-book) not here
whats a walmart? some american thing?
hey guys i beated this game within 2 weeks and 2 times in a row
now i losed this game... (+some other games)
@MeowtOfHere a Wallmart is Americas most popular super market. Im sure Europe has a main super market too yes?
@goldgin the hell are you talking about? NSMB Wii multiplayer was a nightmare. But overall I have to give this game a 7.2. It's good, but it has SO MUCH PADDING. I swear it has used each level 2-3 times. It just feels really half assed when they do it like that. It gives a false sense of length and its just laziness on their part.
@Fusion14 quite a few like tesco morrisons iceland sainsburys lidl aldi... the list goes on
@MeowtOfHere we have Aldi in Anerica but no one talks about it. ...it should stay that way
Thank heavens for the Club Nintendo 3D Land campaign. Just got it for free using a 3DS code from one of my friends (he bought the 3DS + Super Mario 3D Land combo pack, so he didn't need it). Now downloading it!!!!!!!!
Best Mario game ever!!!
My first 3D Mario! I’ve spent more hours with this game than any other game in my life, and I don’t regret it at all! Truly a masterpiece!
This is one heck of a unappreciated game. I've been busy through 2020-2021 100% the game.
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