In Dragon Master Spell Caster, you mount your pet dragon and take to the skies in search of thrilling adventure (or floating balls), engage in epic struggles with (or shake your Wii remote randomly at) elementally-themed opponents, and fly on into your new life of fame and fortune (or...turn your Wii off and think about all the other things you could have done with 500 Nintendo points).
Dragon Master Spell Caster is a game of magic, combat, fire-breathing dragons, varied locations and a wealth of attack and defense options. And yet, somehow, it still manages to be pretty bad. That's got to count as some kind of achievement, at least.
The main game consists of alternating levels of combat and orb-collection. We will look at the combat aspect of the game first.

To control your dragon, you will have to use the Nunchuk. No, not the control stick...the tilt control. This is where our first serious problem with the game comes into play: the Nunchuk's capacity for tilt recognition is simply nowhere near sensitive enough for a game like this. It alternates between reading your motions so sharply that you end up spinning in circles, and not reading them at all so that you fly directly into the path of an oncoming projectile. In fairness to the game you can use the control stick to perform last-second evasive dives, but we would have much rather had actual control over what we were doing in the first place than a panic button that seeks to make amends for the fact that we don't.
Your goal in the combat stages is to take down the opposing dragon who makes this stage its home. There are no other enemies, and you can think of this game as a series of boss fights...in which all of the bosses fight identically and the same strategies work against each. Nevertheless, you have a few different attacks you can use. There are the titular spells of course - each of which you can charge by holding down a particular direction on the D-pad - there is the obligatory fire-breath attack, and there is a close-quarters melee attack.

Actually, in theory at least, there are four different melee attacks, depending upon the direction in which you swipe the Wii remote while holding B. However the motion sensitivity here is no better than the Nunchuk's...and, surprisingly, it might even be a bit worse. Motions and thrusts are frequently not read at all, so your best bet is just to hold B and swing the Wii remote around randomly until something registers. (An option to reconfigure the controls would have been sorely welcome, but the closest thing we get is the ability to invert them, so that "up" is read as "down" and vice versa.)
The fire-breath attack and spell attacks work differently, though they share the same issues. Mainly, the problem is that you can't see what you're meant to be attacking. The dragon you control is enormous and takes up the entire central area of the screen. When your opponent is far away there's no problem seeing him, but as he approaches, he becomes more and more obscured by your own dragon, and so launching direct projectiles at an object in motion in 3D space becomes an exercise in foolishness. Attempting to hit the other dragon with projectile attacks is like trying to shoot down a bumble bee with a hand gun, while blindfolded. How do you think that would turn out?

As such you will find yourself resorting to melee attacks all the time, but of course, it gets repetitive very quickly when you spend every stage pimp-slapping your opponent to death.
Using the fire-breath is easy: a press of the A button is all it takes, and you can hold the button for continuous fire. The problem, again, is that you can't see your opponent, and because the camera remains fixed at all times at a Proctologist's-Eye-View, you don't even know how far your fire is reaching out ahead of you. (Also, if you fly forward while breathing fire you can out-run it, and it looks like your dragon is lighting his farts.)
The spell casting is a little more complicated. You press a direction on the D-pad to launch an elemental spell. Once you've launched that spell, you can press a second (or even third) direction, causing the spells to mix, forming a unique attack. This is, to be frank, a really cool idea. The mixing of abilities should have led to more complex combat experiences, and it's great to see that the attempt was made. But the unfortunate fact that you can't see your enemy cannot be repeated enough; it's simply not worth mixing spells when you're not even sure your opponent is in front of you anymore. Couldn't we have had a radar or something at least?

Pressing C on the Nunchuk will, ostensibly, keep you locked on to your opponent, but the failure rate for this feature seems to be extraordinarily high. Often my dragon would resort to spiralling mindlessly toward the ground as he attempted to lock on to something that he couldn't find, and other times he'd lock dead-ahead onto something, only for me to see the enemy swoop in on me from behind. It's a nice (and essential) feature in theory, but in practice, it's shockingly little help.
On to the orb-collection levels. Between battles, you will be asked to fly through a series of orbs, after which a book will appear; collect the book and add another component to your arsenal of spells. While this is obviously an attempt to introduce some varied gameplay to Dragon Master, it's even more tedious than the succession of identical boss fights. You need to fly through all of the orbs within a minute and a half; if you don't, you will start the level over again. Without a radar screen or directional indication of where the orbs might be, this can get frustrating very fast. It also doesn't help that this mode calls to mind all too easily the "Solve My Maze" sections of Superman 64...both in concept and control-unreliability. Gamers had a lot of problems with Superman 64; if your only problem was that you were not playing as a dragon, then Dragon Master Spell Caster might be the game for you.

As a bizarre aside, why don't the orb-collection levels feature music of any kind? It's jarring to hear the music drop out entirely and not pick up again until you've solved the maze...
There are three modes in addition to the main game: a well-intended tutorial; "Flight Mode," which is there, we suppose, for anyone who didn't get enough fly-through-orbs action in the main game; and a two-player mode, in which you and a friend can come together to decide never to play Dragon Master Spell Caster again.
If there's one nice thing that can be said about Dragon Master Spell Caster, it's that the developers clearly had good intentions. Unfortunately, even though it features some interesting flourishes (the ability to mix and create new spells, unlockable achievements, very nice between-level art), the core gameplay comes across as tedious and sloppy. The motion controls border on unusable, and the uninterrupted view of your own dragon's anus renders the camera totally worthless. Unfortunately, what could have been a unique and exciting title on the service turns out to be yet another dud you're better off skipping.
Comments 49
I saw this coming. Especially after watching the interview with the developers yesterday on the Nintendo Channel.
I was really interested in this for 5 dollars..
Maybe if Chicken Brutus wasn't so good at writing a hilarious negative review, he would stop having to review such terrible games.
In all seriousness, though, this sounds like it could have been a solid game if it weren't for all of the inexcusable interface issues... of... idiocy. Oh, geez, it's just like Samba De Amigo. Why, Sega, Why?
Chicken Brutus, now with the future starving children of yet another game developer on his conscience.
One of the cleverest taglines I've seen on NL, nice one Chicken. :3
I was expecting this to fail, ever since I saw the first trailer.
I remeber am trailer for this game a while back and all the negative comments it got from all the NL users. It seems the developers didnt listen and decided that they like to make terrible games.
Huh, I was looking foward to this game originally, but I'm not too surprised that it failed. Oh well, I just hope we get a good Wiiware game next week(i.e. Cave Story or Castlevania ReBirth)
@pixelman, I was expecting failure the moment I saw the words "Dragon" "Master" and "Spell".
i was hoping for at least a 6.0
i give it a 8 but i havent played it or read the review
"I give it a 8 but i havent played it or read the review"
In that case I give it an egg.
Nice review Brutus, I see your still the NL towers whipping boy
it's a shame you're so good at writing negative reviews, you poor bar-steward... that paragraph about fire breath had me loling IRL. here's hoping the next one you get to do is better... :3
What a shame. I had hoped that this title would be of decent quality, but it looks like it will be chalked up to one of many titles that sounded cool but really was not. I just feel bad for the creators who put alot of effort into creating such a steaming pile.
Man that sucks... Would have been great for 500 points....
That teaser line is all kinds of win. Very nice.
Thanks for saving me 500 points Chicken Caesar!
I had a feeling this game was going to be crap. The gameplay trailers for it looked absolutely horrible. I guess if Lair and Superman 64 had a child this would be the result.
Shouldn't have given it a 2 it deserves a 1. No pity points here on NintendoLife.
Darn it. How do you screw up a game with dragons in it? Very saddened by this. Thank goodness for Excitebike.
Man and I thought for once I was going to download all 3 Wiiware games for the week. Thanks for the review chicken. I will hang onto these points now for dear life.
Why is it that nobody can seem to figure out how to make a good dragon game?
Definitelly goes on the list of Worst Named Games
Love it. (the Review) really funny. Classically bad game, it's almost worth playing stuff like this for the laugh. Almost. It's easier to do that with movies, though, now that we have netflix and stuff.
I feel vindicated.
I actually didn't realise this was a WiiWare game at all, much less that it was that dragon game previewed so long ago. A real shame for developers and reviewer alike.
Had a feeling this one wasn't gonna be a winner. That's too bad...
I wasn't sure about this one and I don't even know if it's my style but for 5 bucks, I might just try it.
Well that sucks. It was such a good idea.
DrrayGone-san is riiiiight...
...that a game that has a great premise ends up like this...
...and the game even had DRAGONS!!!
...I will just hope for a sequel with better EVERYTHING...
/really disappointed/
The WiiWare trash can has returnded, have fun Phillip
Dragon Master Spell Caster? Good grief. That's so generic it borders on parody. Really, I saw the title on the homepage and expected this was a game taking the piss out of Final Fantasy or something.
But no, it's just generically crap. Brilliant.
"the uninterrupted view of your own dragon's anus"
LMAO. Dude, you just made me blow coffee out my nose! Good review CB.
The sequel has just been announced Spell Caster Master Dragon Launcher 2
IGN just got around to this one. It turns out that we raise many of the same issues...though their repeated proclamations of it being "the worst of 09" leads me to wonder how it even scored as high as a 2.5!
i still am wondering if this is better then wog lol it true download this then play wog see
That's a real shame. Looking at the screenshots it could easily have been a poor man's Panzer Dragoon or something. Not brilliant, but at least entertaining.
Everybody, DO NOT download it on wiiware because they keep making games all the time and they need cash to do that.So if you guys don't buy this.......... beast they WILL run out of cash and then we don't have another another horrible game publisherdevelopermaker wohooo XD
I wish I had read the review before getting the game
Strangely, this is still in the Top 10 of the European WiiWare downloads...
I want to share this wonderful testimony to the people who are in the same problem that i was before i meant Dr okoni. i was living with HIV for the past 2 years, just last month as i was browsing on the internet about this deadly disease, i saw a testimony of someone called Edwards clara, testifying of how she was cured from HIV by Great Dr Okoni and i decided to also email this man and tell him about my problem and he told me to send him some of my personal details which i did and he prepared me a portion which i took and then he told me to wait for one week. After one week he told me to go for another HIV test, which i did and to my greatest suppress i was confirmed negative. all thanks be to Dr Okoni and if you know that you are in this same problem or other deadly disease email him now on all manner of diseases like Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, all types of Cancer, Gonorrhea, or you can getting in touch with him via Email okoniherbalsolution@outlook.com and his website:https://okoniherbalsolution.webs.com or call/whatsaap:+2348146495245
I want to share this wonderful testimony to the people who are in the same problem that i was before i meant Dr okoni. i was living with HIV for the past 2 years, just last month as i was browsing on the internet about this deadly disease, i saw a testimony of someone called Edwards clara, testifying of how she was cured from HIV by Great Dr Okoni and i decided to also email this man and tell him about my problem and he told me to send him some of my personal details which i did and he prepared me a portion which i took and then he told me to wait for one week. After one week he told me to go for another HIV test, which i did and to my greatest suppress i was confirmed negative. all thanks be to Dr Okoni and if you know that you are in this same problem or other deadly disease email him now on all manner of diseases like Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, all types of Cancer, Gonorrhea, or you can getting in touch with him via Email okoniherbalsolution@outlook.com and his website:https://okoniherbalsolution.webs.com or call/whatsaap:+2348146495245.
I am very surprise for the miraculous experience and wonders of Dr,UZOYA that have been spreading on the Internet and worldwide, How he marvelously helped people all over the world to restored back their lost lovers I contacted him after going through so many testimonies from different people how he help to bring back ex lovers i was deeply in love with my husband and he was with me but suddenly one day he broke up with me. I tried everything but nothing seemed to workout, I thought it was going to be over forever. I never believed in spells but I was so desperate I thought I got nothing else to loose. I started searching for different spell casters and I finally found 'Great Dr, UZOYA Temple' who helped me through the process and I eventually got my husband back and we are so happy together. I am so grateful to him. If you ever need a spell caster who can get your ex back then contact him on [driraborspellcaster@gmail.com] and his telephone number is +1(301) 909 8775.
Thanks to Dr uzoya for giving me the opportunity to test from his Power. I was wondering why most successful people talk more about him even in my neighborhood on how he has been bringing back ex-lovers and making them achieve their lost opportunities and being successful. I doubted some enough until when I tried his power last month via his email. Dr. uzoya cast a reunion spell and brought back my ex lover after three months of our separation within 3days that he promised. Everything he did was like a movie in my eyes; it was so fast and effective. I felt a strong power in me when he was casting the spell which made me stronger in spirit to invite Scott spirit back in to me. I don’t have much to say, but to keep thanking him and telling people how I got the love of my life back. Please stop doubting and give him a try and see for yourself, open up your heart and focus on all the instructions from him and you will see results on your door post. Contact him today and see the miracle of his spell via; driraborspellcaster@gmail.com you can also talk with him on +1(301)909-8775 am Hidago from Holland.
My life is full of happiness because Dr Uzoya make me to be happy. What happened to me is not what i can keep only to myself but to also tell the world so that those that were once like me will get their love ones back and been happy once again. I and my lover had some issues which leads to our break up, since after then my life has never been the same, i tried all method to get him back. but they were just waste of effort and waste of time. But one day during my search on the internet, i came across someone testimony about Dr Uzoya. i contact him and explain my problem to him am still very much surprise till now how he was able to bring back my lover within 48 hours. With this great thing that happened in my life i decided to tell the whole world about this great man called Dr Uzoya. For those in need of anything he told me that in his temple there is know impossibility now i believe him so much. friends, if you need help to bring back your ex lover kindly contact him via email; driraborspellcaster@gmail.com and his mobile number +1(301)909-8775 And i promise you that your lover will definitely come back to you.
I am sharing this testimony to partners suffering in their relationships because there is an enduring solution.
My husband left me and our 2 kids for another woman for 3 years. I tried to be strong just for my kids but I could not control the pains that torment my heart. I was hurt and confused. I needed a help, so i did a research on the internet and came across a site where I saw that Dr. Todd a spellcaster, can help get lovers back. I contacted him and he did a special prayer and spells for me. To my surprises, after some days, my husband came back home. That was how we reunited again and there was a lot of love, joy and peace in the family.
You can as well contact Dr. Todd, a powerful spell-caster for solutions on his contact manifestspellcast@gmail.com website:https://manifestspellcast.wordpress.com WhatsApp: +27613087679
I used to suffer from HERPES GENITAL for about 3 years so I can relate
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HERPES GENITAL VIRUS that was in my body got vanished . so if you are
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Name: Dr Oje Abacha
Thanks to Dr uzoya for giving me the opportunity to test from his Power. I was wondering why most successful people talk more about him even in my neighborhood on how he has been bringing back ex-lovers and making them achieve their lost opportunities and being successful. I doubted some enough until when I tried his power last month via his email. Dr. uzoya cast a reunion spell and brought back my ex lover after three months of our separation within 3days that he promised. Everything he did was like a movie in my eyes; it was so fast and effective. I felt a strong power in me when he was casting the spell which made me stronger in spirit to invite Scott spirit back in to me. I don’t have much to say, but to keep thanking him and telling people how I got the love of my life back. Please stop doubting and give him a try and see for yourself, open up your heart and focus on all the instructions from him and you will see results on your door post. Contact him today and see the miracle of his spell via; driraborspellcaster@gmail.com you can also talk with him on+1(301)909-8775 am Hidago from Holland.
I want to give an unlimited thanks to this Great man Called Dr. Uzoya, I am happy today because my husband is now back with full of love, My husband left me for another woman,just because we had a little misunderstanding. he left me and promise he will never come back to me again. i cry all day looking for a solution to help me bring him back. Then i saw a testimony share on the Internet by Sophia Willie. i email him and tell him my problems with my husband, and he promise to bring him back home within 2 days. indeed he is wonderful he help me to get my husband back within 2 days which he promise and my husband return to me and promise to love me forever and beg me for the pain he caused me. I will forever be grateful to you Dr and i will not stop to publish your name on the Internet for people to see how truthful you are. And I want to say to everyone on this site that I will always remain thankful to this man Dr. Uzoya for all he has done for me,My husband is back with love,caring,truthful and he promise to love me forever.I have made a promise that every body I know will never have a relationship problem, via his email; driraborspellcaster@gmail.com Or call him +1(301) 909-8775
Hello everyone, it really worked and I'm proud to give testimony too.I never knew that I would ever see my Ex love until I came in contact with Dr osita who made my dream come true by bringing my lost love back when i taught all hope was lost after trying all my best but all to no avail..I just want to say thank you Dr osita for bringing my ex back.. this is his WhatsApp contact +4915217824272 or you can also contact him on his email address Ositabello8@gmil.com
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