Nintendo's crossover brawler Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has a sizeable roster of fighters to choose from, and that lineup is growing steadily with the addition of DLC fighters until the end of 2021. With the recent addition of Min Min to the character list, we thought it would be fun to test your knowledge of the current lineup and see if you can recognise these fighters purely by their silhouettes.
Below you'll find 15 images of some rather smashing characters. Don't worry - we've avoided filling this quiz with swordfighters, but there are still some tricky ones in there. Can you name them all?
Comments 131
15/15 I have over 200 hours in Ultimate so it was very easy for me.
I'm ashamed to have gotten one wrong, but to be fair it was a fire emblem character.
15/15 first quiz I've done on NL that is easy
Almost had me at the Fire Emblem character. If it were between Marth, Ike, Roy, and Chrom, I'd be completely lost
Only one of these I think i'll ever get 15/15 on
Though from the looks of the comments so far, not that much of an achievement.
This is the easiest quiz ever! What happened to the challenge? 15/15.
15/15 was fairly easy even if you didn't know some were smash characters as some are easily recognisable
First time I've perfected a quiz since 8th grade algebra
This was actually very easy
Nearly had me on Dark Samus and Marth, but I still conquered- oh so did everyone...
Gotta say, did not expect it to be that easy.
15/15, way too easy. Come on Nl, give me a challenge!
14/15 - Dark Samus caught me out!
That was way too easy
I got 15/15. Pretty easy.
15/15.... god, I’m a nerd! Lol
This was way too easy.
15/15, Dark Samus was nice, but floating gave it away.
Question 13 is easy. That's Lucas.

knew who he is, just messed up on cloud's name.
15/15 easy boyssss
I got 15/15
Shoulda used other artwork for the characters.
I doubt anyone could legitimately get these wrong.
Eat it normies.
1/15. I thought they were all Jigglypuff seen from above.
14/15 made a mistake.
My first 15/15. Marth and Dark Samus were challenging, and I almost chose Toon Link instead of Young Link. Thanks for finally giving us an easy one.
Super easy, I've played way too much Ultimate to get any of these wrong. 😁
....Too easy, lol.
insert more typing here so I can post comment
15/15. The easiest quiz yet.
Easiest 15/15 ever lol
The first NL quiz I got the full score on. 😂
You know when pokemon are like half the quiz...
@Matthew010 Same here. I don't use Samus or Dark Samus that much.
@Cynas I totally understand.
8: You can tell by her feet and arm cannon.
9: You can tell by dat a**
Is it cheating if I got Dark Samus correctly just by going off the amiibo on my work desk right now? XD
Got 'em all.
Dark Samus. Not fair
That's clearly the Archanean Falchion, easy peasy.
@RupeeClock Cursed
15/15 Nice try, Dark Samus.
To make this quiz more fun, get your parent to answer for you. Might have a wider variety of scores then. =)
15/15 (dusts myself off) who’s next!
LOL I mean, I literally SCREAMED and RAN all over my living room when Ultimate was announced in March 2018, so.. ya, this one would be pretty easy.
15/15, next!
15/15 but if you guys had made a quiz entirely of Fire Emblem characters in the roster I bet I would've got everything wrong
They should make this quiz at school, easiest thing I ever did.
I have 3.4k hours in Smash, pretty much knew each character after a millisecond of looking.
15/15, needs more Fire Emblem characters, then I'd struggle
15/15 Not surprising because I have over 400 hours lol
That Dark Samus one got me
Gosh darn it the Dark Samus was BS! LOOOOOOOOL
That's the only one that got me, almost rage quit the website. (kidding)
Amazing, considering I really dislike Smash and have never played it, but I guess it's because they were recognizable from other games.
If i scored any less i am no smash fan haha.
15/15. Way too easy. Marth almost tripped me up, but not quite.
By far the easiest quiz both nintendolife and pushsquare have ever done. 15/15.
My first perfect quiz
15/15 baby! I've been playing this series way too long not to recognize the characters. Dark Samus almost got me. I was going to put Samus until I looked at the shadow of the boots.
Easiest one, though the Samus one did have me guessing. 15 / 15 with just that one as a guess, albeit an educated one.
Damn, 14/15. Marth WAS my first thought, but then I confused the cape outline for a shield and was pretty sure Marth wields no signature shields in Smash despite the whole eponymous Fire Emblem business in his chronicles. Edna Mode was right, capes are trouble.
15/15 the Dark Samus one would of been more tricky if Dark Samus wasn't a "mirror" of Samus.

also, number 10 was clearly supposed to have been "Kirby, after eating a Jigglypuff"
Too easy for anyone whose played a lot of Smash. Would have been interesting if more Fire Emblem characters were involved!
Got Zero Suit Samus wrong only because I didn't realize she had such giant shoes.
I had my doubts about the sword guy though
Missed Dark Samus because honestly I only know two of the three Samii.
And I had a feeling the last one was Shiek but didn't trust myself.
15/15 that was a bit too easy
A lot of these are pretty easy, even for people who haven't played Smash. A lot of these characters have pretty distinctive shapes for anyone vaguely familiar with them.
Too easy, l got them all correct.
@Cotillion Yep l agreed
15/15 "OmG JuSt So EaSy... ToO eAsY mAkE hArDeR pLeAsE. SoOoOoO EaSy!"
Yeah no, I'm not going to lie, I missed one, dark samus, because I thought it was regular samus.
F****** Samuses. Or is it Samii? Hi
Well that quiz was easy. Got 15 right ht out of 15 questions
14/15 not bad considering i dont care for the game. Suited samus got me and the fire emblem on nearly did. Nearly went Robin but i thought Marth as he had the sword.
Oh wow!12/15! My first quiz on here where I feel PROUD rather than embarrassed and dissapointed..
Oh and I haven't even got the game.lol
15/15, this was too easy! lol
Admittedly, Dark Samus almost threw me off.
15/15. Really easy for me, but I can see how people struggled on Marth
Oh yes, romped home with that one.
Hi, I made an account just to comment how utter garbage this quiz was
This is bad
Very bad
Like honestly
15/15 but I must admit I almost picked Sonic instead of Jigglypuff.
And wow, looks like I had never seen Marth's official render, made me doubt if it was Robin but the pointy sword made it pretty clear.
yay i got 14 of 15, this Quiz is quite easy considering i have been playing my cousin Super Smash Bros Ultimate before my aunt bought my Animal Crossing New Horizons for my birthday in april, i have 105h in my cousin Super Smash Bros Ultimate that he lent me.
12/15 but I’ve played a grand total of about 30 minutes of smash a very long time ago so not bad!
10/10 baby 100% I played to much smash not to know who they are.
@This_quiz_is_bad you just suck.
If you made a fire emblem smash edition i would probably fail
15/15. I feel like if I didn't ace this one, I should give up my Smash controller
14/15, really easy besides Dark Samus which felt like a troll answer.
Goes to show how great silhouettes and poses there is in this game!
14/15. I don't know what a Min Min is.
I haven't played Ultimate in over a year and I got 15/15. (I remembered that Dark Samus floats and that pic is a very floaty pose.)
There are lots of suggestions for an all-Fire Emblem version. How about an all-Kirby transformations quiz? Or an all-Kirby-as-Fire-Emblem-characters quiz?
15/15. No surprise there.
Now do a quiz with all of Smash Ultimate fighters!
I only got one wrong.
@Matthew010 absolutely the same
Easiest. Quiz. Ever.
Dangit, Dark Samus got me! 14/15 at least!
11 /15 Not bad for someone who's never played a Smash game.
It's more of a spot the general gaming character quiz.
15/15, found it very easy.
15/15. Over 800 hours in this game. I know those renders like the back of my hand.
15/15, this is easy if you played smash more than 3 times.
12/15. Pretty easy to say the least.
15/15 easiest quiz ever, though to be fair I have 200+ hours in SSBU.
I got 14 out of 15. The only one that tripped me up was Dark Samus.
Dark Samus and Marth were the only real challenging ones where I had to think a little but proud of my 15/15. I have about 153 hours in the game so I expected to do well, nice quiz.
Well that was easy (for once I actually got 15/15).
Flawless Victory.
@RupeeClock I'm sure if you ask him about his recent gains he'll say lot's of chicken, broccoli, and protein shakes along with weight training...
15/15. With almost 1,200 hours put in, I BETTER know all the characters in this quiz.
...Dear god, that's 50 DAYS of playtime, not even counting the "Powered On" time!
9/15, meh. Got Dark Samus right though.
@Dizzard Yeah, no one ever lies in comments. I even got 18/15.
An easy 15/15. Even without multiple choice that's a doddle
Although, that Dark Samus may have caught me out if I hadn't seen it as an option?
15/15 for me.
Questions 8 and 14 left me in a bit of a stump, but I still managed to pull through without help.
Damn you Dark Samus!!!
Got me on Dark Samus, argh!!
Now run this quiz back but include all the fire emblem characters, and other swordies: shulk and hero.
Then we can all feel like idiots.
(I got the Marth one wrong)
This was easy. Proving the great character designs and idk who half of these were but I've seen them before.
Silhouettes made it too easy. Should've left some cryptic clues instead.
As someone that's been playing since the 64 days, this was beyond easy. 15/15
15/15 too easy
Actually, I always wanted to do this thing were I show people Smash Bros. characters and see if they recognize who they are. I think it'd be a fun activity.
Who is your favorite smash character!?
Eleven out of fifteen. I don't play Smash and I don't know some of those characters. I'm pretty certain this is the best score I have gotten on one of these quizzes.
Everyone bragging about getting 15/15 even though 99% of Nintendo fans would. I don't even own the game and got 15/15 so relax.
15/15 Perfect score!
So easy and I don't need ultimate to know them 😁
15/15 finally passed a quiz here with a perfect
Dark Seamus and Ice Climbers got me.
Easy as pie. Nobody could possibly get these wrong....unless they look, which that would be cheating
@KingBowser I got 1 wrong. The dark Samus one, I've never played Metroid or Smash, so I just assumed it was the regular Samus..
I'll take this L
Dark Samus was a trick question.
14/15 The wrong answer was Dark Samus
Easy peasy. As for Samus: She was floating, so I guessed it was Dark Samus.
Far too easy.
I’m glad my 610+ hours on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate didn’t go to waste.
14/15. Dark Samus stumped me. Question 14 was too easy.
For me it would have been the opposite, I’m a Fire emblem superfan lol
@NotoriousWhiz @Abeedo @StephenYap3 @Justaguest @nhSnork @MasterJay ,and the rest of you that don’t know Fire emblem:If you need help on Fire emblem stuff I can help you lol
I agree! That would be fun.
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