Nintendo 64x64



Pilotwings 64

"Released alongside the N64, Pilotwings 64 delivered a sense of scale and open-world exploration that easily rivalled that of Super Mario 64. While it may not have been as revolutionary, it arguably did a better job of showcasing one of the N64's major unique selling points: the analog joystick, which provides a level of precision that feels tight and responsive even to this day."

9/10 - Martin Watts 64


User Reviews (9)

"The Pilotwings franchise is the proof that there's no genre Nintendo can't tackle and make it awesome and this launch title further proves that fact. Not only does it demonstrate how powerful the Nintendo 64 is (or was), but it also packs in smooth, yet challenging (but rarely bad) gameplay. However, the shortness and tech-demo like feel to it makes it barely noticeable unfortunately."

6/10 - Truner 64

"The openness that Pilotwings 64 provides to those willing to explore every nook and cranny is unique for a flight-simulation game. But that's what sets it apart, alongside some creative, challenging and wacky challenges to partake in utilizing all kinds of vehicles from missile-shooting helicopters to hangliders to bird wings. Pilotwings is a fantastic game that invites exploration and experimentation for players to enjoy!"

8/10 - bizcuthammer 64

"Shooting yourself out of a canon and crashing into Mount Rushmore. This was pilot wings. Zany, challenging, at times peaceful and serene. On the downside it was occassionally glitchy and frustrating but the delight of free flight and thirst to aim for higher scores and medals kept you coming back. Few games can replicate Pilotwings. It was unique, charming and fresh for its time."

8/10 - YoshiTails 64

"Pilotwings 64 was the perfect introduction to the N64 as it really showed off the console's features. It's a simple - yet not so easy - flight sim that allows players to explore many different environments in many different vehicles through many different modes. Whilst well put together however, it isn't exactly the most in depth game. It's a fun package, but ultimately a little basic."

7/10 - GreenGaming 64

"Pilotwings did two things for me: on one hand, it challenged me to achieve the medals in the game, feeding the hardcore gamer in me; while on the other, it also offered a chance to relax while freely handgliding across the United States, all while enjoying the easy-listening soundtrack. It offered the thrill and freedom of flight for those who purchased an N64 early."

8/10 - chiefeagle02 64

"The original SNES outing remains one of my favourite games ever but this N64 entry is way more elaborate. Forget the objectives and just explore the island free from worries, it's very relaxing. The Cannon Man remains a guilty pleasure even after all these years. Being a Nintendo game, there are quite a few fun Easter eggs to discover. I need Wii U version!"

9/10 - Shiryu 64

"From a calming glide through thermal currents, to blasting rockets into a giant humanoid robot, this game nails many great experiences in one package. A simple concept executed well, Pilotwings' depth relies heavily on perfecting subtle manoeuvres with a great variety of aircraft. Perhaps because there has been little to challenge it since, this often overlooked title is a gem to play, even today."

8/10 - Swankenstein 64

"+I have not played a better game of its type +variety of creative challenges including body cannon +huge levels to explore +United States has plenty of famous landmarks +relaxing soundtrack -frustrating to get perfect scores, particularly with photos -characters look janky -no action stages unlike first game -no collectibles to reward exploration unlike Pilotwings Resort -limited photo reel -no high score comparison with friends"

8/10 - VGScrapbook 64

"Pilotwings 64 instilled in me a sense of wonder and joy I experienced in no other game, before or since. The excellent simulation of free flight exploration, coupled with a sublime soundtrack, makes this one of my all-time favorite titles for the Nintendo 64 or almost any other platform. I desperately want to see this game brought to Virtual Console on the Wii U!"

9/10 - JJtheTexan 64

Comments 27


It's a shame Nintendo have not done more with this other than the 3DS release.They should be experimenting with IP's like this and WaveRace on the Eshop to gauge consumer interest.It would be a joy to play this in HD!


N64 games with a good face lift and in HD and sold at a reasonable price would fill the gaps that third party companies have left on the Wii u.


I'm really starting to enjoy this Nintendo 64 review feature! There are so many games I haven't played yet but want to so I really need to expand my collection.


I love this game. So easily overlooked, but it's a genuine great. I think I may stop by my local game shop today and see if they have a copy.


The Super Famicom version will always be my favorite and most played but the n64 version was a good game. I preferred the cartoon style of the original over the characters of the n64 version.


The Super Famicom version will always be my favorite and most played but the n64 version was a good game. I preferred the cartoon style of the original over the characters of the n64 version.


This was a game that I always wanted to get, but never did. I enjoyed what I played at a friend's house though.


What I want to know is why these days do companies always go for a separate run button instead of Mario 64 like Analog walk/run (For a 3D Platformer).

That is one thing I think has never been done better.


@Frapp That mission was horrendously hard! Just reading your comment reminded me of the immense struggle I went to just to complete it!


I remember this looking quite impressive for it's time but I've never really played the Pilotwings games. I still appreciate them however.


Yes, I agree with this score. Really wish the last 3ds Pilotwing was more like this!


@Nintenjoe64 @OorWullie it really is overdue for a remake/rehash/re-release or even a vc option. Wave race maybe more so.... I find it frustrating that , as a non handheld user, I can't play the latest versions of this, Mario64 or lylat wars for example. An e shop version, even if it was game pad only handheld ports, would shut me up. An hd version of any of these would send me over the moon! =)


O absolutely love this series. The 3DS one isn't as good as the previous ones but it's still great. I too would live if Nintendo did something new with Pilotwings!


I would love a Wii U version of this game, with the original Pilotwings cast (plus maybe some newcomers as unlockable characters?)! I like the 3DS version too...but it lacks some of the same charm as the 64 version.

So many early N64 memories just came flooding back to me. Those were good days!


Loved renting this one as a kid. It was both challenging, and relaxing at times. Had a great soundtrack to, and I like the characters.
I hope this comes to Virtual Console some day, I waited forever for it on Wii, but it never came out for some reason...


Talking of Paradigm, I hope F1 World Grand Prix (II) will not be forgotten in this special. Impressive for it's time and both realistic and fun, with a really unique scenario mode. In my opinion the best Formula 1 games of all times (when regarded in relation to the hardware and release date).


Talking of Paradigm, I hope F1 World Grand Prix (II) will not be forgotten in this special. Impressive for it's time and both realistic and fun, with a really unique scenario mode. In my opinion the best Formula 1 games of all times (when regarded in relation to the hardware and release date).


I'd never even heard of this game until well after the 3DS one came out. I guess back then I had eyes for nothing but Mario. This sort of thing might as well have been invisible.


@gingerbeardman you gotta be kidding me!! its hard to get a n64 launch game running, but emulation can run games like paper mario just fine? load of bullsh!t!!!


When I finally get round to playing some of the N64 classics I missed as a kid this will be near the top of the list of things to give a go. Sounds great!


@xj0462 He is right,none of the 64 emulators have managed to get Pilotwings running perfectly.As for Paper Mario,if you are talking about the 64 version then I think it's you who is talking bull as there is major graphical glitches when running on an emulator unless you have a certain graphics card or powerful PC with plug in's.Far more so that Pilotwings!

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