Electronic Arts has already released multiple titles for Switch and it looks like the next one could be a Plants vs Zombies game.
According to a new rating in Brazil, a game titled Plants vs Zombies Reloaded is on the way to the Switch and multiple other platforms in the future. Here's a quick look at the listing, courtesy of Gematsu:
This PopCap series started life in 2009 as a tower defense game on computer devices and was eventually ported across to mobile and game systems like the Nintendo DS. EA and PopCap then evolved the series into a third-person team-based shooter - with Battle for Neighborville joining the Switch library in 2021.
This rating follows the release of the MySims Cozy Bundle for Switch last November, which EA said performed well ahead of its expectations.
If we hear any official updates about Plants vs Zombies Reloaded, we'll let you know. Would you be interested in more PvZ action on the Switch? Tell us in the comments.
[source bsky.app]
Comments 31
It’s so sad to see what has become of PopCap since the EA buyout all those years ago. They made the best casual games on the market and I even have a PopCap folder on my modded 3DS.
This is very exciting! Plants vs Zombies is one of the top games I've ever played. Here's hoping this new release rebalances the versus mode so that way it's actually fun. The concept is great ,but the execution was pretty poor.
A switch port could also bring back some of the DS excuslive mini games which would be excited. One release of Plants vs Zombies with all the content!
I am fully ready to rebuy this game yet again!
More old IP by EA will come to modern consoles.
Great news.
Can we get The Sims 1 & 2 Legacy Collection for console version too?
@iNintendo Very true. Their games were creative and not full of microtransactions.
I loved the Bookworm Adventures games they made. It's shame they are impossible to buy now.
Just, no expensive expansions or ten million micro-transactions, please. A remake of the first game is fine by me. (also put Garden Warfare on the Switch, I miss the original Garden Ops, lol)
EDIT: ...Oh, it's for mobile too...welp.
Day one purchase. I still play all of these games on my ps5. Wait. Maybe I’ll wait for a sale bc I doubt there will be cross play. Unlocking all of those characters is annoying
Edit: I was thinking of garden warfare. Disregard
I don't know much about Plants vs. Zombies, but Battle for Neighborville 2 is pretty fun and runs well on Switch.
Hopefully it’s based on the OG version and not EA’s version
"Plants vs. Zombies Reloaded has been rated for PS5, Xbox Series, Switch, PC, iOS, and Android"
....sighs Never mind.
I’d get it if it doesn’t have any MTX at all, classic game is peak tbh.
I'm cautiously optimistic about this. It sounds nice, but PVZ has been in the gutter since BFNs launch.
Hopefully Peggle gets brought back as a collection (Peggle and Peggle 2 with Peggle Nights being part of the first game like the PS3/360 versions) like the MySims one.
This is pretty nice. Always thought a PVZ port on Switch would be such a layup that wouldn't exactly be that expensive to port over but would sell a good amount. Also a shame that PVZ2 isn't on Switch or even PC(if I'm not mistaken).
I wish they would give us a Strike Collection. The same games but with nicer graphics and some QOL. Even if it's just the 16bit games remastered, it would be an amazing collection. Imagine what M2 could do with the Strike games.
I used to love EA back in the day. They had so many great games. It's sad what they've become.
PopCap games was always my favorite, I have every game they released on DS (Bookworm, Peggle, Bejeweled 3 & Twist, PvZ, etc), and always hoped they’d release these games anew on switch. But since they never did, I got a steam deck on a crazy low price clearance offer last year and put all of the PopCap games on it which is nice, due to the bigger (than switch) screen.
Oh man I remember downloading this on my dsi back in the day and was so scared of the game over screen that I deleted it. Good times.
Now that I’m older and less easily scared (HAH!) I’ll definitely give it a try.
I'm surprised this hasn't already released on Switch, how hard can it be?
Not sure I'd buy it b/c it will almost certainly be overpriced and or screwed up some other way but a remastered port would have my attention.
@Joeynator3000 The original Plants vs Zombies is pretty much a perfect mobile game, so it would make a lot of sense to bring a remaster/remake or even a sequel to mobile as well. As long as it's not a first/third person shooter, I'm interested in this.
I’m still sore from when they made PvZ free-to-play on mobile, forcing me to play with a bunch of ads and micro-transactions even when I had previously purchased the game. Love the game; dislike the parties making money off of it.
I loved the original, but ever since they were bought by EA, I stopped playing them. Somebody's gotta boycot them (EA) and I'm happy to oblige.
Finally! Loved this game
Don’t get to excited folks, this is an an EA game after all. I’m hoping it’s just a Xbox 360/Windows XP/7 emulation or whatever. Just exactly as it was.
Why not wait until the NS2 for mouse controls?
I've never played any Plants vs. Zombies, if this version ends up being good I'm definitely interested in giving it a try!
I love the first Plants vs Zombies, but I simply don't trust EA.
I don't care about this until it's out and confirmed not bad.
Battle for neighborhood was actually a really solid game. I could only sort of get into OG Plants Vs. Zombies, though.
The original was one of my favorite DS games. I wish they would reboot that.
I put countless hours into the DS version of this game. So good!
I want the first PVZ game on Switch!!!
The original game was good fun and made a splash at the time. But the follow up was a disaster.
@Joeynator3000 this is probably a remastered version of the original game I bet.
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