There have been a lot of comparisons this year suggesting the PlayStation hit Astro Bot is more like a Super Mario or Nintendo game than a Sony one. With this in mind, it seems the game's director Nicolas Doucet might have finally put all of this debate to rest.
In a surprising moment during the 'Game of the Year' segment at this year's Game Awards, he took a moment to pay tribute to a few key inspirations...
Although his studio 'Team Asobi' is under the control of Sony, he acknowledged Super Mario Bros. and Nintendo for driving his passion and inspiring the entire team. Here's what he had to say, all whilst carefully avoiding actually saying the company's name.
"Last and not least...and I didn't plan to say it, but I'm going to say it anyway, you know platformers, you know PlayStation 30 years, and we made a platformer which is great - it's very nostalgic and fresh at the same time but let's not forget that even before PlayStation there were people making platformers. I remember I was a kid in 1989 Christmas, and I got a grey box, there was a game packed in, it was called Super Mario Bros. and it was really, really great - so we are in Japan, we are in Tokyo, they are in Kyoto, but I want to pay tribute to the company who really put like platformers and showed us innovation and quality consistently, and inspired us to actually make the game that we made...And I've managed not mention them, have you noticed? But you all know who they are"
Comparisons aside, Astro Bot is a magnificent 3D platformer that celebrates 30 years of PlayStation. Our friends at Push Square gave the game an "outstanding" ten out of ten stars when it arrived in September, labelling it one of the greatest platformers of all-time.
What are your thoughts about all of this? Have you played Astro Bot yourself yet? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 59
Classy thing to say. Congrats on the win! Well deserved!
Loved the speech. Nice touch giving a shout out to the big N.
This was a really nice gesture. I played and loved Astro Bot, that and Indiana Jones are my GOTYs. It’s obvious that Astro takes a lot from the Mario 3D platformers and even ideas from other Nintendo games, but I think it was done in a way that makes it its own and they have obviously nothing but respect and admiration to Nintendo.
I love that astrobot takes so much inspiration from Mario. Mario is fun! I want more fun like that, so please by all means!
Sounds like he’s trying to sidestep the Mario comparisons that were rampant when the game released and might ramp up now with the game getting more publicity. The statement is kinda sad honestly basically saying all the PlayStation 3D platformers weren’t worthy of being a main inspiration and are instead more aesthetic and reference material compared to the meat of the game design being 3D Mario.
Is there a reason, other than style, that he never said Nintendo? Like some sort of unspoken rule?
@obijuankanoobie Bro, Mark Cerny and Ken Kutaragi were there in front of his nose lmao
Kudos to him.
Nintendo's importance in videogames and especially platformers shouldn't be understated.
As he mentioned in his speech: no other company puts out high quality games (which furthermore constantly innovate the genre) at this rate.
There is hardly any real stinker in Nintendo's entire VG history which is ridiculously impressive.
I guess some of his Sony bosses wouldn't be too keen with him mentioning the Big N as biggest inspiration at the GOTY awards.
Maximum respect for Astro’s director, platformers, particularly 3D Mario’s have been taken for granted by the entire industry while I think some are just the greatest games of all time, it was only until Sony was able to match some of the best Mario games that many reviewers or ‘the media’ paid attention to the genre, I’m so glad that even in his acceptance speech he recognized how invaluable it is the work Nintendo has done, particularly in this genre since the 80’s.
@HugoGED Just didn't know if there was like a sort of legal doc saying "you may not say Nintendo when you work for Sony" or something.
I mean it was classy for sure, I just feel like Mark and Ken and everyone else in the world knew what he was referring to.
@obijuankanoobie Nothing legal I'd say, but putting a rival company in the spotlight when receiving an award can be awkward, the way he payed tribute felt just right.
@SalvorHardin Couldn't disagree more.
Makes sense, the only dodgy thing is that its Sony and they disproportionately are given awards by TGA's. Like 2022 where God of War walked away with more awards than the actual GOTY.
It's a bit hard to gauge because Odyssey came out in 2017 alongside BOTW. But if the next 3D Mario came out and got the same critical reception as Astrobot or even Odyssey it wouldn't be winning nearly any awards.
And if a Mario game sold less than 2million like Astrobot did. Does anyone believe it even be nominated for GOTY?
This feels like an award that would be out of grasp for Nintendo for making this exact kind of game. Like if Astrobot didn't come out and a new 3D Mario did I could see Elden Ring, FFVII Rebirth taking it.
A surprisingly touching and classy gesture. Some have argued, however, that Astro Bot has gone beyond more ‘influenced by Mario’ and has straight-up copied mechanics at times. But respect to this guy for even having the audacity and awareness to reference Nintendo when accepting an award for a first-party Sony title.
@obijuankanoobie I mean, he does mention Super Mario Bros. by name, which is a game made a company that I’m sure everyone in that room is aware of…
Nice shout out and well done to Astro Bot which fully deserved it's win, best platformer I've played since odyssey and now looking forward to the next 3D Mario game which should be out soon......surely.
@obijuankanoobie Legality-wise if Nintendo were (hypothetically) ever to sue them over copying claims like they did Palworld it might do the people being sued more damage if they'd mentioned Nintendo by name.
won't be surprised if Nintendo sues team asobi at this point
It sounded like taboo to say Nintendo at that show lol.
Removed - inappropriate
Classy move. Not sure why some people hate on Astro though, that game is clearly inspired by 3D Mario as any 3D platformer is (that tends to happen when you CREATE a genre, ask Metroid and Castlevania), but it adds a lot of it's own. Also, Nintendo just couldn't pull some of it off with it's current hardware, as Team Asobi 1uped big N and copyrighted game to it's own platform mechanics. Astro would for sure lose a score point if it wasn't using DS mechanics and PS5 wasn't strong enough for some playful effects (physics).
Love to see this. No harm in giving credit where it's due.
Like most things Team Asobi does, this felt really heartfelt and appreciative. I'm so glad they won GOTY and I can't wait to see what Astro Bot 2 looks like.
(SN: I never really understood people using the Mario comparisons as a negative. Platformers are always gonna be compared to Mario like how kart racers are always gonna be compared to Mario Kart. When you solidify a genre that's kinda what happens.)
@Clyde_Radcliffe He mentioned Super Mario by name, so it's the same thing legally wise.
After saying all that it would really not make any difference to mention Nintendo, he just wanted to sound as professional as possible.
Nintendo won by proxy, but I don't mean the award.
I mean, God willing, the butterfly effect this award hopefully has on the whole industry. As the commenters on PushSquare said: "double A sweep", indeed.
I'm a big fan of Astro Bot and it's very obvious how much inspiration it takes from Mario amd as a fan of the genre, I'm very happy to see them doing so
Dang, now I really do wish it was in VR too.
But, really, it kinda shows that Nintendo has lost a bit of its once industry leading magic that it hasn't won in this category for a long time with its own platformers.
Not that it doesn't make great games in this genre. But there's great, and then there's winner of best game of the year material.
Also, Nintendo was almost nowhere to be seen in terms of award nominations across the board this year, which is not really great at all and just another sign of what I'm saying imo.
I hope it has a whole lot of truly magical games planned for Switch 2.
Great speech as it shows appreciation for not only Nintendo games in particular, but also (past) games in general as it should be - man do I hope I'll eventually have the chance to play Astro Bot myself!
I've always been a fan of platformers, both 2D and 3D. Astro Bot is no exception. But as Nicolas Doucet said, it takes inspiration from Mario. Really, in many ways, Nintendo inspired many game developers. If anything, it inspired the entire video game industry and continues to do so. It's been THE leader in innovation for gameplay for the last 40 years across multiple genres. Games like Astro Bot would not be possible today without games like Super Mario Bros. paving the way.
It may be a pipe dream, but I think it would be really neat if Mario and Astro Bot did a crossover game, that combines the concepts of Super Mario Galaxy and Astro Bot, and each level has areas with hidden collectibles that can only be accessible by one character or the other. At the very least, it would be nice to see Astro become a playable character in Super Smash Bros., being the first first-party character from Sony to do so (although I could also see Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn making the cut as well).
I don't see how you can deny that Mario was the main inspiration for the game. I also don't see why anyone without financial interests in Astrobot selling well would find it upsetting that it takes inspiration from the Big N's flagship series.
Also, duh... not admitting Mario was an inspiration for Astro Bot would kind of be like a metal band not acknowledging that Black Sabbath inspired them, in some form or fashion.
He couldn’t really accept his award and say: ‘nope, never heard of Nintendo’ could he?
You would hope Sony might be paying attention to the fact there is more to games than live service shooty games and cutscene dense games about child/parent issues, and they should lean into this success.
Ah this seems genuine enough, and a classy ‘nod’ to the inspirations at hand. Whilst it wasn’t my personal GOTY (here’s looking at you Balatro..) I’m delighted Astro won. I hope it sends a message to the industry that there still exists a large appetite for well crafted single player games, and potentially leads to a genre renaissance for 3D platformers.
I loved Erdtree, but don’t think DLC should be in the conversation here. Also, Rebirth was decent enough but I don’t think it quite landed well enough to justify the win (a lot of genius in that game but equally a lot of bloat).
Very nice on him! Well played.
I dunno, metal as a genre is a lot wider and deeper than 3D platformers.
@IronMan30 Exactly. No 3D Mario? No Astro Bot. Nice touch by him for giving props where they were due.
@MrPeanutbutterz while that is true, it's arguably true that every metal band is at least indirectly inspired by Sabbath.
I would say it's pretty hard for anyone in the gaming industry to not mention Nintendo as inspiration.
Nintendo changed the gaming industry and created some of the most memorable games ever. Even people who only play on PlayStation, Xbox, and/or PC probably still had played on a Nintendo system at some point.
If you think about it, Nintendo is the gatekeeper of gaming thanks to its focus on making many of its games available for all ages.
Heck, PlayStation probably wouldn't have even existed if Nintendo hadn't decided to partner with Sony back in '88 to make a disc drive for the SNES.
@IronMan30 It's true but Sabbath is more like Atari or Namco or something in this comparison. Metallica would probably be the best comparison for Nintendo, especially with everyone loving to hate them through the 90's and 2000's.
@IronMan30 Nah, it's much too broad of a genre to have every single person playing it either directly or indirectly inspired by Sabbath.
Sure there's kids today picking up guitars who wouldn't know who Tony Iommi was if he was sitting at their Christmas dinner table.
@MrPeanutbutterz of course that's the case, but they could have been inspired by people who were inspired by Sabbath. Even people who don't realize it were inspired by Sabbath, much like Nintendo.
In any case, that's beside the point. Nintendo has inspired all 3D platformers that came after Mario 64.
@obijuankanoobie It's a Japanese thing. I actually just read an article about it that it's not illegal but a big cultural faux pas to name a rival company publicly.
I really enjoyed team Asobi's speech, both in the recognition to Nintendo and Mario but also how reverently they take making family games. I anticipate Astro's Playroom to be the first gaming memory of my niece with she and I playing together since she was very young and we had a blast waiting for and then playing AstroBot together. Thank you for that experience team Asobi.
P.S. Please Nintendo release the next big 3D Mario game soon. Mario Odyssey is probably my favorite game of all time and am chomping at the bit to play the next entry.
@Iconoclysm eh, I'd say Atari is more like blues or jazz because Sabbath and proto-metal were inspired by them. Though you do make a decent argument. Lol
@FantasiaWHT ohhhh that's a good explanation. Thanks man!
"And I've managed not mention them, have you noticed? But you all know who they are"
Nintendo is the Bee's Knee's!
They are just amazingly consistent, and I have loved every Nintendo game that I have ever put into every Nintendo system that I own!
Like Doucet said, Nintendo is always about quality!
When I look at the game industry and how much dissaray it has been going through in the last 3 to 5 years, Nintendo has never faltered.
I cannot say enough about how much I love Nintendo. Their one, and most important motivating factor for the games they make is,....FUN.....JUST FUN!!! That is the only qualifying factor you need when making a game.
Astrobot is FUN!
Real recognises real.
Reminds me when Geoff had Reggie, Shawn Layden, and Phil Spencer all on stage together; it's all about the games!
I can only judge from the videos I’ve seen, but Astrobot practically screams „Super Mario Galaxy“. I can’t imagine Nintendo not being a little annoyed about it. The thing is… they never milked 3D Mario dry. Galaxy 2 was the only straight up sequel, in all other cases they took long breaks between entries and every entry moved the game on significantly. Which is commendable, but also means they’re leaving ideas and potential on the table. It was overdue that someone took advantage of that. And who else if not Sony.
@AstroTheGamosian man, that would be so cool. Ive always wanted a mario and sonic crossover game more, but astrobot would be really cool too!
That's the least that they can do after plagiarizing different Nintendo games to make this game.
@IronMan30 I second your opinion on Black Sabbath. They created a new genre of music by accident and paved the way for heavy metal and what it is today. I think any respectable metal artist would credit Sabbath as a key inspiration. Just like the Astro team has for Nintendo.
Can't believe a blatant plagiarism is not only getting recognized, but also praised and rewarded nowadays. And people are so delusional that they can't see the obvious things just not to fall out from the common narrative.
mario odyssey still is my most favorite mario game ever played, but i realy loved astro playroom, and definetly gonna buy asto bot, because it has been so well done about how a platform game should be.
can't wait till christmas
Nice to see. It’s an absolutely excellent game that uses Mario as an inspiration and then runs with it in lots of interesting ways to come up with a really coherent whole. Good to see talented developers acknowledge their peers.
It’s a meaningless awards ceremony. Nintendo will carry on putting out great games and not give a seconds thought to whether they win any of these awards.
SAY IT! SAY THEIR NAME! Keely is like that will be $250,000 company that shall not be named. Which is funny because there was a Zelda Advert during the show.
Ok ok that was good. I have more respect for the game now.
@electrolite77 true
@Murasaki_Nichirin absolutely correct
As much as I think this game didn’t deserve AOTY, this is still pretty cool.
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