If you're in the market for an N64 Controller for Nintendo Switch Online, then you're in luck. Nintendo is currently hosting a Black Friday discount on the peripheral, knocking it down from £39.99 to £27.99 (or €34.99 down from €49.99 in the EU).
Naturally, you will need to ensure you're subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online in order to add the product to your basket, while actually playing N64 games on your Switch requires a subscription to Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, the highest tier available.
Still, it's a tasty little discount if you've yet to take the plunge. There's no doubt in our eyes that the N64 games available on Switch feel significantly better to control when used via an official N64 pad. It just feels right, y'know?
Nintendo recently expanded the 'Mature' N64 app with two additional games – Shadow Man and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil – while the standard app recently received Rare's platforming sequel Banjo-Tooie. Otherwise, some of the system's biggest games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, and F-Zero X are all available to play with the relevant NSO subscription.
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Will you be taking advantage of this limited discount? What do you think of the selection of N64 games available so far? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 33
Checked and yep, it's €34,99 instead of €49,99 on the Italian My Nintendo Store - not sure if I'll be able to get one considering all the other things I'm considering for Black Friday (and also if I can get one in time), but I'm definitely tempted to finally do so at such a price!
... Okay, I gave it some thought and ended up getting one as I don't know when such a discount might be back unlike those on other things I'd like to buy which are more likely to be put on sale again!
I've already got one (and I'm not in Europe) but anyone on the fence about it I'd definitely recommend grabbing one. It really does just feel like so much more natural of a way to play these games.
And I just bought one a couple of weeks ago...
If I had a nickel every time Nintendo Life described a deal/game as “tasty,” “delicious,” or other taste-based adjectives, I could pay for a scrumptious set of four appetizing N64 controllers.
Damn. I bought one a few weeks ago. Should have waited.
Great price. I have two
@Solomon_Rambling It does sound a bit better than 'Gustatorily Stimulating', to be fair.
Possibly a weird question but is this a nice controller for other games than N64? I assume you can remap the buttons?
@Solomon_Rambling and you would be very hungry completing the count..
just finally received a snes controller...completing my collection
@chardir I often use it for Mario kart 8 DX...
Ordered- thank you for the notification! I'll take one for this price.
Whenever I order stuff from Nintendo Store it just gets bounced back to their warehouse as they forget to put a customs sticker on it when sending to Guernsey. Then they say it is my fault for not telling them, erm its on the order form. The Customer Service from that site is the worst I have ever had.
Got mine from eBay costing only £10 more than the sale price so I was lucky there.
It's fun playing Mario Kart 8 with it and also people tend to forget this fact but the N64 controller had an excellent dpad so for games that don't require too many buttons and are 2d oriented in their controls, it can be really good. For example platformers or believe it or not but I play shmups with it and I love it. Downwell also, it's great fun.
On the topic of the article I find that only one game on the app really requires the pad and that's Jet Force Gemini. All the others tbh can be played with a pro controller or even joycons with a little workaround via system level button remapping. There are configurations that are shared around the web that feel fine for goldeneye for example or even simpler stuff like Mario or Zelda. I would say the fps games feel better with it though, especially Turok, but they can be played with normal controllers also.
Jet Force Gemini though has such unique controls, it really requires the controller. I don't think anyone has found a satisfying configuration for that one. I know I bought mine when this game was released. It's really good. And also I just wanted to play Perfect Dark with it and it's still one of the best fps to ever grace the console realm. The multiplayer is so damn good it really deserves a nice and shiny n64 NSO thingy.
N64 is the least appealing Nintendo console to me. It just hasn't aged well. Even the biggest hits of this platform look and play poorly. So I'm happy to pass on this one.
Why is it "tasty"
If you all use “gustatorily stimulating” in a future article, I will buy an eShop card from you all. I will always support the use of outrageous descriptions.
could it be "juicy"?
Yeah. I've finally went for it. Promised myself when it came out that I wouldn't, but oh well! 😂
Still waiting for the SNES pad to come back in stock
These controllers are phenomenal. I bought 4 back in the day. Frankly I wouldn’t consider playing NSO N64 games without this.
Okay I ordered this today. I use a SN30 8BitDo controller but it’s not suited for N64 games, not really. The N64 controller was too expensive to buy full price but I don’t mind at a discount.
@Bydlak It's funny, I've always felt the same way. I grew up starting with the NES and the N64/PSX era to me has aged awfully. It's like we went from beautiful 16-bit graphics, to this ugly blurry mess. And with the fog, it almost feels eerie.
However, I think the nostalgia has started to kick in over the past year. I don't know why but it just hits that sweet spot of "achievable". As-in, it's something I could make all on my own these days. There's something really wholesome about that and I start to really fall into it.
@GravyThief these did reappear last month in the UK at least. First time for over a year from what I could tell. I grabbed two. Hopefully will be back in stock again given NSO confirmed for Switch 2.
Just ordered one. F-Zero X, Lylat Wars and Wave Race 64 all really rely on the stick and the particular button configuration.
An "SP" release of F-Zero with the X cup unlocked would be welcome though. My skills and reaction speed aren't what they used to be and it's a bit of grind to unlock anyway.
Also the same for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark please. I have nostalgia for them but I'd just like to mess around with the good stuff for half an hour or so without having to jump through a long drawn out process of unlocking things.
@Rainbowjames that’s annoying. I should have been notified when they came back in stock but clearly that feature isn’t working properly! I would also like a couple of them. Not just for playing SNES games on NSO, but for all the 2D platform games I seem to like playing. The d-pad on the Pro Controller is just awful so I’m hoping the d-pad on these SNES controllers is much better.
Thank you so much for this info. Just ordered a second controller for that tasty price. Now if they could just get that SNES Switch controller back in stock my little collection would be complete.
@chardir You can use it for other games, like Smash and Mario Kart, but iirc there’s no button remapping for any of the NSO controllers.
@GravyThief I got mine last month by downloading an app called "HotStock". You choose which item to "follow" and get live notifications of when the item comes back in stock. As well as the SNES controllers, I also used it to get my Xbox Series X back in 2021.
I thought these were eternally out of stock. Just ordered and with a discount too! Brilliant
I've had one since they came out so no need to get another even if I could but I can't get this discount because I am in the US
@Radima I went a lil nuts with it too. I have the Famicom, the SNES, the mega drive, the n64 and the GameCube controller
@Crecca I'm a little jealous as you have the SNES controller. I've been keeping an eye out for that one for ages but it seems to have been out of stock for over a year.
@Radima the only one that sends to be consistently in stock are the nes and the sega controller. The controllers are all great, I even got some third party ones too. You can get them in eBay and they aren't priced to horribly you might pay an extra like 10-15 dollars but I'd say it's worth it if you really want it.
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