Playtonic Games has officially unveiled the confirmed platforms for its upcoming remaster of Yooka-Laylee, dubbed Yooka-Replaylee.

Curiously, Switch isn't mentioned by name, with Playtonic instead confirming a release on 'Nintendo Platforms'. Now, this could mean a couple of things: it's either a blanket way of referring to the Switch family of systems, or it's referencing Nintendo's upcoming new hardware.

The latter is certainly possible given how sceptical we were that Yooka-Replaylee would run without any major sacrifices on the regular Switch, though considering the wording of the announcement, we're still absolutely expecting a current-gen launch.

There's no word on a release date for this yet, but if you're desperate to give it a go, there will be a playable demo of the game available at this year's MCM x EGX event in London on 25th-27th October 2024.

For now, let's check out the key features:

- MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER – With an art and animations overhaul and enhanced performance and resolution, the favourite buddy duo has never looked or moved better.

- NEW AND IMPROVED CHALLENGES – Improvements to existing in-game challenges and many entirely new challenges to discover and undertake!

- NEW COLLECTIBLE CURRENCY – Capital B's inept minions have dropped their hard-earned coins all over the place. Collect the official currency of the Hivory Towers to spend on video games' most beloved sentient vending machine.

- NAVIGATING THE WORLD – Now you can get lost in the game, not in the world! A brand-new world map and challenges tracker helps you know where you are and what needs to be done. Hooray!

- VENDI HAS PLENTY TO OFFER – Tonics are back with all new flavours! With the option to equip multiple game-changing enhancements, you can truly customise your playstyle. And as if that wasn't enough, Vendi has new lines of merchandise for the modern fashionable adventurer.

- REVISED CONTROLS & CAMERA – A new tweaked move set allows you to combine moves more fluidly while the new camera controls makes framing the action a breeze.

- A DREAMY ORCHESTRAL SOUNDTRACK – The original score from famed video game composers Grant Kirkhope (Banjo-Kazooie) and David Wise (Donkey Kong Country) returns but as a beautifully arranged orchestral score. Now seriously, clean out those ears.

We'll have more to report on Yooka-Replaylee in the coming months, but for now, let us know in the comments if you're planning on picking up this intriguing remaster.