GSC Game World has announced that STALKER: Legend of the Zone Trilogy will be launching on the Nintendo Switch on 31st October 2024.

This release date may come as a slight surprise if you've had this one on your wishlist, as the initial announcement earmarked the game for a November release. What a nice surprise! Okay, it's practically November by the time it's out, but whatever.

Anyway, the trilogy compiles the original STALKER games from back in the day, including Shadow of Chernobyl (2007), Clear Sky (2008), and Call of Pripyat (2009). The release on the Switch will include all sorts of added conveniences, including gyro aiming, touchscreen support, enhanced visuals, and of course, support for both handheld and docked modes.

Each game will be available separately at $19.99 / €19.99 / £15.99 GBP each, or you can opt for a bundle of all three for $39.99 / €39.99 / £32.99.

All told, the STALKER games are said to be pretty good, depicting a post-apocalyptic wasteland effectively while boasting a range of survival FPS gameplay mechanics. If you're a fan of the Metro franchise, which itself was created by ex-STALKER devs, then chances are you're going to get along just fine with this one.

Will you be picking up the STALKER trilogy on Switch? Have you played them before? Let us know with a comment in the usual place.