The Nintendo Music app is awesome. The chance to listen to official Nintendo music from Nintendo might not seem like too big of a deal, but after all these years of asking, it certainly feels like one.
However, with a library of iconic soundtracks now at our fingertips, some have started to reminisce about when Nintendo did this before. Not in an app, but in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Come on, don't tell us you had forgotten about the music player!
It was during the 2018 Smash Ultimate Direct that we got our first in-depth look at the game's 'Sounds' section — a library of over 800 tracks, arranged by series and available for your listening pleasure. You could even compile your favourites into a playlist (ringing any bells?) and listen to them on the go with your Switch screen off. "It's kinda like using your Nintendo Switch as a music player," Sakurai proudly told us during that Direct. Yeah, sure it is.
It's a very cool but, admittedly, pretty easily forgettable feature when you think about it. And the reveal of Nintendo Music has only highlighted its inconvenience:
Okay, so perhaps very few people actually used the Smash Ultimate library as a Spotify stand-in, but it was still pretty neat! Who knows, perhaps we'll start curating playlists over there and taking our Switch on a jog while we wait for more tracks to arrive on Nintendo Music (we won't).
Just another sign of Sakurai being ahead of the curve, we guess.