The storage application Pokémon HOME received a new update recently which adds a brand new feature known as the Pokémon Guidebook. In addition to this, a new distribution event for a Shiny Meloetta has kicked off.
As highlighted by Serebii.net, the new guidebook feature shows off various forms of Pokémon as well as the games they're in (and related Pokémon media). Along with this is a new Mystery Gift function - allowing users to receive gifts via NFC.
To unlock this Shiny Meloetta, you'll need to have completed the Paldea, Kitakami and Blueberry Academy Pokédexes. According to the source, this is also the first available release of a Shiny Meloetta in the games.
"Serebii Update: A distribution of Shiny Meloetta has begun in Pokémon HOME if you have completed the Paldea, Kitakami and Blueberry Academy Pokédexes"
This Meloetta is level 50, comes with the 'serene grace' ability, and has a modest nature. It comes equipped with the moves Relic Song, Echoed Voice, Psybeam and Sing, and is distributed in a Cherish Ball.
Are you eligible for this latest distribution event? Let us know in the comments.
[source serebii.net]
Comments 26
Game Freak, wherever you are out there on this big blue marble... BITE ME.
What sucks is that in order to complete the pokedex for each game, you genuinely have to catch all the mon in that game's pokedex and transfer them from that game. This means that if you need a gen 1 pokemon, yet already have it in HOME from something like Sun and Moon or Sword and Shield, you'd need to effectively go into Scarlet and Violet and catch it fresh.
My question is: how long is it available for?
@VoidofLight That's so grimy.
I'm sure people have completed those dexes, but to have to transfer every single one sounds like such a time sink
@Alpha008 No end date has been announced. It’ll probably be like the other HOME distributions and be indefinite until stated otherwise.
@MondayMedley It really isn’t. You can drag and drop as many as you want from the game into HOME. If you have them all in the game already, it takes a grand total of five minutes, if that.
The real challenge here is that you have to catch or hatch them fresh in SV. It’s a time-consuming task, but it can be done a lot quicker than most people think, especially since SV is really kind for grinding.
@Shepdawg1 Oh, sweet!
Never mind then, that doesn't sound as bad
Thanks for the info!
@MondayMedley Ehh it isn't the end of the world. You can still take your mon from Galar and breed it in Paldea for it to register. The issue is primarily just that it takes a bit to actually do it (even with the reduced grind), and on top of that it's pretty much a measure to make sure that people still buy the new games when they come out. Especially given that GO exists, and would pretty much destroy any reason for people to have to buy SV in terms of events like these. That, and the expansions for SV (it's pretty scummy, even if I do like Scarlet and Violet at their core).
I might consider doing it but I didn't buy the dlc. Oh well...
Almost there, almost there, just a few more...
I bought the DLC and never got round to starting it. So this is a nice wee incentive.
Couldn't be bothered to spend more money on this game and getting the DLC. This shiny legendary won't change that. Nice try, TPC.
@solarwolf07 You don't need the DLC to complete the dex in Home. You just need to obtain the Pokémon in those dexes in the game. You could do that by-
I like that they're doing this for all Switch games. I just wished I'd completed all the Sword and Shield dexes properly in Home. I already evolved the Type: Null and Kubfu in that game without registering them in Home. Anyway, here's my prediction for future events
Legends Arceus- Shiny Enamorus
BDSP- Shiny Darkrai or Shaymin
SwSh- Shiny Zarude
LGPE- Shiny Mew?
Nice, I'll download this later!
Seeing as Meloetta (alongside Lilligant) is one of my fav Pokemon designs, this is absolutely right up my alley.
@martynstuff : Darkrai and Shaymin aren't shiny-locked in BD/SP, so I think that would be unlikely (and likewise of Mew, who I believe can be obtained shiny in BD/SP as well).
And I'd be happy with just a repeat of the regular (and/or Dada?) Zarude at this point, which is the only Pokémon missing from my Sword/Shield Dex.
Wish they'd do Celebi/Deoxys events too.
@SillyG To be honest, I struggled to think of something that was shiny locked in BDSP so I just opted for the two time limited Pokémon.
Is it possible to get the regular Meloetta in the recent games?
It's one of my favorite Pokemon's.
“various forms of Pokémon as well as the games they’re in”
Oh, yey!!!
<... you'll need to have completed the Paldea, Kitakami and Blueberry Academy Pokédexes...>
Oh my ... u.u
@Jeronan You can. There's a Meloetta event in the Indigo Disk DLC.
@Jeronan : Like @UmbreonsPapa said, in the second half of the Scarlet/Violet DLC, or transferred from an earlier game, or you can capture one in Pokémon Go (there's a research event available to all players).
Good luck, everyone
They should give it even if you don't finish the deck as a prize for those willing to play Pokémon. What they are doing is punishing gamers when they should appreciate them for playing Pokémon.
@MondayMedley I guess you never used Pokemon home huh?
It's pretty quick to transfer Pokemon to Pokemon home.
It's not like you have to transfer one Pokemon at a time.
You can actually move all your boxes to Pokemon home boxes within 10 minutes, maybe faster.
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