The Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Studio Ghibli-inspired Kickstarter Bura: The Way the Wind Blows - A Cozy Adventure by Tiny Meow has surpassed its $20,000 funding goal for Switch and multiple other platforms.
The Croatian studio aims to launch this title on PC in Q1 2025, with a Nintendo release (factoring in porting and obtaining approvals) targeting Q4 2025. Here's a bit about what you can expect from this upcoming title along with a look:
Bura: The Way the Wind Blows is a cozy adventure game about growing up and connecting with the world around you.

Inspired by the old Adriatic folklore tales and deep messages by the Studio Ghibli movies, Bura: The Way the Wind Blows blends fun exploration of nature and its spirits with nostalgic feelings you have forgotten in this busy life.
This game is very special to us, as it represents nearly lost traditional ways of living by the sea. It allows you to unwind from your everyday life and dive into a magical world full of spirits you’ve never seen - and most importantly - experience the Pomalo way of life.
Pomalo captures the essence of the living on the Dalmatian coast in one word. Literal meaning of the word is “a little bit”, but for Croats, it is so much more. It means: Take it easy. Relax. Don't stress. No problem.
There's also a PC demo you can try out right now. Would you be interested in a game like this? Let us know in the comments.
[source kickstarter.com, via nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 25
Everything is inspired by studio Ghibli at this point.
Next you'll try to tell me that Ni no Kuni is Ghibli inspired.
@nukatha no way, that's too far a reach.
@Joeynator3000 @nukatha Studio Ghibli inspired Studio Ghibli to Ghibli up some Ghiblis so we could all Ghibli to the Studio of that which is Ghibli.
at this point, my kindergarten stories are ghibli-inspired.
@nukatha I mean, Ni no Kuni is the only game that I could see the inspiration. lol
All these other games are saying Ghibli inspired and look nothing like the movies. xD
In what way is it BOTW inspired? The first thing that came to my mind was Wind Waker. I swear… there are other Zeldas out there people.
Come on the first clue is even in the name…. Wind
Cool concept, but it looks like they'll really need to improve on it. That aging system had better be slow, too, or else I would be stressing about getting old all the time. 😂
It does look cozy, but I too fail to see the Studio Ghibli connection.
Looks like a mid tier PS1 game with increased resolution.
Why do I despise the term ‘cozy game’ so much?
Typo in fist paragraph, 'corzy adventure'
Dunno. Looks cool, but so did Mika and the witch game.
It looks stiff and empty. Even the description is boring. "It's so cozy and not stressful, there is nothing to do"
@Skunkfish I'm with you on that.
Made me laugh!!
Bura literally means a wind that blows in a direction from north to south 😃 The way the wind blows, I guess.
Good luck to the team.
I mean, this time the creators themselves said that it's inspired by Breath of the Wild (although I agree that there's also some Wind Waker inspiration there) and Studio Ghibli which you can definitely see it in the characters' artstyle.
Anwyay, looks pretty cool and the concept of the character growing older à la A Wonderful Life is interesting so I'm going to support it on Kickstarter, fingers crossed it will end up being good!
@Liam_Doolan As @DennyCrane mentioned there's a typo when you can fix it, "Corzy".
They put ‘Studio Ghibli inspired’ in their own trailer??
They need to put some more effort into crafting the environments if they’re going to make that claim 😳
Damn, do those visuals look choppy.
This could be nice, depending on what you can do, how much you can explore, how your life changes as you get older... but the trailer doesn't really sell me on the game.
I swear, the amount of Studio Ghibli inspired games is too damn high!
I see a few people up in arms about the Ghibli reference, stating everything these days is...
But I honestly can't think of too many titles making that claim, so either I missed something, or you guys find the number 2 too high already.
Dear NL, you keep using that phrase. I do not think you are using it well. Cell shaded does not necessarily mean it's inspired by Studio Ghibli. Please find another way to describe what vibe you feel the game is giving off. You've overused this one.
EDIT: Sigh. Commented before I watched the video, and in the video pitch it claims it was so inspired. BLEH.
Worse than the environment IMO are the character physics. A little too rag doll for my tastes.
At this point Dordougne could claim to be more Studio Ghibli than this.
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