Image: Argonaut Games

Developer Argonaut Games has continued its prmotion of the recently-announced remaster for Croc: Legend of the Gobbos with a rather nifty conparison video.

Although not officially confirmed for the Switch at the time of writing, the game is scheduled to release on 'current consoles', so we're going to assume (hope) that this means a launch on Nintendo's hybrid platform is on the cards.

The comparison video in question looks at the graphical changes with this remaster when put side-by-side with the original PlayStation and Sega Saturn game from 1997. Argonaut states that its intention with the remaster is to "incorporate visual upgrades while retaining all the style & charm of the original".

It certainly looks familiar; but the enhancements are clear to see: it's a lot sharper, the frame rate appears to be a lot smoother, and distance objects and enemies are more defined. In short, it's sort of like a Nightdive remaster; a 'don't mess with the original' kind of thing.

There's no word on when the new Croc remaster will launch, but we can look forward to some updated controls alongside the enhanced visuals, plus the 'Crocipedia', a new feature containing a host of development documents, interviews, and assets.

Are you hoping to see the Cros remaster on Nintendo Switch? What's your history with the original? Let us know with a comment.
