One man has set a Guinness World Record for having the highest number of unique, working video game consoles connected to one TV. Talk about putting your collection to work... (thanks to our friends at Time Extension for spotting this!)
Ibrahim Al-Nasser, from Saudi Arabia, has managed to connect 444 video game consoles — each one different — to a single TV. And every single one works, too. Is it a fire hazard? Maybe. But we're more worried about all of those wires behind the TV. Though Al-Nasser has a method of keeping all of the cables hidden and tidy behind there. Plus, Al-Nasser hooks them all up using around 30 RCA switchers, 12 HDMI switchers, converters, and more.
His consoles range from the classics such as the Super Nintendo, N64, PlayStation, and the Neo Geo, to more obscure ones such as the Super A’Can and the Magnavox Odyssey, the world's very first video game console. The collection also includes arcade cabinets, plug-and-plays, and computers, too — we spied a Steam Deck as well. So, realistically, this collection is only going to get bigger.
But what if he wants to play some Super Mario 64 or Sonic the Hedgehog? Simple — Al-Nasser has a spreadsheet that tells him what switcher or converter every single console is hooked up to. All he has to do is find the game on the Excel spreadsheet, then find the switcher, then flick the switch. Done!
With so many game consoles, you might think Al-Nasser might have an unusual favourite, but nope. His favourite console of all time is the Sega Genesis. Not a bad pick at all.
We have some healthy collectors here at NL Towers, but we can't compete with 444 game consoles and a room that looks like a museum. We might be a bit jealous... Serious, how?
[source, via]
Comments 67
And I thought I was the bomb with five: Switch, Wii U, Wii, PS4, PS3. Anybody got a spare 400 splitter cable?
When I played the game, I only focus on one game, not by 400+ games at the same time.
How do I even stepping on DDR panel with my legs while my hands are busy to keep pressing the buttons for playing Street Fighter and keep my eyes on FF X-2 with ATB style + tied my Wiimote on my forehead and spin my head for playing Wii Party?
That beats my record by 443.
Summat tells me he's got far too much time on his hands.
He won't have time for gaming with all the attention he'll be getting from the ladies with that setup.
@hypnotoad Summat tells me youre a fellow Brit
@NinTempo You ain't wrong, mate.
@Burning_Spear and I thought i was a fire hazard for having Nes, Snes, N64, GC, Wii, Wii U, Switch, PSx, Ps2, Ps3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Dreamcast, Neo Geo, Nes Mini and a Spectrum wired to the same TV
Sounds like a waste of electricity to me. Seriously who invented this record in the past for someone to be able to "compete" for it to begin with?
What's also worse is it being a Guinness world record he had to pay someone to come out to declare it as such.
@Oppyz666 That's just a fairytale meant to frighten children. As someone who once hooked up every electronic to a single outlet, I can guarantee no fires will happen.
Just a city wide explosion instead. Nothing major.
What a pointless endeavour not to mention a waste of power. Is he planning on playing on all of them next?
Maybe it's silly to have a World Record for something like this but I'll be the first to post that I'm extremely jealous of his setup. I wish I had a space dedicated to gaming, and the funds to make this happen. Sure you can't play more than one game at a time, but it's really cool. He's got a great collection and he has the right to be proud of his collection. Good for him!
Remember the Amazon Rainforest? Your kids won’t.
Rip that guy's electric bill...
I'm more shocked that there are 444 different consoles which can plugin to a tv. I wonder if he owns a DS also.
.. World Record for plugging things in?!
I mean, ok.. sure.. why not..
....Anyone know what the world record for the most games developed by a single person is?
Probably also got a World Record for "Biggest Electric Bill."
And all that trouble to plug retro console on a LCD/OLED and not on a CRT/PVM
Sorry to be that guy, but what's the point of this record? To increase your your electricity bill? To become a fire hazard?
@FishyS Look at 00.23
I'm envious of this. Congrats to him. And to those who are wondering what the point of it all is, I ask you - what's the point of playing games?
@HammerGalladeBro You can ask that to just about anything that doesn't have any significance importance to humanity as whole.
An example being "What's the point of videogames? To sit on a couch all day inside pressing buttons while life passes by?"
@Lightsiyd not only that, what's the point of living? Wasting resources and oxygen? We should all kill ourselves.
(Just kidding)
Wife thinks I have too many systems hooked up with 20+. This is just awesome. Got everything from Atari 2600 to Switch hooked up, and that's a lot of wires, so I can't imagine the mess behind the TV.
@Oppyz666 Ulquiorra Cifer approves 😁
I read this wrong, I thought it said 401 TVs connected together.
@Oppyz666 I'm planning/hoping (procrastinating) to create shelf space for my CRT to get all my post-Atari retro consoles set up. What are you using to split all those connections? Any recommendations?
That is an insane setup.
I only have a Switch, Wii U, Egret II Mini, PS3, PS2, Blu-ray player, and LD player currently hooked up, and I forget which switch button is which console. I should put together a spreadsheet, too!
I have a whole crapton hooked up to the TV but I dont have anything drawing power outside of use besides my Switch dock and Series X, both of which get daily use.
Not just to avoid waste, but to avoid older tech frying while plugged in. My brother lost his Wii (and 1000ish dollars of VC games) and his PS2 that way.
That's a wild setup and happy for him, but what surprised me the most about this is that there are 444 different consoles which you can connect to a TV in the first place!
i have 16 consoles connected and i thought that was the limit LOL
The only thing that comes to mind is "Excess".
Bro that thing finna explode
The real record would be to find a game that exists on as many platforms as possible. That might be Pacman? I doubt there is one game that is on every one of those systems, but there's probably one title with the highest number of systems it was ported to. The next obvious game might be Tetris.
The joke's on him... When Switch 2 comes out next year, he'll have to redo the whole setup!
To think this isn't even including handhelds.
Impressive isn't even the word. Now... get all of those into the world's biggest entertainment center and we're talkin'.
Lel, I have a firestick and a Wii hooked up to an HDTV, and a GC hooked up to a CRT that's next to the HDTV but is almost never plugged in.
Wii and the VC have covered most of my retro and pixely desires.
This is the same guy that spent $1000 on horse armor, isn't it?
But the real question is...why?
When you need a spreadsheet to tell you which selector switches to turn on to play a console, you might have one too many consoles.
I can't imagine the time the housekeeper spents on cleaning the dust. But good for him, I hope that he opens a museum with all of these gaming devices.
Well, thank God, right? I was starting to fret this would never happen.
@Oppyz666 Dude, that’s so awesome! 😎 I currently have my Wii, Wii U, Switch, PS3, Xbox, Xbox One, Genesis 2, Mega Sg, Super Nt, Duo, R Pi, and mini PC hooked up to one TV. Most of my original retro consoles are hooked to another or are in the closet.
I've got a RetroUSB AVS, Analogue Super NT, N64, GameCube (with Super Gameboy), Wii U, PS3 and Switch all hooked up to my 50" 4K TV.
I thought that was pretty cool. This guy's got me beat. Thankfully, I don't have to mess with any flip-switches. My HDMI splitters automatically detect which system is running and display it.
This man is my hero. I’m setting up a game room next month and plan to try to do about 12 from NES through switch. It’s a fun project and the electronics aren’t that expensive if you already have the consoles. Since I’m doing everything old to a CRT I don’t care about having an expensive upscaler
“No one said the thing?”
looks around
“Indeed, no one said the thing…”
takes a big breath
“This isn’t even my final form!”
Sorry, had to be done!
That Super Famicom is an example which makes me wonder how he is counting them.
It's a Super Famicom with a Satellaview underneath and on top is a Super 8 (a Famiclone built into a SNES region converter) with a Sufami Turbo on top of it (a cartridge device Bandai made so they could sell cheaper games on top of it, including like six SD Gundam games which may or may not have utilized the ability to put two of the software carts in at once).
Not even using RGB……
Such a dumb record. I think the collection of unique consoles is more impressive than the fact he's connected them to a single TV.
Assuming they're not all powered up at the same time? That would get a bit toastie
@Dm9982 Hahahaha!! Well said!!
That’s not only ridiculous but potentially dangerous as well. Yikes.
@Savage_Joe the power bill would certainly be SHOCKING…
@VHSGREMLIN an electrifyingly delivered pun! Well done!
I've had around twelve set up, haha.
One thing how does he control the dust , electrical items attract dust like crazy. I clean my set up each week.
How do you keep this lot clean.
does he have a army of Goomba's to clean it all
So, that's what? About ten good consoles and a whole lotta crap?
I have my Apple TV, a Wii, switch, PS4 and Xbox Series S hooked up and it’s a cabling nightmare. That being said, hey whatever floats your boat!
He didn’t blow a fuse?!
Riches doing what riches do, 444 consoles at a time.
This fair warms my heart. (With the spirit of game preservation.)
Why do you assume that all powered on at once? Only 1 tv and 1 console at a time + the switchers need electricity.
"Wife thinks I have too many systems hooked up with 20+. This is just awesome. Got everything from Atari 2600 to Switch hooked up, and that's a lot of wires, so I can't imagine the mess behind the TV."
20+ is still A LOT.
I am curious - what consoles do you have hooked up?
@Lofoten Original PONG system, Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, NES, SNES, N64, Cube, Wii, WiiU, Switch, Sega Master, Genesis, PS1, Ps2, PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox, X360,XBOX Series S, Coleco, Intellivision and the newest one, Atari 2600+.
@Dm9982 ⚡️⚡️⚡️
@nala310 niiiiice! Inner 80s and 90s me is jealous. The smart alec in me says, “just how many A/B switches or Channel 3/4s you usin?”
Edit - Sudden core memory unlocked, I remember going to Radio Shack to get an A/B/C/D switch so I could have my SNES, Genesis, Dreamcast, and n64 hooked up. I felt like Voltron.
I think I am at 19 plus PC (since I boxed up some of the systems that have a BC newer system) right now but I got tired of the switches and have it spread across two tvs side by side. Still all daisy chained to my av receiver though.
That is absolutely insane. Well done.
If someone has too much time and too much money, this still is a pretty harmless and interesting way to spend both.
Why the hell does someone need that many consoles for, lol...
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