Last week, Nintendo revealed (via the @SplatoonNA Twitter account) that Splatoon 3's upcoming Big Run event was going to be one for the books. Not only is the event set to take over the Grand Festival's new 'Grand Splatlands Bowl' stage, but the Golden Egg quota will be one, huge target for all employees to contribute towards. Well, we now know what the quota will be...
As revealed by @SplatoonJP, the next Big Run target is a whopping 700 million Golden Eggs. Yes, million.
We Big Run employees are used to numbers a little lower than that, but let's not forget that this is a worldwide quota. Anyone who nabs a Golden Egg in the event from 6th-8th September will contribute to the overall target, and Fish Scales will be distributed to all, should we hit it.
To help reach the goal, Grizzco is placing special egg launchers around the stage, enabling employees to land more in the basket within the Big Run time limit. How very generous...
Even with the launchers in tow, 700 million is a pretty intimidating number. It's going to take a true worldwide effort to pull this one off.
Let's hope we can do it because the Grand Festival Splatfest isn't far behind. Just days after this behemoth Big Run event, the Splatlands will be home to "the biggest Splatfest ever", with the 'Grand Festival' getting underway from 12th-15th September.