FreakZone Games has announced that the popular high-speed indie platformer Spark the Electric Jester 3 is coming to Nintendo Switch on 25th July in North America, and 1st August in Europe and Australia.
Inspired by the Sonic Adventure games, Spark the Electric Jester 3 sees the return of the titular hero in the leading role. The game launched on Steam in 2022 and simply reading through reader reviews is enough to make us giddy. "This is basically the Sonic Adventure 3 we never got" says one fan, while another says it's "everything I wished from 3D sonic games". High praise indeed.

The Spark series started in 2017 with Spark the Electric Jester on Steam, which was a 2D platformer. The first game in the series is only available on PC, with Spark the Electric Jester 2 on both PC and Xbox.
The leader character is inspired by a power-up from a Sonic fan game created by Felipe Daneluz (known as LakeFeperd) back in 2013 — Sonic After the Sequel. In that game, Sonic can pick up a power-up that's similar to Kirby's Beam power, and it makes the blue blur look like a jester.
Daneluz is the sole developer of the series, and the third game sounds like it may well be his crowning achievement. We'll have to check this one out with all the buzz surrounding it.