Red Art Games recently announced that Elrentaros Wanderings, the new RPG from Rune Factory creator Yoshifumi Hashimoto, will be heading to the Switch digitally on 16th August 2024.
Developed by Marvelous subsidiary HAKAMA, the game blends life-sim elements with action-RPG gameplay, all the while boasting gorgeous, colourful visuals that aren't too dissimilar from Square Enix's Bravely series.
There are also a couple of lovely physical editions if going digital isn't your cup of tea, and these will launch a bit later in the year on 11th October 2024. First up, the €49.99 Deluxe Edition will contain a copy of the game, an exclusive sleeve, a keychain, a sticker sheet, a 30-page art book, and an acrylic stand. These are limited to 500 PEGI-rated units.

The €69.99 Collector's Edition, meanwhile, comes with the game, a steelbook case, a pin set, a double-sided poster, a keychain, and a sticker sheet. These will be a bit more plentiful at 1000 PEGI-rated units.
In addition to the Rune Factory series, Yoshifumi Hashimoto has also been heavily involved in the Story of Seasons franchise. HAKAMA Inc. was established in 2018 with Hashimoto leading development.

What do you make of this one? Will you be picking it up? Let us know your thoughts with a comment down below.
Comments 23
Oh I'm so for this. Been a fan of Rune Factory since the first, can't wait to see how this game turns out. Also the price is honestly very reasonable IMO.
This wasn't really on my radar but it looks pretty cool. Reminds me a lot of Silent Hope, which was a great game.
Who owns Bushiroad?
Definitely interested now that I know this exists and is coming to Switch!
I'm a simple man, I read Rune Factory and I click the article.
Yes, looking forward to seeing more of this!
ONLY $40? This looks really nice!!!
Cool, it looks just like Rune Factory in many ways! Wonder why this isn't just Rune Factory 6?
Looks cute! Love RF anyway.
I'll watch for reviews.
The animations look pretty stiff and unpolished in the trailer.
I used to love the RF series, though it peaked at Frontier imo, and has been in decline for a good bit.
Completely confused by the Deluxe/Collector’s editions. The Deluxe is cheaper but seems far superior to the collectors. Also, with a title like collectors edition, you’d think it’d be rarer. But nope, there’s actually more copies of the collectors. It doesn’t make much sense to me.
Both have Stickers and Keyring.
The collectors has a steelbook, with is superstore the Deluxe’s sleeve, but not terribly attractive (I put all my games in a multi-game case anyway).
The Deluxe has an Acrylic Stand that seems superior or at least level with the Enamel pins. I mean, Enamel pins are cool if you collect them and have an Ita bag, but the stand is way more eye-catching, unless the stand is really really tiny compared to how it appears in the art.
The Deluxe has an art book that seems really superior to a double sided poster, which , let’s be honest, are never that great, as they’re usually creased up substantially. And it has two images. The Art book, while smaller, has at least 30 images.
If I was going to buy either, I’d get the deluxe, and if the deluxe was out of stock, I wouldn’t buy the more expensive other edition, I’d get the digital when on sale.
Kind of looks like a Mobile game in the exploration scenes.. but the gameplay looks like it could be decent
It's like a mixture of Bravely Default, Rune Factory and Fantasy Life. Definitely a day one buy for me.
Very interested, looks fun. Only played a little of Rune Factory 4 after picking it up in the recent sale, but enjoying so far! Putting this in the definitely maybe pile and on the Wishlist ☺️
Probably will pick it up on Steam
As someone who never played rune factory before but would like to this might be the closest thing.
Keeping an eye on this.
Gives me Silent Hope or Trinity Trigger vibes. But… WILL THERE BE MAGIC?! This will confirm if I get it.
Been wanting a new Rune Factory game on Switch...I loved 4.
Yeah, I know that the Switch does have a new Rune Factory game...the performance is terrible...I just couldn't continue with that game...ugh.
But yeah, I'll keep an eye on this one, hopefully it runs well on Switch...I'm still irritated that to this day 5 STILL HASN'T BEEN PATCHED.
I want to be interested, but I am not a fan of the pop-up book feel that the trailer gave. I love the Runefactory series and want to support the creator, but I hesitate with the camera's perspective.
Didn't know this was coming out in English! While the new name is a little confusing, its probably better than the original name "Rear Sekai"
@Joeynator3000 Rune Factory 3 also got rereleased on Switch last year, telling you just in case you missed it, if you didn't mention it for any other reason then don't mind me.
Did they have a meeting titled "How do we sabotage our game with a ridiculous forgettable name that makes no sense?"?
@dojmin To be fair, they would hardly be the first.
How have I not heard of this? Anyway will wait on reviews but will likely get.
Edit: Ohhh it is Rear Sekai. Ok.
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