It's time for another look at the Japanese physical charts courtesy of Famitsu and, surprising nobody, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD has scared off all other options in its debut week.
Nintendo's latest remaster comes out on top of the pile this time, with a tasty 88,425 copies sold. Its predecessor, Luigi's Mansion 3, also returns to the top ten, landing in seventh place with an additional 4,438 sales in the last week.
Elsewhere, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe continue to show their longevity as they stop last week's champion, Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Edition, from grabbing a spot on the podium. And after a strong start, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance has dropped out of the top ten completely.
Here's your look at this week's top ten in full:
This week's hardware numbers paint a similarly Switch-dominant picture. The Switch OLED comes out on top again with an additional 30,743 sales under its belt, comfortably beating the PS5 which sits in second on 25,301.
Combining the three Nintendo SKUs gives a total of 46,265, while the PS5 standard and Digital editions combine for 27,505.
Position |
Console |
Unit Sales (17th - 23rd June) |
Total Unit Sales |
1 |
Switch - OLED Model |
30,743 |
7,455,380 |
2 |
PlayStation 5 |
25,301 |
4,957,059 |
3 |
Switch Lite |
10,580 |
5,903,402 |
4 |
Switch |
4,942 |
19,818,267 |
5 |
PlayStation 5 - Digital Edition |
2,204 |
799,295 |
6 |
Xbox Series X |
1,154 |
285,014 |
7 |
Xbox Series S |
438 |
315,431 |
8 |
PlayStation 4 |
218 |
7,927,260 |
What do you make of this week's charts? Let us know your thoughts with a comment down below.
[source famitsu.com]
Comments 63
But...but...the cost?
Good to see Luigi's Mansion 3 reappear, been catching up with that recently, picking up where I left off on the film set and did a few more stages - a couple of bits in there have really made me laugh!
For me the cost of the game was worth it, due to the updated textures/models/lighting, more comfortable and improved control scheme because of the second analogue stick and ergonomically shaped controller, ability to play on the big screen, screenshot/video functionality, and so on...The only feature of the 3DS version I will miss is the 3D effect.
I already liked the game on 3DS but this raised it to being nearly as good as 1 and 3 for me. I'm happy to have the series be more consistent in quality now.
Cool, Luigi’s Mansion 3 will hit a million physical in Japan in the next week or two. That’s a great start for LM2 HD I have to say.
The game not selling was never going to be an issue.
People celebrating a barebones HD remaster that costs more than the original ever did selling well however is frankly odd.
@SBandy1 depends, there's bound to be loads of people who've never owned a 3DS and/or fancy having it on the Switch. There's also nearly twice as many Switch owners as there were 3DS owners too at this stage...I remember people kicking off about Mario 3D World coming out on the Switch, but that game alone has pretty much outsold the Wii U console.
I believe the price for LM2HD in Japan is a bit cheaper than their other upcoming games, just to clarify.
Oh wow so it seems like Pikmin 4 is bigger in sales in Japan than Luigi’s Mansion 3. Pikmin is definitely growing as a franchise, especially in Japan!
Nice, love the game. I’m having lots of fun with it. And I do own a 3DS with a copy of LM2.
The issues some have with it’s pricing and keep saying it costs $ 60,00 are not my cup of tea. Glad I’m an adult with a job and I’ll be getting a good 14+ hours of fun for my money.
I'm happy the game is on Switch just not at the same price as a built from the ground up first party Switch title. Same goes for DKC Returns and the like.
And if all Switch successors are backwards compatible so there is no need for this in future then all the better.
@SBandy1 well said. It's interesting how consumer opinions have flipped during the Switch gen. In 2017 I remember people debating if MK8 Deluxe had enough "new" content added to it to warrant a 60 dollar price tag. People became so personally tied to the success of the Switch and Nintendo this generation like it's their own personal triumph. Just find it odd to champion lower effort/ full priced ports like this.
I'm an adult with a job as well. Doesn't mean I'm willing to be stiffed over the price.
As a hardcore Luigi’s Mansion fan, this makes me very excited for the series future. King Boo is returning to his deserved spotlight!
MK8 Deluxe I was fine with as you got all the DLC, same with Mario 3D World with Bowser's Fury and Skyward Sword HD because it had a myriad of improvements over the original.
But these low effort HD remasters at full price?
Nintendo not going the extra mile anymore so won't be getting my money as a result. Not at full price anyway.
With you many others. That’s just fine, I like this game and if I like something I tend to buy it.
How much work I think it costs them making a product that I like is not something I care about when it comes to a $ 40,00 or a $60,00 pricetag and 14h + of fun
@SBandy1 I don't think M8 Deluxe was low effort at all as it also added a proper battle mode, new maps for it l, all the dlc etc. My point was that EVEN that game in 2017 had discussion around the 60 dollar point. Whereas nowadays ppl completely accept and root for something low effort and premium priced with little discussion as to the ramifications of supporting something like this. Also I agree that 3d world was worth the 60. Also think Xenoblade Remastered was worth it. I'm not so hot on Skyward Sword tho. The way AI upscaling is used in it feels pretty lazy. But they did rework some stuff in the game. Not sure it is 60 bucks worth tho. I'm sure I'll chat with ya again when DKC Returns gets released at 60, lol.
Oh boy, here we go again!
Starting price is the factor that matters the least about games when physically (digitally there are the vouchers etc., but that's besides the point considering these are the physical charts) they get discounts even day one in several regions - don't know if including Japan, curious if that's the case - and you can just wait for a later sale if that isn't the case in your specific region and/or based on your current financial situation.
What saddens me is that this topic keeps on overshadowing the quality of the games themselves and yes, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD absolutely included based on what I've seen/heard of it and my experience with the original because despite its issues it has always been an overall great game and I'm so glad that those who missed it on 3DS can experience it for the first time while those who want to eventually replay it, myself included, can do so on Switch thanks to this rerelease!
Basically it is a case by case basis.
But it seems the latest batch from Nintendo have the least effort put in and it is especially egregious when it is a 3DS game that would have been released with a RRP of 40 quid at launch.
I wonder if Nintendo see Mario wonder as a success, not sure how it compares to other side scrolling Mario platform games.
SMW has sold over 13 million as of March 24 so I think they would be happy.
Wow that has surprised me and well done SMW
Just surprised as in Japan it shows above at 1.8 million, must of done very well outside of Japan.
Found it great to play but got a little stale towards the very end world/levels.
Much prefer the 3d Mario’s exploration type like the outstanding Mario Odyssey.
That 1.8 million is only pyhsical too, so probably another million+ digital in Japan. Aye 13+ million in basically 6 months is insane but that's Mario!
I love 2D and 3D Mario alike which is probably why 3D World is my favourite as it felt like a perfect combination of the two. Plus that glorious jazz infused soundtrack!
Guess the vocal minority crying about the price truly are a minority.
Where is Monkey ball banana rumble in the charts?
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Beating 160 mln PS2 consoles is near ...
Okay, PS5 sales is still good. 😊
@SBandy1 "Unless the game sells 70+ million they won't be actually."
I wish I had your self-esteem when in a discussion to make such an argument and actually believe it's valid
I'm obviously being facetious but rather be that than celebrating being price gouged.
@SBandy1 I haven't bought it, already played it on the 3DS 😁
I'm happy for those that will experience it for the first time.🥳
As will I be, just wish Nintendo weren't charging more for it than the 3DS original.
@SBandy1 I still haven't finished LM3 so that's more than keeping me happy at the mo, I've heard this one isn't quite on the same level, and what I have seen it looks like I'd have to take out a restraining order on E.Gadd to stop him pestering me every 5 minutes, so will no doubt swerve this one.
It does seem that it's actually driven sales for the older (and superior?) title too which is good.
EDIT: Just looked on Amazon Japan, LM2 HD goes for ¥5382 - the equivalent of $34 or £26!
Those Xbox hardware numbers... yikes 😬
@Bizzyb Still doing better than the Xbox One ever did.
It is good to see.
Look I love Nintendo and want them to be successful but when I see questionable actions such as charging full price for this remake I will criticise it.
Yes some discounts are possible with the physical copies but it is still full price digitally which will eventually affect the price of the pyhsical copies and frankly it is a pisstake as it is a barebones remaster.
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Look for everybody that wants to buy the game like i have, fine, for those that complains about the price, plain and simple, you do not have to buy the game.
I wonder how many people whining about Nintendo's prices are the same people whining about all the mass layoffs that almost everyone other than Nintendo has been doing.
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Very happy to see the success of LM3. Secured my copy and plan to play it after FF VII. Hopefully we can eventually see LM1 ported as well.
I've been struggling to get into Luigi's Mansion 2 HD I must admit. I just don't like the constant interruptions in game flow here.
I honestly don't know what they were thinking of tbh. Still though this being said I do intend to finish it.
@FirstEmperor Ahh come on. I don't know what happened between those two but I think people have a right to complain if they feel something is too expensive.
@RubyCarbuncle Of course people have a right to whine about whatever they want. And I have a right to whine about their whining. And you have a right to whine about me whining about their whining. And so on...
I have a big problem with hypocrisy though, and it's the absolute height of hypocrisy to condemn mass layoffs while also demanding lower prices. Not sure if anyone here is guilty of that specifically (if they are here they know who they are) and I don't feel like combing through everyone's post history to find out, so I left my comment vague.
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I just came here to praise the PS5 sales in Japan while I found the other user was whining and having arguments about Luigi Mansion 2 great sales.
That's something I didn't realize.
Quick check: LM2 sold 6.44 million copies on the 3DS, out of 75 million 3DS owners. Roughly 8.5% of the total users or about 4.5% of the total Switch base (ish). More than 90% of 3DS owners never played it which means more than 95% of Switch owners have never played it. Equates to roughly 135 million people to whom this is brand new.
It was definitely worth a fair shake on the Switch to see if it can get another chance, especially off the back of Luigi's Mansion 3 which did really well, and gain a new audience, where they slipped up is they should have done a Halloween release like they did with LM3.
@FirstEmperor I'm not whining about anything though I'm just calling you out. I'm a 46 year old adult with a job and €60/£60/$60 for a port of an old 3DS game is expensive. Weird how people here defend this yet these same people probably complain about Prices on other Platforms.
@RubyCarbuncle Thing is it has been proven many times that you can get this game way below the list price at many outlets. The list price only affects people who don't shop around. That's their problem, if that's a problem to you then steer them in the right direction so they can save money.
@RubyCarbuncle Any complaint (and related discussion) about the price of a video game is pretty much the definition of a first-world problem and I call that whining.
If there's anyone who defends Nintendo's prices while complaining about other $70 games on other platforms then they deserve to be called out for hypocrisy too. I'm not one of them though; I spent $70 on FF7 Rebirth and Stellar Blade and have no regrets.
@FirstEmperor You can call it what you like but it is not whining and it depends on a variety of factors too, factors like the amount of content and the overall quality of the game. If people feel they're not getting value for money they have a right to complain or criticise.
I often complain about the high cost of living especially the cost of electricity. To call legitimate customers "hypocrites" because of a legitimate complaint is just silly.
@RubyCarbuncle Of course it's whining, just like what you're doing now. And I've already acknowledged everyone's right to whine about whatever they want so I'm not sure why you're bringing up rights again.
The only people I called hypocrites (and its wasn't anyone specific at first because I'm not going through everyone's post history) are the ones to whine about Nintendo's prices while also condemning the mass layoffs that all other major publishers have been doing recently. Clearly Nintendo uses their profits responsibly since they were able to weather the Wii U storm without layoffs.
The high cost of living is a real problem, and that's were phrases like "price gouging" are actually appropriate. Not luxury items like video games.
@FirstEmperor I'm not whining I'm calling you out like I said. Go to my Profile where do you see me whining? I've purchased the game so why would I "whine" about something I've already paid for?
I don't think this conversation is going anywhere so I'm just going to leave it at this.
@RubyCarbuncle You can whine about my choice of words all you want, but I will always consider complaining about first-world problems whining.
Also, I never said you were whining about LM2HD. I said you "have a right to whine about me whining about their whining." If you had never inserted yourself into that discussion, this conversation (that apparently didn't go anywhere) wouldn't have happened.
@SBandy1 Calling people out is whining and a first world problem apparently as I just learnt. Maybe next time we shouldn't say anything at all and if people here are quite happy paying high prices for old games well that's up to them. I never played Luigi's Mansion 2 before so it was a new game for me but for people who have the Price is just too steep for what you're getting.
I wouldn't have said anything but the very first comment was WiltonRoots seemingly having a dig that the game selling well somehow means it isn't an issue. I agree with WiltonRoots on a lot if stuff but not on being ripped off by Nintendo.
In a world were Metroid Prime Remastered exists at a reasonable price and with seemingly much more effort put into it then it makes LM2HD and DKCRHD, which have both been farmed out by Nintendo to third party devs, all the more brazen.
If you enjoyed the game happy days, but at least you also know it launching as a full price title is taking the mick.
We can all love Nintendo whilst still pointing out their flaws.
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