Well, we thought that it might appear in tonight's Summer Game Fest Opening Night Showcase and there it was! SEGA has graced us with a new Sonic X Shadow Generations trailer and it came with a 25th October release date.
While we were very excited to see when this one will be coming our way, the real star of this new trailer is a better look at the all-new Shadow campaign. This fresh story will see you speeding through iconic locations from the Hedgehog's history to take on the Black Doom. Ooooo.

Sonic X Shadow Generations is a complete remaster of the 2011 2D/3D game — a version of which you might remember on the 3DS. For those who never played the original, expect time travelling, dimension-hopping action and a celebration of all things Blue Blur.
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Here is the official description from SEGA:
Shadow the Hedgehog is back with Classic and Modern Sonic in SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS, an all-new collection featuring two unique experiences!
Play as Shadow the Hedgehog in a brand-new story campaign featuring never-before-seen powers and abilities that prove why he’s known as the Ultimate Life Form!"SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS also includes a complete remaster of the classic hit SONIC GENERATIONS, featuring newly remastered versions of iconic 2D and 3D stages with upgraded visuals and new bonus content.
The SGF announcement also confirmed that Generations is now available to pre-order. Those who make their purchase early will receive 'Gerald Robotnik's Journal' and access to the polygonal 'Sonic Adventure Legacy Skin'.
The game's digital deluxe edition will let you play the game three days early and provide a handful of its own bonuses including a digital artbook and soundtrack, additional skins for Shadow and more.
Will you be picking this one up in October? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 39
Looks amazing. I never played the original so I'll gladly pick it up this time around.
You know. SEGA announced several months, if not years ago, that we would be getting a return of their old franchises: Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe and many more. So I'm wondering where the hell are these games? Instead we're just getting more (broken and unfinished) Sonic games. I really don't know what fans see in this franchise. SEGA's other IPs are so much better.
Oh, gosh...
I felt deja vu again. 😧
I still neglected my Sonic Generations PS3 as the game felt too hard for me.
Running on very high speed and must press the button very precisely were not my forte.
It made me freak out.
I try to like Sonic games but it oftenly failed as I really suck in genre like this.
Been wanting to play Generations for years. I'm down for this!
This is not the version of the game the 3DS got lol
@RareFan Sonic frontiers was pretty good
now the switch version-
@RareFan They only announced those in December 🙄
After Sonic Colors, Sonic Origins and Sonic Frontiers, I hope we finally have a good port this time around.
Generations is such a blast. I can't wait to get a portable version of it. Hopefully the Shadow campaign will retain the physics of the base game rather than the modified Lost World physics present in Forces and Frontiers.
Loved Generations all those years ago on the 360. Will definitely pick it up.
SEGA announced this game in January and we still get more news about it than about the other Sega games. But unfortunately it has always been like this with SEGA's costumers: they would rather buy 100 of bad Sonic games instead of supporting a good Sega game just because they have ths hots for Sonic and Shadow.
Shadow can FLY to Tails and Rouge the Bat!!!
Hopefully this game is good, surprised that Adventure 1+2 aren’t here but yet there is a costume for it
I'm super getting the sense that this Shadow mode is only going to be like an hour or two long because they seem to be really skating around actually giving concrete details about it.
That said I'm more interested in just vanilla Sonic Generations on its own anyway. Provided it's a decent port I'll totally pick it up because the game's great.
As someone who’s ps3 stoped working and being unable to play the original I’m up for this. And I bet people saw the chao in the thumbnail and are freaking out.
@RareFan wow. Good job accusing all sonic fans of being furrys just because you don’t like the sonic franchise. What’s next? Wanting SAGE to shut down?
@RareFan Or, many Sega fans like Sonic games and Sega's other games too. I've been gaming since the Mega Drive. I like Sonic games, and I also miss a lot of the other franchises, but we know they're coming. Just be patient. A remaster of a beloved Sonic game is a good way for Sega to get easy money while we wait on the others. Just like Nintendo putting out lots of Mario games in a generation. We're getting a new Monkey Ball too, and we got a new Samba de Amigo. And this gen we also got a new Streets of Rage, and Wonder Boy game. The games are coming.
i thought i wasnt excited for the shadow content but KINGDOM VALLEY never miiiiiind that remix will slap
I hope this runs well on Switch. I def wasn't trying to plan Sonic Frontiers on Switch.
@RareFan Uh...you're disappointed we like a good and well known franchise? Take your mindless hate somewhere else where no one has to see it.
@27celsius Honestly, the Switch version was good for what it was, but I can admit that it could have been better. Still had a fun time with the game though.
@RareFan dawg youre not wrong but you aint right either come on this is a genuinely good game dont be talking smack on my boy especially when i know you havent played it
They screwed Sonic Colours, so it is likely SEGA will also ruin Sonic X Shadow. Afterall, they know, that Sonic Fans just buy every rubbish that has Sonic‘s name printed on it.
@RareFan SCU looked terrible since the first trailer plus it was made by a different studio
I only played the 3DS version of Generations. Getting to play this remastered console version will be a nice treat.
Rails rails and more rails welcome to the new era of Sonic where it’s rails all the way down.
@RareFan The last rumors about Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio is that both revivals would be live service games. I hope that ends up not being true.
@RareFan i get it, lots of sonic fans just kind of eat the garbage we're given. Im probably one of those people, since im pretty lenient with how i judge sonic because of how much i love the games. But its not fair to judge a fanbase so harshly and frankly rudely when you dont even care about the games. We care. I care! I want the games to be good and i love the character and series because at his best sonic is really excellent! You dont have to like the series or agree with what other people have to say about it, but you DO have to be nice about it. I dont think you're wrong by the way, sega has really been dropping the ball with sonic since what feels like forever, and only extremely recently have things been seeming to perk up the tiniest bit. Just don't be out here calling out fans for being fans, especially when the fans have made so much cool stuff because they care!
Loving that drum n bass track
Game looks impressive too
I wonder why they didn't introduce classic Shadow. Surely the entire fanbase would love to see it.
@T317 That wouldn't really make sense since Shadow already looks the same in the flashbacks in sa2
Sega is clearly pushing the Digital Deluxe edition really hard here. But what they are unclear about and I’m not sure I understand is, does purchasing the physician edition get us the digital season pass with the extra level and skin for Shadow? It looks like a holiday 2024 dlc drop, but I can’t imagine they will require physical customers to purchase it while giving it to digital deluxe customers for free. Am I misunderstanding something?
Keeps on looking great and happy we have a release date, looking forward to finally playing Generations and the extra content when my physical copy arrives!
This should be the gaming equivalent of Dante’s Inferno where the trilogy of terror it’s celebrating instead becomes the three circles of hell, all the awful qualities of those games are presented faithfully in all their horrendous glory. The deeper you dive into the abyss the more Shadow and even the player’s grip on their sanity lessens as the controls, level design and story get worse and worse until all that remains is a all consuming bottomless pit.
@RareFan Obvious attempt to dunk on a franchise you don't like...
@Ks123 it'll probably be like Superstars where you can get the DD content from the eShop. Only issue is Superstars DD content came at a price of £11 which I don't know...it's nice that it's available but it seems a shame to be charged that much on top of the base game. That said, it has been on discount at times
@martynstuff I think you’re right. And that’s my point. If I’m paying $50 to buy the physical game vs $50 for the digital deluxe version, my $50 is just as green, so why wouldn’t Sega offer the dlc content for free to everyone across the board? It seems like that’s what’s happening here, or their marketing is just poor. But it reeks of this push to encourage digital sales over physical.
Man the US boxart cover is bad, I get that this is all part of Sega's "Year of Shadow" marketing plans but I don't like how they just slapped him inbetween Classic and Modern Sonic like that (the fact that the Sonics' cover artwork are from the original Generations makes it look even more awkward).
The JP cover, while looking more like something that should be used for a future SA2 remaster/remake, is way better in comparision.
The Sonic Generations game on the 3DS (though a decent timepass) wasn't as good as the psbox version of the game. I kind of wanted that latter version on the Switch and well .......
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