It's been an incredibly difficult period for the video game industry with layoffs, reshuffles and studio closures. Fortunately, Nintendo is actually in a great place right now thanks to the Switch.
Following its recent acquisition of Shiver Entertainment, page 22 of its 84th Shareholder Meeting summary has revealed the company currently has 7,724 employees on its books globally, and the increase in employees from the previous fiscal year-end was 407 employees.
While Nintendo has taken on more employees, Microsoft has actually axed 1,900 jobs across Xbox, Bethesda and Activision Blizzard. Sony has let go of 900 employees this year as well.
Nintendo's recent acquisition of Shiver Entertainment notes how the studio will "remain the same" - with the goal of porting and developing software for "multiple platforms" including Switch. This follows Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa confirming the Switch's "successor" will be revealed at some point this fiscal year.
The Japanese firm also recently revealed Switch sales have now surpassed more than 140 million units worldwide, although it realises it will be "more challenging to maintain momentum" with the new system potentially impacting these sales.
How are you feeling about Nintendo right now? Are you excited about its future? Share your thoughts in the comments.
[source nintendo.co.jp, via x.com]
Comments 30
Nintendo been coasting on Switch while Sony and MS been imploding on themselves.
It also helps when the company has zero debts and billions in surplus reserves that leaves room for expansions.
Absolutely very good to see especially when so many other companies are doing layoff after layoff. I wonder how many people from other such companies Nintendo hired after they were fired, globally.
Amateurs! If they really want to run with the big dogs of the game industry, they should take all that extra money they've saved up to buy up as many indie studios as they can afford, then promptly shut them down and lay off all employees.
Common Nintendo W.
There's valid complaints to be made against Nintendo, like their handling of the JoyCon drift thing. But 99.9% of Nintendo controversies are just the fans being petty, if we're being honest. I always feel like such a corporate bootlicker when I say stuff like this, but Nintendo is objectively like one of the most ethical for-profit organizations out there.
@Not_Soos And even the JoyCon drift (something I still have yet to encounter on mine) handling is top notch. They repair them free and even out of warranty.
Love to see it. Nintendo has been the only decent gaming company for.. oh.. let's just the last five years? Both Microsoft and Sony have become far too complacent and arrogant with their consoles.. for no reason whatsoever. Glad I left them behind awhile ago (Though I still enjoy their older and far superior older titles)
Although that acquisition was not an appealing one for me it's good to see Nintendo doing so well. With more movies and TV shows on the way in sure Nintendo's fan base is only going to get bigger and bigger going forward which in return means their games will continue to sell gang busters, I just hope they don't mess things up by releasing a console no one asked for (looks at WiiU).
I feel like Nintendo are doing it right this time around. Software supply for the Switch never dried up, yet they've saved so many key games for the next system and had enough time that the next system should be equally well supported. Think about it: The latest Mario Kart is 10 years old. Smash Bros 6y, Animal Crossing 4y, Mario Odyssey 7y (ok there was "Bowser's Fury", but still). The next entries will be ready and polished to perfection. Plus Metroid Prime 4 and everything we don't know about yet.
They've been making a ton of money for years, they're reinvesting it but keeping expenses in check, unlike their competition. Nintendo might well be the last videogame company successfully using a classic business model in a few years.
Nintendo understands their fan base and have never overreached.
Japanese business sense at its finest.
Well done Nintendo. 👏🏻
But will Furukawa be willing to give himself a pay cut to keep said employees like Iwata if the Switch 2 ends up more like a Switch U?
Love to see it, as long as Nintendo keeps on doing things like this other than obviously making overall quality products I can't help but wish them success despite disagreeing about some things they do from time to time!
Nintendo's hiring everyone’s uncles.
Microsoft hates this one simple trick
@Not_Soos yet people will call them the most evil corp for shutting down illegal emulators and for protecting their IP.
Heck I use emulators as well but I don't throw a hissy fit when one gets taken down.
*Edit: By illegal I mean those that use stolen code or other shady practices(Yuzu for example)
even the richest company in the world microsoft has debt yet some fans will claim nintendo is richer because it has zero debt ..
curious who pays there employees better nintendo or sony?
@Not_Soos I agree, Nintendo are managed very well by the looks of it and while we as gamers may often be frustrated by their decisions I have full respect for them overall.
I’m so glad they exist and are doing so well. Life would be duller without Nintendo.
@Arkay Emulation isn't illegal.
@Bret I highlighted "illegal" to refer to emulators which use stolen code.
The Shiver acquisition just formally closed if their website update is any indication, so that's probably two dozen more employees under their belt (Shiver's not a big studio). Still a bit lean by the standards of many gaming companies, but I trust that as Nintendo continues to grow, given the investments they're making into their internal development, they'll do so wisely and efficiently.
@TheBigK Probably, considering how from what I've heard, Japanese laws actually enact CEOs taking pay cuts when their companies are struggling?
@Maubari but Nintendo are evil because they shut down emulators and sold TOTK for 70 bucks! While yes their stance on emulation is a bit...backwards, is it really that bad compared to shutting down studios and mass layoffs of employees?
@HaroGenkide No.. no it is not haha. Nintendo has their own share of problems of course - their hostile attitude to their own fanbase for exemple - but compared to Sony or Microsoft, they are doing far, far better.
And I'm super grateful for it
@PikaPhantom oh neat, I like that. How does that work for Nintendo owned overseas studios? Like, are non-Japanese parts of a company subject to the same regulations and protections?
@HaroGenkide lol the 70 dollar complaints was funny because that wasn’t even a Nintendo original thing. That crap was already happening before Tears dropped. In the end millions of people agreed Tears was worth $70 in the end or they would not have bought the game in the first place.
@TheBigK I don't believe so, because Japanese laws help to prevent layoffs, yet the Western branches of Japanese companies are still susceptible to them if the current state of the industry is any consideration
@PikaPhantom Japanese people do not stand for a lot of the antisocial behavior that is accepted in say the US. I don’t think there is a law that says the CEO must take a pay-cut but i think they do it out of a feeling of responsibility for the workers and the company. That said, I think in some ways Japan has too many protections for workers and this has hurt it. Like it is really hard to fire someone.
Really happy to see Nintendo doing so well, and it makes me very excited for the future of the brand!
Even the Joycons on my OLED Switch haven't experienced joycon drift yet, which is a big improvement over my V2 Switch. (sent those older joycons in a couple times)
Only thing I can really ask of Nintendo is to make their Japan-exclusive merchandise more widely available! Absolutely obsessed with the Japan-only Animal Crossing merch. The Roost items especially 😭
Me personally I think ps and Xbox have lost Thier special stars for making good games u would want buy console for own playstation 1-4 Xbox up to 360. I think Nintendo will be the go to console in the future. Even if graphically not the superior one. Maybe cos iam 39 but I use to love my Ps1 PS2 playing gt. I hardly turn my PS4 on now . Switch gets played most days for a hour or so bit more when not at work.
@Arkay interesting since Yuzu didn't use stolen code. Nintendo's complaint didn't even suggest it. (And no, prod keys aren't code, nor are they copyrightable) So what did Yuzu do?
(Most Nintendo fans have no idea what the actual reason was, so don't feel singled out.)
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