It's Direct season, and Summer Game Fest has done a good job of whetting our appetite for hearty Nintendo announcements sometime soon. It's been a little quiet recently on the Switch front, which may have something to do with the small amount of correspondence we received this month. Perhaps you're all out enjoying fine weather and great video games, but Mr. Postman had just a handful of letters in his bag for us. Publishable ones, at least.
Hopefully the upcoming Nintendo Direct will get your juices flowing! Be sure to check our submission guidelines at the bottom of the page and drop us a line for the July edition. Got something you want to get off your chest? We're ready and waiting to read about your game-related ponderings.
Each month we’ll highlight a Star Letter, the writer of which will receive a month’s subscription to our ad-free Supporter scheme. Check out the submission guidelines at the bottom of this page.
Just three today, so let's dive in, shall we?
Nintendo Life Mailbox - June 2024
Image: Damien McFerran / Nintendo Life
"my bill" (***STAR LETTER***)
Hello again NL team!
As I looked at my bill for the NSO expansion pack, a thought came to me.
*“What could Nintendo lose?”*
What would Nintendo lose by backing up the Virtual Console library to NSO? To adding the Pokemon games to the Game Boy and GBA apps or bringing Smash 64 to the N64 app? What could Nintendo possibly lose by listening to the fans and giving us a new Tomodachi Collection, or a Dillon’s Rolling Western game, or Switch menu themes, or _Mother 3?_
I genuinely do not understand how this could be such a long standing problem at this point. I want to hear what the NL team has to say about being completely ignored by Nintendo in the regards to legacy.
(I am definitely canceling my Expansion pak subscription) MetaCrystal
As frustrating as the drip feed is, Nintendo would lose that monthly cadence of NSO drops that stirs minor excitement and sends people back to those apps. The five Game Boy Mega Men got their own little news beat recently, rather than being a buried bullet point on a list of hundreds. I'm sure the data says that staggering drops in small batches means more people play more of the games for longer. I definitely understand the frustration around the NSO offering, but — for me — there's enough value and convenience there for the asking price. 163 games for the base tier, another 90 on the Expansion. I love the N64 and the NSO Mega Drive catelogue is massively underrated. There are gaps, but looking at the lineup now, it's pretty stacked.