In what might be the biggest surprise of the latest Nintendo Direct, the firm revealed The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, a new 'classic' style Zelda game in which you take on the role of the titular princess herself after Link disappears.
Utilising the art style from the Link's Awakening Switch remake, Echoes of Wisdom looks stunning, so to highlight this further, we've presented a whole bunch of screenshots from the game right here for you to peruse at your leisure.
A Rift in Time
At the beginning of the trailer, Link is swallowed up by a rift, but not before freeing Zelda. These rifst are the cause of all the problems in Hyrule this time around, but who is controlling them? And What are they for? We'll find out when we head out on our adventures.
Tri it out
Zelda won't use a sword in her starring role. Instead, she befriends the fairy Tri and acquires the Tri Rod. This Rod allows the princess to create an 'echo' of many objects dotted around Hyrule. We get to see the adorable Zelda do this with a table and use it to climb up the side of the ledge.
Boxes, beds, tables, and more, Zelda will be magicking her way around the kingdom using good-ol' furniture. But it's not just about items — we also see that Zelda can recreate trees and even blocks of water. So we imagine you'll be able to get pretty creative.
Let's get Gerudo
We saw a few different areas that will look familiar to Zelda fans, but the Gerudo desert and town stood out to us.
While we only got a glimpse of the latter, we did see Zelda navigating some sand blasts using her Tri rod. Boxes aren't as useful here, but potted plants? The perfect distraction.
The Gerudo tribe look equally cute in miniature form as well. Koholint Island was a joy, so using the same art style for Hyrule has us eager to find absolutely everything.

Zelda can use the rod to attack enemies, but that's not the only thing she can use it for. Yep, you can create echoes of enemies, too.
When you do this, you can summon the enemies you've captured to do your bidding for you. Why would Zelda need to get her hands dirty when she has monsters to help out?
Aonuma-san was keen to tell us during the Direct that there will be multiple solutions to puzzles, and that every player will experience something different.
We saw Zelda work her way through a few different solutions, all using a variety of echoes ranging from ReDeads, beds, Skulltulas, and plenty more.
Monster Mash
Is it really a Zelda game without all of those iconic enemies?
We've already mentioned a few of them throughout this gallery, but just look at the little guys! We've got the Deku-Baba, ReDeads, Skulltulas, birds, fish... you name it, it's probably going to be here.

That's what we have for now! We never expected a brand new Zelda game in this art style, and it looks absolutely beautiful. We don't have to wait long to get our hands on the game, either, as it's launching on Switch on 26th September 2024.
What are your thoughts on Zelda's starring role? What bosses do you want to see in this art style? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 70
I saw a post on twitter pointing this out, it's using A Link to the Past map.
@Joeynator3000 so is it connected to that game?
@Joeynator3000 Well, vaguely. It's not a 1-to-1 translation a la ALBW by any means, you can see plenty of differences. And a bunch of areas shown in the trailer aren't anywhere in ALttP/ALBW like Gerudo Town, Castle Town, or the Deku Tree
It looks great. Ngl.
I’ll get Links Awakening if I must first to prepare myself for a Zelda game of this style. But I’ll get this game one day. Maybe in October or December. (Hey I need that AA Investigations game badly)
@link3710 it could show up in a different trailer. Who knows
@Joeynator3000 I thought that too at first, but there are some differences too as to why it isn’t the same map.
If it is then F Aonuma and his desire to keep rehashing maps. That man is running out of creativity it seems.
At this point I’m excited for a new Zelda that seems back to form, with a twist. But if I’m being honest, I’m a bit worried about those similarities to the ALttP map
I’m not in to building mechanics, and that plastic art style is so irritating, but hopefully I’ll like this one and it’ll build the series lore.
I was really excited when I saw this one, Zelda finally being playable, what's next a voiced talking Link?!?! 😂 but the gameplay itself just seems so slow. Not just the echoing but everything seems like it's moving in molasses. I know that may be partly the camera angle but I just wanted to scream at the TV "MOVE FASTER!!".
I do like the name, nice mixture of Zelda having the triforce of wisdom and the echo mechanic in the game, and the graphics are ok, for a game w/ no camera control which really bothers me as well, but I'm just not sure. May let my wife play it, she likes puzzles. Another one to wait for a review on. But fingers crossed.
Give us an amiibo!
I cant wait for this game it looks so cute!
@Yoshif3 There are differences, but I can see how it's based on that game's map, though.
It does seem the Lost Woods was replaces with a new volcanic mountain area. Either that or that's where Death Mountain is now and we have a new mountain area taking Death Mountain's area...lol
It looks great! Will be picking this up for sure
Another Zelda in a row where you have to scroll though a giant list of items, seems at odds with the LA remake art style and very traditional looking overworld when the fundamentals and even the cloak hoodie are inspired by Botw and Totk. I suppose Aonuma Style would never have made a Zelda playable game based around her using combat magic indeed of this summoning stuff magic.
@Joeynator3000 imagine getting the ALttP map for the third time, remixed a second time and straight out after getting ANOTHER remixed map coming from TotK.
Then I would be worried and certain that Aonuma must be replaced as a producer soon.
I thought this was gonna be an Oracle(s) remake at first and now I don't know whether I'm happy or disappointed. Glad that Zelda is finally playable but man I'm really feeling the lack of classic Zelda game design with dungeons and everything
I’m stoked. I prefer traditional-style Zelda games over the new style with BOTW and TOTK. This seems to check all the boxes. We get a new, original story where you play as Zelda with fun new mechanics. But having this all tied within the traditional gameplay loop with (what appears to be) dungeons is exactly what I want. Looking forward to this!
Im looking forward to this because it seems back to the real Zelda formula. And seems it’s developed by Grezzo and not by Fujibayashi. I miss items and the Zeldavania progression but I’m more excited about this than I was for TotK.
@Joeynator3000 The Mountain in ALTTP was in fact NOT the Death Mountains! In the japanese version it was called the Hebra Mountain (which also made a return in BOTW!). Only in the western release it was called Death Mountain, probably to provide better continuity to Zelda 1, where the Mountain was called Death Mountain as well.
So as for Echoes of Wisdom, the mountain with the volcano is probably the Death Mountain, whereas the other one is the Hebra Mountains, as it originally was in ALTTP.
Who is the developer?
I’m loving how they gave the title a Breath of the Wild type intro, Zelda looking onto the horizon as Link did.
I’m also hoping, there might be scenes (playable parts) with Link in the dark world or whatever place he has been enchanted to
Excited for the inevitable fan de-make..
I was worried that we were moving away from the top-down formula, so I was ecstatic to see this revealed.
Also, I can almost guarantee that Zelda will end up with the bow Link was holding. It had a unique design to it, and Zelda's been shootin' arrows for several iterations now. And with the focus being about summoning monsters to fight, then it makes since to stay in the back row and lend ranged support rather than bumping into your own monster to try and hit the same enemy.
So looking forward to this considering first and foremost that Zelda is playable, but also that it's a top-down game which has a really interesting core mechanic that still allows for player freedom so many, me included, enjoyed in BotW/TotK while seemingly being more "traditional" than them in other aspects and personally I don't mind the Link's Awakening remake visuals at all, in fact I overall quite like them (the only thing I don't particularly care about is the blur, but can definitely live with it)!
I was really hoping for Twilight Princess and Wind Waker ports.
@rainbowtick that art style is actually my favorite, and it is not soulless. That's just your opinion.
Wow, that was unexpected and the nicest possible surprise! I loved the Link’s Awakening remake and always hoped they’d reuse the engine. This looks proper. Slight worries about the free building mechanics, but then again all the settings look so carefully created that I’m positive it’s going to feel ‘designed’ and not random.
It looks like they combined links awakening with tears of the kingdom and I’m looking forward to it.
“Zelda can use the rod to attack enemies, but that's not the only thing she can use it for.”
Was it confirmed the rod can be used for attacking? The trailer sure implied you would have to summon or throw things to defeat enemies.
Important distinction because melee attacking is a big appeal of 2D Zeldas and this game may be doing away with it entirely. But I’m open to see how it turns out with more puzzle-oriented combat.
@russell-marlow im with you on that one brother. Been waiting for it since they first ever started releasing ports (pikmin 3 and DKTF)
I love the artstyle same as I did for LA but Tri looks cursed. That being said… why is the game so cute?! 🥰
Also here I am begging for amiibo functionality again.
This makes me want to play Link's Awakening again. I've already played through it twice. I think I'll start it tonight.
@chipia ....First time I've heard about this...lol
This is obviously not the next "big" Zelda game, but it's a nice surprise since the wait will be long.
This genuinely surprised me. I figured that recent rumor was 100% false and was pleasantly surprised it's real. September is soon, too. My body is ready!
@Sourcecode so you are one of those "too adult for this game" type. What I find funny is that most people who say things like this are immature.
I generally prefer 3D to 2D Zelda, but I was immediately way more stoked by this than by the Tears of the Kingdom reveal; I'm genuinely excited for this.
I love this era of Zelda where they have the main, big-boi games as these massive open world, huge event kinda releases, and they have the freedom to do what they'd like with the zeldas in between. It seems to me they aren't ruling out some old-school zelda and that makes most fans pleased
@link3710 my guess is it’s in between the oracle games and ALBW
@Joeynator3000 Makes sense! Since Link's Awakening is technically a sequel to A Link To The Past. I wonder if this is Link's return to Hyrule after that adventure?
It's funny to see just how mad some people get seeing Zelda as the protagonist. Seems like certain fans have a hard time excepting creativity these days
Finally, The Wand of Gamelon sequel we've all been waiting for! 😉 In all seriousness, tho - this game looks pretty awesome.
Well someone called it that Zelda was going to have her own adventure and have to rescue Link, so kudos to all that predicted that. I'm just happy that the Link's Awakening remake engine was utilized again as I passed on the remake since I was satisfied with the original years ago. Pleasant surprise and really looking forward to this game.
Since this has the art style of the Links Awakening remake, with LA being a direct sequel to ALttP, plus the map of ALttP with that Ganon fight being a direct reference to the end of that game, I wonder if they're positioning this as the story of what happened in Hyrule while Link went AWOL during the events of Links Awakening?
I also found it interesting that in the first TotK trailer Zelda falls down a hole, and then in this trailer Link falls down a hole instead lol
I'm pretty happy with this one, but I was really, really, really really hoping for TP and WW.
Nintendo hates me. Sigh.
@KingdomTears alternatively maybe where Link ends up when he falls into that hole is akin to the dark world in ALttP and they'll do something where you can switch between Zelda and Link in their respective areas?
I hope they won't bring Moldorm as a main boss. I'm fed up of that boss it's almost on every 2D zelda game. Bring only new bosses.
The new wand mechanic seems really fun. I hope it doesn't have the framerate issues from Link's Awakening. And - I would love it if Hyrule Castle an explorable town area and not taken over by evil something or other this time. After all, you're Princess Zelda, you should be able to walk in and say hi to all your subjects. Speaking of which, I kind of hope she is not a silent protagonist.
@swoose Oracle of Ages: exists
At least, I THINK that's the one with a heavy focus on puzzles.
Edit: it's Seasons.
Ok now I need a Lynel. I’m just gonna sic an army of them on the baddies. My Zelda is gonna be running around laughing like Yzma.
Say hello to my little friends!
Giving me major Tunic vibes, but maybe that's just the graphics. Although the game looks interesting and in some ways potentially quite good, I do not have high hopes as (a) Nintendo generally doesn't make challenging games anymore and (b) I can imagine this will repeat many of the Zelda elements seen so many times already.
Not gonna lie, the game looks cute in Chibi, but I still thinking twice to consider the game as I have two Chibi Zelda games (Wind Waker Wii U, Tri Force 3DS) but still neglected. 🤔
Well, because I'm not a Zelda fan.
Could anyone tell who the martial artist was? I am hoping Impa.
@SamSt565 haven't seen anyone complain about Zelda being playable, most concerns I've seen so far is the gameplay loop itself.
Using the horrible Tears inventory management and using Furniture for exploration are definitely negatives!
It's slower than you think...
You have to "pause" Everytime you want to "attack" or explore.
You HAVE to go through the Tears style menu to find the item you want.
Zelda is NOT FINALLY playable!
Zelda was previously playable in:
Wand of Gamelon
Zelda's Adventure
Hyrule Warriors
Age of Calamity
Link is in the Oracle Series when he disappears in this game...
I saw a rumor for a Zelda game but dismissed it as fake.
When this started, I was like, holy poop! Zelda: Crown of Destiny is real!
Then they showed the name...
The new echo mechanic is intriguing. The level of freedom allowed seems to be taking a cue from TotK.
Seasons is Puzzles
Ages is Action
@Spider-Kev I did see the menu, that's part of what made it look slow to play to me. The battle system is basically Animal Crossing, which doesn't have any battles.
My wife may still like it though.
We always get re-releases and remasters, what about something new for once? Where is the creativity?
Gamers: Different gameplay and new idea? I hate this. No buy for me. Why can't they charge me a full $60 for WW and TP HD re-releases instead?
Gamers = Never happy.
Assuming that Grezzo are the developers here, I really wanted to see an Ever Oasis remaster or sequel, but this looks amazing.
Also, I believe this is the first time River Zora and Sea Zora have been in the same game?
@Ohmytoogood Don't forget "urgh, I'll wait for a deep deep discount..."
Ah okay Nintendo. Both two princesses being playable in spin offs. I don't care for cardboard Peach but like the Legend of Zelda series. This is a maybe. Still hard to get past this art style, though.
Would have honestly preferred DLC to TOTK (still have not beaten) but this is alright too.
No, they forced in Tears menus into a 2d game.
Since you as Zelda can't fight, you have to use menus to summon and fight or menus to summon and explore.
They are deliberately sabotaging the game and what gamers wanted!
We wanted to play as Zelda again but now we need other to fight for us and furniture to explore?
What was so wrong with giving her real magic?
I hadn't realized you played the game already. My bad.
Isn't Zelda a trained Ninja? Is this not the same Zelda?
@Spider-Kev “They are deliberately sabotaging the game and what gamers wanted!”
Are you the spokesperson for everyone now? Handy to know…
I guess the triangles trailing behind Tri are Zelda’s capacity to create echos. Each object seems to have a required amount to create
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