If you cast your mind back to last year, you might remember Give me toilet paper!, a weird eShop game that had you shoving your Joy-Con in a toilet roll to play. Well, publisher Takahiro Miyazawa is back at it again, but this new game is all about being naked.
Mhmm, you did read that correctly. Bruce and Box is a game where you have to preserve a naked man's dignity by keeping him covered up in public with a cardboard box. And you play it by using an actual cardboard box. Naturally.
By using the right Joy-Con's IR sensor, the game makes out the silhouette of your cardboard box. When it's lifted, naked Bruce will run through the streets; when it's dropped, he will duck inside for cover, Metal Gear Solid style. Fear not, the game has a 'How to Play' video which specifies that you should keep your clothes on while playing. Let's not push the 'immersive experience' too far, eh?

You can check out the game's summary and get a look at some screenshots from its eShop page below.
"Tonight I lost a bet and everything was taken...even my clothes..."
All he has is a cardboard box he finds on the street. What is waiting for the naked man on his journey to home!?
The ultimate immersive action game played in the same style as the main character!
Okay, it might not be shooting to the top of our GOTY list anytime soon, but at only $5.20 on the US eShop, it would certainly be a new take on the evening's entertainment.
Will you be picking this one up? Dash down to the comments and let us know.
Comments 31
Well, it seems like they're having fun in the trailer ... XD
You mean i HAVE to get dressed to play this game?
Reading that headline and knowing the "type" of people that love this site, there is bound to be some of those special souls that are going to do just that. Lol. It's like telling your sibling not touch something.
See @Spider-Kev just proved me correct.
I think the 79p IOS price for games like these was so much more appropriate.
I’ll wait for the physical edition. I’m sure it will come bundled with a box.
Jk 😂
Not quite what I expected from Boxboy.
If the game required you to be naked IRL, would it get an AO rating by the ESRB?
The man in the video was naked...
Whatever some game developers are on now...I want some.
Not sure if I'll ever get this myself, but it's such a funny, in more than one sense, concept that I can't help but love it!
I read this as "hide your weird naked body", and it did not at all phase me.
Actually, please DON'T think inside the box...
Okay, rated Teen for Suggestive Theme (Nudity of course).
Looks interesting. 😛
Being naked in public and have to cover yourself with card box.
Why nobody tag me on this crazy game? 😆
One of those games that just makes you ask yourself "why", while in the back of your head you go "roflmao" and then carry on with your life.
I highly recommend everyone watch Jon's video on GVG where he reviewed the game
I live alone so I would absolutely play this naked for the immersion.
Well, that's definitely creative I'll give it that. 🤣
Simple, because not everyone have interest with AAA games / Zelda games / football games / handphone games.
Let the out of the box games begin !
@Advantage That would be pretty funny if it actually did come with a cardboard box. I mean, if Nintendo can sell cardboard, then why not this game too?
I mean, I think my top 10 list for the year right now is sitting at an average score of a 7.3/10 right now, so this could make it to the top 10 perhaps if it’s good fun. The toilet paper game was fun for an evening
I don’t wear clothes at home anyways, so I’m already prepared for this game. This will help me simulate going outside the house in my natural state! 😆
My main worry is paper cuts from the cardboard. Might have to find some way to cover the sharp edges — maybe put tape over them? Have to especially protect a … certain area of the body from damage 😣
No, Nintendolife, I’m not going to think about what’s inside this box.
There's no female character option, this game sucks.
Ha! Take THAT Labo!
I'll wait for the Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman DLC.
Well...I think we've found the most unique game of the year!
It's like a perfect Leisure Suit Larry level.
The Joy-Con IR camera is the least-used feature on the Switch. I'm happy to see there is still one developer coming up with clever ways to use it!
Was there a data breach with discarded Labo ideas?
I'm calling it now. 20 years from now, this developer will be looked at like how we look at Suda51.
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