Publisher Wired Productions and developer KeokeN Interactive have announced that the sci-fi thriller Deliver Us the Moon will be making one giant leap onto Switch later this year.
If the name rings a bell, that might be because Deliver Us the Moon was initially announced for the Nintendo hybrid back in 2020. This port was unfortunately cancelled shortly after the game's release on Xbox One and PS4 with the publisher citing the "industry-wide stresses that have been felt by the Covid-19 pandemic" as one of the key reasons.

But now, it's back!
Deliver Us the Moon will see you navigating the vastness of space as a lone astronaut on a mission to save humanity from extinction. It looks to be full of fun, totally not stressful features like depleting oxygen levels, hazardous environments and the terrifying vastness of space. All very lighthearted, then.
You can find more information on the game's features and get a look at some screenshots in the following information from the Deliver Us the Moon website:
BE AN ASTRONAUT - Launch a rocket from Earth, journey through the WSA space station and explore the open lunar landscape with weightless freedom - by foot, rover or monorail
SUIT UP WITH SPACE AGE TECH - With the ASE drone as your sole companion, utilise the greatest technology mankind has to offer from new age space-suits, cutting lasers, rockets and robot arms
CRACK THE CODE - Overcome obstacles, dangers blocking your path and uncover the secrets of the past by using various tools and all of your wits to solve intricate puzzles
Deliver Us the Moon launched on Steam back in 2019 and has since gone on to rack up a good number of 'Very Positive' reviews. What's more, our friends over at Push Square had a great time with the PS4 port in 2020, awarding it an 8/10 in their review.
We don't have a precise release date for this one on Switch just yet, but we'll be keeping an eye on the stars over the coming months for more news.
Does this look like it'll be up your street? Blast off to the comments to let us know.
Comments 16
Moon puns apollo… ehm, aplenty!
I wanted to play this so picked it up on PS4 after the Switch cancellation. Was interesting and had atmosphere (despite the actual moon lacking in that department), but I never did get around to completing the game.
Played this on Game Pass a few years ago and really enjoyed it. One of those games that I went into knowing absolutely nothing about and was pleasantly surprised. Not sure if I'll pick it up to play again on Switch though unless it gets a heavy discount.
Why did I just imagine a giant moon crushing a tiny Nintendo switch
Already got it on Steam during a sale, would be skipping this version entirely that is unless a physical version exist which would be the only reason to get it on Switch.
Nice, better late than never!
Sounds interesting... is it kinda like Subnautica on the moon?
Deliver us the game!
@HolyGeez03 no, it's not really anything like Subnautica (which I love). More of a third person walking sim with puzzles that need solving to advance. I played this on PS5. It was short, but an enjoyable experience, mainly for the atmosphere. No real need to revisit it on the Switch though.
If you haven't played it yet, I do recommend it. It may be short, but it's an intriguing puzzle adventure with a bit of a creepy, dystopian plot. I'm hoping the sequel, Deliver Us Mars, shows up on the next console. It's longer and deeper in a Portal/Portal 2 ratio. It also ended on a cliffhanger, insinuating a third one might be coming.
First thought that came to mind upon reading the game's title was the first Despicable Me movie.
First I ever heard of this game, though that's not surprising considering my Steam account has barely seen any use since its creation a few years ago.
I played through and enjoyed the Mars sequel on PC last year, but I haven't played the first game. It reminded me a lot of the more recent Tomb Raider trilogy with the climbing, platforming and puzzles, but with no combat. The story was pretty interesting too. I'll play the first one at some point, but probably not on Switch.
This seems like this might be right up my alley but I need to do a little more research.
I have this and the sequel Deliver us Mars. I loved this game, but the sequel... Not so much. I'd recommend Deliver us the Moon, but be content to stop there.
Better have physical release.....
I love everything about space. I constantly watch YouTube videos about different planets and all sorts of unusual thoughts about extraterrestrial beings. I also search a lot for astronomy topics, I use for this. I don't know where I got such an interest in this. It feels like I was an astronaut in a past life. And the movie "Interstellar"? It's just a masterpiece, I've watched it 5 times.
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