MLB The Show 24 has now launched on the Switch, but it seems as though many players are having severe issues with the game, reporting frequent crashes when attempting to access the 'Diamond Dynasty' mode.
In a Reddit post titled 'Can anyone play on Switch currently?', multiple users are reporting the same issue in which the game completely crashes, booting the player back out into the Switch's home menu screen.
Original poster GTI_88 states "Currently I can’t play DD at all, every time I go to start the first moment in the program the game completely crashes. Tried last night, tried again this morning".
NewYorkMets22 then responds to say "Yeah mine still isnt working either. Very frustrating. Tried periodically thru the day yesterday and again now. It let me create a team and go to the DD main page, but when pressing A to get thru the tutorial, once you get to where the moment is supposed to load, the game crashes and says a software error occurred".
Indeed, our own reviewer PJ O'Reilly is having similar issues; hence why our own verdict is not yet live. He states on X that the game is "currently not working properly at all":
Although it seems Sony has yet to comment on the issues, we have reached out for some clarification regardless and will update this post when some information is provided.
For now, if you're excited to dive into MLB The Show 24 on Switch, you might want to hold off until these issues have been resolved. It's certainly not the best start for the game on Switch, but hopefully a patch will sort it out soon.
Have you bought MLB The Show 24 on Switch? Have you encountered this issue? Let us know with a comment in the usual place.
Comments 42
Can't believe Sony is sabotaging Nintendo smh my head.
Wait, the PS4 / PS5 version are working fine but the Switch version is problematic ?
Too bad they won't patch the other issues.
I sure am glad that so many fans have said "it's okay we don't need new hardware actually," or else I'd be worried!
Also, the headline picture above was like saying "Pssst... Don't tell anyone if the Switch version got sabotaged except the PS4 / PS5 version." 🤭
I was actually thinking about buying this year's game. It's been years since I've bought a sports game in general. I usually buy one then I take a break from the series for years. I have the itch to buy Madden and MLB. I guess I'll at least wait until the bugs have been worked out.
I highly doubt this is planned sabotaging. This is merely a game that has been rushed out the door and onto the Switch. They clearly prioritized their own platform; but I doubt they were like, "hey lets sell a broken game on the Switch".
Surely new hardware would save us from a rushed buggy release!
If you can't play most modes was the game even tested before it was released?
@HotGoomba How is this sabotaging Nintendo? If anything, it just makes whoever made the Switch version look bad.
I have the 2023 game on Switch. No complaints, I really enjoy it.
Looks like you took a gamble and lost if you bought this game on Switch.
ba dum tss
That means Sony is doing to Nintendo what they said Microsoft would do to them with CoD? Interesting... 🤔
I'm really surprised they even bothered at this point. I would have just skipped the Switch this year and waited for (hopefully next year) the next one.
Currently MLB No Show.
@LadyCharlie oh, but we do - Crush Crush, for instance, crashes quite recurrently to this day, so Switch's ancient innards clearly can't even handle that much.🙃
I just stuck with The Show 23 which works fine, I'm happy to plod on with an out dated roster because 23 worked perfectly
@HotGoomba This was Sony's plan all the time to get back at Nintendo for embrassing them all those years ago over the Play Station deal. Lol.
I’ve been lucky I’ve had zero issues this year. I played diamond dynasty & franchise mode for over 3 hours last night. Last year’s version I had tons of issues.
Just an update from my end, all modes except Diamond Dynasty now seem to be fine. And I will say it runs well when in-game and has cross-progression so this could end up being well scored For now though, worth a heads up until whatever is happening gets sorted out.
@MeatSauce Ya, there's defo people playing it with no issues. It's an odd one. I cannot get past the start of Dynasty without it booting me at exactly the same point.
It's crazy how the game is crashing. It's literally copy and paste from MLB 23
Wow, who could have possibly seen this coming
we need a mario baseball game.
Tip your waitress. You'll be here all week.
Yep Im having the exact same issues when trying to run Storylines mode. Road to the Show has worked fine though
@dkxcalibur totally agree. If they fix the game I def recommend a purchase especially if on sale. Sims are hard to find on Switch and this is one of the best (when working) as long as 20-30 fps and lower res is ok. Portability is great though
@PJOReilly I’m definitely lucky this year as diamond dynasty was a mess for me last year. It would crash like 50% of the time and my xp gained wouldn’t register.
I’ve been experiencing some issues with it on my Xbox. Sony really might be sabotaging everyone else
I have been playing 23 on Switch (will continue to do so as want to justify even my $10 sale purchase).
Though part of reason eventually got for Switch was at least due to Xbox Series Game Pass ‘free’ version being quite glitchy. (Have tried out a little similarly with 24 GP edition, and no such issues yet.)
@LinktotheFuture It was a joke
@k8sMum Couldn't help myself, I felt the need to fill the obvious Ohtani void. 😁
@HotGoomba Gotcha! I'm not the smartest person, as you can tell. 🙂
It’s as nice jester but they should just wait on the next Nintendo hardware. Expecting more and it’s your fault if you are disappointed.
I don't think this is an issue with hardware folks, lol. I have MLB 22 on Switch and it works fine, as did '23 from what I've heard. This is probably early launch issue(which a lot of games suffer from, no matter the hardware) and will probably get patched.
I mainly play this for RTTS, and that's gone fine for me so far.
Shocked to learn there is a PlayStation (as in, first party) franchise on Switch.
@UmbreonsPapa I think Sony's agreement with MLB requires them to put it on multiple consoles now.
@Qwertyninty Why? They launched The Show 23 on the Switch and it worked just fine.
My Little Ball?
@mikejs78 I assume new year new version and more assets used. People complained about fifa being legacy versions for years.
@k8sMum Don’t know your feelings about 420 day but saw this post on Twitter and immediately thought of you. But younger, much much younger.😁
Hey, friend! Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, but I stepped onto a dusting of snow on grass, skipped and fell on my...well it rhymes with grass. Wrenched my whole leg but mainly my knee and ankle. I'm still hobbling around.
Anyway: this made me smile. I'm all for 420 day, but now they've legalized it in NYS I can't afford it. Yeah, it's close, but I'm a bit younger and a lot edgier. Hope you and yours are well.
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