The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have returned in a new Fortnite crossover event. Alongside this, Epic Games has released a slick new cinematic trailer titled "Turtles Kick Baddie Butt".
As part of the event this time, the turtles are wielding their signature weapons in battle:
"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back and kicking some baddie butt! Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael return to Fortnite. But this time they’ve brought their signature weapons with them. Don Leo’s KATANAS, Mikey’s NUNCHAKU, Donnie’s STAFF, or Raph’s SAI during this limited time event. Starting February 9, 2024. It’s Cowabunga, dudes!"
This event will kick off today on 9th February. It follows Epic's news yesterday it would be teaming up with Disney on a new game universe connected with Fortnite and filled with all sorts of IP from Marvel, Star Wars, and other Disney properties.