Disney Epic Mickey, originally released on the Wii, will be coming to Switch later this year in a brand new "faithful remake."
Announced during today's Partner Showcase, Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed brings the House of Mouse's mascot to the console with enhanced visuals. The Wii game was released almost 14 years ago, and we've been pretty desperate to revisit this one.
In Epic Mickey, you play as Mickey Mouse after he gets himself into a little bit of trouble. Sneaking into Yen Sid's workshop, he picks up a magic paintbrush and accidentally creates the Shadow Blot. In an attempt to erase it, Mickey is sucked into another world which is full of rejected Disney characters.
The game is a platformer with lovely visuals and was released in an attempt to show the world Mickey's more mischievous side. If you want to know what we thought of the Wii version, check out our review: