Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has been busy promoting the tech giant's recent acquisition of Activision Blizzard, and as part of this, he spoke to Japanese outlet Famitsu about how it will work with other platforms going forward.
In regards to Xbox's future, Phil and the team want to think of Nintendo and PlayStation members as part of Microsoft's gaming community. Here's a rough translation:
"Just as we think of ROG Ally and Steam Deck as part of the Xbox community, we need to think of the many Nintendo Switch and PlayStation users as part of the Xbox community in the future.
"Similarly, we think it's important to make sure that everyone who continues to play Xbox games, including those who play Game Pass on PC, feels equal in the community. There's a lot of work to be done."
Phil made similar comments not long ago in reference to players on other platforms being part of Microsoft's "Call of Duty nation". He's also mentioned how he wants to keep all platforms in line with each other when it comes to content delivery by not locking off DLC and by making games as accessible as possible.
What are your thoughts about being part of the Xbox community? Tell us in the comments.
[source purexbox.com]
Comments 139
Phil can keep it. Not interested in being involved in the Xbox community.
He talked too much about nonsense and doing absolutely nothing for XBOX.
Provide a lot of kids games exclusively for XBOX like Nintendo franchises and it will make XBOX better.
@VoidofLight I guess you don’t want crash, Spyro, diablo, ori, cuphead, super luck tails, Tony hawk, goldeneye, banjo?
"...by buying Nintendo! Mwahahaha!"
For real tho, Pentiment, please!
No thanks Phil, I will never be part of the Xbox community.
Don't insult me like that, Phil. I have no interest in being part of your "community".
Actions speak louder than words. Words are cheap and I find it tiresome. So far we’ve basically got Ori & Minecraft in the Switch generation which is slim pickings. Let’s wait and see.
I am not part of the Xbox community and I never will be.
The Xbox community isn't awful, guys. They're a small, friendly(compared to the other big three) community of gamers. When I had an XB1, it was a fun time with them.
The hate here….love having all three consoles and just enjoying games
Just for Killer instinct on a switch 2. But not really interested in Gamepass.
Love the positive vibe from Phil.
Man there can be so much bitterness from fanboy.
The more games the merrier.
Bro why is Phil trying to hook up with Nintendo so hard lmao.
I, too, reject the Xbox community. Such camaraderie disgusts me.
I miss the days when we just hated each other. Now it’s just “let’s get rid of exclusives” this and “Blizzard Activision doesn’t make us a monopoly” that.
@Rioichi it’s tradition!
I’d love to play Starfield on my Switch (I bought a Series S just to play it). Heck I’d even be down for remote play on the Switch if the two companies could work out a deal. I’ve always been a Nintendo first, Sony second, but I’ve enjoyed my first foray into the Xbox ecosystem.
How does playing "Dillion's Rolling Western" have anything to do with microtransactions and ads on my main menu?
The first draft of that statement which was rejected: "Nintendo is part of the Xbox community but only to avoid legal sanctions and only with respect to Call of Duty. For all other games, you can suck it Nintendo".
To be fair, Microsoft has shared some good franchises with Nintendo in the past, but clearly they will do whatever they think is in their own best interest going forward and certainly won't actually treat Nintendo part of the community in any real way except as a matter of convenience with some cross-platform games.
Oh wow I wonder what this snake will say next!
The thing to remember is that it’s fake, the “friendly” Microsoft is a marketing campaign started around when they got their current CEO in 2014, they absolutely still hate their completion and know their current trajectory with consolidation will give them control over them sooner or later which is why they push hard on appearing friendly to mask their intentions .
Embrace, extend, and extinguish.
He can think all he wants. I don't even consider myself part of the Nintendo community. It ain't a community. I buy games I like from them. I'm not part of the chicken community because I eat eggs. This comment thread is more a community than the purely transactional relationship between you and a corporation.
Xbox = desperate sugar daddy
@Purgatorium Fair but ... if you were going to forums about chickens and posting about them in the comments sections of articles about chicken politics, I suspect you would be treated by other chicken-enthusiasts as part of the chicken community. 🤔 The corporation is part of the community in gaming but so are the players. Individual players don't have much power in the joint community but honestly neither do most employees of the corporation.
Why should I want to? They've never made the games I want them to and just keep buying up and destroying IPs that I do like, and I NEVER want to be part of that community.
@sixrings Can live without those to be honest. Much nicer than Phil Spencer attempting to lay his eggs inside Nintendo so that they can try to acquire them one day.
@MsJubilee I had an Xbox One and was briefly apart of the community. For the most part they just port beg. The system was also kind of a paperweight.
Wow, so many negative comments. Phil thinking this can only mean good things for Nintendo fans. We could get some great collabs and ports, especially with future generations of hardware.
As a Nintendo only gamer, I dislike the idea of the switch having Xbox games like Minecraft and Cuphead (even tho I purchased both games for my switch). Xbox needs to have its exclusives to keep the competition healthy. If one console just has everything, the others will have very little and be very little competition. Corporations need competition to keep improving themselves. I would hate either of the big three gaming companies to dissapear.
Wow, lotta vitriol and hate here. Smh. As someone who grew up with the Nintendo and Sega rivalry and watched it evolve into further Console Wars…. . Well as seen here there’s definitely still some deeply ingrained “brand loyalty” lingering around.
Personally speaking, this is a breath of fresh air compared to all the crap we’ve been spouted over the past couple decades…. Xbox has been a lot more consumer friendly and focused than either Sony or Nintendo have been. I’ve been a Nintendo fan since 1986, had 95% of all the consoles from all the companies since then, and while Nintendo is always my favorite, I cannot argue that xbox is leagues above either Sony or Nintendo in terms of consumer focus, one only needs to look at how Xbox has maintained backwards compatibility for 3 generations to see that, or how they’ve shared certain titles with other systems, like Cuphead and Ori.
Now, if Phil would just put his money where his mouth is and give us some proper Fallout on Switch…..
I was part of this "community" for 2 weeks during the 360 era and it was probably the worst (online)time of my life.
@VoidofLight You will join us...In time. Till all are one.
Yeah I'm reusing the same joke from Push Square.

Give me “Gears of War” (1-3) on Switch, and I can finally sell my Xbox.
Well, I suppose for the next 10 years while Microsoft is bound by court to release Call of Duty on Switch and Playstation, those players are part of the XBox community, like it or not. It is what it is.
What I will say is I find it nauseous how magnanimous Phil is being here. His wording is very carrot on a stick. Sure, open platforms like Steam Deck and Rog Ally can support Gamepass. Switch and Playstation cannot unless it is purely first party Microsoft content. And that is the reason why they are aquiring studios isn't it. So Gamepass doesn't have to rely heavily on third party games and can have a wealth of "originals" ala Netflix. Of course games will be exclusive to XBox and PC / tablet / phone devices. They keep more of the subscription money.
If we see Halo on Switch, then I'll find his words genuine. Otherwise, the man is just being greasy. And I don't want to live in a society where morons claim things are free...while paying every month to use them...
Alright, then give us Hi-Fi Rush and Psychonauts 2 in the future
I have never wanted to be on any Xbox ever. I don’t like those kinds of games nor their attitude. I like Nintendo style games and have liked some Sony platform games, but Xbox has never had anything that I want.
I'll believe that when the Master Cheif Collection comes to Switch and PlayStation
@Casco im with you on this one. Love jumping between the consoles playing whatever hot exclusive is on them.
@ParadoxFawkes I'd personally settle for the Rare Replay Collection.
i get theres a pride in being a nintendo fan, but i recently got xboxgame pass and its been such an amazing value? i feel a lot of these upset comments dont actually know what theyre upset about. "omg microsoft is supporting nintendo what if their games come over" the horror. theres no way to take the console wars mindset seriously anymore
Brand loyalty is so weird.
One of my favorite quotes comes from the character Batiatus from the amazing TV series Spartacus and sums Phil spencer up to a T. "He kisses the cheek only to finger the a*s" The guy is a snake with hidden agendas.
you know, if you want us to be on equal terms, a GOOD port of hi-fi rush would be veeeeeery convincing
FFS, if Sony ported "The Last of US" to Nintendo, what would you say?
Ori was a FLAGSHIP Xbox game, from a time when they were desperate for any exclusives. Reviewed off the charts and sold like hotcakes. It was the showrunner game of E3 2014, with only Call Of Duty getting more floor space or stage time from MS that year. But when Moon Studio suggested that the game was a match for the Switch player base, MS let them port it and allowed MS studios to publish it on Switch, even though it required a huge investment in new technology given MS (obviously) didn't have an API to assist in Switch conversions and Moon had only ever developed for Xbox.
Not just that, they gave the Switch an exclusive edition and shared the development tools they designed to make the outstanding port possible with Nintendo, as well as making a lot of the individual libraries available at no cost to ID@Xbox developers.
Just think about that for a second. If you are a Microsoft partner developer, Microsoft will provide you software, at no cost, to help you make a Switch port of your game.
It was part of synergy deal, and born of the strong partnership between Nintendo and MS that came from working on Cuphead and Minecraft.
If you are an ID@XBox developer and you make a game for Xbox and Switch with online play, Microsoft will implement the cross play Netcode they developed to allow Switch users to play over Xbox live into your game FOR FREE. As in like ... you send them your game, they code cross play for you and send it back.
They have also provided that tech to Nintendo at no cost.
Phil does livestreams playing Nintendo games on Switch, using Microsoft money to provide free advertising and exposure to an audience that might otherwise not be following what Nintendo is doing. You can buy Nintendo skins on Xbox Marketplace, further expanding this exposer and giving Nintendo a way to directly profit from Xbox users.
WTF more do they have to do to? Yeah, obviously they put their own interests first. They exists for no reason other then to make profit. But it's CLEAR, to anyone who isn't choosing to write their own narrative, that Microsoft's plans for the future include a close ongoing relationship with Nintendo.
And just as an aside ... MS offered that cross play deal to Sony, essentially offering them a way to add cross play with MS and Switch titles with almost no effort. Sony refused, and instead sent a cease and desist demanding they stop offering it to developers for free.
Let that sink in. Microsoft was offering people making Nintendo games a way to easily allow cross play and cross chat with Sony games, and even offering people making Sony games a way to add cross play with Nintendo regardless of if the game was coming to MS or not. But Sony made them stop doing that.
I don't want to be part of the XBOX Community, thanks but no thanks.
............Yeah good luck with that.
@Snatcher Very simple, Nintendo has millions of users. And a lot more than XBOX. Sony also has more, but they are their main competitor.
So 'teaming up' with Nintendo makes them a lot of money. For example; look up Minecraft sales on Switch.
From the UK regulation hearing, we know that Microsoft already offered Nintendo Game Pass Ultimate (cloud) on Switch, and have already developed a Switch client for that platform.
Nintendo passed.
And why wouldn't MS offer that? The Switch has an install base of 100 million plus, and more importantly, it would provide the Microsoft gaming brand some exposer in Japan, something it desperately needs.
It's free money, and that level of expose is easily worth the 30% cut of subscription fees Nintendo would take. But Nintendo makes WAY more off licensing and cartage sales then MS or Sony, so I guess they felt it wasn't worth the risk it would result in a decline in software sales.
Also before calling people "morons", you should investigate just a tinny-tiny bit. By leveraging MS rewards and Bing rewards, you can get Game Pass 100% for free. You can earn enough points every 3 months to get a 3 month pass as a reward.
Can't help but love the guy for making a bunch of their games accessible to other platforms. Their many acquisitions scare me but i sure do like sea of thieves!
@Kidfunkadelic83 firstly - what an incredible series (RIP Andy Whitfield). Secondly - Batiatus 👌.
Thirdly though what the hell is wrong with everyone. The amount of people that ask for Rare Replay here (since 2015 you have been missing out and are still asking for it) and then quickly turn around and say they hate Xbox. Jeez. I grew up with Nintendo but there is some green grass on the other side. It can be just as good as the red grass. Even the blue grass is ok, sometimes, in moderation.
@HeadPirate I don’t think a lot of people understand how incredible id@xbox is and how they literally cover the xbox development costs a lot of the time. Removing (almost) all risk from a port (still takes time of course). Perhaps Xbox doesn’t advertise it enough but obviously it’s a dev thing not so much a consumer thing. Also microsoft rewards. Imagine missing out on those for however long it’s been running. I exchange mine for £5 giftcards once or twice a month and just get free games.
Even though I often play games on the Series S, these words make me feel uneasy.
I think the core take away from the comments is that people really don't seem to get how much Game Pass changed the landscape for Microsoft.
In the last earning call, Xbox had it's most profitable quarter of all time dispute console sales being down y2y.
The Xbox console is no longer Microsoft's core gaming product. Game Pass is. They are not making first party games to move Xbox consoles anymore, they make first party games to sell Game Pass.
Nintendo has 100+ Million units in the wild Microsoft could sell Game Pass on.
They are not "the competition" any more. They are a potential retail partner.
@HeadPirate Sadly for Microsoft, Nintendo won't let them have Gamepass on Switch.. and I doubt Sony would let them put it on PS either.
Gamepass is great for people who don't like owning their games, or people who want to try out games, but I never got much use out of it personally. I subbed for a year, and most of the games on the service were games I've already played or already owned. I guess it's a good value for people who want to play games and don't own them, if they can manage to find anything interesting on there.
That's funny 'cause as an XBox owner I'm really considering moving to PS5.
Phil is always so patronising and fake when talking about his rivals.
@VoidofLight At least they are trying, unlike Sony.
@HeadPirate They're being so "generous" because they are behind their two main competitors in the console space. And you can see their strategy to gain the upper hand: Change the playing field to one were they are ahead of the competition (subscription services) and buying studios left and right. And you want to know what happens when Microsoft fulfills its monopolistic dreams? Just take a look to what happened when they won the first browser wars, and how they single-handedly hampered the development of web technology for years.
Yet we still don't have Rare Replay. Some community...
@rushiosan I have both the PS5 and XBox Series X.
PS5 has some good exclusive games, but the releases have been far and few between and I don't know if you have been living under a rock, but it has been quite in the news lately, where people are wondering what's going on at Sony at the moment?
There are no new planned games anymore in the release schedule going forward. Sony has been silent on this for very long and all we currently hear, is that there is currently a lot of infighting going on at Sony HQ, with key figures leaving or being fired.
I prefer owning my games. No Gamepas for unless it's free.
No thanks Phil, I'm happy just being a part of the Nintendo/PlayStation community. I've been apart of the Xbox community before and it wasn't pleasant.
Also if gamepass ever does come to Playstation/Nintendo then I hope its not forced on the home UI, as I don't want that on my systems.
@K1LLEGAL yes it was an incredible series that had a beginning and an end. Not like some series that just drag on and on and on for the sake of it. Series 1 was defenately my favorite. Andy played a cracking Spartacus and i was aware of his passing before i got in to the series. Made me appreciate him even more. Batiatus has got to be one of the best characters ever. His "one liners" were priceless and i still try and add them in to conversation with friends whenever i can 😂
I am a huge Nintendo fanboy and I don't even consider myself part of any Nintendo community, and that includes the Nintendo Life community. I am a kind passerby, at most. I like dropping the occasional comment and love it when it sparks some banter, but you won't find me in the forum part or anywhere else.
So no, I don't have to be a part of the X-Box community either, thank you very much.
what the hell does that mean?
I was already part of the Xbox community, anyways. But not sure what this is supposed to mean in practice. Nobody for a second believes that there's going to be a serious degree of interoperability between the three console manufacturers.
Took long enough just to get a few online multiplayer games that were multiplatform to be able to play with each other (and PC). Heck, even mere online leaderboards last I knew still were console specific, which is a shame when it should be trivial for a developer like Hamster to make the Switch and PS4 leaderboards one and the same for the Arcade Archives line.
The roadblocks Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft put in place prevent even such trivial but useful functionality from happening, yet I'm supposed to believe this gobbledygook that implies that the gates between platforms are finally going to be opened (such as enabling cross-platform purchases where if I buy a game off the Xbox store, it unlocks the same game off the Playstation and Nintendo stores?).
I'm no fool. I have no doubt the gates are going to stay locked and that things like DLC unlocks, game purchases, controllers, and such will remain gated and that even trivial to implement functionality like online interoperability with leaderboards in classic arcade games will remain console specific.
Ugh why does he try so hard to be my friend? I’m not interested Phil go away.
@eltomo They're not about to port over nine different Xbox 360 games here on top of all the older classics that Rare emulated. Heck, they didn't even do that on the Xbox One.
Rare Replay was only made possible by Microsoft's backwards compatibility initiative. Without the technology that they created that enabled the hardware to play 360 games, it would've never been a thing. And not only was that extremely expensive for MS to do, it seems quite safe to say that the Switch doesn't have the horsepower under the hood to do it.
That leaves behind a collection of emulated Spectrum, NES, N64 games, and at least one arcade game (Battletoads Arcade). Everything else ran under Microsoft's Xbox 360 emulator other than Grabbed by the Ghoulies from the original Xbox, which apparently was ported from the source code to run natively on the Xbox One versus running via an original Xbox emulator (the lone game in the lineup that isn't running via emulation).
Of course we could still get Perfect Dark and the N64 Banjo games by emulating the N64 originals instead of the Xbox Live Arcade remakes from the 360 that are on Rare Replay, but that still leaves all the newest games absent from a potential Switch counterpart.
A better solution than a gutted Rare Replay would be to get the NES and N64 games here onto Switch Online's classic games service.
The last ounce of our respect to you got lost when you got Atomic Heart to Game Pass
Ah, isn't that "adorable".
I don't have an Xbox and don't plan to have one. I don't have GP and don't plan to subscribe. Although I do have Ori & Cuphead, there is simply no way I feel, want or desire to be part of BS Phil's community.
He's basically saying if you game, no matter the platform, you're part of Xbox. Such utter arrogance.
There are no good corporations. They are soulless and evil, and everything they do is because they think it will help them get your money. Brand loyalty is perhaps one of the most insane concepts of human exitance.
Netscape used to be on top, but MS convinced us they were less evil so MS took over, only to instantly start being evil. Google convinced us they would be less evil, so they took over, only to instantly start being evil
That's how it goes. One day someone will overtake Google by being less evil then them, only to immediately become evil again once they are on top.
So, accepting that reality, let's compare MS to it's larger competitors in gaming space.
Game Pass is an incredible value. MS makes some fantastic games. Bing and MS rewards mean I can get Game Pass for free. MS is the best development partner in gaming, hands down. MS is pushing gaming accessibility in a way no other company is, and as disabled person, I like that.
Sony is currenting making 11 live service games. Sony refused to partner with Microsoft on it's accessibly controller or their accessibility development initiative. Sony refused an offer to give every PSN+ member COD for free just so they could fight MS. Sony refuses cross play. When Sony makes an exclusive, only 17 million people can play it. When Microsoft makes an exclusive, 100s of millions of people can play it because it comes to PC day and date.
I also really, really like Nintendo, and Sony refuses to work with them, while Microsoft is partnering with them everywhere they can.
Tencent is ... well, just awful. They make bad games and buy studios just to profit of bankrupting them.
So, given that Sony and Tencent both have a higher market share then MS and are currently much worse then MS, I would like to see MS grow and over take them because currently MS is doing much more good then they are.
What happens when MS is number one and stops being good? Well ... I'll stop liking them and buying their products, obviously. I'll support whoever drastically shifts their own habits to compete with Microsoft.
It's a win-win for me! I get the best possible value by supporting MS while they are willing to do good in order to win market share, and when some other company is forced to offer me a better deal because MS is overtaking them, I'll support them and get an even better deal!
Because I have no brand loyalty. My money goes to whoever is giving me the best deal TODAY. I support whoever is doing the best for the sector TODAY.
I don't care who was evil yesterday. Remember when Sony made a digital only update to the PSP and forced people who bought physical media for that system to pay again to play the games they already owned? Remember when Nintendo put lockout chips on their consoles and would not allow any developer who EVER made a game for any other platform to develop on the NES until the courts forced them to stop? Good times!
Get rid of your brand loyalty and just focus on who is offering you the most for your money today. You'll be a LOT happier.
@sixrings lol they didn't do anything with Banjo since forever what are you talking about lol
Haha no thank you :]
It seems unlikely, but I wouldn't be so sure. They said no to whatever offer was on the table, but Microsoft isn't going to stop trying. If they come up with a deal that Nintendo thinks will benefit them overall, they'll take it. We don't see it as much because it's generally covered in Japanize language publications, but Nintendo is being every bit as publicly friendly with MS as MS is being with Nintendo. Something is going on, that's for sure.
No product is going to be the right fit for everyone, and no one should ever buy something that doesn't fit their personal tastes. Some people are always going to like buying individual games, and power to them. But that said ... I personally I don't understand how people perceive and talk about subscription services. Ongoing payment just seems to be assumed, like Game Pass (or Netflix, or Twitch Prime, or ...) is something you have or your don't have, on-going. It's not a thing you can just ... use when you need it.
But ... why? Let's say I want to buy Starfield. I can buy the game, or I can get 8 months of PC Game Pass at the same price. To me, that's the value proposition. I'm not committing to Game Pass for the rest of my life, I'm buying a single month because that's the best value option in the moment. If I'm done with the game in the month, I saved a ton of money. If I think I want to play it forever, I can buy it and be out 1$ (It's $10 cheaper if you have Game Pass, and Game Pass is $11), and then cancel Game Pass until I need something else to play.
And with every single MS Studio gaming coming to the service day one, plus how aggrieve MS is being right now with adding 3rd party, the cost breakdown is pretty insane if you like anything they offering.
Just looking at the last few months, I would have bought Starfield, Forza, Ishin, Sea of Stars, P5T, Like A Dragon Giadan, and probably Night Market. So for the same price I can get ... about 3 years of game pass.
I'll call that a win.
I'm mainly nintendo but I've an xbox . Use it for gamepass and some bigger non switch titles.
That said I'm kinda sick of this MS jargon . Clearly they want to be this huge service provider rather than a console maker.
I'd prefer you'd actually go concrete on your consoles and making games.
The Xbox hivemind wanting to consume all again I see.
@FishyS I think the xbox community that Phil is referring to is the enforced account creation in order to be able to actual use the thing that you have bought from them.
@HeadPirate I love your way of thinking, in using companies who benefit you the most, at the time it suits them too.
Now, more than ever, everybody should do this. Like you say corporations are not here for us, unless it benefits them. Do the same back to them.
@VoidofLight It’s ironic you talk about port begging when the comments afterwards are all Nintendo fans port begging. I don't like Xbox either anymore but their fans aren't port begging. It's mostly Sony fans nowadays doing that owing to PS5 having no games apart from Spiderman 2.
Nintendo + PC is the way to go.
@rushiosan You're better off switching to PC/gaming laptop. PS5 and Xbox are both redundant when their games are both on PC.
Lol please. They want GamePass on Switch and PS5.
Also I don’t want to join the awful community.
@Jeronan Neither Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft has done a good job lately. All of them sucks right now.
I mean, I'm already part of the Xbox community; I have been since 2012, with the Xbox 360. I won my Xbox One a couple years later in a contest put on by my university's dining service, and bought my Xbox Series X earlier this year.
But I do think it is a little arrogant of Phil Spencer to say that the users of rival platforms are "part of the Xbox community." That's right up there with Sony's statement from several years ago that the reason why they refused to embrace cross-platform gameplay (increasingly an industry standard) was because "PlayStation is the best place to play games."
While I absolutely love Nintendo systems and games, and they rank among my top choice when it comes to platforms, I don't consider myself a console fanboy. I own all of the Big Three consoles (Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony).
Outside of the Big Three, I play PC games (even modifying my pre-built gaming PC with more powerful components; I just recently installed a new hard drive, too), and I even play mobile games (shelling out quite a bit of money to get the iPhone 15 Pro, which is said to be optimized for gaming). I'm not picky with my platforms of choice.
Personally, I see true gamers as those who will play all the platforms, not pick just one and lambaste the others as somehow inferior because they're not their console of choice. So, in that sense, I consider myself part of the video game community, not beholden to any one platform. I play it all.
Even if Microsoft exits the console market, leaving just Nintendo and Sony as rivals, they can still be a leader in the video game industry, being a centralized publishing powerhouse for third party titles to be distributed across all platforms: Sony, Nintendo, PC, and mobile.
In that sense, then they could be considered part of a Microsoft-led community of sorts, being the platforms to run Microsoft's increasingly vast library of third-party titles. But to call them part of the Xbox community, especially right now, I think is just too arrogant of a statement to make.
@TruestoryYep Xbox Fans do indeed port begging . FFVII Remake, FFXVI, Baldurs Gate 3 and FFVII Rebirth for example.
“It's mostly Sony fans nowadays doing that owing to PS5 having no games apart from Spiderman 2.”
Really now because i see plenty of games on that machine. Don’t be a fanboy now.
I own a Playstation 5 and I don’t see myself as part of the Playstation community. I definitely don’t think I’m part of a community where I don’t own the console or play any of their published games.
An awkward, self aggrandising statement by Phil.
If it means getting more Xbox games on Nintendo consoles like they've been doing so far I'm all for it, but if it's just empty words or even worse an attempt to eventually buy out Nintendo - really hope THAT will keep on being a pipe dream - then no, thanks!
@HeadPirate "Netscape used to be on top, but MS convinced us they were less evil so MS took over"
That's not what happened. MS used their already existing monopoly in the operating system market to push their browser into everybody's laps. And I guess many people though something along the lines of "Hey, if I already have this in my computer, why bother looking for alternatives?" And what we got from that is years of technological stagnation under Microsoft's rule.
So yeah, I could ignore all of their long ***** history and go "Hey, Microsoft right now are offering a good value for money, why bother looking beyond that?" And just wait for the next fun Microsoft monopoly. No thanks.
ps. I'm aware of Nintendo's ***** practices in the NES era. The good news is that there is zero chance of Nintendo being in a similar position of dominance in a market in the coming decades.
I only have an Xbox for Madden, haven’t played a damn thing else on the system and its pretty sad.
@HeadPirate Personally, I don't tend to enjoy Xbox's exclusives, so Gamepass isn't really something I'd personally be interested in. Sure, it'll be cheaper than me buying Persona 3 Reload on my own, but I rather just own my copy of whatever I want to play, rather than being at the whim of a corporation telling me when I can or can't play it on their service. It's why I don't really like Streaming services, since it used to be that Netflix had everything, and now other services exist which make it just as expensive, if not more, than getting cable TV.
@TruestoryYep Ehh, Xbox has no games either really. The exclusives they actually have are either very horribly made, or they're a reskin of previous games that already released cough*starfield*cough. This gen on both Xbox and Sony's sides has been awful, given neither have the hard hitting exclusive titles that make buying their consoles worth it. Microsoft is trying to get rid of the need for their consoles, while Sony keeps releasing their games on outdated hardware and ruining their customer's good will over things like raising online sub prices.
Nintendo themselves also has issues, like how their online isn't worth actually paying for at all. Or how they kept ruining big multiplayer or online games with the free update model that trickles down content slowly. I haven't really found myself enjoying the Switch generation of Nintendo until recently, when the system is in it's final years of life.
PC is probably the way to go, but it's hard to recommend people, given how expensive it is to get a good pc. Even if you don't buy a pre-built rig, building your own is pretty expensive as well. I've been saving for a new PC recently, so that I can start playing games on one, and it's been rough just getting the money for the parts I need. I guess it's worth it in the end though, since you don't have to pay online subscription fees or buy accessories for the PC, unlike you have to do with Consoles (which ends up raising the overall price in the long run).
Xbox is more like that embarrassing uncle I'd rather pretend didn't exist
Sounds like Microsoft’s version of sinicization. At this point everyone knows Xbox lost the console war of this gen. A good many of Xbox’s exclusives have been blunders and the OG Xbox one was a terrible console with awful performance. Not surprising to see Phil trying to make his brand seem as open and accepting as possible given that Xbox is falling far behind the competition. Not looking for a 4th console to keep up with, I’m getting tired of PlayStations BS as it is. Eventually I’ll probably just be Nintendo and PC.
Let me show you the door phil🚪
You can not force me to be a part of you. Goodbye.
I like this guys style! You know what, from here on out I consider myself part of the Koch family in America. Yeah, yeah and I'm entitled to a cut of that skrilla baaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyy.
@boxyguy gamepass is okay had it in the beginning and recently to try out starfield...the majority of the games are old games or are cheap or were free on PlayStation and PC, paying 180 a year for maybe 3 exclusives ...ill pass on that
Bring past Fables to the switch then please 😝
I have loved videogames since I was a kid. I was lucky enough to have an Atari 8 bit computer - which meant freedom from the console wars which are as old as our hobby. Back then it was BBC vs Spectrum with the odd Commodore (Vic 20 & sometimes the C64) in the schoolyards. I ignored them all - and enjoyed some amazing experiences that pushed 8 bit gaming to the edge. When I entered my working life I could afford what I wanted although I had a tendancy to alternate platforms between generations. Overtime I've gone from Atari 8 Bit, SNES, N64, Xbox, Gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast, 360, PS4, Switch. Handhelds Gamboy, GBA,DS,3DS.
Each time its been whatever has offered me the best experience, very much driven by my person l experience & taste. In recent years I have to say the PS4 is my least played. There's the odd gem that gem which has tempted me back on - Elden Ring/Lies of P being the last but most of time is spent either handheld or docked on my switch. For me, I think the future is definitely in the hybrid future (at least for me). I've no interest in the franchises like COD, FIFA, Ubisoft etc.I'm hoping that with the power of handhelds catching up that the more interesting titles - the From Soft et als that either Switch 2 or the next gen of Steam Deck will look after those needs.I'd certainly not welcome Microsoft's involvement in Nintendo going forward - I think that their offering to the gaming world in recent years can be best described as "beige". As someone genuinely brand neutral they offering nothing.
@Dm9982 Not saying you are wrong but the thing is the only reason that MS have come across so consumer friendly is because they are in third place and if they started acting arrogant like Sony have been for quite a while now it would be disastrous for them. A lot of the features they introduced such as backwards compatibility etc was all because of the complete dumpster fire that was the Xbox One launch and them going back on a lot the things that Xbox One was originally going to have. They were pretty much laughed out the room when they unveiled the Xbox One and how it was going to operate (always online, couldn't use second hand games on it etc)
great news...more people for the 5 Xbox games on the market
@Snatcher Phil is trying to end the concept of console wars and the idea that each console should be pitted against each other. Compare this to the Xbox who got all Microsoft employees banned from visiting Nintendo's campus in Redmond. And compared to Sony, who will not even allow crossplay with other consoles, it's far, far better.
@PJ301178 Xbox One being "laughed out of the room" was primarily because of Sony's strategic response, pretending that they weren't going to end up with the same sales model. Now, Sony is even worse than Xbox in that regard. Microsoft's plan for second hand games wasn't that you couldn't use them, they would allow license transfers and sharing of titles, just eliminating something like Gamestop from the equation.
Phil has always had the approach that being a fan of gaming doesn't mean you have to hate certain games because they're on another platform.
Just give us all your games Microsoft then we'll talk about making Xbox happen on Switch.
@Iconoclysm the stuff with Sony sucks but honestly I feel like competition is good. And if he is really trying to do that he needs to show this “kindness” to Sony as well, not just Nintendo.
@Snatcher He has shown that to Sony as well.
Competition is good, but console wars are not competition, they're just unneeded negativity around an art form.
@EaglyBird Nintendo and Sony both have been buying up studios since their inception. Nintendo is obviously the best of the bunch when it comes to having built an inhouse studio.
In the west, EA and Activision have been doing this as well, they practically sucked the life out of western gaming with their practices. Xbox has virtually no chance of competing when those two companies buy anything with a name...well, they have a chance now.
You spend your money however you want dude.
Although which is it? You seem to say you don't like Game Pass because you refuse to let a big company decide when you can and can't play, but then you argue in favor cable TV over Streaming because of price when TV is a big company telling you EXACTLY what you can and can't watch.
It seems like if you actually believed what you are saying you would argue that the only way to watch video content is to individually buy every movie and TV show you like, rejecting BOTH Steaming and TV because, ya know, that's literally the exact argument you make about Game Pass.
It's also weird you keep mentioning exclusives and how Game Pass doesn't work for you because you don't like MS games, when over 80% of Game Pass content is not Microsoft published and the service includes both EA Access and UBisoft connect games day one.
You can see how that makes your argument seem disingenuous, and perhaps point to the reason you hate Game Pass being more who offers it then what's on offer.
Which is a totally valid opinion ... but you should just say that outright!
The company in dead last wants an "equal" future. News at 11...
@EaglyBird Of course it's alive and well. Having been a Blizzard fan literally since its inception though, let's just say I watched one of my two favorite gaming companies go from the very top of the world to being one of the worst out there all due to Activision's practices.
Nintendo has bought a lot more than Monolith, but these studios were absorbed into other studios over time and are mostly forgotten. Sony does something I consider worse - rather than take on the ownership of a studio, they pay for their exclusives. They only get the good side of that studio and don't have to be there when the studio is on the downturn. Sony also practiced some of the slimiest stunts in the history of the industry around the launch of the PSX (PS1), bribing studios and developers with luxury items and even houses to get them to ditch Nintendo.
Bethesda is really not the big deal to me as it seems to be for some, their biggest audience has always been on the PC more than the consoles. Id is probably the best thing in house there. ATVI obviously houses Blizzard, but it's going to take a lot more than "nurturing" Blizzard to get it back. Everyone is gone, and their new studios are the most promising.
Which is another reason I find it not to be a big deal. Truly talented developers who don't like working under MS will go form new studios. But considering MS is one of the best companies in the world to work for, and they're going to be getting special treatment on top of that, most are probably going to be happy there for the foreseeable future.
The very fact that Xbox needs these studios to make big hits, ones that become classics everyone needs to play or buy an Xbox for, is going to make this very interesting. Breaking Xbox out of MS and calling Phil a CEO is also a huge deal.
See that type of blind, fanatically brand loyalty, where you ignore how Nintendo was evil when they were in charge because they have somehow convinced you they are different now and not a threat is just something I could never agree with or support.
Nintendo was worth more then Sony in 2016 and again in 2017 dude. Check your revisionist history a bit. At several points in the last two years they have had enough cash on hand to buy EA outright if they wanted to (and that's only changed because of a weak Yen). Nintendo could EASILY gain a market dominant position again.
No offence man, but your arguments make me want to ask you to point to where Microsoft touched you on this doll. I can't even imagine spending that much energy to hate a PERSON who made the personal choice to wrong me that much, let a lot a company that I understand exists only to make money.
This is something else I could never do, ignore something that benefits me right now because I'm "mad" a company did capitalism good.
I honestly don't understand your argument in the slightest. Microsoft might be evil one day if I support them. Why do I care? I can stop supporting them as soon as they are evil. I lose nothing.
But if Microsoft gaining market share on Sony means they cancel the, I can not stress this enough, 11 live service games they currently have their core studios making (down from 12, because they had to cancel TLOU multiplayer because it was so loot-box heavy that they couldn't sell it anywhere they had customer protection laws), that's a huge win for me. I used to love Sony's studios. I'm supporting Microsoft because it benefits ME, not to benefit them.
I Like both Nintendo and Microsoft, but i am definitely a Sony Hater
@Snatcher He has a Mario body pillow in his bed.
@Arcata Honestly wouldn’t surprise me Lmao.
@HeadPirate So that's where you want to lead this conversation, then? Using adjectives such as "blind" and "fanatical" to describe the other person's opinion?
"Nintendo was worth more then Sony in 2016 and again in 2017 dude. Check your revisionist history a bit."
I didn't say a single thing about Nintendo's worth, so where's this alleged revisionism, precisely? The only thing I said about Nintendo is that there is zero chance of them being in a position of dominance in a market in the coming decades, similar to the one they had in the NES days. Or to the one Microsoft has in PC operating system market. We're not talking about being slightly ahead of the competition here, we're talking about being way ahead of them, which is the only way a company could try to get away with those ***** NES era practices.
And while we're on the subject, where do you get from that Nintendo has convinced me of anything? Again, the only thing I've said about them is that I'm aware of how they abused their huge market share in the past, but that there's no way in hell they're going to be in a position to commit such abuse again, because there's no way in hell they're regaining the huge market share and cultural dominance they had back in the day.
"No offence man, but your arguments make me want to ask you to point to where Microsoft touched you on this doll."
That "no offence" bit is particularly funny after starting your message with that "blind, fanatically brand loyalty" thing. You don't need to bring out any dolls, because I already told you how Microsoft hampered the development of the Internet by gaining dominance in the browser market with their monopolistic tactics. And that's just one instance of their practices damaging not just their clients but the whole industry.
Sure, it would be easier to ignore Microsoft's terrible track record, not think about any possible long term consequences of my actions and just do whatever seems instantly beneficial for me in the moment, like all those people who just used Internet Explorer back in the day. And then wait for the next fun Microsoft monopoly. Again, no thanks.
@PJ301178 Don Mattrick was a VERY large reason XB1 was going to have the horrible features, and turned into the dumpster fire it was at launch. He was FAR from a gamer. Completely outta touch with the gaming ecosystem, and was only a business man. He was the reason they were going to stop BC at XB1, as it was a prime feature of 360. Phil is much much different than that. He actually plays games, and more over, plays them with other players. This is why Phil is the good leader he is for Xbox.
This is something Nintendo typically has in common with Xbox, a lot of its employees, including higher ups, are gamers. Iwata, Miyamoto, and Reggie all gamers. And I firmly believe that plays a large factor in the quality and service we receive in the end.
A lot of people villainize Phil and Xbox…. But they also fail to understand that under Don’s leadership they axed like 11-12 studios. He was truly out to destroy that company. The acquisitions now, while large in some cases, are happening largely because they need to rebuild the damage he caused.
Only time will tell with Phil and Xbox, but I’m hopeful, and optimistic, that he’s genuine with his concerns towards gamers, the gaming community, and the gaming ecosystem. I truly believe he cares about preservation, and accessibility to the point where it doesn’t matter to where their games get played, as long as they’re played (aka purchased). And that benefits both Xbox and gamers. More accessibility for us, and should Xbox decide to drop out of the hardware space, they’re still covered well with software. This is no different than Nintendo in that aspect, Nintendo could drop hardware and still survive easily off of software and brand.
But I digress. I do hope I’m right, and Phil puts more Xbox Studios titles on more screens. I’d love to see the Fallout franchise, and Fable come to Switch / Switch 2, even if they are the older titles.
It's definitely time for arrogant Sony to be taken down a few pegs.
xbox is the best.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@HeadPirate I didn’t say cable tv was better. Just said that streaming is now like cable tv. I prefer buying the shows and watching them myself. I also hold no interest in Ubisoft games. The only games I really think I would play on the platform are Persona and Square Enix titles, and either way I already own most of those. Like NieR Automata and Persona 4. It’s to the point where buying games outright would be better in my situation, since there’s nothing else I would play outside of those few specific titles.
Thank you Phil, that's more than I could ever ask for.
Ahh yes, the Xbox community, famous for being welcoming, inclusive, and not at all toxic
No thanks. We're fine over here in the Nintendo community. 76% ESG free.
On behalf of all the Nintendo community I think we can safely say we do not consider Phil and co to be part of our community.
Utter 🤡
As someone who owned an Xbox One X, which I received for free along with several free download codes, no thanks. I miss Rare Replay and Tembo the Badass Elephant, but that’s it. Everything that would have kept me in that ecosystem (Tunic, Ori, Super Lucky’s Tale) wound up on Switch.
Good to hear. There’s plenty of opportunity for the two companies to work together and plenty of way for that relationship to benefit multi-format gamers.
@sixrings everything phil spencer touches turnes to cra.p
He freaking destroyed halo so much it can't even sell more then the trilogy.
Nintendo is just super convenient for regulators. they are hardly a competitor for MS's target audience but by throwing nintendo a bone here and there he can just say "see, we're not a monopoly"
In all honesty Xbox, Steam and Nintendo are the way to go. Sony has very little to offer any
Ore and price gouges everyone. The other three always have sales and the online play is much cheaper and just more bang for your buck.
So yes, I am ok with this.
If there's all this talk about equality, why can't they port the Halo: Master Chief Collection onto Switch? It's literally all I want from Microsoft.
I had no idea y’all hated Xbox so much. Xbox has been my second console since the 360 and it’s been just fine, what’s with all the negative emotions?
@Princess_Lilly just talk for yourself. Don't talk about "our respect". Such a great game, as Atomic Heart in Game Pass, is the one of the best things that Phil ever did. But I got a physical copy for PlayStation, because I want to support it's developers.
Microsoft has done more to put native titles onto the Switch, along with other IPs, than they've ever done for Steam Deck owners.
@VoidofLight. They own Spyro, Crash, and Banjo. I'd love for Xbox to port them over.
@kfflscnt yeah he's like Jim Ryan only more effective at sinking his company
What a parasite...
so Phil doesnt know what the word "community" means.
XBOX is so far behind, that if Nintendo were to exit this deal they could almost END them. They need Nintendo FAR MORE than Nintendo needs them.
If this can somehow mean we can get the SuperNES' Killer Instinct and the N64's Killer Instinct Gold on the Switch eShop or at least Switch Online that would be great. As well as other games like Battletoads. We'll see.
For now, I'm glad I still have the original cartridges and the original consoles
@MsJubilee It's okay, you're out now. They cannot hurt you any more. We promise, you will never have to drink the "special" Kool-Aid again, nor will you be made to "enjoy" Halo. You're free like a butterfly. Now go and live life to the fullest.
@Kidfunkadelic83 new spinoff announced today! House of Ashur. What!
@K1LLEGAL yeah man, i read this earlier this morning while i was having my morning coffee. I nearly spat it out 😂😂.
I dont know what to think tho as i cheered when he met hit his end. He was a slippery weasel. It soes beg the question tho if any other returning characters will be in it before they met their ends too. Looking forward to it tho.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Yea I heard they announced a sequel series earlier in the year but this isn’t what I expected. Alternate version of events. Interesting! Hope you enjoy it! I will stop derailing this thread now 🤣
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