Update [Tue 28th Nov, 2023 14:45 GMT]: EarthBound, USA is now available for digital rental from Fangamer.
For $7, you'll be able to watch the long-awaited documentary, which highlights the online community that's built around cult SNES RPG EarthBound over the years. It's an examination of the power of online communities and fandom, and the impact that Shigesato Itoi's series has had on its fans.
The documentary includes interviews with Itoi, Gail Tilden (formerly of Nintendo of America), and many of the people behind the hugely popular EarthBound fansite Starman.Net, including Mother 3 fan translator Clyde Mandelin. The film was directed by Jazzy Benson, who works at Fangamer. And it's worth noting that Fangamer was created y many of the people behind Starman.Net, including co-founder Reid Young.
Once you've bought the rental, you'll have 72 hours to watch it from the time of activation. For details on how to watch the documentary, head on over to the EarthBound, USA page on Fangamer. And for more details on the movie itself, check out the documentary's official website.
Original article [Fri 28th Jul, 2023 10:15 BST]: An EarthBound documentary ten years in the making will debut on November 27th, 2023, examining the power of online communities and how an EarthBound fansite gained remarkable traction while "butting heads with corporate goliaths".
Christened 'EarthBound USA', the documentary will be available via the Fangamer website and has been created by writer and director Jazzy Benson after starting life in 2013 as a passion project. Coming in at roughly 100 minutes, the documentary will features exclusive interviews from the following:
- Shigesato Itoi ( MOTHER Series Creator)
- Gail Tilden (Former Director of Publications Nintendo of America)
- Tomato (Starmen.Net co-founder / MOTHER 3 Fan Translation)
- Reid Young (Starmen.Net & Fangamer co-founder)
- Peer Schneider (Chief Content Officer IGN)
- Andy Myers (Former Writer Nintendo Power Magazine)
- Steve Demeter (Neo DemiForce Fan Translation Team)
- Marcus Lindblom (Localization Director of MOTHER 2 )
- and Reid’s parents (who didn’t understand any of it)
If you're after more EarthBound goodness, then be sure to also check out our extensive look into the game and its history from our lovely video producer, Zion.
Will you be checking out Earthbound USA when it launched in November? Let us know with a comment down below.
[source earthboundusa.com]
Comments 18
With this, surely Reggie will finally release Mother 3 to the west. :3
Will definitely check this one out
Can’t wait for this. Also shoutout to Zion’s video he did on it as well, was a great watch!
I'm sorry but whenever I am confronted with this part of the Mother2/Earthbound fandom I can't help but think of that joke headline "Lifelong Earthbound fan excited to actually play the game for the first time!"
LOL i hadnt heard that but i have similar feelings.
fandom is great or whatever, but my happy place is 1994/3rd grade, enjoying the FFFF out of this game, lingering in a certain house or hospital to groove on the tunes, no way of knowing (or any evidence at all) that anyone else was playing it or had ever even heard of it LOL.
i guess im just an old timer now, but my relationship with games is super personal and no game exemplifies this as strongly as Earthbound!
I'm glad so many new players have come to love the game though ✌️ even though i dont care 😂
I thought the earthbound cult was just because of undertale. I've been playing this game since it came out in 94. I love it and revisit eagleland every summer.
I don't think that this documentary is for anyone other than the people involved.
if it's got interesting interviews with Itoi or even maybe "Marcus Lindblom (Localization Director of MOTHER 2 )" then im interested in those parts 😊👍
undertale definitely started AFTER the earthbound cult was well underway, imo, but i do remember how annoyed i was when all these people that had IGNORED my praises about earthbound were suddenly telling me i just HAD to play this new game UNDERTALE which is INCREDIBLE and "just like EARTHBOUND," the game they new id liked for years/decades but that they had never even tried lol.
naturally in response ive not played undertale and i do not plan to 😆
@-wc- Yeah the fandom turned me off to ever playing undertale as well.
Yeah, I didn't play games for a good portion there and came back at the pandemic. And it's kind of culture shock, seeing thirty year old games still on the top.
I love earthbound beyond words so all I have to say is “winter 2014”.
@Cordyceps no, Undertale is because of the Earthbound cult.
I'm genuinely more excited for this than I was for the Mario movie! But if you know me, that adds up doesn't it?
I can't wait! november 27th is too far away.
@-wc- undertale is great just play it. i actually think its very different to earthbound I never understood those comparison. i think it might be more inspired of mother 3 but even though I love undertales story, the one of mother 3 is one of the best stories ever written in video games in my opinion. it's stuff that should be analyzed in schools.
also i think we should be open for everyone in the mother community, the more people we can convince to play those games the better.
i definitely wont defend my position as logical, but rather emotional.✌️
i like your take 😊 and youre right i should probably just play it! onto the miles long queue it goes 😂
@Jigglypuff439 no, only available on Fangamer
Man, the day would be when we finally get a leak of whatever was build of the EarthBound 64 game. I really wanna play that even though is unfinished.
I'd rather watch it on Dailymotion for free.
I’m watching it.
I mean… look at my username.
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