If you cast your mind back to the summer, you might remember the leak and later reveal of Skull Island: Rise of Kong, a third-person "action-adventure game" from publishers GameMill Entertainment set to release in the busiest week of the Switch's 2023 calendar (which is today, 17th October, if you're wondering). Well, with the title now available to pick up, it appears that the packed release date should have been the least of our worries.
We weren't expecting a lot from Kong's latest foray into the gaming world (2005's catchily-titled Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie on the GameCube is quite enough for us, thank you very much), but what we have seen today is unexpectedly hilarious. Several players who were unfortunate enough to pick up Skull Island have taken to Twitter to share some gameplay footage and the results are... something else.
As a quick reminder, Skull Island: Rise of Kong is now available on the Switch eShop for £34.99 / $39.99 with a larger 'Colossal Edition' bundle listed at £39.99 / $49.99. Why do we mention those prices? We'll let @RickDaSquirrel and @KongShots do the talking...
Our personal favourite moment? The point in the first clip where Kong faces off against a static image of a dinosaur. That's some top-shelf stuff right there. And there we were thinking that the likes of Gollum or perhaps even that dodgy The Last of Us clone would take the trophy for worst game of the year. Yes, it has been a big one for great games, but let's not forget about the stinkers...