Rockstar lifted the lid on a Red Dead Redemption port for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 earlier this week, and one of the major talking points since then has been the $50 USD price tag. Some fans feel it's simply too much for what appears to be a relatively simple port that's actually missing content, although Rockstar is referring to this particular release as a "new conversion".
Now, speaking to IGN, Rockstar's parent company Take-Two Interactive has defended this price point. Company CEO Strauss Zelnick mentioned how this amount is believed to be the "commercially accurate price" for a release like this. He also mentioned how the add-on Undead Nightmare added "great value" to this particular package, although he didn't confirm whether or not it was the reason behind the price point.
And as for the decision to choose a port over a remaster or remake, it's all done on a case-by-case basis, according to Zelnick. It depends on the "vision creative teams have for a title" and if there isn't one, reviving the game in its "original form" is often the best way to go about it. Other decisions factored into this choice can be linked to the platform, "how the label feels about it" and what the company thinks "the opportunity is for consumers".
Rockstar and Red Dead fans have taken aim at the newly announced version on social media and certain subreddits - labelling it a "lazy port", while some are even calling on other fans to "not buy" this upcoming release - as it seemingly does not feature any enhancements and the multiplayer has also been excluded.
What are your thoughts about this response from the Take-Two CEO? Comment below.
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[source ign.com]
Comments 147
Lazy corporate jargon.
We are not getting the whole package, when online multiplayer isn't included.
I mean, if it's a quality port and you've never played it, I can see myself dropping 50 on it.
Hahaha! Of course he will defend it. It is his work, doesn't it?
«Other decisions factored into this choice can be linked to the platform, how the label feels about and if there's a certain "opportunity" for consumers.»
Oh, yeah. If people bought Skyrim on Switch for 60/70$, why they wouldn't buy Red Dead Redemption with DLC for 50$? Yeah, we understood it clearly. Thanks.
@NintendoByNature What's about the removed multiplayer, huh?
Take note CEOs, I’d rather be described as a customer than a consumer.
@Batfan2425 Wait… what? They removed the multiplayer? Ong… I don’t mind dropping $50 for Undead, but removing the only reason I played it initially makes this an immediate no.
I mean he's not wrong considering people will buy it.
Strauss Zelnick is a dips-t. $40 at most for this would have been reasonable, given it's largely a straight port, not a remaster or remake. Another clueless CEO who didn't learn from the GTA trilogy fiasco and can't read a room. How do these people keep failing upwards in life?
@Wilforce Cause they want you to get RDR2 and play Red Dead Online (free for those with #2). Sony did the same with the Uncharted collection, unfortunately.
Such an old game with no new features and the removal on online modes isn't worth (nearly) full price. I'll wait for a sale.
When Capcom brought Devil May Cry 3 to Switch, they went the extra mile and incorporated new mechanics from DMC4/5 and didn't charge full price.
Rockstar could do better.
I don’t understand the complaining.
I just don’t.
Basically the greatest system ever is getting some of the greatest games ever seven years deep into its life cycle… when only people that frequent this site AND the journalists stir the pot demanding new stuff and that nothing is ever good enough.
I don’t need a new switch… I need more time to complete what I already got. The trilogy has been fantastic since day 1…. But I had gta 3 day one in the way back…. So I knew what to expect (It’s nostalgic when cars just appear on the horizon to some people). Just finished up Vice City not to long ago and now on San Andreas.
I have a PS5 but this Red Dead will be added to my physical switch collection day 1.
Why… because this lil ol Nintendo… it’s the best system ever… and the preservation of some of the best games ever have slowly been becoming available on it. It just keeps growing and growing….
I would have to go find a ps3 to replay this…. And sit In frount of a tv…But now I can just switch and Netflix. I don’t see the problem…
Why not think of it as I’m excited to see how this game holds up today on a switch. Idk. Whatever….
Guarantee it’s looking better then this switch online Pokémon card game I’m playing at the moment that most here would defend to the grave as beautiful lol.
In Australia at least the total package of red dead and undead nightmare on Xbox goes to about 60 AUD in total so the argument isn't as relevant as that sounds about right.
The switch version will be 69.95 which is a litte cheeky but I'll still pick it up as ports like this on switch are always interesting good or bad.
Would LOVE GTA 4 and (5 STORY MODE ONLY) but mostly 4 as its limited in ways to play it now days.
@Mjoen I'm not really interested in the game, but from what I can tell...
...It's an old game, you can get it for MUCH cheaper anywhere else...on top of the fact that they removed something from this version.
Seriously… I’m still humbled by the fact that blood is even on a Nintendo console. The fact that Night Trap and Mortal Kombat are as well, and they started the whole rating ect ect. If I can remember Red Dead’s content the game will be called out for being way not PC days after releasing anyways ha. Anywho… pack to this ugly Pokémon game because it’s fun and that’s what really matters ha.
This CEO is probably one of those who blame customers for profit loss. If RDR does not sell well, it is the consumers fault for not buying it.
Value is subjective. The game is worth it to me since I've wanted this on Switch for a while now and don't really care how it's priced elsewhere. But I understand why others think this is overpriced.
a remaster game is maybe worth 50 but not a 2010 port..it will come down in price and that is when i will pick it up..
@Mjoen I think part of the problem is the overal attitude of corporations. It's not like they even pay their employees appropriate wages, so its just perceived as greed (which, sure, make money, but don't be so blatantly obvious and I just)
Well if it's a really good port with no issues, then I guess $50 USD is okay. If it has issues on launch, then I am going to say it is not worth $50.
the people whose comments i see here and on youtube who really ant this game are mostly switch fans.. that is probably why rockstar came out with a ridiculous high price for a old game..
I'm sure this corporate mouthpiece meant to say "comically," not "commercially."
This company's arrogance has assured I will never buy the game at any price.
@Joeynator3000 Pikmin 1 & 2 (round about just as old) just came out digital for the same price…. and will be getting picked up physically for me when it release next month. This site gave it an 8/10 but is a “bare bones port”
Rockstar or take two or whoever is doing the exact same thing as Nintendo but they get crucified but Nintendo gets thanked for having all the games available.
Idk all I know is I’m excited for this game… more excited for GTA 6. But this will do for now.
@Mjoen It's about different expectations for different consoles, the vast majority of the backlash is from PS owners.
Given the power of the PS5, PS owners expected a full remaster/remake that's at least as visually impressive as RDR2 but also with 60fps so a basic PS4 port (there's not even a PS5 version) caused the massive outrage.
Meanwhile this port is the kind of thing you'd expect to be brought to Switch given the Switch is less powerful so as a result people are more positive about the Switch version.
Switch 2 and GTA 6 set to release on the same day with Nintendo securing one year exclusive GTA 6 contract.
"Commercially accurate." Aren't videogames magical, folks?
@Mjoen oh right I forgot two games for $40 is the same as one game for $50.
@Mjoen metroid prime is a much older game and got a remaster at 40 bucks hmm..
@Dollarydude 60 AUD is 39 USD. And 70 AUD is 46 USD.
@Batfan2425 well we are getting the whole package. Just without lube.
@Grumblevolcano completely understand that.
I mean ya can’t play it unless ya got a 360 or ps3 (or pc and blah blah) but…. I really think these rockstar ports have always been more about getting these games on the Nintendo. Then yeah slap it on a ps4/5, Xbox whatever and make it playable and get more money.
BUT thinking about the company… they probably make more money in shark cards for gta5 even today than any or these ports will make them.
I’m thankful it’s on a switch…. And that’s the only way I’d ever buy it. Even if it was “remastered” I’d still be switch only for me. I guess if others are butthurt for the other systems so be it…. But it will prob be like 25-30$ after a year or free to game passes AND then because it got ported people will have access when it’s of a good price.
It’s all about handheld horse ridin ha
I can see $50 being an OK price if they intend to drop prices like they do on PS4 where few months later it's $39.99, and then shortly after that, $19.99.
@Batfan2425 they could add it since it may take longer to actually get the servers working but IDk.
So "New Conversion" = Lazy Port
Really, really hate AAA marketing ploys
@johnedwin pikmin 1&2 in the eshop is 49.99 so 25 each… red dead got zombies… I never had that with my OG copy of it on ps3. So it’s kinda like two as your math leans to ya being alittle…. Bias… as the red dead preorder is up for 49.99 (with zombies ha). Yeah I picked up Metroid physical… your point?
Maybe it would cost a few million to do remake and a few new features… INSTEAD that few million will go straight into the CEO bank account. That is why it’s a lazy port.
@Mjoen where did you hear that? Or are you just wishful thinking? Would be nice if it was true!
@LikelySatan I looked it up and even on the Nintendo website it does not have multiplayer
@Batfan2425 If you are talking about my GTA 6 comment…. it’s completely fake news made up by me in that moment. But it’s about as real and as accurate of “news” that I read now days.
Can somebody ask Bethesda for fallout 3 and new vegas? I’ll pay the commercially accurate price. I’m always happy to see games no longer snub Nintendo gamers. Even the ones I have no interest in. More games for everyone.
I can kind of understand the price right out of the gate. That being said, I have a feeling it’ll get steep discounts pretty frequently. So unless you’re dying to play this right away, I’d wait for the inevitable sale.
@EVIL-C That makes zero sense unless they’re recreating Undead in RDR2 and porting RDR2 to the Switch. I’d chalk it up to server costs. If anything it’s potential buyers like me that they took into account when setting the MSRP because I’m already a lost market segment.
This sounds horribly out of touch.
@Batfan2425 Also, this is not that advanced of a game, add splitscreen and I'll buy it day one.
This statement only confirms it.
No love, only $. Don’t buy.
I disagree with the backlash.
Red Dead Redemption is worth $50 alone for 100 hours and more of gameplay, with the expansion it's worth more. People who complain about this are very strange to me. I haven't heard any good argument about why this isn't a good price point.
That being said, personally I'll be waiting for a sale to pick this up since I have it for PS3, Xbox Series and Steam Deck already.
Nintendo charges $60 for Wii conversion on Switch, this is One of the Best Games Of All Time on PS3 and they are charging less and it includes the expansion.
@Megame it's a business.
@Mjoen You said it perfectly…
I see a mix of opinions here and for someone who has never played the game — I’m one of them — I think $50 is “fair.” I’ll personally be waiting for a sale if I buy it at all though and that’s mainly because I don’t really know if I’ll like the game. Plus I refuse to buy this day one after the recent GTA crap.
Now if I were a PlayStation-only person I’d be livid.
I really don’t care much for how this CEO is handling the situation and how he’s coming off as smug.
@Batfan2425 ...that would've been the lube
A greedy business or if you want lazy business.
@NintendoByNature considering I got the Xbox version for 10 like 6 years ago, there’s no way in hell I think this is worth 50 even if you haven’t played it. I would love to have a portable version, but 50 can get you much better current gen games than a 13 year old game without any modern day enhancements. Hard pass
@Casco Yeah I've heard that argument and I don't consider it to be valid. Just means we disagree.
@Megame Just like most businesses, like Apple or Microsoft.
Jesus christ, gamers are indeed a hard crowd to please aren't they? For people so against the price you can always buy the ps3/360 versions of the game and be done. If you don't have any of those machines better take into consideration that you are paying for the full game, the zombie DLC and the Switch portability (wheter you use it or not) you can also wait for a sale 🙂
Buy it if you want. Don't buy it if you don't want to.
This is Rockstar laziness and greed, which sadly, could be their company motto for the past several years.
That was corporate speak. Meaningless PR. Most companies have the good sense not to charge that much for such an old title that is a straight port
I remember when N64 games were £50 in the UK which would have been about $75 in the late 90s. Add in inflation and that’s probably closer to $200 in todays money. If you don’t want it don’t buy it but $50 for a game is fine. Also this is a great game!
@Deviant-Dork by all means go ahead and spend your 50 bucks, not like I have any right to tell you what to do with your cash. I’ll keep playing my 2017 10 dollar version that will most likely perform better than yours in my series X. Too bad that your decision will encourage companies to continue rot try to rip of us though.
@johnedwin Metroid Prime Remastered is an exclusive first of all, meaning you're unable to obtain it on anything but Nintendo systems unless you pirate emulated games on your PC. It was a full remake with updated visuals including textures, models, SFX, UI and VFX and optimized to a new control scheme. The 'remaster' was also done in a completely revised engine which means all of the coding and framework also had to be completely remade. To compare it to a remaster of a game which will probably amount to a few texture touch-ups in a couple of places is ridiculous. This is not to mention that the two games don't have the same price tag, in your own comment you noted how Metroid Prime was actually $10 less. Given Rockstar's given track record with remasters, I'm not expecting a whole lot (aside from Mafia, the remake was actually solid).
I don't generally reply to you because I don't have a whole lot to say to your poorly thought out negative commentary on both the people of this website and Nintendo products as a whole 99% of the time, but honestly you need a little bit of schooling on how to even compare two items.
Have you ever played spot the difference? Pretty cool game, supplied in most educational books for toddlers.
Not interested in the game but I’ll weigh in. I think those who have the game purchases already will think it’s a bad deal. Those who have never played or purchased the game would see it as a fine price and worth paying if you’ve played the 2nd one somewhere and want to see more.
This is the Nintendo ecosystem, Deluxe versions of WiiU games include valuable extra’s to validate the full price. This is the standard. What Rockstar/TakeTwo does, is below par for a conversion of a 13 year old game. As said they could have done this 6 years ago at full price. They are seemingly unable to relate to the market.
Nintendo (Deluxe) ports are actually improvements to the old games and / or they are priced lower.
This is just a lazy cashgrab what Take Two does here. "commercially accurate price" only translates to one thing: "we love money".
If you want to buy it or not, that's your choice. Boycotting a game is pointless anyway. You can also wait a few months for a discount if it doesn't sell.
@Mjoen Pikmin 1 is € 29,99, Pikmin 2 is € 29,99, there is a combo deal for € 49,99. They (Nintendo) released these so you can play the entire Pikmin series on Switch since 3 (Deluxe) and the new 4 are also on Switch.
@Casco can't really blame ya. I have a series S, so I have options either way.
@Vyacheslav333 multi-player wouldn't sway me one way or another. I'd be in it for the single player story.
Here's a hot take. Red Dead ain't never been worth $50
I must be their main demographic, I have a Switch as my sole console and have never played RDR, I also play solely in solo so don't care if that they've removed multiplayer. The price seems perfect for this amazing port.
Those calling it a lazy port, too expensive, having no additional features etc, all seem to have played it already or have other systems they can get it on!
You can never please everyone all of the time, but heck, I'm as chuffed as chuffed can be!
50 for a port is not ok! I will pay 30,-. It’s an old game and we should consider how much old games sell for. The ps3 game would cost like 10,- dollars today. They put zero effort remastering it, so 50,- can’t be defended at all. Greedy lazy Rockstar!
People are weird. When the GTA trilogy came out, butchered, everyone was like "they should've ported the original versions, as is, and I'd pay full price."
Now when they do that for RDR, people are saying "they should've updated it a bit, a remaster or remake, and lower the price for an old game."
I'm buying it. I never got to play RDR1. It's pricey, yeah, but at least it's available.
@NintendoByNature Yeah that's how I see it as well, will probably buy it but may wait for the physical release.
@NintendoByNature That's good. I love fighting games for their single player modes and story modes. I, personally, don't care about multiplayer in video games. Especially on consoles, where to play online, you now need to be a some service subscriber. That sucks about gaming on consoles. No free multiplayer. Free multiplayer is only for F2P titles, though...
I think I'd have more respect for these people if they were just honest.
"I like money!" is all he needs to say.
That's a hard pass from me.
Value and price will always be the point of contention between buyers and sellers (it's hilarious to read accusations of "corporate greed" under the banner of what is ultimately nothing but our own perennial consumer one, out to get as much entertainment as possible for as little money as possible), but the oft-propagated notion of almost dairy-like value deterioration over time is a particular facepalm catalyst on the consumer side. If open-worlders like RDR and Skyrim can "lose value" without additional wowsers over a mere decade, is it not more honest to admit they never had any substantial value for you in the first place? Inflation already does a number on diachronic pricetag comparisons anyway. And normal people just wait for almost inevitable sales if the price isn't right for them in some context, without having to vocally blame corporations of something that, again, we customers can relate to best of all.
As for Rockstar themselves... L.A. Noire's "Nintendo Switch Edition" had a fair handful of features added to it that you would have never dreamed of back in Gen 7. Did it help make the game a particular smash hit on the console? Even I got it half-priced because my eShop money had kept going to items of higher priority to me before that and then, during a sale, the stars finally aligned. Sorry I neglected to blame it on corporate greed back then - I was busy playing the purchased games instead.
@Vyacheslav333 outside dedicated works like Splatoon or Rocket League (the latter F2P these days but retail back when it came out), online multiplayer can frankly feel in the way of Switch's flexible nature to some. From the suspensive benefits of sleep mode to the iconic trailer moments of switching among the three modes as seen in trailers, good luck doing that in the middle of an online match!😏 There's a reason I long shelved even generally enjoyed items like Paladins and barely ever touch the respective components of SSBU or Warframe. When it comes to ports and values, Xenoblade X is probably THE port I want on Switch from Nintendo themselves, but you sure wouldn't catch me mourning if the new version ditched the online component entirely and reworked everything in the game to be obtainable solo.😄
I'm mixed. I love the game enough and would enough want it handheld that I am genuinely thinking about going for it, but I also completely recognize it's an absurd price. Like, this game's on sale for like $10 on Xbox constantly (and I already own it and Undead Nightmare on there) and physical copies of it are dirt cheap. Combine with not really doing any work on it and this does just feel like an absurd overreach.
I dunno. If you love the game enough to bite the bullet on it (which I might, as said undecided; kind of leaning though toward getting it on sale) or if you have no other means to play it then go for it, but it is some serious overcharging.
As for the multiplayer I'm shocked anyone actually cares about that to begin with. It's just such an inconsequential nothing part of the overall experience. From the rumors I at no point even considered the idea they might include it so I'm not really sure why people are shocked they didn't.
It's commecially accurate if people are willing to pay.
If they aren't, it isn't.
To be fair if this were a proper remaster/remake we probably wouldn’t be getting it on Switch at all so I don’t mind it being a direct port to be honest. The price is high for what it is though but are we really going to pretend it’s not going to drop to a reasonable price within a couple of months
@nhSnork Ah... Okay...
I've defended this price already once on this site, but good grief companies don't help themselves when they release patronising statements like this that are defiantly tone deaf to the mood in the fandom. I appreciate the executives need their post-holiday bonuses but come on, Take Two, would it have killed you to just do the decent thing for once and drop the price by ten or twenty bucks? When you're already on thin ice with the state of your ports you probably don't have the luxury of sitting there telling customers what they should be paying you.
I hope this low effort crap flops big time but it won't, Rockstar could put a turd in a plastic case and still sell millions.
Time will tell I suppose. If it comes out in a total mess like GTA trilogy did, then what the CEO says above is total rubbish.
I’ve never played red dead games so I will get it, if the ports decent. I’d go physical but for sure it will have a massive download requirement - at least I can trade it in then once done with it
@eltomo Well that worked for Mr. Krabs.
Just to add to the above, if you go physical and later trade it in that could soften the blow. Just checked CEX site here in the uk and the GTA trilogy still trades in for £23 cash or £28 voucher, so once you’re done with it you could potentially get a fair bit of money back
Your assumption doesn’t hold, I never played it either but still consider this a greedy deal.
Always makes me laugh gamers crying about prices. Video games are an inessential entertainment product.
The vendor wants to make money. They price the products in a way they think will be profitable. If enough people buy it that they meet their profit targets, they’ve got it right.
Consumers make a decision on value that is entirely unique to the individual consumer. They either buy it or don’t, they have no other power. A consumers subjective decision on what to do with their own money is nobody else’s business. Lecturing others on how they’re damaging the industry or similar histrionic nonsense is laughable.
@Megame it's hardly greed, they are a company and want to make a profit, just like every company in the world! Granted it's an old game but it's on a new system and significant work has been done to get it working on a system that in theory it has no right working on.
People expecting things for free or cheap are deluded, just wait for the sale if you think it's too expensive!
I really don't know what all the fuss about the price is all about, I have read peoples comments are don't think you understand 'worth'. Because I will never own another system and will never have the opportunity to play what I have heard is a great game. That excites me enough to be happy with the price, maybe too many people treat older games as something they can steel for free via emulation, giving them false expectations.
Wait it's missing content? It's not even the full release?
.... okay I'll hold off for a sale then. If you rerelease such an old game and ask such a price for it, at least make sure it's complete.
How many idiots think because a game is old it should be cheap. (I suppose it's the same idiots that want to buy it yet again and hence they moan about it's price hahaha.) Moronic. I swear some folk genuinely believe that a game hits like 20 years old it should become public domain and played for free. What planet are they from where they have such a rudimentary grasp on the concept of value lol.
@Mjoen Pikmin 1 and 2 are 9 and 6 years older than Red Dead Redemption and are sold for much less.
While I agree that the MSRP could've been slightly lower in general and especially considering the lack of multiplayer, I find the complaining excessive as I'm more than anything happy that this game is coming to Switch at all since I've never played it (I'm not alone in that judging by some of the comments here) and if the starting price is too much for you - as it is for me unless I can find a physical copy here in Italy without importing considering digital games eventually have big discounts - simply don't buy it immediately or at all!
Not to mention that even just porting is quite expensive so it makes sense for the MSRP of games like this one to not be ridiculously cheap from the start as some suggest it should because other versions on other consoles are when on sale.
Wait till Black Friday, it’ll probe be £20 then
@GrailUK a lot of times (not always) I'm confused on why double or triple dipping on a game is a thing/not considered a waste of money itself. I musta been raised differently, but unless a copy of a game I have is either ruined or on a console that's obsolete in my house, then I have no need to get it again unless its remastered to a great degree. Even then I may not care, I mean I unironically play gameboy 'demakes' of old SNES games for fun. Obviously this concerns costs but mostly for how I approach my consumption of gaming.
Idk, it just seems like some ppl could look in the mirror about how they overall participate in this orgy of consumption we call society. Me though? I'm just grumpy about some comments, so maybe a bucket of ice water on the head and a tall glass of STFU would do me right
@Rooty I’m guessing even releasing at £35 wouldn’t have seemed as bad.
Got it on series x, looks great, bought it second hand for 20 bucks.
Daylight robbery on switch, although ill wait till next year when it's on sale, just for the portability
For all those sticking up for them doing this, can we just remember that
Metroid Prime REMASTERED released for £34.99.
Pikmin 1 AND 2 released for £39.99.
Mario 3d Allstars released for £39.99
Bioshock Trilogy (and all dlc) released for £39.99
Borderlands Legendary Collection (3 Games, all Dlc and multiplayer) released for £39.99
So tell me again why a 13 year old game that is a port without the online multiplayer is worth £50. Esp when you compare it with the port of the Borderlands trilogy.
I don’t see why this is a big deal. Companies can price their games at whatever at launch. Unless they are Nintendo which doesn’t really do sales anymore, prices drop fast. Let’s just see what happens. Run an article on historical PS4 prices from launch to 12 months post-release.
I’ll be curious what DigitalFoundry says first before I consider buying it.
It's definitely "commercially accurate" because I was not surprised by the price at all. It's exactly the price I would expect it to have. Having said that I don't plan on buying it.
Simple Bull?£&@, if RE4 full remake cost 60,- how can a two generation old game cost 50,- when a second hand ps3 version costs maybe 10,- USD? And this is not a remake, only a port! This game was s worth 20,-USD max 30,- and that would be quite overpriced already!
wtf is "commercially accurate?" god i hate corporate types. now I'm definitely not gonna buy this purely out of spite lol
@koffing Yes, companies can price their games at whatever price they want..... and those prices are subject to strong opinions sometimes. you've said basically nothing
It’s worth it if enough people are willing to pay it. If they aren’t, it isn’t. The rest is noise.
“ it just seems like some ppl could look in the mirror about how they overall participate in this orgy of consumption we call society”
People can spend their money however they want.
It would be so funny if they removed the $30 Xbox 360 version from Microsoft's storefront. I could see them doing something so scummy and petty.
@CammyUnofficial There are a lot of folk wanting to get tied in to paying monthly to play...with having nothing to show for it if ever they stop. Once i quit World of Warcraft, I had a massive empty gap thinking about the money I had spent on it...and had nothing really to show for it. Not even an asset I could sell on. Nah, not doing that again.
So the pricing of games like Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry and other "old" titles are commercially inaccurate? They're wrong?
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (with all the great work that's been devoted to the 3 games) is sooooo wrong at 39.99 dollars...
@electrolite77 let me elaborate. ive seen it where someone wanted to purchase a $40 digital edition of a game because they were sick of getting up to change the cart out. They can spend their $ how they want, I dont have a problem with that.
But if that same person wants to hop on a pedestal about corporate greed and are up in arms about $50 for a game, then that's when I think the mirror comes into play and i draw a line in my patience. That's why I said "sometimes" and "some people", because i dont have a hard philosophy on it
"Commercially Accurate" for their own pockets that's what, what a embarrassment 🤣
Aha... The CEO has spoken!! So everyone has to buy it now😂😂😂😂
Get of that high chair, now i will def skip this one.
I don´t buy LOW BUDGET:
(old) Red Dead Redemption - $50
@Mjoen amen bro! Exactly my thoughts. People just like to complain for the sake of complaining.
Dumb people think that "old being rereleased" means it should be free. I don't care, I'll buy this game.
As $70 is the new $60, $50 is the new $40. “Commercially accurate” indeed.
It's honestly just the principle of it. It's just ridiculous to ask $50 for a game that old that isn't remastered, no matter how celebrated the game is.
@Mjoen ain't that the truth! But still would be really nice if that where the case.
What he meant was that his yacht doesn’t have a helicopter pad. He’s really like it I’d he could get one without dipping into his savings. So he had an idea. Slap the old game in new boxes. Genius!
@Casco So you didn't read my message where I said I own it on Xbox and PlayStation and Steam Deck already and will be waiting for it to go cheaper. Oops you weren't listening
@Megame Switch versions of Wii U games don't come with extras. I don't think the age of the game has any bearing on how much it should cost. Just completely disagree with your arguments. But it's ok.
@huyi being commercially accurate for their pockets is a good thing for their business. That's the point of them existing in the first place.
This is a pass for me. If I was going to buy it, this is the sort of game I would go out of my way to purchase used so the company makes zero profit additional from it. It smells just like that time when EA released Mass Effect 3 on Wii U for $60 and dropped Mass Effect Trilogy everywhere else for $60.
The game was fun on 360, but this is a simple cash grab attempt by Rockstar. Given previous releases on the system, my expectations are not very high to start with.
I didn't really enjoy this game the first time around. I definitely won't be playing it again at that price point.
Yeaaaaaaah, no that's subjective
I've never played it - the removal of online doesn't bother me. That almost makes it a perk if it can be played without an internet connection. At any rate, $50 would need a good quality port as close to the original as could be done.
@Kynwal The original game on PS3 did not require internet to play it though. Not every game that has online features requires you to connect to the internet if the single player mode does not need internet to play it.
@NintendoByNature Name checks out
@GrailUK Isn't that the essence of play though? It's an activity you partake in that amuses you yet ultimately nets you no practical gain at the end of the day :/
If it's complete on cartridge, this'll be a day one buy.
Otherwise, I'll wait for a substantial discount or skip it entirely.
@IceEarthGuard Ah. I assumed it did for Mplayer. I may be confusing with the RDO which I also have never played.
@Johnion say what now
I mean many remasters have no multiplayer. Uncharted 2 & 3 on PS4, Bioshock 2 in Bioshock collection, among others that dropped them and are mostly singleplayer valued games.
Others with co-op kept them like Borderlands I assume on Switch? Did on other platforms. Did Borderlands 2 on Vita (not split screen there of course but online still, think local).
So that removed sure. The Undead Nightmare DLC included would make sense as a bonus then less content. Not re-selling it again.
$50 or however much it is on Xbox 360 BC, or 360/PS3 themselves for cheap by now I assume? Then current PS4/Switch onwards platforms.
@Wilforce exactly I was so hyped for some online shoot outs like in the 360 days. Then found out it has no online multiplayer and swiftly lost interest.
The games older than resident evil 6 so if it just a port it's a ridiculous price even with the switch tax .
Remastered , remakes and ports aren't the same.
We will find out whether it's commercially accurate or not when it comes out. He might very well be right.
That's a bad joke...I paid less than 20 bucks in a 4k 60fps version of Red Dead Redemption, included the Undead Nightmare on Xbox Series X...there is no way it worths 50 bucks a 720p probably 30 fps version...Rockstar and Nintendo are completely insane.
@SuntannedDuck2 it's less than 20 bucks on xbox a 4k and 60 fps complete version of Red dead 1
I’m gonna say what I said over at Push Square.
This price is commercially criminal.
Price is lower then TOTK but the quality leaves some to wonder why not make it better graphics and then release the game on Switch. I can see Witcher 3 how they update the graphics but RDR to not at least do this while toning down the graphics isn't a good use of the $50 price tag. If they ported but didn't do some work to at least improve the graphics that isn't good either.
Imagine defending Rockstar for this as a customer when they removed it from the PS3 store, removed it from the PS4/5 streaming service for PS3 games, & stopped discounting the backwards compatible 360 version to push this incomplete port.
YT reason why one shouldn't buy for $50.
Dont port beg then whine if it's less then the standard price people. They don't hafta bring it to nintendo users.
We arent entitled to good deals and prices. Every company can do as they please. We dont have to buy their products, tho. I certainly wont buy red dead.
@Wilforce Yep! And it's ridiculous to take out such a big part of that game!
@Deviant-Dork well when the same game can be bought for 10 bucks and doesn't have the multiplayer cut out. I feel it's safe to assume this to be a blatant ripoff.
It isn't a ripoff if you don't think it is.
@Batfan2425 ADDING multiplayer would cost them lots of money. FYI
@Deviant-Dork 50 dollars for a game that is missing a big feature isnt with it FYI
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