Ridiculous Zelda challenges are our favourite, and they don't come more fun, amusing, and dedicated than what gv_mimi is attempting. The Twitch streamer is aiming to beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by using a custom-made ocarina controller. (Thanks, Polygon!)
gv_mimi's most recent accomplishment in BOTW is taking down Thunderblight Ganon using the custom controller. But it's not a controller that you push buttons on, it's actually an ocarina that has been modded to convert the notes gv_mimi plays into inputs. So yep, gv_mimi has to toot her way through the whole of Hyrule using the power of sound.
As well as streaming the playthrough on her Twitch channel, gv_mimi is also sharing updates on Twitter and Reddit. She's so far shared the trials and tribulations of completing shrines, using the paraglider, and even beating Thunderblight Ganon. These things are nothing to sneeze at on their own, but with an ocarina? Hats off to you, gv_mimi.
gv_mimi still has a ways to go if she wants to beat Ganon for good at the end of the game. She's been tackling a Lynel in her recent streams — and we all know how fun those are to conquer. But we're excited to see her continue her adventure in Hyrule.
The real question, though — will we see the ocarina controller return for Tears of the Kingdom?
Let us know what you think of this challenge in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com, polygon.com]
Comments 4
Thunderblight Ganon as I recall becomes a lot easier when you remember that metal equipment conducts electricity.
In other words, you need to parry it using wooden shields.
I mean, I have seen people head shot opponents in an online Call of Duty match with nothing but a clarinet, so this seems pretty legit. This will take some skill for sure though.
"Darn wrong note!"
Much respect, but probably sounds awful!
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