Update [Mon 13th Feb, 2023 10:30 GMT]: If Splatoon 3 is to be believed, then white chocolate is the best chocolate.
That's right, Team White Chocolate won the latest Splatfest — and it was a clean sweep, too. White Chocolate were ahead at the Half-Time Report, and they won in all categories, meaning that Dark and Milk Chocolate didn't get any points.
Congrats to Big Man's team, then!
Update [Fri 10th Feb, 2023 14:00 GMT]: Here we go! Splatoon 3's chocolate-themed Splatfest is almost here.
It's a pretty simple question this time around, but one that has the NL staff fiercely divided — "What's your favourite chocolate?" As always, let us know what yours is by voting in the poll below, plus you can get more details on Splatfests from our guide.
Splatfest times depending on your region, here's a handy little list for you:
- Europe: 11th February (12am GMT/1am CEST) to 13th February (12am GMT/ 1am CEST)
- North America/Australia/New Zealand: 10th February (4pm PST) / 11th February (11am AEST / 2pm NZST) to 12th February (4pm PST) / 13th February (11am AEST / 2pm NZST)
- Japan - 11th February (9am JST) to 13th February (9am JST)
Read on for more info on the upcoming Splatfest as well as our poll.
Original article [Thu 26th Jan, 2023 11:00 GMT]: Well folks, Splatoon 3's next Splatfest is set and it looks like this is going to be another tasty one. After asking us to choose between taste sensations last time around, the next competition is about to get a whole lot more personal as we are going to have to pick sides on a much bigger debate: "What's your favourite chocolate?"
Shared via @NintendoEurope, this theme will be giving us the options of Team Dark Chocolate, Team Milk Chocolate and Team White Chocolate, with the three factions battling it out for sweet supremacy in Turf War Battles from the 11th-13th February.
With the last taste-themed battle finishing up at the start of this month, it feels like a pretty quick turnaround for the Splatoon festivities. Might we be looking at a more consistent monthly structure to our Splatfests? We certainly hope so!
While voting times have not been officially shared by Nintendo just yet, the @SplatoonJP account seems to suggest that the polls will open on 3rd February (around a week before start date). The tweet also states that we will be able to get Splatfest Conch Shells for each catalogue level that we achieve post-voting, which is bound to be a nice little addition when it comes to the final results.
This means that we have a little over a week to get thinking about what team we will be voting for this time around — and let's admit it, it's a big one! The team over here at Nintendo Life Towers are divided evenly between the three options at the moment, so why not have your say? You can fill out the following poll to let us know which team you are voting for, and be sure to keep an eye on our Splatoon 3 Splatfests guide for all updates as we hear them!
Got your vote in? Let us know who you think will win this time around in the comments!
Comments 99
Milk all the way.
Dark chocolate is the work of the devil.
Definitely Milk Chocolate for me. White Chocolate just making up the numbers to have three teams like Sour last time.
All because the Inklings love Cadbury's Milk Woomy
None of these are a bad choice for me, but milk chocolate is the best.
I don't know why, but the chocolate in that artwork does not look particular appetizing.
Depending on how dark the chocolate, I would probably lean towards it, but it depends if we are talking something like a Bournville bar, or one of those speciality 80% bars. The latter can burn in a fire; it would probably make it taste better.
Milk. I can eat dark and white but milk is classic. Time to bag another win for Frye!
I know this is for Valentine's Day but this is one lame theme. Breakfast vs. Lunch vs. Dinner will be way better. At least this confirms my theory that there should be two Splatfests and one Big Run every season. There wasn't Big Run yet but Drizzle Season had two Splatfests, not counting the World Premiere.
I mean, I do like white chocolate. But if I had to choose, I'd go for milk chocolate. It's sweet and creamy. Dark chocolate is just too bitter for me.
Easiest splatfest choice yet, the only correct one... White!
Team Diet, unfortunately
This is going to be a very uneven splatfest, don't see a lot of people choosing white chocolate
Again my answer will be the losing one -_- Dark for me, keepin' it pure!
I was going to choose Team White Chocolate in-game, but seeing how many people are on my side in this poll, I may have to reconsider if I want to get more Super Sea Snails...
Guess I'm on Shiver's team again. Maybe this time we'll have a chance against Frye's sugary army.
White chocolate is misunderstood so it'll be a distant third in popularity, but it is the most versatile of the three. It's light flavor goes well with almost any fruit and allows every other ingredient it's mixed with to shine, making everything better. It can take crude materials and refine them into something cohesive and sophisticated. Don't underestimate it.
I dont find the choices to be all that creative this time around.... but as I was typing this just now, I realized that its a Valentines theme without being about Valentines. So I suppose that makes a little more sense.
(Team dark all the way, though)
There is only one chocolate and that is dark.
Wait. So are the maps going to look like they’re covered in fecal matter?
I like all three!
But, if I had to choose one to eat for the rest of my life, it would be Milk Chocolate for sure.
Milk chocolate for the win. Not a fan of dark, and only the devil eats white chocolate.
Wait, is this Splatfest only for Europe? I don’t see anything from NoA…
Edit: Splatoon NA posted it. I’m pretty excited for this one.
WhAt about RUBY chOlcaolaTE!?!?!? How cOuld they ForGET about THAT!?!?
There is only one correct answer. Milk Chocolate will reign supreme!
These last few Splatfests have each made me hungrier than the last honestly.

Even if I feel like we've had one too many food choices in these recent Splatfests, flavours of chocolate is probably one of the most creative ones they've come up with so far so I'm very much looking forward to this. Can't wait for February 11th to roll around!
And as for my choice?

You can't beat perfection.
I actually quite like dark chocolate. I guess I like milk chocolate more, though. White chocolate is kind of redundant when vanilla exists and is way better.
I don't know what y'all talking about dark all the way!!! It good alone, with coffee, and the best frosting. Come join me with dark chocolate 🍫!
I like all three but milk chocolate gets the most love from me, undying classic all the way baby!✌️
Dark chocolate is best chocolate.
Anyway, I really need to participate in these splatfests. One of the reasons I buy a new entry is because it'll come with a new set of events, but I've missed the last two, for whatever reason.
No Big Run?!?! This is an atrocity
I'm a weirdo so I pick white chocolate every time. I recognize that this choice won't get very many sea snails though.
Hmm so do I want to eat coffee grounds or frosting? There is a reason milk chocolate is superior just sayiiiing~
Milk Choc all the way
I like all chocolate but I'm team milk chocolate if I have time to play.
Nintendo really want Frye to win... again... this time I'm on her team - MILK CHOCOLATE FTW!!
Milk chocolate all the way! I think Nintendo want to give Frye a redemption arc after getting completely steamrolled in the first three Splatfests considering she had the unanimous fave in the last fest and once again here. I do wonder though how much white chocolate might get inflated votes considering this is the closest that a Splatoon 3 splatfest has had white ink which tend to be 'fan favourite' ink colours amongst the community.
I’m surprised people don’t like White Chocolate. I know it doesn’t pair well with peanut butter or caramel, but its creamy and sweet.
Dark chocolate all day. It's healthier than milk chocolate. White chocolate isn't even real chocolate, what is this blasphemy.
The real winner, of course, is Team Dentistry.
white chocolate is so tasty, it’s got a flavor that can’t be beat! I love it so much, milk is a close 2nd tho!
Team diabetes!
Milk, any other kind is nasty.
The darker the chocolate, the better
Admittedly my interest in this game is literally dead thanks to stuck up overly competitive Youtubers Streamers and certain Players in general. If I had to pick out of these I would likely pick Milk. I'll probably play a few matches to earn my share of Snail Shells but that's it. Apart from this my enthusiasm isn't what it used to be.
Best flavor, best idol, best ink color... picking Dark is the least conflicted I've felt over a Splatfest yet.
I gotta go with white chocolate, it gets too much slander. So what if it's not REAL cocoa?! IT'S STILL GOOD
They are all really good. This is a hard choice. Milk chocolate is what I am in the mood for and tastes the best most of the time. But dark chocolate is also pretty fun often. And white chocolate also tastes good as long as it's in a good cookie.
I distrust persons who allege to enjoy dark chocolate.
Truly a hard one for me. I mean for me to choose between Dark Chocolate and White Chocolate is hard, and I know I'm not going to choose Milk Chocolate. I think I'll choose Dark Chocolate because White Chocolate isn't even real chocolate.
White chocolate isn’t chocolate, it can’t even get you high.😎
Super Bowl Sunday. Guess it’s a good the Switch works in handheld mode.😂
its going to be rigged again my god nintendo lets go back to 2 choices cause the last time there were more people on sweet then spicy and sour which is unfair.
I’m going team milk chocolate!! I don’t like dark chocolate and while I really like white chocolate I think I like milk chocolate more because they have Kit Kat
I like all kinds, but dark chocolate is my favourite, especially if it's minty (though I've had some pretty terrible mint chocolates a few months ago).
I also prefer dark chocolate as it's likely to contain the fewest additives (if any).
But triple choc cookies are my favourite kind. The best of all worlds!
@ZZalapski @N00BiSH @rjejr : White chocolate is in fact chocolate if it contains cocoa butter, but there may be frauds out there without.
Milk > Dark > White
I don’t even have Splatoon 3 but chocolate is one of my favorite things lol.
Dark chocolate is the superior chocolate. White and milk are just PACKED with sugar.
I genuinely forgot that this splatfest was a thing let alone happening this soon.
This is one of the few times a reminder has been helpful here.
Enjoying the frequency of the Splatfests. Milk will win, though I like them all. I’m not chocolate racist
I won't be playing much but I'll be going with Milk.
Chocolate is filled with lead and cadmium guys, it's true. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I am genuinely surprised more people didn’t choose Dark Chocolate
@Sisilly_G "but there may be frauds out there without"
There's probably fraud "milk chocolate" out there too. Don't think you can market "dark chocolate" w/o cocoa in it but I'm sure someone has tried.
I'll give Team White Chocolate credit. They've turned out to be more popular than I thought, so this might not be a lame, unbalanced Splatfest after all. White would be my second choice, and the newly-announced Side Order DLC with all of its white imagery seems like perfect timing for them. Still, Milk FTW! I don't hate Dark at all but it makes me think I might as well be eating coffee beans.
I’m annoyed with Nintendo’s strategy of giving Frye the choice with the statistically-largest following. Like with Spicy/Sweet/Sour last month, the child player base this game targets doesn’t have the palette to appreciate dark chocolate, and white chocolate is pretty niche as far as candy goes (could only find one white chocolate item in my local grocery store today). I dunno if this is intentional on their part, but it almost feels like a ploy to make players keep choosing the worst Splatoon idol and eventually warm up to her as a result. If it is, that’s clever, but a bit underhanded.
It doesn't matter, here we will all bow to our dark lord & master: the cocoa bean.
Can't complain about these results. More 92% dark chocolate for me.
@CaptainTingle05 Exactly. You get it.
If the final results are anything like the last half hour, this is gonna be White Choc by a landslide. I’m Team Milk, played 5/7 matches Vs White, and 5/7 losses…. I’m out of practice
I like milk more as well. But since I am dumb I accidentally voted for white chocolate. Not saying it's bad but... Still milk chocolate tastes better.
Dark chocolate is the sophisticated person's choice, however I know the hardcore players don't actually care about what they prefer. They will try to min-max the system to lock in a strong lead, and the majority of plebs will obviously choose milk chocolate.
As for white chocolate, I don't even acknowledge it and it is interchangeable with 'vomit' as a third choice. It's not even technically chocolate, just coagulated oil. Disgusting garbage for animal humans.
milk chocolate all the way
the only one that even kind of compares is dark chocolate. white chocolate makes me sick
I keep getting thrown out of the lobby. This game has series has gone from fame to shame for me...
I should have seen this coming. Playing against white chocolate is like playing against Team Mayo or Team Egg..or John Cena.
White chocolate for the win!
What an upset! Next time Frye!
Honestly. This Splatfest felt VERY brutal. By the time I had got off the start, my team was inundated with bombs and special abilities. Not sure how it was happening though.

This was definitely a Splatfest of two halves for me: the first day went horribly (4 wins out of 27 matches god help me) but I managed to pull it back on the second and ended up with more wins than losses overall (even winning a 10x at the very end!). Very pleased to have won the whole thing (#BIGMANSWEEP) and I can't wait for the next fest to roll around (preferably without a food theme XD).
I'm amazed that White Chocolate won, and in such a clean sweep, too. I mean, I like White Chocolate fine, but I much prefer Milk Chocolate over any other kind. Dark Chocolate is too bitter for me.
Speaking of which, while tomorrow is Valentine's Day, a month from tomorrow is White Day in Japan, where people (usually men and boys) give White Chocolate as a reciprocal gift to people (usually girls and women) who gave them chocolate on Valentine's Day.
Here in the United States, we celebrate Pi Day, in honor of the mathematical symbol for Pi (3.14). And we celebrate with pie.
Maybe I should make a White Chocolate Pie to celebrate both holidays!
Maybe the white chocolate clean sweep has to do with the fact that this game is bigger in Japan than here? They surely have different tastes in Asia.
Another clean sweep, that's so freaking boring. I think they need to redo how the calculations are done.
Two words: White ink. That's why White Chocolate won. I bet many of the people chose it for the white ink rather than actually liking white chocolate itself. Historically, the team with white or silver ink has won the Splatfest, such as Team Friend and Team Modern in Splatoon 2. Team Order has (unfortunately) been the lone exception.
Congratulations, Team White Chocolate! I'm not TOO disappointed since White was my second choice. I'll see if I can go buy white chocolate somewhere this week since I lost. Also, poor Shiver now has a losing streak.
Get ready for Big Run in March, which will hopefully have a new King Salmonid and better rewards.
White chocolate isnt even chocolate....
This one was rough to get through. I retired at rank champion. I feel most people chose white for the ink color. On top of that, I believe white choc is quite popular in Asia. This makes me feel it was inevitable white was gonna win.. I chose dark myself -_-
-screaming- RIGGED. RIGGED!!!!
(ok im sorry, milk got destroyed, gg)
@Yosher The last one wasn't a clean sweep.
Dang I didn't have a Switch online subscription to join this Splatfest and I would have picked white chocolate as well...It's years since I've joined the winning team and it's been a clean sweep.
At least the best kind of chocolate won! (sorry but it just is!)
This Splatfest felt way off for me. I chose dark chocolate, and my matches felt so unbalanced. Kept getting tenta-missled every 5 seconds on a lot of matches, and it wasn't even fun. I quit after fiend level and went back to playing XC3.
I don't know which is more absurd, white chocolate winning everything or someone claiming "we all" celebrate something called 'Pi Day" smh
@Yosher How would that be done, exactly? Add more categories? Having 3 battle categories and 2 swing categories at the current point values seems fair already. There’s no ties for 1st place. By the final battle percentages, the other two teams clearly really did not win enough games.
That felt like a lie. I chose dark chocolate and almost every match I played was against milk chocolate. When we did play white chocolate we destroyed them.
As some of the others said they should change up the calculations and explain it better. That splatfest felt pretty dumb.
@masterLEON How they would do it is up to Nintendo to figure out, I simply don't want to see so many sweeps because at that point it just becomes a popularity contest and that's boring. I mean, I'll still play, because I enjoy Splatoon in its core even outside of Splatfest, and the Splatfest in itself is still great to see in a festive vibe, but the competitive side of the Splatfest will be entirely lost on me.
I just hope for now that I'm premature on calling this out, but the trend seems to be there.
And thus continues my perfect streak of never winning a splatfest! (Had fun though! Congratulations team white chocolate!)
@Hero-of-WiiU The playerbase of the game is just so big that personal experience wont always reflect the results.
i couldnt even get on cause the servers kept crashing nintendo needs to either fix it or make a new server.
@Hero-of-WiiU im starting to think the teams are so unbalanced like theres more people in one then the other ones.
Nah white choc blinded everyone with their ink colour lmao
Honestly tho GG
Go White!
Am I allowed to say that on the internet these days?
White Chocolate is not real chocolate. Fight me.
@Yosher White chocolate’s ink color was the meta and most veteran players, presumably, played it. So they countered whatever ‘popularity curse’ it would have brought on by being the popular choice. What makes it worse is the ink has a glow in the dark effect now, which basically eliminates shadows on the ripples as they swim through it. If it was mint chocolate, for example, and they went with a light green, then the balance would predictably switch back to milk chocolate, but be less likely to sweep. The way I figure it if they want to avoid obvious sweep potential, don’t use any variation of white as an ink color. Another way is to choose themes with less obvious dominant favoritism. Aside from that, simply being a popular choice is never a guaranteed win.
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