Update [Sat 17th Dec, 2022 02:40 GMT]: This event is now live, you have until the 19th to unlock this special Kirby theme.
Original article [Tue 13th Dec, 2022 01:55 GMT]: Nintendo's pink puffball Kirby celebrated his 30th birthday earlier this year. It seems he's not done just yet, either - with the battle royale Tetris 99 announcing a brand new themed event based on the party game Kirby's Dream Buffet.
Between 15th and 19th of December players will be able to unlock this Kirby's Dream Buffet theme by accumulating 100 event points. This new theme comes with background art, music and Tetrimino designs.
This theme is the 31st Maximus Cup and follows on from collaborative events with Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Mario Kart and various other Nintendo series. There's even been a Kirby-themed one in the past.
And if you've not tried out Kirby's Dream Buffet yet, here's what we had to say about it at the time (you can read more in our review below):
"This is an easy, breezy game to jump into, perfect for beginners and young gamers, with plenty of courses, lots of unlockable goodies, and a budget price point to boot, making for one delicious treat"
Will you be participating in this new Maximus Cup later this week? Comment below.
Comments 24
I'm not complaining, but why? The game came out in August, I'd expect other themes before Kirby's Dream Buffet like Mario Strikers: Battle League, Splatoon 3 or Xenoblade 3
I'm just happy Nintendo remembered Tetris 99 exists!
Likewise, happy they added something new to do here in this game! Maybe now Kirby Dream Buffet can also get some DLC love?
Can we please get that Dream Buffet keychain, NoA My Nintendo? You promised months ago!
YES I will return to Tetris for this theme! Love that the Dedede theme from the music fest is the intense music here lol
@NerdyBoutKirby OMG YES. I was waiting for that keychain also! I still have my points, waiting for it. I don't know if we're going to get it in the west at this point 😕
Tetris 99 back from the dead!
I'm just glad that they didn't abandon the game already. We have had so many great games coming to the Switch this year but we've gotten like, what? 2 Themes this year? And both of them were from games that released early this year.
And if Kirby's Dream Buffet had been free maybe it would've been as big as Tetris 99 but alas.
PS: Arika's earlier Tetris game Tetris The Grandmasters is now out on arcade archives. Please support if you're a Tetris fan as they said they'll aim to bring the other games in the series out if it sells well!
@Clyde_Radcliffe You can say that about anything. But everything can't be free in life, so I disagree there.
Get on with the Buffet dlc.
Please keep the Tetris 99 themes coming!
Thought this game was dead, so that's a pleasant surprise. Still incredibly miffed at Nintendo for making the All-Stars theme a timed exclusive for the 35th anniversary. I've been meaning to send them an angry letter about it, but I keep forgetting.
Well, looks like I'm downloading Tetris 99 then!
It's really great that they are still supporting this game with new themes. For the record though the last theme was Kirby and the forgotten Land so it would have been nice to see something else besides Kirby.
Not that I'm complaining or anything as I like Kirby but they could have also added some of Nintendo's other big releases this year like Splatoon 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
Here's hoping for a Fire Emblem Engage one in the near future.
I haven’t played T99 since Effect but I love Kirby DB and may play long enough to get the theme
@NessLucas @Not_Soos it never died... people still play it, I never wait long for a game to start.
Maximus Cup and the Team version however are quite empty, which is a shame...
But Kirby? Not another Kirby theme...
Have they added in the past event themes for redemption yet for anyone of us who missed one in there?
@BoFiS Some of the past themes have become available, but I don’t think all of them have. I finally got one that I was missing, but it wasn’t clear when it became available.
If you have 30 tickets saved up, go and see if the ones you want are available. Try during the event too, just in case they push out an update this week.
I return to T99 for the themes. 😊
@HammerGalladeBro I still want a Pikmin 3 theme where you hear the sound of Pikmin dying when you lose a game. Maybe Pikmin 4…
@sanderev I don’t think @Clyde_Radcliffe meant making it 100% free, just including it with the subscription ‘free’.
They could do so many more of these but choose not to, and it's crazy.
other, better ideas for new t99 themes
Dr Mario
SNES sim city
game + watch
virtual boy lol
paper mario
(as much as I love Kirby)
It's been a while since the last Tetris 99 skin. Nintendo should really do a monthly release for new skins, I really don't know what's the holdup. It would keep the game alive too.
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