Update [Thu 15th Dec, 2022 16:30 GMT]: After releasing a Japanese trailer last week which showcased the many features available in Fire Emblem Engage's base area, Nintendo has now released a full English translation which you can find below.
On top of the confirmation that amiibos will be compatible with the game, the trailer also provides a little more information on what we will be able to do in-between battles. These features include inheriting skills from Emblems, cooking stat-increasing meals and, of course, a fishing minigame.

To see all of the new features coming our way, check out the English language trailer, 'Welcome to the Somniel', below:
Original article [Sat 10th Dec, 2022 00:30 GMT]: If you're planning on adding Fire Emblem Engage to your Nintendo Switch library in January and are wondering if you'll be able to put your amiibo collection to use in the game, read on...
Nintendo has officially confirmed players will be able to tap amiibo to unlock some extra goodies. Regular amiibo will provide you with some "useful" items for your adventure, while Fire Emblem amiibo will unlock themed content like character costumes and even songs from past entries. Here's a rough translation courtesy of Google:
"Fire Emblem Engage" supports amiibo. You can get items useful for adventure with all amiibo. Also, by holding up an amiibo from the Fire Emblem series, you will be able to get costumes of the Heraldry Warriors and songs from past works in which the Heraldry Warriors appear."
This same feature has also been shown off in a new overview trailer (see below). It follows an announcement at The Game Awards yesterday, revealing Fire Emblem Engage would be receiving an expansion pass. The first wave of content (of four waves in total), will launch alongside the game on 20th January next year.
You can learn more about this expansion pass in our previous post:
Will you be making use of this amiibo feature when Fire Emblem Engage launches next month? Comment below.
[source twitter.com, via nintendowire.com]
Comments 49
Ok, maybe this is unpopular, but the mcs have grown on me, and I’m just gonna say it, I need an amiibo for them! I need one so much! I like there pepsi hair a lot now!
@Snatcher They've actually kind of grown on me, too. I'm feeling they're less like an avatar and more like a traditional lord in how they interact within the game world. Kinda digging their looks now, too. The closer we get to release, the more excited I'm getting!
I'm super happy they're restocking female Corrin. I'll be grabbing her and Marth and maybe Ike.
I really like the female design for Alear and think she's super cute. Yes, they basically look like an anthropomorphized Nintendo Switch V-tuber outfit, but it's better than your generic blue haired swordy that FE is known for.
Recently got a Byleth amiibo, so I'm set.
Man. Those FE games from the NES to the DS sure were great.
Can’t wait! Lucina armor here we go!
Man-I love amiibo-though I wish we would get some new ones. But I got to admit, I had a much easier time buying them when they were at $13 each.
@TheBigK Right? I didn’t think they grow on me so much!
My favorite part in those is the lack of paid DLC!
Calling it now, there has to be a Meta Knight mask!
This strategy game also apparently includes a rhytmic gymnastics minigame and a feature where you can rub the "engage ring" which'll cause the character moan in pleasure similar to the facetime thing in Fates..
I swear this series was good once.
Just need them to restock the FE series Tiki and Chrom; I've been missing those for years now...
Ah yes of course, because as we all know silly mini games are the true deciding factor of a game's quality.
Is it known if those costumes are only unlockable via the amiibos or are they unlockable ingame? Cause I really like different costumes in JRPGs it would really suck if we would need to buy the game, the DLC and a bunch of Amiibos to unlock everything this game has to offer
@EaglyTheKawaiiShika would you believe me if I told you there is an entire sub Reddit that thinks it’s sexist. Or offensive something like that lmao.
Same I think she looks so much better.
@EaglyTheKawaiiShika Agreed! The male was definitely made last.
@MH4 are you in the UK? Chrom is still available in the Nintendo store for £12.99
I remember in the Wii U days, it felt like shops had loads of Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing amiibo that they couldn't sell as the Wii U didn't have a mainline game for either series.
@nukatha I really can't do the waifu thing or playing as highschool kids.
@steely_pete Anything so embarrassingly pervy can stick to thirsty mobile games. Gross.
If this didn't come with Amiibo I expect a riot to happen.
@andyg1412 Nah, I’m in the US. I appreciate you letting me know though; very cool of you!
@MH4 no worries, I'm hoping they all get a reprint, I'd probably buy the lot.
I don't care about the game, but if it means a restock of the Alm and Celica amiibo I'm all for it.
I honestly cannot understand how Fire Emblem Amiibos didn't become an ongoing thing. I mean just imagine how much money Nintendo would make if they focused on waifus alone.
I also find it hilarious that Marth, the face of Fire Emblem, doesn't even have an amiibo in his own series while Tiki and Chrom do!
@mariomaster96 Looks like they're locked to amiibo but if I'm not mistaken you only need one from the series because a lot of the lords don't have a dedicated amiibo.
Might be a daily limit kinda deal.
@The__Goomba I see. Would be good for me since I own a Lucina and Chrom amiibo but that's it
This is def my most wanted game with Zelda right now.
@JohnnyC : Animal Crossing amiibo have been available in abundance for years as a result. I've even seen Amiibo Festival selling for as little as AU$5!
@Sisilly_G Sadly not any more. Prices of that went back up when New Horizons came out.
@JohnnyC : No, of course not. I was only pointing out the fact that they were so cheap during the grim Wii U days through to the early days of the Switch.
I don't think that the Animal Crossing amiibo figures have been restocked since the release of New Horizons though.
@Axecon I mean, the designer for the two protags ARE known to create V-tubers
Previous Fire Emblem artists have also designed Vtubers just like many other well known Japanese artists. It's a stupid ignorant argument to make.
So they even managed to include gacha mechanics into the game. This really IS Fire Emblem Heroes console version
Does this mean the old amiibo are getting reprinted? Can I finally afford Alm, Celica, and Corrin Player 2? And then later get Lucina, Chrom, Tiki, Robin, and Ike? I want more than just Byleth.
Fire Emblem Engage is looking incredible this with Persona 3 + 4 will keep me busy until Tiers of the Kingdom finally releases
I will fight and die for Sommie!
I'm still looking forward to the game, but my God; this video just turned Fire Emblem into a "What to do while staying at the Marriott" promo. Fire Emblem has never sounded so lame...and they completely forgot to cover the free continental breakfast.
Hell yeah, Fishing is back!
This game looks sooo good. Really hope Alm and Celica amiibo gets a restock.
Well, the more I see from this game, the more I am convinced I am skipping this. Especially the design of the main characters is a big no for me.
I hate these sim segments, I just want to battle, not having dates and having beauty naps, just give me an echos entry without this tiresome and repetitive stuff
So glad they released the English trailer
@valharian No chance. 3H had even more of the “sim” stuff and sold great
The amiibo gazebo is the greatest name for an in-game structure, and no one can convince me otherwise.
Call me a traditionalist but I think you should deepen your bond with someone BEFORE you attempt to polish his or her ring.
@valharian Some kind of between battle system is needed, if for nothing else than for buying, selling, equipment/skill maintenance, and support conversations.
However, I agree that they've been taking the sim elements too far since My Castle in "Fates," and "Three Heroes" is worst of all in that regard. Although, be glad that unlike "Three Houses" it's back to being a secondary gameplay system.
Pokémon has been having the same problem ever since Pokémon Amié and Super Training in Gen 6 up to those stupid sandwiches now in Gen 9.
(Some would argue it's even been a problem since Contests in Gen 3, but at least those were actually a pretty deep side game and completely skippable with no bearing on the actual game mechanics if you didn't like them. You just had to use the Pokéblock machine just enough to evolve Feebas once you acquired enough of the best berries for doing so.)
I wonder what happens when you try to gift someone horse manure...
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