The Pokémon Company has confirmed that Ash Ketchum's Pokémon journey is about to come to an end. In a video posted on Twitter, it's been announced that 11 special episodes - dubbed 'Aim to be a Pokémon Master' - will air in Japan starting January 13th, 2023 and will mark the final chapter in Ash and Pikachu's story.
It's the end of an era, to be sure. Ash's journey started all the way back in April 1997 with the 'Indigo League', featuring classic episodes like "Showdown in Pewter City", "Charmander – The Stray Pokémon", and "Battle Aboard the St. Anne". The iconic protagonist featured in dozens of feature movies and even made some subtle appearances in the video game series.
Alongside confirmation that Ash's journey is nearing its end, The Pokémon Company also announced that a brand new anime series wil premiere in Japan in April 2023 and star two new protagonists called Riko and Roy. Little else has been detailed regarding the new series, but we do know that the Paldea starter Pokémon will also feature.
So that's it, then! No more Ash. How bizarre... We'll miss the little guy, but we're sure he'll continue to live out his days as a perpetual 10-year old alongside Pikachu in peace. Thanks for everything, Ash!

What do make of Ash Ketchum's departure from the Pokémon anime? Are you looking forward to meeting the two new protagonists? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 117
No Pikachu is going to be the oddest part about this.
End of an era I suppose.
I stopped watching the anime during Hoenn, but this is still surreal. Truly the end of an era.
Here's hoping that Ash gets a satisfying ending, and that this new series is good even though I probably won't watch it.
Even if I haven't watched the anime since the DP arc it still saddens me to see him go (despite many people wanting to see him go for a while now)
April '97? Is that really all the far back as the series goes?
I was in college by then. My head's timeline isn't functioning accurately, today, methinks. .. Must be the cold weather.
I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand I’m glad the series is moving on and allowing itself to evolve, but on the other hand this just feels wrong. I’m so used to him being the main character and this change will take some getting used to.
I kinda wish instead of removing Ash they would pull a Doctor Who and have different variations of an Ash. I just don’t see how Ash was a limiting factor for whatever their artistic vision or business goals may be. But whatevs. Disney swore they would never do hand drawn animation again. I doubt this is really the last we will hear from Ash Ketchum.
He finally escaped the time loop. Now he gets to grow up into an adult and have new adventures paying taxes, going into crippling debt and work a dead- end job until he dies.
Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all!
For all his moments of pure and utter idiocy (you only brought a single Ground type for an Electric Gym!?), Ash has always been a highly lovable protagonist and seeing him and Pikachu finally leave the series feels like a giant hole has been left in the anime. I'm excited to see what they do with these new MC's since not having to focus on a singular character gives them the opportunity to do some crazy new things but I'd be lying if I said I'm not going to miss the guy who started it all 😢
I haven’t watched the anime since the Kalos days (nowadays I’m more into the Pokémon games). But still, it’s kinda weird to see that a character that has been on the spotlight since 1997 is getting a send-off soon. Kinda like when Arthur ended.
After 25 years being a 10 y.o this was bound to happen. Everyone who watched the anime learned to hate and love Ash. Things grew stale for a time, then they managed to refresh the anime, but keeping the duo for so long is too much constraint.
I hope they hit the spot with the new protagonists. Scarlet reminded me of my childhood joy of exploring video games, and I wish it renovates the same for everyone who follows the anime
Really is the end of an era. Do love the look of the new characters though!
Great news tbh, Ash was beginning to feel stale as early as DP.
The weirdest thing will be the lack of Pikachu...
Wow. Must've been a heavy decision to make for them to just drop ash and Pikachu like that. Granted, he's achieved his goal of becoming a Pokémon master now, but still.
And this is coming from a person who doesn't even watch the anime.
I wish they would hurry up and release the remaining Journey episodes. Here in Europe we still haven't gotten part 4 of Master Journeys, yet alone anything from Ultimate Journeys.
Will be strange to see Ash&Pikachu go. They have become the core of the series really. Through ups and downs.
For me personally I especially enjoyed the XYZ and Sun&Moon anime series. Especially Sun&Moon was a lot of fun to watch. So much humor and lovable characters.
You know you are old when Ash and Pikachu retire. Gee this is pretty cool.
I think that's a good move to keep the series fresh, but wow it feels odd for the main character to leave after 25 years.
Am I normal for feeling real sad about this ? 🤣😭
Oh my god.
Kids today deserve their own ten year olds to get attached to, not ones with awkwardly old-fashioned designs that are on loan from the 90s.
Toss it all, please. Ash, Misty, Dawn, Jesse, James, etc. Start fresh. I might actually watch the anime again.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Xiovanni then we wouldn’t have seen Ash-Greninja & him becoming a World Champion, it’s fine that it ended this way, but this still saddens me really, I want to see more of him travel across Paldea doing all 3 quests like in SV.
Man, it truly is the end of an era.
Those two new characters have the aura of Ash's new companions. Becoming a Pokemon Master is a dream that never ends so I would not mind keeping Ash as the main character.
wild change, but for the best. ash obtained his +20 year long dream. unless they give him a new dream to go after, it might as well be with a new character
Hopefully he will show up in the new series as an adult (New Professor?). Since the rest of us weren’t frozen in time until we accomplished our dreams.
Man, so this really is it, huh? Definitely going to be very weird going forward considering that these two have been a part of our lives for so long.
Honestly I like the new characters, but seeing Ash go.. Somewhere I feel it is needed, and has been for a few years now. But he was the face of the anime, and his buddy Pikachu the mascot of Pokémon. I'll miss them.
First Henry Cavill now this, when will the pain stop.
I wonder if at least in the anime you can enter other houses 🤔 /s
@Jeronan watch japanese ones with subs (advice for all type of anime)
Then it is just a day or 2 old.
I'm not really a Pokémon fan and never grew up watching the cartoon, so maybe my opinion doesn't matter. But I really like what they're doing here. They're wrapping up Ash's saga quite nicely while introducing a female protagonist to take the helm. In many other contexts, I could understand why people might say, "Franchise iz going woke b-kuz replacing male lead with female 😠 (insert angry noises)." But here, I totally get it.
Pokémon has always been a franchise where you can choose your avatar's gender before setting out on your adventure. They could've just as easily went with a female lead from the beginning, but at the time, gaming wasn't viewed as an activity for girls to nearly the same extent. Heck, Pokémon made its debut on the Game BOY. I think it was wise of Nintendo to step away from that branding with their handheld consoles, as women and girls very much occupy a sizeable population of the gaming sphere.
This is coming from a guy who is far from liberal, as many of you are aware from my more...controversial comments. But this is fine. Smash Ultimate incorporating the male and female Pokémon Trainers was a good change. I have no problems with this.
Alright, so how long before he's reintroduced as the legendary pokemon master who all the new 10-year-olds idolize, and who the main character eventually manages to sort of surpass on a technicality? I feel like that's how these passing of the torch things always go.
Wonder where that leaves Jesse & James.
Stopped watching around the second half of Unova, but I'm still not sure what to think now that he's indeed being phased out.
I wonder if they’ll finally confirm Giovanni as Ash’s father and his need to capture Pikachu is actually linked to wanting to build a relationship with his son.
Maybe Giovanni started out wanting to build a Pokémon Ranch for his newborn son but once he witnessed the power it corrupted him.
Call me a sucker, but I really want Ash to officially end up with Serena by the end of these last few episodes 🥲
When you've become the very best like no one ever was it's time to hang up the poke balls and ride off into the sunset with your trusty electric mouse.
I haven't watched the anime since I was a kid but it's good to hear he finally accomplished his dream. Congrats Ash and Pikachu!
Whoa, I never thought for even a second that they'd do something like this. Of course I haven't watched since I was a kid, but Ash in Pokemon is just something I always thought was permanent.
Wow, they really want to kill the Series.
This is definitely a long time coming and even though it's long overdue, it still is bittersweet. Ash & Pikachu were a constant and it was great to make fun of Ash's incompetence until the final seasons. But Ash, like many of us, finally developed and grew up.
I wonder if the new anime will be a clean break or will just act as a continuation series. Do the older characters return as mentors/gym leaders? No mention of the Team Rocket Trio, will they still be chasing around? Will we see Ash finally marry Misty or will he be fated to stand atop Mt. Silver seeking challenges against the very best? Thank goodness it's not following Goh, but I'm sure the new protagonists are going to be equally as naive/annoying at first.
They should have done this earlier.
Ash Ketchum was a very hated character for years, I didn't watch the new episodes to know if he was redeemed or not, I don't think that winning a Pokémon League will erase all his previous mistakes, but even then, the actual Pokémon games keep having new protagonists, there was no need for the Pokémon anime to have the same protagonist from Gen I all this time, replacing the main character constantly is something the Pokémon anime should have done whether Ash is a good character or not.
@Ryu_Niiyama If only time/aging afforded us all the same opportunity. 😂
Then again, children in the Pokémon world are afforded a lot more agency than most in the real world. Most of us have to reach adulthood to have the freedom to pursue our dreams.
Oh man, this is just another reminder my childhood is ending! And I’m only 14! Where is the time going
I wonder if Ash will age rapidly, The Last Crusade style.
I'm really proud of them for doing this. I want to kind of watch everything to get caught up (I stopped watching around Hoenn I think so I know that's a lot), but what an end-of-an-era moment.
@Not_Soos Pokemon didn't get female avatars until Crystal, the name Game Boy was not meant to mean it was only marketed toward boys (it refers to the fact it was a sidekick device, as in "Batman and Boy Wonder"), and Game Boy wasn't dropped for political correctness.
He lived a long life to the ripe old age of 10.
Something tells me this isn't the end of Ash completely . He won't be the main character but he will be in the new series in a signifcant way. I wouldn't be surprised if the two new characters are given their starters by Ash who became a Professor or an assistant to the Professor. I hope because the new series will start in April like the original series did in 1997 that that means a return to the original format of travelling around one region. What is happening with Team Rocket Trio? The fact that they showed them in Paldea with the Paldean starters mean they will be in the new series?
In Ash's voice Bye bye Ash and Pikachu, a new Journey Begins!
In other notes ill be bawling my eyes out
I stopped watching the anime early in the Battle Frontier arc. Not by choice, but because the Pokemon series jumped from a public network (Kids WB in my area) to Cartoon Network/Toonami Jetstream. We didn't have cable or satellite in my home then, so I missed a lot from the end of Battle Frontier until now.
I admittedly think it's more than about time; Ash is a great character, but the anime should've focused on a new main protagonist ages ago. Sure, they'd cycle new characters in and out, but he was always there. I did see some of the online special episodes without him and thought they were a breath of fresh air.
This is gonna be a huge tear jerker for me. The end of an era, indeed.😥
man, I really wish I could filter out coverage of Pokemon and Splatoon on this site. 😔
I really hope the new series is pretty different than what we've had.
Great news. I hope they do something different with the new series. All the recent short series and one-offs have been great.
There is no reason to keep Ash and Pikachu as main characters. Their journey has ended, there are no more stories you can tell with them. But… I'm not sure if new protagonists will help the anime. Isn't it now, after 25 years, way too late to replace Ash and Pikachu? They are the face of the entire franchise.
It's the end of an era. Growing up with Pokemon, like many others, it's weird to think Ash is heading out of the series. Sure, people have been clamoring for a new protagonist forever, but it still feels weird to replace a protagonist in a series that's been going on for 25 years. It's like replacing Monkey D. Luffy as the protagonist for One Piece, or Mario, Samus, and Link as the protagonists for their games. Pretty bizarre but hopefully these new protagonists are good.
Kinda long overdue like been at it for decades. If he's not a champion level unstoppable master of pokemon he needs to get a new profession
Just as I'm finally about to catch up. Well, I'm looking forward to it.
Well, if you needed more confirmation that the world is ending, there you go...
@Xiovanni Lol, ever heard of Bart Simpson?
@Ralizah Hit it right out of the park. Funny that the person above you put in a GIF of Woody, another poster boy of a fictional character who was forced to stick around longer than he should have been (albeit one movie instead of more than two decades).
Let these young aspiring Pokemon masters of today have their own character to attach themselves too instead of sticking them with a stale character with mountains of baggage. Let us crusty old farts (and the one that is somehow not nearly as old as us) finally have our day and see/hear that the guy we started our journey with achieved his dream.
@-wc- Don’t worry. That is a thing you can do.
Finally! Ash should never have stayed for so long. Hopefully we can get a new series that is more accurate to the mainline games, like the Pokémon Generations and Origins anime series'.
I haven’t watched the series in years, but wow. Definitely an end of an era.
I'm happy, hope you're happy too.
@Riderkicker @Ralizah And don’t forget Meothw. If they’re still a thing. I only watched for about 7 or 8 years w/ my kids but the original Team Rocket intro was always my favorite. 2nd best part was Brock being a horndog.😂
Make sense his story finally finished feel so old I grew up with pokemon I think they should just end it altogether instead they milked it so dry they made Ash is so annoying so them doing another new story thats gonna be hard to get used to.
Sad this is end of era of our childhood.
no, this can't be hapening...
Time skip and Rika is Ash's kid XD
I imagine he’ll return
...So did he finally grow up?...
Team Rocket trio is in the top right of the poster. I hope things work out for him and Misty. She was there at the beginning, she should be there at the end. Then again, I could see them not showing who Ash ends up with as either way a great many people will be upset that their ship didn’t work out.
The final episode is Ash celebrates his 11th birthday while recalling the literally decades worth of adventures he's had in the span of one year.
As long as team rocket doesn’t barge into every damn episode in the new anime, then I’m good.
I think it’s time for me to watch the anime again. I stopped after x and y but with Ash leaving maybe I should watch it all as one final farewell to Ash and pikachu. Goodbye childhood 😢
About damn time!
That is crazy to me. I didn't think the anime would ever move on from Ash. But it makes sense given that there is nothing left for his character to accomplish. It looks like they're going with a female protagonist next. I think her design looks excellent, and I hope she'll become as iconic as Ash in due time.
@Maxz for real? ty I'll look into it!
There is only one way to properly end his journey, with a flash forward, where the camera follows the kid from Gold/Silver, ready to challenge Ash, now a Pokemon master.
Still annoy that Satoshi never catches a legendary or mythical pokemon. There excuse is it would make the MC too powerful but he fought enemies with legendary pokemon so why can't he catch one himself.
Good grief, I was 7 years old the day Pokemon first aired in the USA. I still remember the craze when the first movie was announced along with the limited edition armored Mewtwo Card.
An end of a era. I haven't watched the Pokémon anime religiously since Johoto Journeys. Sort of lost interest after that only catching a smattering of episodes across the other series.
May not as be much of a fan now but i would like to watch these final 11 episodes with Ash and Pikachu just to see how it ends. I might also have look at the new series when it airs.
Better late than never. Ash will be missed but his "retirement" was long overdue.
I'll join everyone bidding a fond farewell to Ash (Satoshi) and Pikachu after so many years. I was an adult before the series even started and have almost never tuned in, really, but my younger daughter has enjoyed the recent shows.
I wonder if the changing of the guard will dilute their audience a bit. There's something to be said for continuity (right, Marvel and DC?). But then again, cleverly done updates can reinvigorate a series.
At least he's going out in style, and I'm sure he'll be a mighty senpai for the next gen. Did Ash eventually catch 'em all??
Ash is 10yo, you fricking weirdo.
More than 25 years going through Towns, Gym, special places, Pokemon Leagues; meeting lots of trainers, leaders, 4 elite, professors, researchers, unique characters, police officers and nurses; stopping plans of enemies, some quite dangerous and destructive, literally risking his life; And without forgetting all of his friends, rivals and Pokemon friends that many caught in a very interesting and unique way, and that despite the fact that some have not been able to continue with him, they are still there.
Yes, Ash and Pikachu have known a lot in their 25 years of travel and well, one day this would come and well yes, it was good while it lasted.
Not gonna lie, I am really going to miss Ash a lot. I knee this day would come someday but it is still quite shocking to witness. The Pokémon TV series is definitely gonna hit different in the future upcoming series now that Ash & Pikachu are no longer a part of it. Ofcourse it would be no surprise if they just bring in a new Pikachu in the next series since i highly doubt they could find it in their heart to replace that Pokémon as the franchise's main mascot. It would be interesting if this new series takes place like 10 or 20 years later and Ash would make a cameo at some point as a fully grown adult.
It's sad but it's needed to happen eventually.
Pokémon will continue to develop and to say goodbye to Ash and Pikachu will be nice.
The first movie and the original series has always had a place in my heart and funny errors if you spot them 😂
Excited to watch the last few episodes with Ash and Pikachu!
It's like what they said on the Muppet Show...
'I know someone who should leave the show?' 'who?' 'Me!' 'laughs' Statler & Waldorf
So even Ash couldn't bear the release state of Scarlet and Violet
In before it's announced that Ash will become a professor just like Oak. His name is also a type of tree (Ash Tree) and funny enough they can also make ash the last tree named professor seeing as how Turo and Sada break the longstanding tradition
That's sad. but nice to know someone else will take his spot
@Tobo91 I agree with you
@umbreon_sylveon I agree
They are frustrating
@koffing hello, I haven’t watched the anime for many years, but you peaked my interest regarding dropping hand drawn animation. So will the new season be 3D animated, and just given a texture treatment to closely match the hand drawn style, such as the likes of Dragon Prince?
@Jayenkai That's when the anime launched in Japan so unless you were living there you probably didn't see it until late 1998 at the earliest.
@FirstEmperor I was thinking the other way around.. Like, way earlier.. Could've sworn that the Pokemon-anime was already a well established thing by the time I was in college. I guess not.
Memories are failing in my old age!
Honestly, I figured this was inevitable after he won the title of World Champion. Now, I could see him appear years later, now grown into an adult, to offer sage advice to a new protagonist. A passing of the torch, so to speak.
As it is, a generation of Pokémon fans grew up with Ash, and now that many of them are grown up themselves, it only makes sense for a new character to take over Ash's role as the main protagonist, much in the same way that newer, younger generations of kids are getting into the Pokémon franchise for the first time.
I just hope they also retire Team Rocket (specifically, Jessie, James, and Meowth) as well. It honestly got old really quick when they were the main villain in almost every episode, even today.
I could see it when the anime took place in Kanto and Johto, since Team Rocket was the villainous organization in both regions in the games. But by the time they got to Hoenn and Sinnoh, they should have brought in the other organizations and left Team Rocket back in Kanto and Johto.
So basically, it's time for a clean slate for the anime, both in terms of protagonists and antagonists, so the next generation of Pokémon fans can have their own characters to relate to.
@Vil I wonder what debt is like.
@Pokemaniacal I'm sure you'll be a-ok. Lol
Who will replace him? A different Ash and a different Pikachu?
I was so let down when Yugioh ended and they introduced GX with new characters, going from saving the world with egyptian magical items to "Aw man, I'm late for class, get your class on"
I know this will be good but after 25 years It's going to be hard to say goodbye to Ash
Glad to have experienced this show (and the games of course, while they were still good) from the very beginning, back in high school.
Now that I'm a thirty-something husband and dad of two future gamers, I'm glad Ash's story is finally ending, not because I hated it. Au contraire, it had its highs and lows, but all things must eventually come to an end.
If there's one thing I'll miss from the series, though, it would be Team Rocket. I'll gladly salute their final blast-off. Even when they're gone, they'll continue to protect the world from devastation in my heart.
OMG!!! I hope Ash and Pikachu duo return back to the show someday at least!!!
I’m a huge fan of the duo compared with others.
If u ask me to vote:
1. Ash and Pikachu
2. Goh
And so on …
They both have to be Great-Great-Great Grandpa by now.
I haven't watched the anime in a long time, but growing up with the original to diamond and pearl, this really hurts. It probably needs to happen, but I felt legitimate sadness when I read this news as weird as that may sound. I hope this means they let him at least grow up and maybe make the occasional appearance.
@kaffepapu What's weird about wanting two characters to have a nice, happy conclusion to a romantic interest that was teased in the show and confirmed by the actual storyboard director? Grow up.
@kaffepapu Serena is ten as well, you know since they both went to poke camp at the same time -_-
@WreckitRyan Me too, or Misty XD
Removed - trolling/baiting
…(I mentioned Broadcast System/Satellite/Satellaview Zelda, in the above-shown post/message)…
(I’m hoping to meet him, (as well as others, from the Pokémon Multiverse, in addition to other individuals, from various parallel/alternate worlds/universes/timelines/realms/realities/planes-of-existence/lifetimes/incarnations, etc, etc, ad-infinitum), from various other multiverses, in addition to Pokémon), whenever Pokémon Sleep, wakes itself up, for us to get it, via/through downloading it)!!!!
I would like to see him catch some psychic/ghost/fairy-type Pokémon, as well!!!
Wholeheartedly, I think that he's LBGTQ+, as well!!!!
...Also, here are the reasons why I think/theorize/feel/believe, that Satoshi, (the name of Ash Ketchum, in Japanese), stays young forever, (which I'm actually wholeheartedly/very/truthfully/extremely GRATEFUL FOR, ...&... I THINK/HOPE, THAT HE WILL STAY/REMAIN/STAYS/REMAINS, PERPETUALLY/FOREVER/ETERNALLY/ALWAYS, A YOUNG MALE!!!!)...
…I had figured, that this might be very relevant…
I’d be able to see him temporarily MEGA EVOLVING, into an older male, much 👍/(LIKE), Link did, in OOTURA/OOT, for example, …&… since I have mentioned that 2’nd Multiverse:
@Jay99 Read my comments, which I shall post, right now:
…(I mentioned Broadcast System/Satellite/Satellaview Zelda, in the above-shown post/message)…
(I’m hoping to meet him, (as well as others, from the Pokémon Multiverse, in addition to other individuals, from various parallel/alternate worlds/universes/timelines/realms/realities/planes-of-existence/lifetimes/incarnations, etc, etc, ad-infinitum), from various other multiverses, in addition to Pokémon), whenever Pokémon Sleep, wakes itself up, for us to get it, via/through downloading it)!!!!”
“I would like to see him catch some psychic/ghost/fairy-type Pokémon, as well!!!”
#3) “ Wholeheartedly, I think that he's LBGTQ+, as well!!!!”
#4) “ ...Also, here are the reasons why I think/theorize/feel/believe, that Satoshi, (the name of Ash Ketchum, in Japanese), stays young forever, (which I'm actually wholeheartedly/very/truthfully/extremely GRATEFUL FOR, ...&... I THINK/HOPE, THAT HE WILL STAY/REMAIN/STAYS/REMAINS, PERPETUALLY/FOREVER/ETERNALLY/ALWAYS, A YOUNG MALE!!!!)...
“ I’d be able to see him temporarily MEGA EVOLVING, into an older male, much <strong>👍/(LIKE)</strong>, Link did, in OOTURA/OOT, for example, …&… since I have mentioned that 2’nd Multiverse:
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