Hooray! We can't hide our excitement for this one. The long-awaited Sports Story, the sequel to the highly acclaimed Golf Story, will finally be making its way to the Switch this December. That's not long at all!
The announcement came right at the end of today's Indie World presentation, but you can check out the newly released trailer down below:
Initially announced over two years ago, Sports Story follows on from Golf Story and will feature golf, tennis, cricket, mini golf, and more. You'll also be able to explore dungeons too, which is pretty wild!
If you've yet to check out Golf Story, be sure to read our full review for all of our thoughts down below:
Will you be grabbing this one? It's certainly been a long time coming! Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 41
Such great news!!! Golf Story was an excellent game, can't way to play this one!
These days I usually just throw eShop games on my wish list and wait for a sale but I'll be making an exception here. Super keen.
still need to play Golf Story, but still super excited for this
Good to have news… unlike… Silksong…
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
Really couldn’t tell if this game was canceled or not. Glad to hear it’s still a thing. I’ll be there. Day 1
@444444a obvious troll is obvious.
@444444a Or they can continue welcoming these very good indie games to their platform.
So. Darn. Excited.
A new challenger approaches to the GotY discussion…
These days I put games on my Nintendo wishlist until they come to game pass and I play them on Xbox.
@antisumo Golf Story is now 40% off on US eShop likely because of this announcement, so get it!
@ImmaWario thanks! I'm in the UK so hopefully we'll see it on sale soon
@ImmaWario literally checked the eshop about 30mins ago and it wasn't on offer, now it's about 60% off! Finally! Been waiting for it to go on sale for ages!
@antisumo same! There goes my weekend XD
YES!!! At long last! Absolutely cannot wait to dig into this one.
Golf Story was brilliant so buying this is an easy decision. Very excited to finally play!
Did not know I needed a Stardew Valley take on the GBA-era Mario Golf/Tennis formula, but here we are
I'll wait for a sale on Golf Story and then get this game, seriously with so many great games coming out, it's hard to keep up.
Yes! Day one purchase. Great to have a game to look forward to for the holidays!
At last! ive been waiting forever it feels. Lol
So many great games this year, can't believe it!
@JeanPaul its on sale right now!
@ImmaWario lol same, gonna be binging this until pokemon comes out
I loved Golf Story and I was/am interested in this but honestly with all the time that’s passed I’ve kind of moved on to other things. I’ll definitely pick this up eventually though.
Wow! It's finally here! I remember it being announced in December 2019, and me doing a new playthrough of Golf Story before the pandemic.
A true W. Yes, Nintendo Life, that is all I want to say.
@antisumo and..... bought! Thanks for the heads up!
Great news. Looking forward to this one.
The only thing that saved the show
Golf Story reminded me of the best parts of Mario Golf for GBC
I simply cannot wait!!!
@Realness Have you played golf story? It's one of the best Switch exclusives. I had no fear that it was cancelled because of the quality of their last game. Although, I did follow the studio pretty closely.
Too bad it's releasing so late in the year. This is a clear challenger for Game of the Year.
@JeanPaul The amount of games on switch is overwhelming. I'm still discovering amazing indies that came out years ago.
Golf Story was decent fun. Already having it as my golf game (as well as golf in Clubhouse Games), albeit admittedly minimalist in terms 'golf games', is what kept me from getting Mario Golf Super Rush when it came out... and I'm glad I stuck with that reasoning- since Mario Golf was minimalist and lite on content itself. I’ll keep my eye on this one for an impulse sale buy most likely as I have enough in my backlog atm.
… Wun can only hope.
Very few games I buy day one, buy this is one of them. Can't wait.
This is one that for months and months I’d check on every now and then. I eventually stopped and forgot about it because I thought it may be dead. To say I’m pleasantly surprised by the news is an understatement
😍 That was unexpected! Finally!
Loved Golf Story, one of my three downloaded games, so hoping for a physical for this as I missed the Golf Story one. Hoping for a compilation (yeah right)
Do we have an exact date for release? I can find some listing that says 31th of december.
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