Japanese video game giant Sega has provided an update on its "super game" in its integrated report for 2022, reaffirming the company's commitment to the project and claiming it'll be out by fiscal year ending March 2026.
In a section of the report about the company's "long-term targets", it's mentioned how Sega is "striving to create a super game", which would be a "major title" with a global release. It's "currently developing" the title, and says the "ultimate goal" is to create something so revolutionary it will attract more users than any other project it's worked on.
According to CEO Haruki Satomi, Sega thinks the project could potentially reach lifetime sales of 100 billion yen (just over $670 million USD). Sega hopes to achieve this goal by drawing in a large community made up of players, streamers and viewers:
"That kind of community expands and further develops game content, adding value to the game that is unimagined by developers, and sparking a broader movement - which can draw in even more users and grow the game's presence dramatically."
In another section of the report where this "super game" is referenced, notable IP such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Persona, Phantasy Star, Total War and Yakuza are shown in a part about reinforcing global branding of existing IP.
At the moment, we don't know anything else about this "Super Game" or what it will be about. So tell us what you would like to see from Sega in the comments below. In related news, Sonic the Hedgehog's lifetime sales have also exceeded 1.5 billion units.
[source segasammy.co.jp, via gamedeveloper.com]
Comments 81
Based on the quote, I'd imagine it's probably gonna be a game-creation tool similar to Roblox, which if that's the case I won't be interested at all. They also refer to them as "sales" so I'm assuming this won't be a live service game, which wouldn't make sense if it was similar to Roblox
It's funny. I recall them saying something similar about the Dreamcast.
Phantasy Star V - finally!
Phantasy Star is an IP they should use more. Not the Online games, I mean the original series.
Dont get your hopes up.
Sega once again smoking dat stuff...
Sounds like something that's chasing live service gold where if it's not an immediate hit they'll abandon it immediately. Been a lot of those over the years.
it'll just be an F-zero port
I mean, if sonic frontiers sells ten million copies at 60 each they're close to that figure already. Games just sell a lot these days, it's feasible to average at that amount. Sega doesn't own a more lucrative IP than sonic though, and the all stars games didn't sell all that well (unfortunately), so there aren't a lot of options. I wish it was a Sega all stars platform fighter.
This sounds like the type of thing to catastrophically flop
These reports make me laugh, what use are they? This will make a random figure literally plucked out of the air. Would love to see how this does on Dragon’s Den, get laughed out of the studio!
If this is a flop like Shenmue, I am all for it. Seriously.
Ok, I'm convinced.
Sounds like the company is failing.
I don't think Sega knows anything about this super game or what it will be about either.
Even more than $450 million franchise, Bayonetta? They must be confident!
(That was low hanging fruit. I'm ashamed of myself)
Only available on Google Stadia.
I’m guessing a Sonic Maker title, giving players the keys to the Green Hill Zone kingdom. But whatever the game is, I also suspect they’ve vastly overestimated the sales. Have they hired Square’s accountants?
@RedBlueSpot Phantasy Star IV was such a perfect ending to the original Phantasy Star series that I would rather they never follow the original series ever again.
I would be down for remakes, but new stories in that universe won't work because the Phantasy Star original series has a definitive beginning and a definitive ending.
If they make Phantasy Star V, it would most likely end up undoing the ending of Phantasy Star IV, which would rub fans the wrong way. Phantasy Star V would most likely destroy the artistic integrity of the original Phantasy Star series. I heavily respect creators who have the integrity to end a series on the highest note possible, without making a sequel to undo the happy ending.
I would be okay with alternate universe spinoffs like the Online games, but the original series should be best left as the grand finale. The endgame, if you will.
Yes I recognise that disgusting smell
The smell of annoying gatcha (not all are equal), micro transactions and a pinch of some quickly put together mobile game.
The terrible smell of a company wanting some quick cash by milking out people.
On a more serious note, more companies do such stuff nowdays, Sega is absolutely not an exception to the rule, but it saddens me when such companies go that route.
So they're talking up a "super game" that will offer further return through a community they expect to form around it? Why does that just sound like a recipe for disaster to me? All of this just feels like pandering to investors. I'm pretty sure this won't deliver.
Sadly, this worry’s me, a lot.
It's gonna be a miracle if it reaches 60 million. After all it's SEGA.
Could they stop calling it super game and just call it free to play already. From the way their describing it that's what it's gonna be in the end!
@ChakraStomps Hey I'll take a port of F-Zero A/GX at this point.
Say what you want about Sega and their many ups and downs over the years, but there's no denying they're hella interesting just to watch and see what they do next.
This sounds like they’re trying to hype up potential investors to back them and that they have no clue what it will be. “Multiverse” is overused, so let’s go with “super game” instead 😪
This game is still a long way from release so who knows what will be popular then.
my money's on a puggsy remaster, finally!
What if there is no "Super Game" and they're just telling the investors this to keep their stock value high, lol.
This is what they'll do in 2026: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xoO_q4uFH2o
I'm trying to think of a single reason to have the slightest bit of faith in a statement like this coming from them but I've got nothing. They've got nothing. They're like GameFreak in that they have a highly recognizable property but can only seem to churn out mediocre crap with it year after year, except Sonic will never sell as much as Pokemon in a million years.
It’s obviously Super Primate Ball.
Clearly they're talking about a Majima spin-off.
Just give me Ristar 2 you cowards.
chuchu rocket 2
The only game that could have that kind of guaranteed success is a video game adaptation of Morbius
I hope it does but we've heard this kinda thing before
Striving to be really really really really reallly successful a bankable game do not make
A new Project X Zone type game with a gatcha mechanic and micro transaction.
Sega are reentering the hardware race with their new console, codename: Super Game? Let's hope they change that before release.
Let's all make a promise to come back here in 2027 and beg Sega for forgiveness, for daring to doubt the super game that changed the very fabric of the universe. No longer should we settle for our mundane physical forms, when we can just absorb ourselves into the 'SUPER GAME'. I wonder if Nostradamus predicted this?
After stumbling through what felt like the better part of my childhood, it does seem like Sega's managed find better footing these days with a handful of reliable properties. That being said, I haven't seen anything from them that indicates they can pull off a mega success like what they seem to be attempting here, so I'm interested to find out exactly what they're willing to put so much faith in. I still wish they'd just make Sonic Adventure 3, though.
Finally giving us a Chao Garden game.
So basically "Trust me bro".
I like Sega and I hope this will be good. Super game is a cool name. It sounds gamy.
Sonic Go confirmed
Imagine being Sega and making this over confident nothing of a bloated promise! Do shareholders really fall for this?
Anyway, hope for the best, expecting mediocrity.
On a side note: By that time, we probably won't have seen all of the "Avatar"-sequels.
Sounds like they have a freemium game in mind.
Persona 6 is the only super game i expect from them. Now in terms of revenue maybe they got some F2P project.
Blah blah blah. Sounds like it will be some F2P title that will die months after release.
@LinkSword Yakuza 0... 2!!!
@Hydra_Spectre They could easily do a prequel, within the story, no? Wasn't this problem arising every 1,000 years? I definitely agree with you that IV was an amazing capstone though.
If any investor actually believes this, then they deserve to lose money. Sega sounds desperate.
I think a Nintendo buyout could finally be an option.
Crazy Taxi: Uber Edition
🤦🏾♂️sorry but these are just words.
Kind of foolish to release vague grandiose quotes like this, people will expect the best game ever made.
Watch the game title be something like Sonic Golf: Put Put Masters
Seaman 2! Oh how I've waited.
But really, I'm skeptical. They must be trying to generate hype, but I think Sega would be better off just working on their wonder game quietly and waiting to market it until the time is right, a la Splatoon.
Whatever it is in 2026, I doubt I'll be interested because I'll be playing my Saturn and Dreamcast mini's. Right, Sega?
I'm all for them having a positive outlook, and that's great, but it should be realistic and caring to players too. They're just making it sound as amazing as they can make it sound, without anything to show, and I'm not sure that that won't backfire. It's also a few years away, so I'll forget about this for now and see what it actually is then.
I'd have said they're working on something they're hoping or planning to be very sucessful, then be this daring this early on. Plans and concepts can be amazing, but it has to fit and work during development and not be buggy on release. Also what IP is this? Even if it is a multi cross over, it won't be for everyone, right?
I suppose they mean they'll want this targeted to as many people as they can... but still, not everyone is going to like this "super game" and it should be targeted as what it is to the right audiences. Even if that's a majority of gamers. Well, will see what this is in a few years.
I hope it's sucessful and something good, it actually really could be, but this is a bit early to say all of this to us.
Now now one step at a time there's a good lad. As long as it isn't Sonic Forces 2 or STRAIGHT LINE THE GAME 2 everything will be A ok 🤣🤣
im starting to see why companies like nintendo keep to themself about their game plans and expectations. it just creates unnecessary expectations when they dont have anything to show for it yet
so...live service game with crypto/NFT scams? That's my guess
@boxyguy Ditto. 600 million is a wild prediction to make when there's nothing to show the public at this moment in time.
So, it's a concept only and they are trying to build hype-- They aren't able to even articulate it. Sounds like it's metaverse related. I'll give SEGA credit, they always trying to be on the cutting edge no matter how much winds up on the cutting room floor.
Shenmue? Somehow? As long as the name "Sonic" isn't in it.
This is being misreported. The super game isn't a singular title, but an initiative of multiple high end AAA releases with global
simultaneous launches.
Just give me a Skies of Arcadia Remastered and I'll bite Sega.
Some sort of Fortnite rip-off with all their IPs thrown in but locked behind micro transactions.
SuperGame is going to have an iconic title, and deep character creation, not just realistic people, and you can choose from a variety of world appearance that scales from realistic, retro, impressionistic, and fantasy elements. The game will mix platforming and world exploration with rpg leveling and resource management. You build a base, which can become a city where you can invite dynamic NPCs, simple NPCs, and human players to reside. You can farm resources, and collect items in the farthest reaches of the game world which has customizable terrain in areas you "own." You can increase the amount of space you own with certain in-game resources. The Super Game connects to a phone app that allows you to find certain in-game resources in the real world with either GPS, and redeem steps counted for a daily amount of blind-bags. You can level up areas of your base to level the effectiveness of your real-life exploring and step counting, which are also effected by time of day, proximity to certain locations, and distance from your last customizable "pin drop." You can mix and share music which is available in-game and in-app to share with friends and the community. Items earned in-app are some that you can't get in-game. Regular reeases of new skins are released. The main game has exploration, combat arenas, farming communities, racing tracks, temple-exploring, a massive loot-system, and new and old hidden legends, secrets, exploits, and mechanics.
@Silly_G Dreamcast was actually next gen for the time though, unlike penny pinching Nintendo with their Wii which was basically just another Gamecube.
Listen I think Sega's rad, but let's not fool ourselves here. If there's anything this company isn't good at, it's making money.
Maybe they have finally realised the only thing people liked about monkey ball was monkey target and have now decided to release Super Monkey Target Maker. You read it here first folks! Can't wait till 2026 provided mad Vlad hasn't killed us all by then..........
@yodiggity Sega actually already made a game that made over 600 million dollars. And that's PSO2. And I'm willing to bet those mobile and arcade games in Japan that require the player to pull gacha have also made similar amount of money.
We actually know already that a new Crazy Taxi is for sure that new Super Game they are talking about
@Mortenb Pretty sure Sega have been doing better than ever. What part suggests the company is failing when it's got many games coming out still?
@SpaceboyScreams Yakuza is one the greatest franchises and it's Sega, not a single game has been mediocre from the series. What are you talking about?
@Yoshisaur Sega letting itself be brought by Nintendo would be disastrous for them seeing as most of their money nowadays comes from PlayStation and PC players. I doubt they'd abandon successful franchises like Yakuza to make what for Nintendo? Monkey Ball? Lol
There's like three Yakuza games coming out in the next two years including the long asked for Western port of Ishin but completely remade now under the new engine of the series.
You know what I'll give you that. I knew PSO2 was big but I didn't know it had made that much money.
However I am doubtful that a new Crazy Taxi or Jet Set Radio game (which I believe are the rumors) could match those results. Especially since they haven't made sequels to these games in years, and neither game is really fit for some "super game" live service model. New games in these series would be great, but I don't think making them these huge budget initiatives is a smart idea.
@IronTruth Because such vague hyped "super game" plans tends to be stuff made by desperate and clueless board members to fix worries of owners.
Finally a proper sequel to Phantasy Star IV!!!!!
Sure SEGA. Just go to bed and sleep it off.
A Phantasy Star or a Shining Force, or both.....in the traditional vein, of course. But I don't think that will ever happen, at least not within my lifetime.
Then again, I'd be happy with some remasters, a sequel, anything from those two series in proper form.
Edit: I'd just like to add that I'm well aware that SEGA's rpgs are only obsessed over by a smaller but rabid following. It's probably going to be from a more well known franchise, if not a new IP.
You're probably 100 right, but maybe a "traditional" Phantasy Star game that takes place in another system, and is loosely connected in some way, could rekindle the series without messing with the original story.
please alisia dragoon 2 ,donald duck quackshot 2 ,global gladiator 2, mickey mania 2 and Aladin 2 and 3 and more old and new games🙏♥️
They previously released information about this mega game saying that it's going to based off of blockchain technologies and NFTs.
From all of the information they've released it sounds like it's going to be either Roblox or Fortnite with NFTs and the cosmetics are going to be from their previous games.
@daveMcFlave That's good. A complete reboot in an alternate continuity like the Online games (and their spinoffs) would be good.
But I feel like making a sequel to the original Phantasy Star games would be insulting to fans. It had the perfect ending. And a prequel would just be needless fanservice.
Phantasy Star IV is probably one of the best finales in gaming, and it should stay that way.
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