Accessibility is something that needs a lot more attention in the video game space, and one company helping to make people more aware of this is Microsoft's gaming division at Xbox.
The team released the Xbox Adaptive Controller in 2018 and has also published guidelines to help developers and publishers make their own games more accessible.
According to former NoA president Reggie Fils-Aimé (who is currently doing the press rounds to promote his new book), Nintendo supposedly had plans to use Xbox's Adaptive Controller as a "jumping-off point to create something that would be platform-agnostic and adaptable by any consumer" (via Inverse).
He's not sure if the project is still in development, but it was intended to be another "adaptive controller" that could be played on any of the latest platforms:
“Imagine an adaptive controller that you could play with your latest Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo platform. That's what we were working on three years ago...My hope is that the effort has continued. I'm not sure if it has or has not...But also, my hope is that controller — and the ability for that controller to connect with all of the various systems — is launched and shared with consumers as quickly as possible.”
Since the release of Xbox's Adaptive Controller, there have been plenty of feel-good stories associated with the device.
In one case, the controller allowed an inspiring young girl to play Animal Crossing on the Switch. Third-party accessory makers like Hori have also released their own accessibility devices.
Do you think the games industry is doing enough when it comes to accessibility? Would you like to see Nintendo do more in this area of gaming? Leave your thoughts down below.
[source inverse.com, via gonintendo.com]
Comments 29
The Joy-Cons are pretty much unusable for anybody that doesn’t have 100% fine motor skills. While the Pro Controller at least has nice big buttons, it would be great for them to either work with Xbox or develop their own solution.
I hope it happens because Nintendo has tons of great games on Switch some people are left out to play. Didn't HORI make one last year that was mediocre.
I hope they're still working on it, though I'm sure the pandemic stalled a lot of projects. I like the idea of it being able to work cross-platform. Make it as modular as you can, with as many options as you can. Maybe even make it possible where other companies can offer attachments that can work with it from there being industry standard inputs. The more people working on the project can help make sure that all the different types of disabilities are covered.
that would be great I remember reading I think on here that a dad modified the xbox adaptive controller so his disabled daughter could play botw so it would be great if nintendo made their own so don't have to modify another platforms device
I really hope Nintendo strives to be more accessible in the future. Even small things like remappable controls would go a long way for a lot of people.
@Kermit1 Thanks, I've updated the story to mention Hori's device.
I'm all for Nintendo releasing their own adaptive controller. Everyone should be able to experience the joy of videogames, regardless of their disabilities.
Hey nintendolife. What is kit and krista doing? I’m asking because I have about just as much enthusiasm to know what those two non important ex Nintendo people think about as I do Reggie does.
I suffer not only from Arthritis but Carpal Tunnel Syndrome too and small Controllers like the Joy Cons are very awkward, sometimes impossible for me to use when playing in docked so if Nintendo are working on something I will welcome it with open arms.
@Liam_Doolan your welcome, I like to keep updated on the adaptive controllers one can buy.
@sixrings they have a podcast, where they reveal a lot.
@Kermit1 I remember the Hori controller. Wasn't it incredibly expensive, itself a limiting point?
@KingMike $250.00 US from what I remember. Almost the same price as a Switch.
@Kermit1 based on their YouTube viewership it sure looks like everyone wanted to know why they quit Nintendo, then they subscribed, then they slowly stopped watching. 12k views per video to split between two people is nothing. And I’m sure Nintendolife saw the lack of engagement so stopped following them here. Sadly nintendo fans loved Reggie’s personalities and one liners and as a result attributed far more to him than he really deserved. No one in the states makes any decisions of consequence. They are simply the English marketing department of Nintendo of Japan. Yet reggie Reggie reggie all over nintendolife.
I think they may save this idea for the Switch successor whatever that would be call. I just hope Nintendo doesn't stray too far from the hybrid nature of the Switch in making this though.
@Kermit1 @Liam_Doolan
Yea I think @AlexOlney even did a pretty cool video on the Hori accessibility Switch controller on the NintendoLife YouTube channel awhile back. Could also link/embed that as well if you so choose : )
… Wun can only hope.
My brother in law is crazy about games but struggles to play due to having cerebral palsy. I've tried to get hold of an adaptive controller but because he mainly plays his switch or playstation he wanted something he would be able to use easily for them without having to reconnect everything each time.
We found an amazing charity in Oxford (UK) called Special Effect that works like a library for bespoke accessible controllers. You can go and try out what they've got, borrow kit to see how you get on with it, and commission them to make a controller that best fits your requirements.
Never heard about this controller before, but is great if it allows physically disabled people to play. The big buttons remind me of an old arcade game, Bishi Bashi
Reggie breaching NDA once again. I am sure Nintendo HQ is not happy with these "leaks" about internal development. This adaptive controller may never see the light of day.
"Imagine an adaptive controller that you could play with your latest Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo platform. That's what we were working on"
I'd call BS on that one. Nintendo is the most closed off, and archaic platform. I couldn't even imagine them R&D'ing something like this, let alone ever releasing it.
I’m surprised he’s allowed to leak such stories with the NDAs usually in place. He really is milking the Nintencow in his struggle against oblivion.
For a family friendly company(?) this is long overdue and a personal gripe of mine. I now suffer from chronic tendinitis in my thumbs... which means no control sticks. Some games I can get around, but my favourite, Splatoon 2.... is now unplayable and I'm not blowing my trumpet but I got quite good and loved that game. With Splatoon 3 nearly out I am having to avoid any media about it as I just cannot play it! I have looked in to different ways, using an xbox adaptive controller with a USB converter etc but it just doesn't work. I can play PC games with a joystick, using joy2key and a gaming mouse with loads of buttons on. Can't use joystick or mouse with the Switch. That excludes people like myself and I've been a massive Nintendo fan for years.
@sixrings Reggie was integral to Nintendo while he worked there. Kit and Krysta did Nintendo Minute and thats about it. Of course Reggie is more beloved.
@skeletormodulator Reggie was the face for Nintendo at e3. Not all presenters are steve jobs. Some are literally spokespeople. That’s it.
@sixrings LOL
@sixrings Reggie's the reason XC1 was never fully released in the US outside a belated limited print for GameStop exclusively, and is the reason the series has a UK localization because he refused to spend localizing budget on it, convinced it would not sell in the US. I'd say both positive and negative, he had more influence on what happened than you give him credit for.
@NEStalgia I’m convinced Nintendo of Japan simply really liked pizza and was curious who this big foot was. Reggie was their way into that universe.
I'd honestly like to see the numbers on how many of these things sold. It's largely slipped out of public view and hasn't been updated for the Series X like the One controller was. I'm happy that it released for those that needed it, bu tthose people were already finding solutions and work arounds without an offical product. So I have to ask was this even worth the effort. Seems like Nintendo didn't think so, since 4 years later this project never saw the light of day. Probably took one look at Microsofts numbers and realized it wasn't worth the integrity of the platform or the cost of manufacturing and distribution, given the lack of interest in the final product.
I’m not surprised if the Nintendo Ninjas take Reggie out! “Mr Fils Aime apparently tripped, fell and landed on several ninja throwing stars…his body was not ready!”
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