Update [Tue 14th Jun, 2022 13:30 BST] We originally said "keep calm", didn't we? Well, it looks like Square Enix's trademark for Tactics Ogre: Reborn was done for a reason — it's a real game.
Tactics Ogre: Reborn leaked on the PlayStation store overnight, but has since been removed, but not before eager fans could get hold of the stunning new key art and the icon.

Square Enix has yet to announce anything officially yet, but Reborn looks like it may potentially be a remake or remaster of the SNES title Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, which has received a PSP remake. So it may be an even more refined version of this. And at the moment, we don't know if this will only be coming to Sony consoles only, or PC and all consoles. But surely, surely, we can cross out fingers for a Switch version, right?
We're in the middle of trailer season, after all, so we may not have much longer to wait to get some official news on this rerelease. We'll let you know if the game is announced for Switch.
Original article [Thu 7th Apr, 2022 18:15 BST] Do you think Square Enix has got a hankering for strategy RPGs lately? What with Triangle Strategy being a roaring success, and the recently-announced The DioField Chronicle, the company seem to be storming the castle on the genre.
Look, if you're into strategy RPGs, it's likely that - outside of the Fire Emblem series - that you love Final Fantasy Tactics. And yes, we too want to see that on the Switch. But if you're a fan of Yasumi Matsuno, then you've probably heard of and played at least one game in the Ogre Battle series, so we might have something for you still.
With multiple entries on Nintendo systems, starting with Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen on the SNES in 1993, and followed up by perhaps the most famous entry in the series - Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - just two years later, the series hasn't seen a new entry since 2001. And we've only had a remake of Let Us Cling Together on the PSP back in 2010 since then.
But there's a spark of hope here, maybe. On 31st March, Square Enix (who own the rights to the Ogre Battle series) filed a trademark for Tactics Ogre: Reborn. This was spotted today by Renka_schedule on Twitter:
What could this mean? There's no title in the series with this name, and this has never been trademarked before. Is a collection incoming? Or is a port of one of the games on the way? Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber would fit nicely on the Switch Online Expansion Pass, and Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis looks a little tired after being the last new release back on GBA. We're trying to stay calm, we promise.
Of course, this could mean absolutely nothing, but with a brand new name being filed away, we think something is going on. SRPGs lovers adore these Yasumi Matsuno-directed titles for their tactical combat, impressive visuals, class system, and deeply political stories, so it'd be great to see them get a wider release.
Have you played any of the Ogre Battle games? Which ones would you like to see get a rerelease? Let us know in the comments.
[source twitter.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 62
Wasn't this in the Nvidia leak with Chrono Cross Remastered? I expect it.
I would've preferred confirmation of the Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster instead, but this is cool none the less.
I just hope whatever it is, is 2DHD and on Switch.
I'll believe this only if the black crow flies to find a new destination...because THAT is the sign.
KEEP CALM?!?! Impossible!
Ogre Battle 64 was crazy good. I would love a port or remaster of that one on Switch, but would obviously not complain about any of them showing up as remasters.
Well that's bit awkward as I did try out the SNES version quite recently and found it to be a bit on the underwhelming side, made it a few battles into Chapter 2 and then I quit. Combat was fine, music was great and the story seemed cool, but the game felt very much geared towards grinding your party up instead of utilizing that many tactics with a lot of its features and for me personally that's decisively something I don't want in SRPGs.
HD-2D Tactics Ogre game please!
I will not keep calm.
IMO Yasumi Matsuno's magnum opus. My body is NOT ready.
A 2D HD remake of the Super NES original Tactics Ogre in Triangle Strategy graphics would be excellent. Also a remastered of all the Final Fantasy Tactics games would be great too.
Well Triangle Strategy did really well and Square seems very open lately to the fact that they're sitting on piles of already-localized gold.
No Queen subtitle, no purchase
Guess they finally noticed they can make big bucks with their back catalogue and small teams. Really hope they do a yearly tactics rpg (FF, Triangle Strategy, Ogre,,,) now.
Can't believe my favourite genre is making a comeback ;_;
Add some Valkyria (movement) and Xcom (cover) though.
Loving Triangle Strategy!! I really hope Nintendo can work out a deal to get Ogre Battles SNES & Ogre Battles 64 on to Nintendo Switch Online for game preservation purposes, & to introduce them to a whole new generation of players & those looking for nostalgia!
As someone who recently decided to get into this game and see what all the fuss is about, I got to say, after 40 hours of hating the game I hate the game. It's really bad.
keep calm and OMIGOD WUUUUUUUUUUUT!???!!!
Some mobile BS incoming…
That's what I was thinking too!
Triangle Strategy.
Diofield Chronicles.
Front Mission 1 & 2 remakes.
Now Tactics Ogre?
Squeenix has definitely rediscovered its love of tactical RPGs. Although Triangle Strategy is so good that I'm pretty satisfied on that front at the moment.
@nesrocks You hate it so much that you decided to spend 40 hours playing it? Am I missing something here???
Don't do that, don't make me hope......
(This would be awesome if true and if it came to the West)
I honestly hope so. I miss this series. ♡♡♡
@Gitface I'm a game designer, I wanted to understand what people see in it (plus I love FFT and liked Ogre Battle, so this couldn't be THAT different, right?). I created a topic on gamefaqs after about 25 hours of game to get feedback on my gameplay choices because I was ready to quit. Their suggestions improved the game a little bit, but not enough.
Never played any of these games but always wanted to, and couldn't find anywhere to play them legit, so this would be awesome. It'd be great if it lead to some of the older games coming to nso as well.
I much prefer March of the Black Queen but a Tactics will do.
I didn't notice the lack of a Queen related subtitle.
Might I suggest Ogre Battle: Play the Game.
I keep hearing this and FFT is coming so I am very happy to see this!
I'm so happy I think I'm about to hyperventilate. OB64 is my favorite game ever.
Oh gosh. I’m panicking, I am panicking over here. Calm down. Calm down and wait for official word. Jtsmtsntxjtxngdjtxntd
It's just going to be remasters or mobile trash. Maybe they'll continue to oversaturate 2DHD.
Here comes another half-assed port.
The devs who made Triangle Strategy are the same that made both Tactics Ogre games. If Triangle Strategy did well, Square Enix would probably keep doing business with them. They could very well do a 2d-hd remake
OB64... Changed my life, that is all.
100:1 it's an unrelated mobile game steeped in gacha with the Tactics Ogre IP slapped on it.
Please lord, Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, and Ogre Battle 64 collection and I'll die a happy man after about 300 hours of pure gaming bliss.
Yes, yes, yes and yes. I'd prefer a Switch version but will play on Playstation if needs be.
I tried the SNES version earlier this year, I didn't care for it, the game was way too much built around grinding. Great soundtrack though.
Should’ve been called “Tactics Ogre: Gordon’s Alive!”
Like Persona, this is likely coming to Switch and like Persona, possibly at the Nintendo Direct
@LittleGhost You say that like there have been a ton of games in this style. Including Live A Live in a couple weeks we've got three games in four years.
The good kind of leak!
I recently started playing Triangle and I LOOOOOVE it so much. I missed a good TRPG.
Looks like Akihiko Yoshida art. Nice!!
Buying. I hope it goes to switch but I am buying this no matter what.
more important, is it a 1/10 remaster from SE that is not bad
I'll buy 5 copies.
Day One for me, preferably on Switch if that's an option. Otherwise, I'll take it for PS4 or PS5, since I'm trying to get my hands on a console.
To me, it's the best tactics RPG yet made, better than FFT by a country mile, IMO.
My hope is that it's a remake of the Super NES version and not the GBA one even though I like that one too.
@Browny While I believe you, there was just something about FFT's vibe man, that was just... magical. Especially once they redid the translation.
How about a 2D-HD version of the PSP remake with voice acting?
That would be the best thing that's ever happened since the Big Bang.
It's like comparing two roasts of the same coffee beans, to me. FFT might have had a fun, familiar setting and a great plot to follow, but Tactics Ogre had a much more involved, hands-on approach, along with a narrative less focused on fantasy and more on political intrigue and humans generally doing scummy human stuff.
But where FFT is continuously celebrated, I do feel TO is often forgotten, so it's nice to see it come back for a new generation to discover.
@Browny no argument there, it is oft forgotten. But that's largely a question of availability. Even I only really played the first few battles of it when I emulated it years later. I always disliked playing emulated, but it simply wasn't available to me. FFT on the other hand thrived in the golden age of bootleg CDs.
The clothes and haircuts in the artworks seem in parts inspired by 90s trends (which have a real-life revival that is absolutely baffling to me). So this remake already goes full-circle, fashion-wise at least. (the art-style looks great btw)
It’s been a busy year for Tactical RPG’s.
Characters in the new illustrations are from Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together so the game must be a remake/remaster of the snes or psp version.
I really want this, I played ogre battle 64 and loved everything about it. Never got into these but if it's even slightly like the 64 one in terms of story and class advancement of characters I will be so happy.
@Expa0 try the psp version, it os the better version of that game and one of the best game that was ever made . Got 10k+ hours on it.
@Timptation they better not do some mobile ***** on that game, else it will really kill the whole company for me. Already went close with the latest few Final Fantasy.
@Royalblues What do you mean by that?!
This is just a re-release of the psp version. I believe the art work is taken from that game.
@Royalblues Feel attacked?! I asked you a damn question. You don't have to justify your PS5 playtime to me. Talking about "sorry pal". 😆 Relax...
Ogre Battle 64 was great so I would this game on the Switch. Is it just the PSP port though (slightly touched up)
@Royalblues Yeah I definitely don't care about what anyone plays the most or the least. My reasoning for asking was because we need all 3 to keep pumping out exclusives. Otherwise, we'll get complacency from these 3 giants. I have no brand loyalty. I don't play the consoles, I play the games. It's why I have all 3. I don't miss anything.
I will agree with you about ALL 3 sites doing this. Although I feel like Xbox and Playstation does it more than Nintendo.
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