Nintendo's Booster Course Pass DLC for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe finally got released yesterday, and now that you've all played it (multiple times over, no doubt), we're curious to know what your favourite new track in the game is.
You might have been excited about a certain course, but now that you've played through the DLC there's perhaps another one that's your favourite. So let us know, which of the new (but old) tracks you like the most in our poll down below.
Golden Dash Cup
- Paris Promenade (Mario Kart Tour)
- Toad Circuit (Mario Kart 7)
- Choco Mountain (Mario Kart 64)
- Coconut Mall (Mario Kart Wii)

Lucky Cat Cup
- Tokyo Blur (Mario Kart Tour)
- Shroom Ridge (Mario Kart DS)
- Sky Garden (Mario Kart: Super Circuit)
- Ninja Hideaway (Mario Kart Tour)

As previously noted - these first eights courses will be part of a much larger distribution over time. All up, there'll eventually be 48 courses, across 12 new cups and six waves. You can purchase the booster Course Pass for $24.99 USD / $32.99 CAN / £22.49, subscribe to Nintendo's Switch Online Expansion Pack to join in the fun, or play these courses in the online rotation as a regular Switch Online subscriber.
Comments 84
Ninja Hideaway. I love all of the paths plus it looks and sounds great too.
I voted Paris Promenade because it made me feel like I was in Disneyland
Edit: not to mention the unique reverse mechanic
As much as I love seeing Choco Mountain again, Ninja Hideaway is a really solid course. It's just a shame it wasn't called "Ninji Hideaway" to keep with the Super Mario Bros. world theming.
They're good, I still prefer my previous two choice. Kinda wish they give us some of the arcade tracks too.
I voted for Sky Garden, though I do wish they didn't change the layout as much as they did. And there's wasted anti-grav potential. At least that last bend towards the finish line should've been anti-grav.
Also all the courses feel shorter than they have to be. Aside from maybe Ninja Hideaway but that one feels awkward to play on.
Everything is better than Toad Circuit though. What a bland, boring track, both to race on and visually unappealing. It's actually embarrassing.
I had to vote for Coconut Mall, but Ninja Hideaway and Paris Promenade were also very impressive. I like all of them though
Ninja Hideaway is not only the best course of Wave 1, it's one of the best and most creative courses in the game and in the series. As others said, I wished they incorporated Ninji's into the level.
Sky Garden is really solid too, Choco Mountain is miles easier compared to N64 but still decent. I'm not a fan of the changes to Coconut Mall, specifically the escalators and the parking lot section, the middle is still ok. Personally, I'm not a fan of the crazy width they added to some courses, and in general "dumbing down" the difficulty of retro courses compared to their original incarnations.
I haven't even gotten it yet and I have to say Coconut Mall, But hey, When I do that might change.
Ninja Hideaway might very well be in the top 3 Mario Kart tracks I've ever played. It's phenomenal. I do hope we see Maple Tree Way in the next batch.
I really like Choco Mountain and Shroom Ridge.,great additions. My favourite has to be Coconut Mall though. I always liked this course and playing it earlier was like reuniting with an old friend.
Sky Garden I thought was really poor.
Ninja had the most fun despite nostalgia bias for Mall
I was super hyped for Choco Mountain, but after playing all the courses I gotta admit, so far I been loving Ninja Hideway the most out of all with Paris Promenade as my top 2nd!
It has to be one of the Tour tracks. They're way better designed than the tracks that were made specifically for standard Mario Kart. Mario Kart Tour isn't the bad game people dismissed it as, it just relies too much on the gacha and ruby mechanic to try and force you to pay up. It just needed a standard mode with cups along side the money making format.
Coconut Mall has been somewhat ruined though. Removing ramps, making the escalators into regular travel strips, making the cars stationary. Just really spoils it imo.
Tour courses all the way! The tour courses feel new to me because I'm not gonna buy it on mobile.
Fam & I just raced on all 8 courses and must say our jaw dropped when we came up on Ninja Hideaway!
Ninja Hideaway was amazing indeed but Shroom Ridge was more fun to race on imo.
I think...I think Coconut Mall may have been dethroned by Ninja Hideaway as my new favorite track.
I hope Coconut Mall doesn't find out about my adulterous actions. If she learns of my infidelity, she'll leave me and take the coconut kids!
I Haven't bought the DLC yet. but i did voted for Choco Mountain as that was one of my favorite MK64 tracks.
I have watched the DLC tracks from YouTube and I have one comment.
The DLC tracks looked great, but.... it was still too safe in my opinion.
It was lacked of Anti-Gravity section, some of the tracks looked minimalized, while I was thinking about other cartoonish racing games such Skylanders Superchargers, Team Sonic Racing, Mod nation Racers, etc with their efforts to sell the games but still never able to dethrone Mario Kart 8 Deluxe just because Mario Kart games still lack of detailed Character customization and Track builder.
The Mario Kart Tour maps were the highlight for me. They are really well design. Nintendo should just port them all into MK8 instead of wasting effort on a mobile game
Yeah thats me too
I guess I'll go for the obvious answer.
Toad Circuit.
To be fair, this is the first 8 of 48 new tracks. 40 more are on the way and I'm sure some of them will use anti-grav since that's what's featured on the pass' promotional material here:,dpr_1.0,f_auto,q_auto,w_600/b_transparent/v1/ncom/en_US/dlc/switch-dlc/mario-kart-8-deluxe-dlc/bundles/mario-kart-8-deluxe-booster-course-pass/image
From this first batch, it's Shroom Ridge, Ninja Hideaway (though why does it have Wario motifs?) and Paris Promenade. Tokyo Blur would've also been a favorite if it were set at night.
I voted coconut mall, but the quality of the track felt cheapy. I swear I'm not being negative, just wondering if anyone else noticed the same thing?
I'm impressed with all the Tour tracks. Ninja Hideaway is the clear winner, but Paris Promenade & Tokyo Blur both do interesting things with extra laps that really elevate them.
Otherwise Shroom Ridge & Coconut Mall are pretty fun with Choco Mountain coming in just behind them.
Toad Circuit & Sky Garden at the bottom for me, but still fun.
The quality is all over the place with Wave 1. Paris Promenade and Ninja Hideaway are incredible additions, but Toad Circuit is the most bland, uninspired comeback. I couldn't help but think how Toad Harbor and Toads Turnpike were far superior Toad representations. There's literally NOTHING interesting about it. I hope the next waves have more impressive offerings
Just finished playing 'em now, Ninja Hideaway far and away
I absolutely love Mario kart and one of my first ever games on the snes was super Mario kart which ignited my gaming habit.
Likewise Mario kart 8 deluxe is such a fantastic complete package…
These new DLC tracks however are unbelievably bland.
Looks like Nintendo have made minimum effort to get maximum profit and have just stopped caring.
I personally won’t be purchasing atm and if the rest are like this it’s a no from me……gutted.
Its Coconut Mall. I love the rise up the escalators and the finish in the parking lot. Its just an environmental treat.
To be fair, Toad Circuit is no different from how it was in Mario Kart 7. It serves as the "tutorial" track as the first course of the Mushroom Cup in that game similarly to GCN's Luigi Circuit, DS' Figure-8 Circuit, Wii's Luigi Circuit, and 8's Mario Kart Stadium.
Imo it's a track that serves its role as a more casual, down-to-earth, "driving" level that the game somewhat needs since 80% of the tracks are insanity.
Every single track. Im wrapping my mind around 40 more to go. I’d have been happy with 8 tracks 😂
@HammerGalladeBro Apparently its based on WarioWare. I know, I had no idea either..
Ninja Hideaway and Paris Promenade are my favorites.
Coconut mall is probably the best one there, but the entire Golden dash cup is quite good. The lucky cat cup isn't as special.
Ninja Hideaway has so many cool secrets and alternate paths, the music is really good and it’s basically the only track here that’s on par with the base game
I will always love Choco Mountain because of Mario Kart DS. A Few good spots to blast your opponents off of the ledge. Its a shame they removed that from 7 and 8.
Ninja Hideaway is the most interesting.
Coconut Mall is the most nostalgic.
Choco Mountain is the most transformed.
Shroom Ridge is my personal favourite.
The enjoyment of the courses varies dramatically depending on the speed. Shroom Ridge and Toad Circuit are both really good on 150cc and 200cc.
My ranking:
1. Ninja Hideaway
2.Coconut Mall
3. Choco Mountain
4. Paris Promenade
5. Sky Garden
6. Shoom Ridge
7. Tokyo Blur
8. Toad Circuit
I still enjoyed them all and wouldn't get rid of any of them, even Toad Circuit, which is last mostly because of how simple it is.
hey guys, first post. really loving Ninja Hideaway, so creative and easy on the eyes! but why is Nintendo trying to hide its origin (Tour)? 😅
Just love the layout and routes through the Paris course, and it does look amazing compared to it's tour version, and in my opinion one of the best looking courses on the whole game.
I also love the choco mountain course too, got so much nostalgia racing that the other night.
I knew people would like Ninja Hideaway
@mariomaster96 I remembered your comment right away when I saw this!
giving toad circuit some love!
Though worse than the Wii and 3DS variants due to the car section being changed, I'd still go for Coconut Mall.
None. They are quite boring compared to real Mario Kart 8 tracks.
Wave 1 in general was very good. If the remaining waves are this good, that price was an absolute bargain.
My daughter and me will be playing the new Cups sometime today so haven't got a chance to play.
The only ones I've played before are Choco Mountain and Toad Circuit in their respective games, so the other 6 are pretty much new tracks to me. Really interested in Ninja Hideaway since everyone has been essentially raving about that one so hopefully it lives up to the hype.
@Captain_Toad reported 😁
Where's the new battle courses!!
Ninja Hideaway is a standout course, up there with the very best in the series. Visually fantastic, thematically interesting (and involved in the actual experiece) and nice to race on.
It's such a step up on the rest to the point I'd wonder whether it was originally planned as a native MK8 track but left out for some reason before it was picked up for use in Tour.
Coconut Mall (I have no nostalgia BTW - never played MK Wii) is also a really good course that fits in nicely with several of the better MK8 courses like Sunshine Airport and it's a lot of fun to actually go around without being as dramatic visually or thematically.
Generally speaking a lot of the new courses are a little too wide with too generous curves (I presume this is down to the driving mechanics of Tour), but they're definitely very good to have. If we get one track on par with Ninja Hideaway every wave then I'd be very happy.
Ninja Hideaway for me, such a brilliantly designed course and a good soundtrack. My boy would vote for Shroom Ridge because it has cars on it
I don’t like they added rails to Choco mountain- it could get annoying on n64 but mk 8 controls are more tight and they took the excitement out of it.
Ninja Hideaway was certainly the most fun for the fam - best music as well. A close second was Paris - we liked everything about it really.
Coconut Mall was a disappointment. I feel like it is overrated in a way.
Choco Mountain. After playing the original A LOT on MK64, the way they made it in this one feels so fun to drive through (especially with the three ramps at the end being trickable, that is so fun to do). I also liked how much they changed as well, with a cave section, glidable jump and tons of other things as well.
Close second to Ninja Hideaway though, that track is incredible.
None really, I'm disappointed with them all. They are all showing their age. I wouldn't recommend spending money on this lot. Maybe when all the tracks are released there may be slightly more value to the package, but for now your money could be better spent than on eight outdated tracks.
The main issue with Choco Mountain on 64 is how bland it looks, which this pass rectifies.
I criticised Tour before but Paris Promenade and Ninja Hideaway are impressive and interesting tracks. Shame about the slight graphical downgrade. I voted Coconut Mall. Even though it was more familiar, it was still the most fun
I think the staff here at NL got the review dead on at 7/10. Ninja Hideway was my favorite, and it came the closest to feeling like an MK8 track. Praise was a close second.
Overall, most of the tracks seemed awfully short. Toad Circuit should have been left off entirely. When I think of DLC, I think of of something a little more challenging.
Has anyone had these tracks come up when playing online? I sure hope so because when I’ve played about a dozen times and they never came up for the voting section. I don’t want it to be friends only or anything like that because it’s to difficult to get people in a room
I voted for Choco Mountain as it was one of my favorites on the N64, I love its music, and they added a couple of new features to it. I really hope that Nintendo will steer clear of the "real world" Tour tracks like Paris and Tokyo in the future, because to be frank they're simply not very good (not counting on it, obviously). I did really like Ninja Hideaway, though; its music was very nice as well, and it actually felt more like a proper Mario Kart track. Coconut Mall is a welcome return, as is Shroom Ridge.
Not a fan of most of those tracks but Ninja Hideaway is probably one of the best in the whole game
Ninja Hideaway made me realize they really should have brought the costumes from Tour in. Then I realized, they have a Japanese-style Wario course with garlic everywhere, and no Japanese-style Wario? Give me Daimyo Wario!
@Hero-of-WiiU The new tracks will be available in worldwide lobbies starting Tuesday.
I like the Paris one as I’ve been there before.
Hopefully we will get the London Tour one
As I live in Greater London.
Ninja Hideaway was super unique! I also liked Shroom Bridge.
Paris is really cool, but I'm enjoying every single track to be honest.
I can't understand why many says that the tracks are short, tough. Just look at the ghost staff, they are long just like the tracks of the main game. There are some pretty short and others longer.
I've always liked Coconut Mall. Definitely my choice.
Really? Where did you hear that? That’s good I guess but I wonder why that is.
I can't pick a favorite track. I like most of them. Variety of tracks is my favorite.
Been to Paris a couple of times and promanade really captures the City! Ninja Hidout is awesome. Almost my top track behind my all time fav
Baby Park!
@Anti-Matter why don’t you play the game/s first before you always comment, pretty sure it was just asking peoples favorite new course. Nobody cares about those other racing games when talking about Mario Kart. You claim to be some big Nintendo fan but all your posts are the same. You play DDR with a game pad and then complain about the NSO service.
@Hero-of-WiiU Oh, it might actually be tomorrow. We will see.
@Hero-of-WiiU They won't be available in online matches until 12:00 AM EDT / 9:00 PM PDT tomorrow/Tuesday.
Coconut Mall for me. Not only is it an absolute CLASSIC, the music is a banger.
i have to say Coconut Mall even if the escalators and moving cars have been changed
I will forever be in love with Mario Kart DS so my choice is not very logical but it’s from my heart
Ninja Hideaway, but I love Coconut Mall and Shroom Ridge too! I honestly like all the new tracks.
As a diehard Coconut Mall fan, I completely hate what they’ve done to it here.
Making the escalators bleedingly obvious to the point where they might as well have just replaced them with regular stairs makes no sense whatsoever. The guiding arrows made sense for the 3DS due to the screen size, but the resolution of the Switch, both in handheld and docked, is well above the Wii version.
The missing Miis is also a monumental letdown. The remade track as a whole feels so lifeless and sterile.
The Tour tracks were the best of show though, which makes me wish that Nintendo had just ported Tour to the Switch instead, albeit as a complete standard release with no F2P BS.
It was Ninja Hideaway, but I think I have to say Paris Promenade after I played Ninja Hideaway in 200 CC lol
Ninja Hideaway, no contest. It's an awesome roller coaster on 200cc.
Easily Ninja Hideaway, I love how intricate and detailed it is! I've enjoyed all of the new tracks though, even if Coconut Mall is easily its worst incarnation. It's not the same without getting run over by some of your custom Miis...
Glad to see old favorite Choco Mountain, Sky Garden was well done, but the best has to be Ninja Hideaway.
I must say im not very impressed. I realy dislike the plasticy look of the new Tracks plus choco mountain, sky garden and shroom ridge are soo extremly boring to play. Especialy the last one mentioned hasent even a singe jump or boost like wtf?! What is this crap! And sky garden is so depressing. Most pf the other tracks also seem to have weird dimensions like everything is way to big... You can realy see that these courses are made from a third company and not by Nintendo themselves. Must been cheaper. Thumbs down to the first courses of the new DLC for me so far.
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