Blizzard will be making some big changes in the upcoming release Overwatch 2, and the latest reveal is the Street Fighter-inspired brawler Doomfist will be changed from damage to tank class.
Game director Aaron Keller shared a bit more detail in a livestream last week - explaining how Doomfist's "leap" would be similar to Winston. He also mentioned how he would survive longer in battle and was equipped with "good escape" capabilities.
Doomfist will do a lot less damage as a tank, and Keller acknowledged how the hero was also in need of a nerf after the recent Overwatch 2 closed beta test. This latest tank update follows on from Overwatch announcing it would be dropping the second tank and downsizing the team format to 5v5.
- Further reading: Overwatch Director Admits Dev Team Has Let Down The Game's Community
So Overwatch players, how do you feel about Doomfist becoming a tank? Will you be giving this game a go when it finally arrives? Leave a comment down below.
[source pcgamer.com]
Comments 29
Oh, well... someone out there will definitely like this little bit of information...
Removed - unconstructive
I think Activision-Blizzard has bigger things to worry about then switching a hero from DPS to tank.
^Everyone above me has valid comments. That said, this was a good choice. He has always seemed more tanky than a main fighter.
I always did find it odd he wasn't a tank, thats what I thought he'd be, because, you know, the big fist.
I really do think they showed this game off way to early as others have said, if they showed the game off maybe a year or so back, It would have been a pretty good spot.
Removed - off-topic
I miss when Symmetra's beam thing would latch onto a player instead of it just being a straight line like it is now.
It was also really fun making killing rooms with her turrets.
@TommyTendo They nerferd her to the ground, and for no good reason, sure she was annoying at times, but dang, it was sad to see her get nerfed the way she did, wile people like ash, ash for crying out loud! Got buffs!
I also feel like they butchered Mercy. She was my main back in the day, but she certainly isn't anymore. (Even if I haven't played the game since like 2018/2019)
I loved being able to fly in, ressurect, and fly out of the battle zone. That's basically impossible now since she slows down when she resurrects.
Burnt out from Overwatch now tbh so I can't see myself getting into this. Maybe I'm just getting too old for this lol who knows and truthfully I still feel quite iffy towards Blizzard over what happened before but I won't get into that now.
@TommyTendo ohh god I really hate fight against Symmetra. but was a lot less fair before.
@PBandSmelly I think it's very in character for Blizzard to announce their games 10 years before release. I think it builds a dangerous kind of hype, like it was for Diablo 3
Now here is a company I am not looking forward to hearing more from.
Considering Doomfist was always an aggressive, survival of the fittest kind of character, hearing he's being swapped from a DPS to a tank (in other words, a swap from focusing on killing things to drawing fire away from allies) seems a bit of an odd move to make (especially when there are other DPS characters, like Symmetra or Torbjorn who seem more appropriate picks if balancing out the roster is the aim here) but *shrugs * I guess there's a possibility this might work better.
This is one of my least used characters, definitely a bottom 5 for me. The change seems interesting though. I think I'm ready for "2". I'm a new player, picking the game up when it first launched on the Switch. We have been playing it since the Switch launch but our playing time is decreasing every month. I'm really looking forward to the new co-op story mode as the one event's co-op levels (archive or anniversary??) on the original game is one of my family's favorites.
Who will be a what in whatnow? ^_^;;
I wasn't interested in the first overwatch, and after all the ... unpleasantness ... I'm certainly not going to jump in now.
activision and blizzard could fall off the face of the earth and i wouldn't even notice, tbh. except that they bought a couple things here and there that i once cared about (Crash i think.)
I'm not trying to change the topic, except to voice my opinion that these articles are not interesting to me, to say the least.
Removed - discussing moderation
My friend really wanted me to get over watch but I said “oh it says over watch 2 is coming out soon I’ll just get that”
This was 3 years ago
I'm absolutely hopeless with Doomfist as it stands so any shakeup that might make him a more playable option is fine by me.
Having said that, I do love seeing people play him well. Can't help but applaud when I find myself getting juggled around like a rag doll by someone that knows what they're doing with him.
Odd choice. The game doesn’t need another Winston but anything to hinder such a broken character is great. No other character is built to abuse the physics engine like Doomfist. Sick of being one shotted because he’s glitched onto a roof. This game needs less characters that are capable of disconnecting your keyboard.
yeah, did you miss this part?
"I'm not trying to change the topic, except to voice my opinion that these articles are not interesting to me, to say the least."
you are welcome to skip my opinion, right? I'll do you a favor and skip your off topic opinion about Zelda games randomly dropped here.
Wake me up when Valve do Team Fortress 3 =0p
He reminds me of Big Landman from Burning Rangers. Am I the only one?
@Snatcher Bobby messed around too much with the OW dev team, he gave them things to do on things that eventually didn't even see light of day. My guess is, he was trying to hold down OW so it would make less competition for the Call of Duty cow within Activision Blizzard.
@Tasuki Since they're transitioning into Xbox ownership, this is probably the first step in the direction of the necessary changes.
@Snatcher On dps I solely play Symmetra. I have nearly 250 hours on her alone and climbed to masters rank with her. She is by no means gutted, she is very strong.
@VexingInsanity I'm so happy your still able to Enjoy your character, when I mean gutted, its just they nerfed her for no realy good reason, but gave buffs to one of the most balanced characters in the game, I just didn't understand it.
I heard all sorts of mains dropped her after her nerf, so to hear you climbed ranked with her! Kudos.
I think that Doomfist is better to be a tank because, in the overwatch game first version, this champion was too weak to be a killer/damage dealer. So I hope in Overwatch 2 games, they will rework his role accordingly so we all can enjoy the new mechanics of this champ. Also, yesterday I read the article on https://zumroad.com/game saying that Doomfist is not the only hero that will receive a full rework role and gaming mechanics, I hope these changes will make this game even better.
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