Update [Fri 25th Feb, 2022 01:45 GMT]: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask has now been made available to Switch Online Expansion Pack subscribers. You'll be able to access it via the Nintendo 64 games library.
Original article [Fri 18th Feb, 2022 01:05 GMT]: We knew it was only a matter of time before The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask showed up on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack service this month, and Nintendo has finally locked in a date.
In an update on social media - Nintendo has confirmed the moon will come crashing down next week on 25th February.
Link is dragged into the world of Termina, where the moon is falling from the sky! Relive the world’s final 72 hours when The Legend of #Zelda: Majora's Mask comes to #NintendoSwitch for #NintendoSwitchOnline + Expansion Pack members on 2/25. #Nintendo64.
To play N64 games, you'll need to subscribe to Nintendo's online service and pay an additional fee to access the N64 and Sega Mega Drive libraries.
Is this the game you've been waiting to play on Switch's online service? Leave a comment below.
Comments 141
Oh hey, that one game I played on an emulator is finally coming to Nintendo Switch!
Umm...I mean YAY, new N64 game on Switch!
please don't put a hit list on me Nintendo
Alright, who's next?
I say Mario Golf.
Will still be gone from virtual console forever NY next year
Kinda wish they would sell it separately also... I don't want it quite enough to rent it on expansion pack but I might want it enough to buy and then not get around to playing it for 3 years.
@Wyatt006 i think so too, but kirby is also fair game i think
Nintendo really needs to add an option to download these games. Sure it's nice to get access to them through the subscription but a buying option to download them legitimately would be nice.
After the 3DS version I can never go back to that one again.
And I still hope for the 3ds remake to get ported to the switch.
Ill definitely be playing this if we get news that the fog affect is fixed!
Such a silly service.
@Wyatt006 Either Super Smash Bros. or Goldeneye 007.
Why are they slow walking this stuff out? This should have launched with the overpriced service.
@Specter_of-the_OLED You do download them or do you think that you're streaming the NSO games? You can download the app and play without an internet connection.
Not been that long since I played it so probably won't be a top priority for me, though whenever I do get around to it should be an interesting experience. Most of my more recent playthroughs of Majora's Mask have been the 3DS one which I think does some things better (like the Song of Double Time) and some things worse (like the boss fights, the swimming, and did I mention the swimming).
After this, I’ve definitely had my money’s worth from the Expansion Pass after just 3 months…
Save your money. Buy it on the Wii u eshop or the 3d version on 3ds eshop instead. You’ll still be able to play those versions long after NSO shuts down.
NSO launches with a decent amount of games: fans complain.
NSO adding more games, seemingly every month: fans complain.
I own mutliple systems but gawd dang you lot are never pleased.
Looking forward to replaying this, I own the 3DS version and while it's a good game I didn't like some of the changes that they made.
@Specter_of-the_OLED If I had the chance to purchase an N64 game (to keep) for 5 to 10 bucks, I'd be happy.
@BTB20 Every week or something, the app checks if you're subscribed and doesn't let you play if you're not. Anyone can download the app.
@Ultimapunch Wii U games were delisted from the online store just a day or two ago. If you go check, none of them are available to purchase. It's like the Wii U never even existed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Majora's Mask was originally rated E by the ESRB on the N64/GC/Wii/Wii U, and E10 on the 3DS. Now, it is rated T, rightfully rising to the level of Twilight Princess
@Wyatt006 Hopefully Goldeneye 007.
Thanks, but I'll stick with my physical 3DS copy. It's the definitive version of the game IMO. Still, this is nice for those who want it.
Guess I will play it next week. On my 3ds that is. I’ll have it done by the time the game comes out on switch online.
@nowthisisepic @Wyatt006 I never really played the original Mario Golf, so I'm excited to check it out when it arrives on NSO. That said, I'm really hoping the next one is Kirby 64 instead. I don't know if Nintendo would want to release another Kirby game so close to the release of Forgotten Land, though.
I feel like a lot of changes in 3D are overblown. Only valid complaint, imo, is the Zora swimming.
F-Zero may just be the only game I am looking forward to with this. Maybe next year!
I might give this game a try I tried it on the 3DS wasn’t all too much into it but it seemed intriguing.
Still have my launch day copy in mint condition complete.
I'll save my money.
After I sold all my SNES collection I swore to never trade or get rid of my Nintendo games again.
I've kept every game I've bought on my Nintendo consoles.
Even rubbish games are worth money eventually..........looks at Superman 64
@minecraftemery Neither has been confirmed as of yet. I feel pretty confident they're gonna release the rest of the ones they showed off in the September Direct first. F-Zero, Kirby 64, Mario Golf, Pokémon Snap. I think the February Direct would've been the time to show off a new title coming to the platform. That didn't happen, so I think we're gonna have to wait till E3. Hopefully Smash comes sooner than later, though.
@Ultimapunch What happens when your Wii U or 3DS breaks? You won't be able to re-download it from a new system, and I'm not sure if Nintendo even offers repairs anymore. If they do, they won't for long.
Cool! I played through Banjo-Kazooie 100% last month. It was great on NSO. Now I’m ready for my next challenge. Personally hoping for F-Zero X next month.
I hope all you salty NSO haters find whatever it is you’re looking for…
It's interesting seeing all these Majora's Mask 3D supporters coming out of the woodwork. I thought everybody hated that version.
Anyhow, I'm looking forward to finally beating the game for the first time--hopefully. I understand it's important to a lot of people, but it's probably the single most stress-inducing game I've ever played. I don't know if I can handle it the whole way through, lol. I know everybody loves Wind Waker now in retrospect anyways, but after Majora's Mask, I think the Zelda series needed some levity. Maybe the developers who were stuck in the depressing and anxiety-filled land of Termina for its whole development cycle needed that, too.
Despite never beating Majora's Mask, I did recently watch DeeBeeGeek's playthrough of it last year, so I know how the story pans out. (DeeBeeGeek is an incredible content creator, by the way, and you all should follow him on Twitch and YouTube.) That was the 3DS version though, so hopefully it will still feel pretty fresh going into it.
@Freek I learned the same lesson the hard way. Sold everything up to and including N64 and regretted it every day since. Never sold another game ever. At least I have a nice physical game library from GameCube onward.
Easily one of the most unique games of all time, and my personal favourite. I have played pretty much all the games it has inspired and not a single one has managed to achieve everything that it did 20 years ago.
@SpaceboyScreams What's silly about it?
@blindsquarel Yeah, the Zora swimming is pretty clunky, but they sped it up in MM3D. I also quite like how they changed the save system. I do understand the complaints about the boss changes though.
I have always been a 3D supporter. Most of the people against the game always seem to say something along the lines of “ I played this as a kid” or something like that. The positives of 3D far outweigh the benefits.
Maybe I misunderstand what you mean, but how did they speed up swimming in 3D? They slowed it down. All your other points I agree with though.
Yeah, I've said it before, but I genuinely really enjoy the service. It was pathetic in 2018, but I thought $20/year for all the NES and SNES games was a steal by the time they came around. People expected the expansion to be free "as an act of good will" or maybe 5 bucks extra, and while I was hopeful, I always knew that wasn't realistic.
Knowing Nintendo, I expected Nintendo to maybe double the price to $40. Turns out even I was low-balling the price. It definitely felt pretty steep, and I didn't think enough content was there to justify the price difference compared to the base plan. But I've wanted to be able to take my N64 games on the go for SO long now, so I knew I would buy it regardless.
With the recently-announced Mario Kart 8 update, the price is starting to make a lot more since. Maybe it won't happen, but if Nintendo ever adds GameCube games to the Expansion Pass, then I think the value will once again be a steal. But for what it is right now, it's good. Nintendo is even working to improve their online infrastructure in games like Monster Hunter, 3D World, and Mario Party Superstars. That's probably the sole reason we're getting a Splatoon 3 right now--to take advantage of the new servers. That was like everyone's biggest complaint with NSO, but they're actively rectifying it now.
Then there's the whole emulation thing. In my opinion, official Nintendo 64 games have never looked better. They're quite sharp, and the colors are much more vibrant than on Wii U. I haven't noticed any significant input lag; the only exception is that I couldn't deflect Ganondorf's energy blasts quickly enough because there was a very large delay when Link would swing his sword. That was frustrating, but I imagine it must have been that cumbersome in the original game, since it's literally the only thing I had a problem with.
When Paper Mario came out, I kept timing my action commands too early to compensate for the supposed lag. It didn't work that way, and I realized that all I needed to do was play it normally. This was also my first time experiencing the original version of OoT and not 3D. I always thought the game was overrated before, but man, now I finally understand how ahead of its time it was.
I had a mostly blind experience with the N64 version, and let me tell you, the lack of fog in the Shadow Link room or whatever didn't bog down the experience one bit. It seems like Nintendo is fixing those graphical issues, though. The save data glitch in Paper Mario is pretty bad, to be completely fair, but I'm confident Nintendo will fix that in time as well. Probably by the time Majora's Mask comes out.
I don't really care about Genesis games, but even so, I'm really liking what Nintendo is doing here. We have a classic Paper Mario game finally on Switch! We have Banjo-Kazooie finally on Switch! That opens the door to other Rare games like Banjo-Kazooie and Golden Eye and Diddy Kong Racing and Conker! (I know Microsoft is generous, but that licensing can't be cheap for Nintendo.) We got Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time within a year of Skyward Sword, so Nintendo practically did celebrate the anniversary! It's lots of things people have been asking for for years now!
So yeah, I'm content, and I only expect the service to get better over time. I think having N64 games on my Switch has finally pushed me over the edge to saying it is now my favorite gaming system because of how strong the software library is. Its about time a console dethrones the GameCube, and if that comes to the service too, well...then I've died and gone to Heaven.
If people don't like this service and want to complain about it, that's fine. Interpreting somebody's opinion about something I like as a personal attack against me is childish. Let people enjoy things, but let people not enjoy things too, ya know? Y'all have fun with your Origami Kings and keeping 5 consoles plugged in at the same time but not enough HDMI ports in your TV, and I'll have fun with my subscription service.
Oh--I know I've already written a book, as I'm prone to doing, but I just remembered something else about the NSO Expansion that really excites me. Nobody realistically expected Nintendo to add DLC to Mario Kart 8 DX five years down the line, but I'm very glad they did.
Imagine what this could mean for other games that stopped receiving updates! What if Nintendo finally goes back and adds new course themes to Super Mario Maker 2 like we all thought they were gonna do originally? 25 bucks to get the Mario 2, Mario Land, and Mario Odyssey themes, or instead, maybe even the "Zelda Maker Expansion" as opposed to making it a full retail release. You can purchase it outright or get it free in the Expansion Pass. We're all hoping/expecting Mario Party Superstars to get new boards, but imagine not having to pay a penny!
Maybe none of this will happen, but Nintendo has set a precedent of expecting new free DLC for existing games with NSO. I thought it was just gonna be a one-off thing for Animal Crossing, but no! My mind is absolutely racing with the possibilities.
Edit: Mario Kart 8 DX and Animal Crossing are the Switch's two best-selling games, as well! What if Nintendo is literally just going down the list of what's popular and making DLC for them one at a time? "Smash is our 3rd biggest Switch game? Forget Sakurai, he can rest while we put a small team together to remaster old stages that didn't make the cut like Rainbow Road and Pokéfloats and sell it as an expansion!" Maybe I'm going a little too off-the-rails now, but AHHHHHH, WHAT IF, MAN???
@Not_Soos I agree with every single point you’ve made. N64 was my jam in college. I’m loving having the best N64 games with me on the go, uprezzed but otherwise left in the original glory and not “remastered” which is so often a mixed bag.
I thought I was not a huge fan of the Netflix approach to retro gaming. But I’ve now experienced so many NES and SNES and especially Genesis games that I never would have bought.
So there are intangible benefits to the subscription approach. Plus the rewind and save state features are brilliantly executed, making these impossible 8-bit and 16-bit games actually “beatable.”
I guess I just like the era of games before online/DLC/patches/battle passes/micro transactions ruined everything. NSO adds a lot for people like me.
@SpaceboyScreams such a silly comment
@blindsquarel Ah, whoops. You are correct; I'd thought the magic shield swimming speedup was an enhancement! I'd forgotten they actually did slow it down to allow maneuverability. I played the game a couple years after it released and admittedly have only seen footage of the N64 original in action.
Y’all spend way to much time telling people you’re not gonna buy something. Nobody cares.
So there's still nothing worthwhile available to make me want to upgrade my Membership. Yet again this is a game I already own plus I would like to see games that we haven't played a million times already like Pokèmon Stadium perhaps.
This is just a lazy cash grab atm IMHO.
@Arkay The SNES and NES offering is very good but the N64 Library atm is just a lazy cash grab. If I'm going to pay extra I want to see games that haven't been added before. I'm sick of seeing games like Mario 64 Ocarina of Time etc so often, I want to start seeing games I haven't seen before like Pokèmon Stadium for example.
@Wyatt006 Since the new Kirby releases in March, my guess is they’ve picked Kirby 64 to go along with it.
@Deerock69 Slow walking is what they do. That way they can trickle out the same content at a snail's pace so that when the next console generation hits they can start all over again and re-release the exact same lineup at the exact same pace
I own but haven't yet played Majora's Mask on 3DS.
Tell me, friends, which version should I experience my first playthrough on?
3DS or NSO with the Switch compatible N64 controller?
My love, you have returned to me! Gotta get that N64 controller now.
Majora's Mask is one of the best games that Nintendo has ever made but I prefer the original version. The 3DS version is easier and less consistent. If only they remastered the original game. On the other hand, the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is perfect.
I'd play it again on N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U or 3DS but I'm not subscribing to the Expansion Pack for some poor N64 emulation. Why would I?
Yay, I can't wait to see the number of texture glitches and input lag this has at launch.
@SeantheDon29 The Expansion Pack is funny, it's asking you to subscribe to a service with the games that you have already bought multiple times and sometimes they play worse than on previous consoles.
In my opinion 3D is better. It looks better, has better controls. It makes it so you can save at any time not just when you go back to the first day.( all three days take around 3 hours in total.) the bombers notebook is more clear, and song of double time let’s you skip to any hour of the day not just in 12 hour increments.( this helps a lot in side quests, particularly in one late game quest).
Bosses and masks are changed in 3D. Deku mask is slower when spinning on water( although spinning still gives you a speed boost) and zora mask makes swimming slower. Yeah the zora mask is one of the worst changes I have ever seen. Bosses have been changed to the classic hit the eye Zelda boss. But I honestly like 3 out of 4 better in 3D. Twin mold just sucks though. I recommend watching kingK’svideo on majoras mask to make your decision.
Yay! And I’m guessing Kirby will be the next N64 game to be released on the NSO expansion
Yeah, I saw it on their channel.
@KnightsTemplar darn you got me. But sure, have fun spending hundreds of dollars over several years to be drip-fed outdated versions of ancient games that you'll never own.
@Troll_Decimator My opinions aren't at all unique from the countless other people complaining about it. See my comment above this one.
@Arkay I share the sentiment. Complaining seems to be the go-to reaction for just about anything around here, or any part of the Internet for that matter. Hell, even in real life people mistake complaining for a personality trait.
@Not_Soos Watching DBG content got me on Twitch
@SpaceboyScreams So basically the same as Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, HBO etc with tv shows and movies.
@blindsquarel You can save anytime on the NSO Majora’s Mask due to save states.
I was always Intimidated by the timer concept, Zelda games are meant to explore and the stress of a timer never appealed to me, looking forward to trying this with save states and taking my time
Still have my physical 3DS version, which is far superior
This game is a masterpiece. First rpg I played where all the npcs had 3 days worth of actual life rather than just standing in a spot all day. Wonderfully immersive and gave the impending doom much more gravitas. Man, one of those games where talking about it makes me want to replay it lol.
@Caolan114 Me too!
@SpaceboyScreams mate I haven't played these games in years and are very much enjoying them on Nintendo's service.. I own nothing but the switch. But continue on with ya silly rant
I don't usually gloat about my crimes online, but hey if you proud of it then go for it.
@Not_Soos i'd classify a lot of MM3D hate in the "vocal minority that watched a youtube video decrying it once" category that hits a lot of maligned games
You know, while I'm happy OoT and MM are finally on Switch, it just hurts that we never got that HD remake for at least one of them for Zelda's 35th last year. That, or something akin to SM3DAS containing those two + TPHD and WWHD. I understand COVID etc. could've played a massive part in production plans, but the anniversary was underwhelming overall.
I’m more excited for this than the birth of my kids!!!
@SpaceboyScreams Lots of people think the Earth is flat too. Just saying.
Do we know what’s next? I hope for Kirby. Loved that game and could technically play I know on my original n64 but I’d like to revisit it on the go.
@RubyCarbuncle "lazy cash grab" aight, I respect your opinion, but have to disagree. I was already fine with the service as it launched and now it seems they are adding more content(more n64 games plus dlc for newer games) to it, which to me seems like it's adding more bang for your buck.
I’m excited since I’ve never played this game before!
I'm of the opinion that the Expansion Pack isn't seen by Nintendo as a retro-games service at all, but instead a push towards a subscription tier for their software-as-a-service model. Like the Nintendo Switch Online service, which is primarily about playing games online with cloud saves, etc. The NES and SNES games should merely be seen as the cherry on top.
We've seen Nintendo work towards a SaaS model for years now (the original Splatoon followed this model with a bare-bones initial release followed by a slow drip-feed of new courses and weapons - I'm sure there'll be other examples that happened prior to this), and recently they have kept gamers locked into titles like Smash and Mario Kart tour by providing new items/courses/characters to play with over a long period of time. It only makes sense that they want gamers to keep coming back to their existing games (many of which have sold in ridiculously high numbers) but also charge for the extra content. That's why Mario Kart 8's dlc is stretched out over 2 years and that's why the N64 service is drip-feeding games to us. They want to keep you coming back, not give you everything at once, and then be done with it after a week or two. It also explains why the expansion pass is more than the price of NSO itself.
I really think we're going to see more "season pass" style dlc for existing games (think new Mario Odessey kingdoms being rolled out one at a time every 6-8 weeks) and most of the upcoming games and recently released games (Splatoon, Mario Strikers, Pokemon: Legends Arceus) will have extra content added over a period of time that will be available for free with the Expansion Pack.
@blindsquarel Thanks for the detailed feedback! I was leaning toward the 3DS version of Majora because I'm fond of the Ocarina 3DS remake. I'll likely go with that.
Exciting news. Well, no not really since it's my least favorite Zelda.
Time flies honestly, it feels like we just got Banjo Kazooie yesterday or something.
@Arkay Fair enough. To me personally the N64 Library atm is just not that good.
This piecemeal approach to the service really has cooled my excitement for it. Even adding the Mario Kart 8 DLC, I know it will be better value if I get it in 6-12 months time, perhaps after my backlog and the big hitters of this year are played out, it’ll be the perfect thing to fill space.
Don't ask for the full price of the library is not complete yet.
@RubyCarbuncle it’s only just started. Give it a chance.
@UglyCasanova so you prefer Wand of Gamelon to Majora’s Mask. It’s still a Zelda game.
@KnightsTemplar I'm glad you see the value and are enjoying yourself. I'm not alone in thinking the pricing is absurd for what you get, or preferring the option to purchase the games and play them whenever I want in the future without $50 stacking up year after year. No amount of nostalgia is worth that to me. Without the nostalgia 80% of these titles Nintendo are picking for you are just incredibly dated.
@Troll_Decimator if you enjoy paying $50 a year to rent a few relics then Godspeed mate, truly, I'm not trying to rob anyone of their joy, just expressing an opinion that happens to be wildly common. We're not gonna change each others minds.
@mereel I sold my Mario galaxy to get fire emblem fates
Yea I'm still livid about that
@Bunkerneath I still have my physical N64 version, which is far superior to both that and Switch version.
@PoeTheLizard i have that too, gold cartridge and all, but no the 3DS version is the best, only drawback is not being able to play on a tv screen
@Medic_Alert it’s funny you should say needing a guide for it. Zelda is my favourite gaming franchise of all time, and yet this remains the only Zelda game I have not completed. Tried it on 3DS but just could not get into, having no idea what to do. I may stump up for expansion pak next week just to complete this. Begrudgingly with a guide this time.
You're never really in any rush, except during the prologue, which is admittedly one of the most intense openings in videogame history. But after that, it turns into a much more chill experience. At least, as chill as the apocalyptic concept allows. You do have a "timer" in the sense of the three-day cycle, but you can restart that cycle whenever you want and you keep all the items you've gained. Most dungeons are built in such a way that you can beat them across two cycles: you usually get the dungeon item about half-way through, which opens up the second half of the dungeon. That lets you skip ahead if you have to restart the cycle and come back. As for freely exploring the landscape, doing side-quests, or completing pre-dungeon missions, you can slow down time and get about two hours of comparatively relaxed wandering. It's not Breath of the Wild either, so you can definitely explore whatever area you're exploring within that time frame. You just have to manage your goals for each cycle, kind of like managing daily goals in Stardew Valley (except I find Stardew Valley about twenty times more stressful than Majora's Mask). I've read people online complaining about, say, not being able to finish a dungeon when they enter in the third day. Well, yeah, if you do that, you're not gonna make it. You're supposed to restart the cycle and walk into the dungeon at the start of the first day. That's what the fast-travelling's there for.
Streamed it on Twitch with a friend a few months ago with project 64, a much better way to play it.
@somebread Well to be fair, I was a little disappointed in Super Mario Odyssey for its overabundance of Moons that stopped feeling gratifying to collect, and that was long before all the video essays came out about the game being bad, lol.
@ModdedInkling The N64 app is rated T, not Majora's Mask itself. The NSO launch videos for Banjo-Kazooie also have the T rating displayed but because it's included in a T rated app. Like a DVD boxset, the rating of the boxset is based the highest rating of an individual film.
Does the ESRB's website list the NSO libraries rather than the games within them? Technically, it would mean they would have their E-T rating used at the start of multi-game showcases.
That is true. But that doesn’t make up for all the other improvements imo.
Only thing I needed a guide for was stone tower temple.( although that’s kinda not true since my brother convinced me to play it and I might have asked him a few things.)
@ModdedInkling The ESRB's website doesn't list the NSO libraries (that I can find) but Nintendo's NSO page has the N64 app rated as T.
The content of the app (the games) has already been rated and the as that content hasn't changed the original rating stands but the app has to display the highest rating.
So if Conker is added to the service and then at a later date DKR is added, the launch video for DKR would display the M rating as you can only play it on NSO through the app that contains BFD.
@SpaceboyScreams These relics that you are referring to are far superior than most games coming out today. Renting Majora's Mask for $50 for a year is a steal compared to buying any generic AAA game for $60 at launch. It is simply an unforgettable experience and not just "content" that is there for you to waste your time on.
I love majoras mask. It is my favorite Zelda game and Zelda is my favorite series. But it is not worth 50$ to rent the game for a year. Even if you made a game with no flaws it would still not be worth 50$ to play it for one year. That’s not even considering you need to be on WiFi to play switch online.
@blindsquarel Do you really love it if you say it isn't worth $50? For me, it is absolutely a priceless experience, I would even pay $1000 for a hard copy if I had to. I understand if you are broke, obviously other things come first, but if you have money to spare, not all games have equal value. If any given bland, generic and lifeless open world game is worth $60 or $70, Majora's Mask is absolutely worth 10 times that at minimum. It's truly an inspirational experience and a real work of art. The inspiration alone is worth the price of admission and then some. Look at Outer Wilds and The Forgotten City, two amazing games that would have never been made without Majora's Mask.
I would pay fifty dollars to have it forever. Not to have access to cruddy emulation for one year. You are acting like you own the game for life with the expansion pack.
@blindsquarel If it was the only option, even the 'rental' emulation would be worth it. But anyway, this isn't the only game you get by getting NSO+ so that's a bit of a strawman to begin with. You get a whole lot more plus two expensive DLC packs (for the duration, sure, but still).
While I would prefer a virtual console release where I own the game I do appreciate the opportunity to play this on switch with NSO. I probably will not keep the service after year one due to the price of the service vs the value offered but it is nice to have the option. I will say that The 3ds version made too many changes that messed with the core of the game, and I was not a fan of any of the changes.
My main complaint is the original version automatically saved the game every time you play the song of time whereas the 3ds version removed this in favor of owl statues. This was the core mechanic of the game and caused me to lose a lot of data thinking that I had saved the game when in fact I had not.
I also echo the previous comments about bosses and gameplay while wearing transformation masks being diminished. Also there are just other changes which don't make sense, like switching around the rewards of the great fairies, which in my opinion trivializes the work it takes to get all the fairies in snowhead. The bombers notebook was made far too easy as well.
If you never played the original you will love the remake on the 3ds, but I hope the original edition is the one that Nintendo continues to publish going forward.
@blindsquarel Do you also complain about Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime and other subscription based streaming services?
Only one I have is Disney plus. So let’s compare. Switch online gives you nes,snes, genesis and 64 games. Has a very inconsistent release schedule. Also the online we are paying for sucks. You get the dlc to but that doesn’t help some of the subscribers. It helps the majority but not everybody.
Disney plus has every classic Disney movie, marvel movies and cartoons, Star Wars movies and cartoons and National Geographic. Along with shows such as the mandalorian, the bad batch, Wanda vision and hawkeye. Plus they are bringing new shows such as moon knight and obi wan kenobi. As well as original movies. While switch online gives me........... 30 year old games with cruddy emulation? Plus I can rely on Disney plus to deliver new content. Switch online not so much.
I just bought the Zelda Collector’s Edition for GameCube because I thought it’d be great for emulating Majora’s Mask.
Turns out it’s absolutely not.
As much as i'm glad Nintendo are finally releasing N64 games on the Switch, I still wish they'd do a 1080p HD remaster of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. And it would be nice if they'd make it run at 60fps and have free camera movement like Skyward Sword HD.
They sure love to drip feed these games
@ModdedInkling You're saying it as if an increased rating is some sort of achievement, lol. Twilight Princess should be M rated, it takes a real man to put up with that awful 3 hour tutorial.
@Ravenmaster They probably will... But first they have to milk the original version a little bit more. I mean, OoT 3D and MM 3D with a completely reworked UI and some visual upgrades would basically be perfect for the Switch. I would be surprised if it doesn't happen eventually. Maybe towards the end of Switch's life when the schedule will be less packed to fill some first party content gaps. If that's even a thing with the Switch.
Ehh, it's more like the fact that they tried so hard to integrate the tutorial into the main game that it feels really long. I think it was pretty straightforward, just really long.
Excellent. One of the most emotional Zelda games will now be available to the masses. I am happy that more fans will get a first experience with this game, as mine has since long passed. Nothing beats your first time on anything.
@ModdedInkling It does very much feel like a tutorial, it's the reason why I can't bring myself to replay that damn game. The rest of the game isn't that bad, but the intro is just killing all the momentum.
At the very least, you can zip through text pretty quickly compared to older Zelda games.
@Not_Soos true, but thats why i predicted it. Maybe theyre gonna make it kirby month or smth idk lol
@blindsquarel as much as youre right, im kind of nintendo's bitch so im still paying lmao
I’m getting reeeeaaaalllll close to pulling the trigger on this service against my beter judgement. The N64 controller I ordered sits charged and waiting, taunting me ever so slightly with its nice 3-prong curves, C-buttons, and familiar joystick. 😩
It’s gonna happen real soon I think.
Beat the 3ds version today. Still the best Zelda game.
Please Kirby 64 next! Would be perfect for Kirby's 30th anniversary and a great appetizer for Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I'll actually consider buying the service! (probably not, I'm gonna wait until GB/GBA is announced)
I have and play the 3ds version and it’s not my favorite zelda it’s not my least favorite but it’s not my first.
@BTB20 I was talking about the option to actually buying the games legitimately and downloading them without a subscription. Yes with a subscription you do download it but only via DRM, I'm talking about actually had the option to download each title to the system, not through DRM.
@FishyS They did sell it separately on Wii and Wii U.
The new NSO update seems to have completely fixed the fog-related issues for some N64 games (i.e. Ocarina of Time).
Right, and what comes next...?!
@nocdaes The other 4 (I believe) that were shown as the Expansion Pak(Pass) was shown.
Goldeneye will have to wait for the E3 or whatever it will be called Ninty Direct!
@Brad_Hogan Yep, I agree. Those 4 games take us up to E3 too.
It's blatantly Pokemon Snap - probably announced on Sunday.
March - Pokemon Snap
April - Mario Golf
May - F Zero
June - Kirby
@nocdaes I wish that wasn’t the order of upcoming games but I imagine you’ve nailed it.
@BTB20 Does this mean that after the NSO service ends in 5 years we will still have the games? Mind Blown if thats true.
F-Zero X next month?
Complaining about others complaining is a wonderful pastime.
Because I want to purchase and own the games, I don't support the expansion service. But I respect it can be a wonderful resource for others
No thanks. Still not interested in the subscription at all. Most games I have on wii u and 3ds plus physical.
And I just bought Majora's Mask new and sealed from ebay for 39 pounds. I'd rather play that.
Looking forward to trying to save the world within 3 days 😊! Tried and failed before but excited to play on the TV, struggled on the 3ds.
I know this is a fantastic game (and one I'll probably get around to at some point), but I still haven't beat either Paper Mario or Banjo Kazooie yet so I'll give this one a go once I get that done. I'm at Chapter 6 in PM and Click Clock Wood in BK so I don't think I have too much more to go in either of them.
This is giving me a flashback to watching the moon crashing in to termina. That ending totally freaked out young me.
@Fizza Kudos to you for playing these classics, I hope you are enjoying them.
@Troll_Decimator Extremely so. BK is a wonderful platformer that I honestly prefer to SM64 right now and Paper Mario is the RPG I've been waiting for across all the NSO apps, probably my favourite game on the N64 service as of now (you'd need only look at my games collection for that).
I mostly skipped the N64 in favor of my PS1 and Saturn back in the day, and so never played OoT, Majora's, Banjo, Star Fox 64, and so many other classics on NSO. I'm glad to have the convenient means to do so now, but really have to be WAY more efficient with my limited gaming time to take advantage.
Is this why some people are content to watch playthroughs, rather than play them??
@nocdaes Yes that sounds about perfect to me!
In fact, lets see on Sunday!! Hahaha if your spot on, you should play the lottery!!!
@dustinprewitt Personally I can't stand the Wii U Majora's Mask or the Wii U Virtual
Console in general because of that damn dark filter on all the games. More so a shame the Wii VC is long gone now... It was the OG and still the best. To think we got TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine masterpieces like Rondo of Blood and Lords of Thunder on there! Fat chance of that ever happening on the Switch.
I adored the 3DS remaster which is the definitive edition for me. However, I respect the N64 OG version. Though at the time I couldn't get into it as much as the brilliant 3DS remake.
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