The latest Pokémon Presents just went out with a bang - revealing two all-new games, Pokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet.
This appears to be Generation 9 and it'll be arriving later this year on Nintendo Switch. Alongside a live cinematic mixed with some gameplay footage, The Pokémon Company also revealed Scarlet & Violet's brand new starter Pokémon.
Trainers will once again have the choice of a grass (Sprigatito), fire (Fuecoco), or water (Quaxly) pocket monster. It's also confirmed as being an "open-world" game. Here's a look, along with some more PR:

The Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet games, the newest chapters in the Pokémon series, are coming to Nintendo Switch later this year. With these new titles, the Pokémon series takes a new evolutionary step, allowing you to explore freely in a richly expressed open world.
Various towns blend seamlessly into the wilderness with no borders. You’ll be able to see the Pokémon of this region in the skies, in the seas, in the forests, on the streets—all over! You’ll be able to experience the true joy of the Pokémon series—battling against wild Pokémon in order to catch them—now in an open-world game that players of any age can enjoy.
The three Pokémon from which you’ll be able to choose your first partner are Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly. How will you meet these three, and what sorts of Pokémon are they?
As one of the main characters, you’ll set off on your adventure. Your outfit will vary depending on whether you play Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet. Who knows what kind of story awaits you?

That's all we really know, for now. If we find out anything else, we'll add it to this post. Are you excited for these upcoming releases? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 325
Wow, the Gen 9 reveal was such a nice surprise. Love the titles of the games, love the look of the new starters and the world looked really cool. Maybe the region could be Spain? Gameplay wise it seems like they go the Legends Arceus route which is also awesome. Great news, can’t wait!
My initial reaction is that this is releasing too soon for it to not just be another mediocre rush job but I guess I’ll wait to see more before completely writing it off.
Pokemon 240p version and Pokemon 10fps version
Please learn something from Legends Arceus!
Filler text
Well that caught me off guard, was not expecting a new gen announcement
terrible titles
Will wait and see on this one. Luckily the wild world looks similar to Arceus so I have some hope.
Ngl though, that duck/seagull starter is god damn adorable.
Please don't be another rushjob please don't be another rushjob please don't be another rushjob please don't be another rushjob.........
It's going to be another rushjob isn't it.
...guess I'll just wait and see. Didn't really look all that amazing to me so far, but eh, maybe they'll convince me down the line like they did with Arceus. Which I also barely even played so far, honestly.
Would kind of rather have DLC for Legends, doing two main series games in a year feels like a recipe for being extremely thin on content, but hey, we'll see how it turns out.
At least the stupid Fire zodiac theory is finally dead.
I was expecting Detective Pika2. This is more exciting. I hope it’s good
Scarlet is serif and patterned and violet is sans serif and starry. May be a past and future/ tradition and innovation theme?
I also wasn't expecting a new gen so early, but if it follows Arceus gameplay I'm all in! Also, it looks like Spain, which seems nice. Not a huge fan of the starters though. I just hope they get to make it look prettier....
Those starters actually look really cool, love the idea of them keeping the more open areas too, this could be great.
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I was expecting Legends DLC, but this is a nice surprise! Looks like they're sticking with Legends mechanics too, and Clauncher is in it 😍😍😍 I'm sold!
@Yosher you can already tell it's rushed.
I figured it was possible, tbh. I said as much in the speculation articles about the Pokémon presents.
I need to see the trees before I feel anything about it, though.
They’re not even trying with the starter designs anymore.
I really did not want gen 9 so soon, but the fact they seem to be basing it off arceus gives me very high hopes
@HenHiro “gameplay footage is not final.” We can only hope
Wow! This after Arceus has been out for only a month?! This will definitely be the year of Pokemon!
Nintendo Switch is just unstoppable this Gen 💯
Everyone took a dump on Legends before even trying it. And loads of people ended up enjoying it. So let's wait and see huh? I think Gen 9 is looking alright and they've got 9 months to finish it. Presumably they've been working on this since Sword and Shield so I'd hardly call it rushed.
Absolutely blown away that GameFreak is going to launch 2 brand new ambitious (graphics aside) Pokemon games in the same year.
Glad to see the game take the open-world approach of Legends Arceus and not be a more traditional linear Pokemon title like Sword/Shield. Hopefully all/most of the QoL upgrades from Legends Arceus are incorporated into Scarlet/Violet as well.
If they stick with the Legends formula but improve it here I'm ok with a new generation already otherwise Idk. Regardless I'm not the type of person to just write something off like so many do. I just don't want to be coming on here again and everytime this website posts about the new games the comments are just people, yeah you get the idea.
@HenHiro I agree the graphics were underwhelming but I thought it looked a tad better than Arceus but maybe that’s just me?
I wasn't expecting this, 2022 is on fire.
It's really impressive that they can launch 2 massive games in the same year, obviously they have two separate teams working on them for the most part, but still.
Sword/Shield released at the end of 2019
A studio with no experiences making semi- open world game made 2 of them in 3 years ? I’m really doubtful this will not be rushed.
@Munchlax #TeamScarlet
Cool, looks like a bad game
@Cinderace #teambuytwice because I am a fool.
You fail Pokemon, you fail!! This is the last thing that should have happened. Congratulations on jumping the shark
Looks like I'll be grabbing this. But it seems a little rough around the edges though, and I rarely say that about games.
I can’t stomach the graphics, I’m a massive fan of Pokemon but I can’t take these low resolutions and FPS. Sorry Game Freak.
I think Nintendo will run out of colours soon
Please for the love of God bring back gyms and some form of random encounters like the wild areas from sword and shield but bigger.
Also can't tell if the graphics are the same as legends or worse
0/10 Not Detective Pikachu 2
The starter Pokemon.

Grass Cat? Um...
Fire Goofy? 😅
And Donald Duck ? 🤣
Was definitely a shock. But I also had a great big chuckle considering all the folks (here and elsewhere) who was so sure this wasn't going to be revealed
I really wish Game Freak would take their time with these. Releasing these in 2023 with maybe a Let’s Go Johto by ILCA in 2022 would’ve been nice. Graphics still look a little iffy and they’re running the risk of PokeFatigue by having it come out less than a year after Legends Arceus.
Damn, that grass starter looks cute. But I’ve been a water main ever since the first gen and I’m not about to break my tradition.
Where's Arceus DLC and expansions????
@shadow-wolf Yeah you've got a point there, but I didn't play BD/SP so I am definitely ready for a new more traditional Pokemon game, I just hope they keep the Pokemon catching from Arceus, because I really liked this no friction approach. From the looks of it, they will, lots of tall grass etc.
I still think it’s too soon for another gen, I mean we haven’t even gone five months with legends yet, I would have much preferred a 2023 date, but like others said, it could be pushed.
And am I the only one here who is not a fan of the trainer designs? I mean they might grow on me but I’m not a fan.
@Mattock1987 Was thinking the same. Pokèmon knife and Pokèmon fork will be the next games 🤣
Looks really ace, the grass cat 🐈 is just too cute!
@Troll_Decimator the random encounters sucked anyway, so I 100% agree with you there.
(Yes I know about max repels)
So franchise fatigue doesn't exist for Pokemon fans huh?
I like that they're going back to a more classic title scheme, Sword and Shield are like "dial it back, guys. These used to named after colors and precious gems."
Pokémon Scarlet all the way!
@wanderwonder I don't get how. They're all colors or metals or something. What wouldn't be a bad title then? They're all just one random word that has nothing to do with anything.
2022 is THE nintendo switch year, move over 2017
Oh and also. Please don’t lewd the trainers or Pokémon PLEASE!
@mariomaster96 let’s be honest, Pokémon trailers suck at showing how graphically good it can be, legends looked pretty choppy, shining pearl, now this!
Idk why they don’t strive to show us the best footage they can, first impressions are everything.
I loved everything about this reveal. Very exciting ..... but who has time for moving this fast??
My god I am catching up on older DS, and 3DS era and have not even opened my Sword + Expansion... Arceus, 40 hours in and barely scratched the surface. And have not opened Brilliant Diamond.
Gen 9 looks amazing and much better than Arceus which I found limiting and craving (largely) traditional but modern Pokemon.
Pokemon Legends Arceus looked really rough when it was unveiled and things improved quite a bit upon launch (though the graphics still weren't all that great). The same will happen for Scarlet/Violet.
@dux too soon for a new gen? in 3 on 3 years, Pokémon have a new generation,
2010: gen 5(DS)
2013: gen 6(3DS)
2016: gen 7(3DS)
2019: gen 8(Switch)
2022: gen 9(Switch)
@ATaco Obviously not like it doesn't exist for Call of Duty fans either along with others. If you enjoy a franchise which clearly many people here do then you're going to keep playing it.
@Greatluigi it’s happening mate lol, can’t stop artist from moving at the speed of light.
2 games in 1 year? That's interesting, even COD and Assassin's Creed stuck to 1 a year at peak production.
Also, a new generation is awesome, but I was kind of hoping they would stick with the "Legends" theme but maybe with the Black/White legends. We still have very little backstory about the original dragon that split into the 3 legends in gen 5.
Or a Legends game about Rayquaza or give Gen 6 another shot with a game about Zygarde
@HenHiro oh please people were hating on arceus non stop before release and the game is awesome
@Giancarlothomaz it’s because we just got legends.
The water starter is so adorable I wanna hug it
@Snatcher hopefully they wait at least a day before doing it.
Seriously how did they lewd Gloria THAT fast?
I almost always go for the second version, so I’m team Violet until convinced otherwise.
@Giancarlothomaz but developing on 3ds takes a lot less ressources and time than on an HD console especially this new one being an open-world
@Greatluigi Idk man, you should have seen when rift apart came out, my god I’m telling you 30 minutes, that’s all it took.
But I think the bright side being the trainers don’t really have a interesting design going on for them, so it might be a wile….. maybe.
Am I the only one who thinks the player avatars look a bit strange?
@Snatcher Yeah, considering how bad the framerate was in the first PLA trailer and how actually good it was in the final game I have hope. But TPC should really stop showing of their games to early lol
I had move on from Pokemon but I will get these for my little ones so they could had their taste at the games for once.
@Snatcher 30 MINUTES!?!
is just me or Pokémon Scarlet e Pokémon Violet will be the first Pokémon games to feature live orchested music? i wanted orchested music on Pokémon since gen 6.
@HenHiro I can't defend the attack on graphics. It doesn't look any worse than any other switch game. Yeah, it looks bad, but so does kind of all the larger world switch games. Botw got away with it by making it's emptiness a thematic point, but it chugs on the switch if there's any fire or water. MH rise is a great example. It's a good game, but go back and play world and be amazed and how the only reason rise is acceptable is because we've all agreed that the switch is kinda weak and they did the best they could.
Arceus was underwhelming for a switch game, but it wasn't that much far behind. These will probably be the same. My point is there really needs to be a switch 2 before graphics can really be complained about. They all suck. Like I'm 100% convinced we wouldn't have a hd 2d concept if not for the switch and it's low output. It works amazing on an underpowered portable device but wouldn't be necessary if the thing had some oomph
@Snatcher Because they are genuinely showing how the game looks at that point in development, instead of showing a vertical slice that is perfectly propped up to look perfect but might not make it to the final product. Ubisoft and other AAA companies have been criticised a lot for doing the latter.
We really didn't need another game this year. It looks okay though.
@mariomaster96 it’s so odd? Like why would you want to show of your game you want to hype everyone for, in such a beta stage?
I feel like we are looking at “wild” areas like sword and shield here. Cute starters haha.
@Greatluigi or at least an hour, because the articles were coming fast, and the art was pouring in.
You would have to check in the next 30 lol.
@Snatcher I’m scared now.
@Troll_Decimator I guess, but it sure gives people the wrong idea.
At least we know there honest about the state of there game, and it always does improve when we see footage for it the next time.
As the Pokédex hits 1000, I'm not entirely sure Game Freak wants to take advantage of that idea of having such as huge roster, which will be quite a wasted opportunity, in my opinion.
Pokémon is beginning to lean into the same problems that most RPGs have; each and every game is becoming more independent of one another rather than sharing some common, direct elements.
When they showed the guard, at first I thought they were gonna announce a release date for Pokémon Detective Pikachu 2. Having said that, I did get excited by that portion of the presentation and love the Scarlett name (though will probably get the double pack, as the fiancée will most likely want to play the game as well).
Category: Grass Cat Pokémon
Height: 1′4″
Weight: 9 lbs.
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
The capricious, attention-seeking Grass Cat Pokémon.
Category: Fire Croc Pokémon
Height: 1′4″
Weight: 21.6 lbs.
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
The laid-back Fire Croc Pokémon that does things at its own pace.
Category: Duckling Pokémon
Height: 1′8″
Weight: 13.4 lbs.
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
The earnest and tidy Duckling Pokémon.
@Greatluigi you should be, they move fast, too fast for there own good.
@IronMan30 You figured it was possible AND a called it? You get the internet Nostradamus award!
@itslukec I think you're right. I don't think the switch has the power to handle fully open 3d cities. Best case is that all the outside town areas are open and the towns and dungeons and either much more close in or just the same side scrolling thing as swsh and sun and moon
@deafdood that's what they always say, and yet the graphics never improve significantly.
Arceus improved the performance only, and BDSP was not done by GF.
But that was a emotional reaction on my part, looking at it now, it does look better than Arceus, I guess I just expected more from Gen 9.
Especially the mountains, they look like the ones im Snap.
Wasn't expecting Gen 9 to be this year especially with Legends Arceus having launched last month. I feel it's too soon but the most exciting thing to come out of this for me is it's almost certain that 2022's Zelda title won't be BotW 2. I feel it's a lot more likely Nintendo would delay BotW 2 to March 2023 and release either Wii U ports (Wind Waker HD/Twilight Princess HD) or Oracle remakes during the summer to be this year's Zelda game instead.
This actually looks... good!? They even improved the models and likely the animations like they said they would. Only thing I could think of is that they sold people a tech demo with Arceus, is that why everyone in the replies is so salty?
@Savage_Joe how is that even possible?
@Snatcher Does it, though? I mean Arceus sold tons of copies. Most people don't watch these very early trailers anyways, they just buy the games at launch for their kids etc, once the real marketing drops (TV trailers etc). This is mainly for enthusiasts like us that are watching them and scrutinizing them closely to have something to moan about
@antisumo where did you get arceus mechanics from? I hope it is but to me it looks like it's a re skin of sword and shield; same gameplay as sw/sh just different pokemon
Late 2022? Please NO! We already have so many great games coming, why don't they wait one year and work on making the game look better!! It looks like a Dreamcast game!!!! I want the game not only to be fun but to at LEAST look as "good" as Arceus, this looks awful!!! I don't know if I'll give them my money this time, this is absurd!
@Xansies BOTW and Gods and Monsters (forgot the final name xD) look way better than this.
But it does look better than Arceus, I'll admit that.
I really wish they would spend more time on the graphical design and details tbh. I REALLY enjoyed Legends Arceus and had fun playing it but Imagine that gameplay with more details and polish. Would be extra special. I have no problem waiting at all. Sure it'll be fun if it's like this game but it could be even more amazing if there was some patience and extra care.
@RubyCarbuncle They’ll just drop the pretence eventually with Pokemon “Just give us your money” and Pokemon “Then give us more of your money”
I'm so glad GameFreak have taken inspiration from Spain, it's such a beautiful country.
As far as a general overview, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are said to “take a new evolutionary step in the Pokemon main series.” Players will be able to “explore an open world where various towns with no borders blend seamlessly into the wilderness.” Similar to Pokemon Legends: Arceus, creatures are out and about everywhere – be it the skies, in the sea, and on the streets.
My nicknames for the 3 are caturday, dinobot, and Daffy.
@luckiernut I hope it doesn't have arcs mechanics. It works for one game but arc was kinda a monster hunter spin off. The open world should stay but the battling and catching mechanics should go back to classic. It's not like it wasn't good, it's just not something I see as worth staying. Chucking 100 pokeballs to catch the 12th bidoof to fill out a checklist can die for all I care. It was just annoying padding.
Do people really think this looks better than Arceus? What am I missing @_@
@Troll_Decimator now this is true, all sorts of people complained even me, about how the game looked, and it didn’t really effect the final product. As long as in the end they could deliver, it didn’t really matter.
Same goes for this, as long as the finished work looks good, I couldn’t care how it looks now.
@Brutchie-bear yes, I love Arceus, but it still deserves heavy criticism for the visuals.
I'm not saying the game is gonna be bad, just saying the reveal was bad.
Arceus got me more excited because they should some revolutionary Gameplay in the first teaser, here they just showed bad looking environments, how am I supposed to get hyped this way?
I will, when they show gameplay.
@RubyCarbuncle well I didn't want to outright compare Pokemon fans to Call of Duty fans buuut....
@luckiernut You need a new pair of eyes, that's for sure. This is obviously using the Arceus engine. Not sure if it's fully seamless or like Skyrim where certain areas have a loading screen (i.e. between open world and towns), but either way, this looks a lot more seamless than Arceus even, you can actually see the big city in the same map as the open world.
Wow... I can now officially say Pokémon is the Call of Duty of RPGs.
No really, I already knew a game like this was coming. In 2026 that is.
I honestly expected Game Freak would lay out its main workframe on Legends: Arceus for some time, like an expansion pack or something. Then it would lead the way for another dev to primarly make the Gen 9 game. Instead, Game Freak just hopped into the first open-world Pokémon entry set to be released... later THIS year?!
To be perfectly blunt, open world games take time, especially the best ones. I don't know how Game Freak, a studio that lacks the size of the biggest AAA developers can make an open-world game in such short time. Especially with these graphics (it looks like an unoptimized UE4 Switch game... which is actually both a good and a bad thing). To be excited or worried, why not both... :,)
Speaking about the game itself, it seems the region is based on Spain. It'll be very interesting to see how the Legendary Pokémon pantheon will be then... hahaha.
Not digging the new Starters. First time since... ever, actually.
Incredible how everyone was losing their mind at the original Arceus reveal (which was running a lot worse than the final game and also included no gameplay) but the same people can somehow tell this is bad based on no gameplay
@Moonlessky and there are still nostalgia junkies who say Gamecube is the best Nintendo console.
The Switch is the best one by far, it has by far the best library of all.
Was a poor choice on my end to watch the release trailer after playing a weeks worth of Horizon Forbidden West. I realize Pokémon games aren’t known for their visual fidelity, but knowing the potential that exists, I’d love a genuinely beautiful Pokémon game. I’m still looking forward to gen 9 and I’ll certainly get it.
@kalosn They've been working on this game for years, they didn't start developing it after Arceus, Arceus was likely a branch of this game, like a spin-off that uses some of the mechanics of this and is more experimental in its structure (no gyms, all about catching Pokemon etc). Separate teams for sure, obviously this isn't just a 1-year project. Most likely it is Arceus that had a lot less development time, and was also used as a bit of a proof of concept for some of these features.
Also, to put it bluntly, Switch titles don't take as long as AAA games on other consoles. The assets are much lower in quality because the Switch simply can't handle super high quality stuff, and there is also less detail everywhere for the same reason, meaning much faster production. It does make you wonder wtf the Mario team is doing all these years, but otherwise it makes sense.
@CosmoXY you're just mad you said it wouldn't happen and it did.
I thought gen 8's starters already looked hilariously bad enough but somehow they surpassed them. Idk what it is but the lighting and colors of the world just stand out a little more than gen 8's so that's good I guess
Also they showed off the hanging clothes moving as if there was a breeze yet the trees are all static lmao
@Savage_Joe I think people's problem is it came so soon after Arceus. Which I'm not even sure was developed by the same team. It's been three years since swsh and the gen 4 remakes we're someone else so it's not like 3 years isn't enough time for a new game. It just feels like three pokemon games in a year is too much
Arceus was a good reason to delay this a year and make it look well, not crap.
@Ketsumeishi It's just overly ambitious for a pretty lackluster team with little 3d experience on underpowered hardware. Botw turned out to be literally the best larger world game a studio could do on the switch and it was a launch title. Like the switch has games that look good, but they're all small or heavily compromised versions of things that already existed like mh rise. Like rise looks good if you don't look at world and wonder why everything is so sparse.
man, these starters are great, i have no idea what some of you schmoes are on about
not sure about the names though. i guess ruby and sapphire were already Red And Blue But Different so these are more Red And Blue Plus
@Xansies It's obviously not developed by the same team, do people really think a game of this size can be made in less than a year? Come on guys... it takes MONTHS to even pass certification with Nintendo to ensure that the game is ready for launch etc, so this means they only have maybe 6 more months of full production before they have to submit it.
Now only if the world lives long enough to actually play this
They can launch along side the Switch Pocket
@HenHiro Go toll somewhere else. GF has two teams and they have been working on this one since they finished SwSh. You haven't played it, and the graphics look clean and you are already complaining. I was very impressed, but you already want to sound the alarm? Seriously?
How does it look rushed? Due tell. 😏😏
@deafdood These are better than most of the recent starter designs. They have fuller body shapes like the ones of old. The only one that seems off is the bird.
@Saf01 Gen 10 on Switch 2, get hype. As a sidenote, they missed the opportunity to name Gen 10 "X", because there's already a Pokemon X. Big L right there.
@Troll_Decimator idk, for some reason people think gen 9 hasn’t been in the works for like three to four years, odd.
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@HenHiro people were saying the exact same thing about Arceus in its initial trailer, and the end result was a pretty well-done (if a tad underwhelming compared to others in the genre) project with a consistent framerate. The only one we can accurately call out for doing a rush job is you and your criticism.
Not sure if this is legends style or sword/shield style but looks nice and the starters are so cute
Another year another Pokemon game!
These two will make 11 Pokemon releases on one console in the space of 5 years.
A Fire starter that doesn't look like it follows the Chinese zodiac theme, weird.
Starter pokemon look great. I'm still playing Arceus atm, can't say I'm excited about this until we can see more gameplay because graphics wise this looks bad and gameplay and sound will be their saving grace
I need a nap, can’t wait to see how this comment section has blown up two hours from now.
@inenai are you blind? This in no way looks like dreamcast. And seriously you think Pla looks better? In no way dose it look better this looks like a slightly more polished version of Pla the graphics are very close with this looking a bit cleaner
@HenHiro I think the problem is botw is literally the best that can be done and it was a launch title. Even that game is empty and has frame rate problems despite being as optimized for the hardware as it can be. A lot of botw comes down to a very very specific artstyle meant to capitalize on it's strengths. Have you seen the thing without shaders? Like gamefreak will never do as good a job as Nintendo who really needed botw to sell the switch, but my point was that's literally one example. The other game didn't run well on the switch and it's much, much smaller. Small games are fine on the switch, it's open world games I wish they'd stop trying because the hardware isnt there for them. Every open world switch game looks 15 years old because that's about what the chipset can do.
I'm actually excited for this. It looks great. They have finally taken the traditional Pokemon games into TRUE 3D with movable camera and vast environments. Everything since X/Y has been baby steps toward this (which X/Y being straight-up 2.5D) and it looks fantastic.
Also, can't complain about a Spain-based region. The city with the medieval style gate and wall looks so gorgeous.
This means that 2022 is just straight-up great for the Switch. I did not see this coming at all. I only anticipated possibly hopefully getting BOTW2 at the end of the year, but now we get this. Is it too soon? Perhaps. But I don't even care because it looks great.
They're still selling the same game twice
@inenai You are tripping if you think they looks like Dreamcast.
2022 is thicc
I don’t know why, but those logos look amazing to me
I did not expect Gen 9 in 2022. Looks very good from what we've seen so far.
@Grumblevolcano As much as I wouldn't mind that scenario, I am not so sure...
To me, this game seems like an E3 level announcement. Thus, Nintendo might be showcasing something big this summer. BOTW2 would be perfect and have center stage at E3.
Hoping for:
BOTW 2 November 2022
Pokemon December 2022
Looks like they're not even trying anymore. That looked worse than Sword and Shield.
@Xaessya I wish they would go back to THREE games per generation. The third installment in every generation was always fun.
@Mauzuri They show bits and pieces of the map in the trailer and it looks distinctly like the Iberian Peninsula. I'd bet money on it being Spain.
@Lord I think Covid is why we saw three this year. ***** got pushed a bit
Zero excitement for this. We just got Legends Arceus and this new game looks rushed and unimpressive. Game Freak really needs to take more time to polish their games.
I wish they'd drop the two versions after all these years; however, I'm interested in the 9th Generation of Pokémon. The world has the potential to be both beautiful and fun to traverse. It looks like this is an Arceus-style world where Pokémon aren't confined to random Grass encounters. 🤔
@Saf01 Nor Grey, Eclipse, or Gun (kidding on the last one, but it’s what the community said). They stopped after the 4th gen and that’s a shame.
@Giancarlothomaz and in which of those an entirely new game style released in the begining of the same year? Legends Arceus could have changed everything, but they decided not to
Eh. I’m officially fatigued for the time being. The idea that I only just got Brilliant Diamond and I’m already two games behind the conversation is exhausting.
@mrMike Traditional mainline Pokemon for the past 8 years have released on the third Friday of November:
So Scarlet/Violet will release on November 18th 2022. I do think BotW 2 will be shown at E3 2022 (if the event exists) but if you recall back to 2016, there was a massive focus on BotW at E3 2016 despite it releasing in March 2017.
It coming in 2022 is a bit concerning, but it was a WAY better reveal than Legends Arceus got.
Chance that they are still loosly following the chineese mythology weel. They just weren’t daring enough to make the snake not have limbs for the “cute” factor. Just hope the final evolutions wont be human shaped but it probably will
It looks like they polished up the visuals a little since Arceus. Unfortunately that needed a lot more than a polish, and the next gen still looks last gen if you know what I mean.
The starters look pretty bad too, but maybe they'll grow on me. My biggest hope for this game is that they fill the world up with things to do unlike Arceus, and I like the sort of Spanish style.
That being said, it really sucks that they're still doing the two versions, It doesn't really affect me personally but damn I feel bad for the fanboys who are burning 120 bucks every year just for pokemon, they need a break.
Looks like a sword and shield sequel. I'd complain, but:
1) If you want Pokemon to be something radically different, we got Legends.
2) If you want Pokemon to be something more traditional, we have Diamond and Pearl remakes that are extremely true to the originals.
Basically the only camp that hasn't gotten what they wanted released in the past 3 months is the camp that liked the direction of Sword and Shield. So everyone should at least have one game they like?
So uh...
Spain/Italy region?
Kinda cool starter pokemon? (I really like Fuecoco)
Pokemon VIOLET? (I like purple colors)
Complete open-world (Seamless?)
I'm not even that big of a pokemon fan, but I might count myself in this time. Will consider buying.
I'm surprised how fast they've done it, but I am quite interested in how they apply the new systems in Legends Arceus to the traditional main formula like gyms and generic trainer battles.
I guess this is why ILCA was doing BD/SP. Gamefreak were designing Legends and Gen 9 side by side.
@IronMan30 Pretty sure I haven’t made a comment on this topic one way or the other, but at least you gave me a chuckle with your reply. I’m actually pumped for Gen 9. I really enjoyed Gen 8 and Legends Arceus. A new game at the end of this year sounds great to me.
It’s certainly cool that we are getting Gen 9, but I’m not going to lie when I say that I was really hoping it wouldn’t come out this year. It definitely looks rough around the edges as of right now, so hopefully they are able to clean it up by the time it releases (almost certainly November).
Please let this be the last mainline Pokemon game on Switch!!! No more direct sequels/remakes. I'm getting fed up with Nintendo relying on Pokemon almost every holiday.
@Lizuka Why did that theory make you so angry? 😂 And at this point, it's not a theory. 8 straight pokemon gens followed it. And it's still possible the derpy fire boy evolves into some sort of snake 🤣🤣🤣
@Grumblevolcano Oh wow... good point. I never noticed that.
Damn... still hoping BOTW2 makes 2022. I wonder if it will still be showcased at E3 if it falls outside of a 6 month window?
Another good point about 2016, but I don't recall Nintendo having too much of anything else to show. Regardless, well said and points taken.
Early footage looks decent enough, although whether I play it or not is heavily contingent on level design and how catching mechanics work. I don't want to go back to ultra-linear level design and not being able to sneak up on Pokemon and catch them in the overworld.
Looks like areas from multiple games including sun and moon.
I'm looking forward to hearing from Pokemon fans as to why this is the worst game ever, has been dumbed down for mass appeal and has graphics comparable to Atari Jaguar. And why they're going to boycott it only for it to go on to sell 25 million copies.
@P-Man I think they don’t want to break the tradition of releasing new generations every three years, and since the last one was 2019, we’re due for a new one.
What will be the difference between this game and Legend Arceus?
@NoLife It might be similar to Sword and Shield, not Legends. We haven’t seen evidence to go either way yet. The only thing we’ve seen is roaming Pokémon, and that is in both Sword/Shield and Legends.
These games look much further along than Legends Arceus did when it was announced. Gen 9 releasing this year makes me think that BDSP was supposed to be either late 2020 or early 2021 and Legends Arceus was supposed to be late 2021. Regardless, it seems that SwSh was the half-step to LA and LA was the half-step to SV. I can't wait for the hate train to be derailed and replaced with the hype train later this year. You'd think that naysayers would have figured out by now that, if they want to quit playing Pokemon, no one is going to stop them. They just feel the need to stick around and tell us all the reasons they don't want to play it every single time a new anything us announced. Go. No one is going to stop you. But also, stop trying so hard to be missed.
@deafdood The official Pokemon Twitter said this is an open-world game with the trailer. So it is definitely like Legends in that sense, if not true open world (hopefully it's full open world).
As for the gameplay style of Legends, I doubt that. I don't think we'll see action-oriented boss fights. But we might get seamless Pokemon battles in the overworld, hopefully.
I'm surprised they didn't add all the pokemon to Gen 8 first
Like, are folks spamming your inboxes with lewd images or something? If you are dealing with that, you might want to consider blocking or reporting them. Otherwise, it seems easy enough to avoid folks who are just thrist-posting about rando pokemon or trainers.
Also, on their Tiwitter, they called the game open-world, so I'm expecting it to be like Legends Arceus and the SwSh DLC mushed together.
Oops, I forgot to state something. I obviously don't think GF is making this game in one year, it likely began planning just when SwSh was released. The thing is, many other franchises really took a lot of effort to release their first open-world entries. The only one which I think took less than expected time is Assassin's Creed Origins which was released only two years after Syndicate, but that was because Ubisoft's AC branch (which by the way is still giant) mainly focused on it as its only project.
Game Freak likely developed this in conjuntion with The Crown Tundra and Legends: Arceus. They must be really busy folks uh? By the way, this game seems to be developed with Unreal Engine (even if it wasn't mentioned, the rendering looks pretty similar to something like Fortnite) which means Creatures Inc likely helped with the worldbuilding this time. Game Freak can make assets as simple as they can if they wish, but this entry clearly has a more detailed art style. It's also possible Nintendo (finally) helped them with this project. Speaking of that....
"Switch simply can't handle super high quality stuff, and there is also less detail everywhere for the same reason, meaning much faster production"
(Please it not be true...) No, I don't believe such things. If that was true, then Super Mario Odyssey should've recieved a sequel early last year. BoTW2 should've came out 6 months before Horizon Forbidden West (incidentally, both came around the same time) and Splatoon 3 should've been in our hands for at least 2 months.
It just happens Nintendo is the master of optimization. They have been likely working on these games for some time and remember, it's mainly the art direction that decides how they look, and I'm actually in for comparing them with the likes of the competition, like an adamant fan would.
Oh, and no matter how you see them, they're the most detailed portable games you can find (ignoring the recently released Steam Deck though).
I was honestly fine with no Pokemon game until next year, we just got BDSP which were rather average remakes and Legends Arceus which was a brilliant new take. I thought we'd have a gap between them but no sooner are we getting Gen 9 thrown at us. I'm kind of worried about the quality of this one with how soon it is releasing after Arceus. I'd like to be proven wrong but you just don't know with Game Freak.
Lol, not even EA releases two fifas in one year XD
Hopefully it is like Arceus - Open world.
I think the game looks a lot better graphically than swsh, maybe it’s because everything doesn’t look muddy and has actual color in it
It's so cute to me to see Game Freak present their games the way Xenoblade games do, it's adorable it's like "aww they're trying so hard" and like in all seriousness, I'm very impressed. Like a proud mom who sees her daughter trying all sorts of new stuff and she's not perfect at it yet, but I'm proud of her for branching out.
@CosmoXY tbh I hadn't noticed any of your replies, so I'm glad my trolling was well received. Anyway, this actually does look pretty good to me too. I think the starters look cool. I skipped the last few Pokémon games and am really looking forward to this. Not that I thought the last few looked "bad," life just got in the way.
They have tried.
If not, you will see NES style Pokemon game instead.
@fenlix I believe Arceus was developed by a different section of gamefreak-likely these games were made in tandem with Arceus, and the two teams shared ideas on what worked in Arceus and how that fits intp the new game. I have no idea I could be very wrong but I'd expect this to be slightly more polished than Arceus
3 of basically the same game in 1 year might be a bit much.
It has to be either Spain or Italy. The starter names are a dead giveaway. Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly. I’m unsure about the last one, but the first one is a rendering of gatto (italian) or gato (spanish), and Fuecoco is a rendering of fuoco (italian) or fuego (spanish). I can’t figure out Quaxly though.
When i read from Google about Scarlet color history, it was from Persia then brought to Italy and Scarlet color have something related with Christianity or Catholic. So I assumed Pokemon Gen 9 will be likely based on Italy.
I want to be hyped, but... I've literally seen better graphics on GameCube.
Guys it’s been 3 years, we were due gen 9 at this point.
That’s enough for me… have been pondering it, but now it’s clear. Pokemon is dead.
Also, when I saw the Plaza design, I was thinking it looked like something I have ever seen from Spain or Italy.
Map of Poké Portugal in full display
"The region is based on Spain!"
Nice pick for the water starter, as far as I know Disney Duck comics were very popular in Iberia.
@MrPinguy I thought it was Spain based on the starter names alone. You can make a case for Portuguese with Sprigatito, but the same can be said for Spanish and Italian. However, Fuecoco is clearly from Spanish.
@deafdood The map seems to be based on the whole Iberian Peninsula

Seemless Legends Arceus-like overworld battles are confirmed.
Are you sure?
Wait until the 2nd trailer to getting know more about Pokemon Scarlet / Violet.
@MrPinguy it could be the whole landmass of Spain and Portugal, but it’s clearly based on Spain based on what others have said on the architecture in the game already.
Its almost like, they where testing the waters with Arceus.
Looks great tho.
Ok, I might get this actually.
So will this be more like Arceus or Sword and Shield
I'm not denying Spain in this, it would be stupid considering the version names, the starters and the map.
Also Regarding starter names i'll just say that quack noises in Spain are "Cua" and in Portugal are "Qua" ¯(ツ)/¯
The graphics may still be rough but GameFreak has undeniably massively expanded the scope of the Pokemon games over the last 3 years.
Hope they learn smt from Arceus, especially about upgrade graphic.
Glad I skipped arcdus
@Pungu what's the other game they are releasing that people are commenting about?
Two Big releases. What's the other one?
Because if you mean the Scarlet and Violet variants, well, know it's only one Game development with a flag defining some little differences between two builds of the same source code.
So soon? Man, how many Pokémon games are there on Switch?
The Pokémon Company really needs to slow down, lol. I don't even mean because of quality assurance, it's just overwhelming as a consumer. Arceus made BD/SP feel irrelevant before they even came out, and now Arceus (which I literally just picked up) also feels dated. I imagine this is going to hurt Arceus' sales significantly. Why even buy it now? This is like Nintendo releasing Mario Kart 9 and Mario Kart 10 in the same year or something, considering how huge Pokémon is. They're giving us MK8 DLC because they don't want to compete with themselves, and yet they're competing with themselves? WHY?
But anyways, we haven't even had E3 yet, and Nintendo's schedule is already more stacked than a can of Pringles. If we get BotW2 and Pokémon this Holiday, that in and of itself is massive. I legit don't know how Xbox and PlayStation are gonna compete with that, and there's probably more on top of that. The heavily-rumored new DK game or potentially a new 3D Mario...geez Louise.
Scarlet/Violet looks good so far, though. I don't think they ever called Legends Arceus "open-world," so this may be one interconnected map and not large but segmented areas. Another reason why this game is making Arceus feel irrelevant, but cool.
I usually want water pokemon starters, but Quaxly is too doofy looking. The grass pokemon looks cute though.
I know gen 9 had to be this year or next year to keep with their normal release schedule but I'm a little surprised they didn't wait until next year. I hope they combine the traditional and open world in a good way.
Baby Mewoth, Baby Yoshi, and a Baby Wingull?
Group battles as the norm, just like all the other JRPGs out there
Why have they gone back to 2 versions of the same game? It's redundant now
@wanderwonder The titles and starters look like bootleg fan-mades xd
@Sciqueen because it sells and people buy more of the same game...for some reason
Call me when there's news about sorting your PC boxes/pasture.
@Olmectron They just released Arceus 1 month ago, so when this comes out, 2 major releases in 2022.
@Edwirichuu I will never understand why fans buy the same game twice every launch
Also, like Yokai Watch games.
Some Yokai can inspirit other Yokai with good status or bad status.
Imagine if some Pokemon are Saboteur type to dismantle the opponents with bad status or Synergist type to support the team with good status. (Saboteur & Synergist from FF XIII)
I have to admit...I wish Pokemon would slow down on the releases. I haven't beaten Pokemon Legends Arceus yet and that game would've given me my Pokemon fix for the next few years.
@westman98 That's actually really putting it into perspective. Yeah this new game still looks rough - it obviously uses the same engine as Arceus - but it does look quite a bit better and more detailed!
@FishyS Traitor! Haha. I’m a water main ever since the first generation and so I’m going to be picking the doofy looking duck
I was uncomfortable with Let’s Go, but I picked Eevee because well I figured I could get a water starter via Vaporeon; then I learned I couldn’t evolve it…
Most exciting game reveal game freak has ever done. The startes are funny cute, the first time I looked at the dinosaur and duck I laughed for a bit. Hot take but I actually liked the art style in the trailer more than the one in legends arceus
@Lizuka Fire Zodiac?
@Not_Soos Why buy Arceus now?
As a holdover for Scarlet and Violet.
Seriously - even if you're a die-hard Pokemon fan, this is a shorter wait than CoD/Battlefield/Assassins Creed and even those tended to slow down afaik since people were complaining.
Arceus is such a good game but still had soooo much unused potential. The graphics, the lack of different musical backgrounds, no voice acting (although yeah that's up to taste) and a lack of immersion for the story - by which i mean: yeah important parts in the story are animated. But more than like 70-80% of the time the game is like "This thing is happening!" and then the screen fades to black and the thing has happened. It could be so much cooler if it was more fleshed out. It sometimes feels like an unfinished alpha version of what the game should be. Phew, anyway. I still really really like the game. It was the first time in so many years that Pokemon was fun again and i hope they know how important Arceus and its changes to the formula are. If this is just open world but otherwise same old, that would be quite devastating. Have it be like Arceus at least please <3.
I get that Pokemon is a huge moneymaker for Nintendo, but it seems the past few months has been downright heavy handed in terms of releases and announcements. Not quite Sega/Sonic levels of myopic focus, obviously, but enough to notice on a system that's seen some lengthy gaps between new and original first-party titles already. For the record I have never played a Pokemon game and have no desire to, but my real gripe here is that, as with too many other deserving IPs across the industry, fans of, say, F-Zero, Star Fox, and others continue to go without a bone thrown their way. It's a shame that so many beloved franchises rarely if ever may be seen again simply because of projected profit margins, even though there's often a glut of the "mainstream" stuff to the point of redundancy.
@AtlanteanMan There was extra Pokemon stuff recently because it was the 25th anniversary. This gen 9 announcement is now basically back to the 'normal' schedule.
I agree I wish other franchises got more love but Pokemon is the largest media franchise in the world so it will keep producing games as long as it stays insanely popular.
Let's remember that Game Freak is, most likely, utilizing an older build of the game in order to package it for the presentation. This is what we saw with Legends Arceus, and eventually we saw later footage of a newer build that genuinely looked better.
Even in the state that was presented, I'm so excited to explore a brand new region!! It was a fun reveal to include it with the Pokemon Day Direct, and I really like what I see so far!
I’m so behind on Pokémon I haven’t even finished Sword yet. 😑
The theory may not die out quite yet as Fuecoco could be construed as "dragon-like", even though Charmander fits the dragon theme.
So, the region is based in spain?
Before I read any comments I will say I love what I'm seeing. Excellent classic Pokemon titles, cool and imaginative starters and a nice looking region. I'm looking forward to this one.
Okay now let's take a look at all the negativity.
I like Fuecoco, if only because of that dorky expression on its face.
Like others have said, these new games are arriving surprisingly early, and considering that Breath of the Wild 2 and Bayonetta 3 are going to be released later this year, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is launching in September, the second half of 2022 is starting to look rather crowded and I'm kinda worried that one of them will end up being delayed for the next year...
Welp, we now know what's releasing In November..
I STG Nintendo if you delay BotW2 because you think this releasing in November is a decent replacement, I will riot
before i decide which version i get i must see wat the legendaries will look like before i jump on either scarlet or violet.
@Otoemetry im pretty sure botw 2 will come out much sooner maybe summer time frame.
so.... zelda botw 2 is definitly not coming this year??
@RiasGremory I may be wrong in this assertion but I think BotW was the only mainline Zelda game to release outside of the holiday period, and this was only the case because of the way they wanted to release it alongside the Switch... I was hopeful Nintendo might have decided to release it in March on the anniversary but that obviously isn't going to happen this year, and with how many releases are planned I'm getting worried BotW2 will be delayed because Nintendo usually prefers to only have one game release per month 😖
@Otoemetry either it comes out sometime in the summer or early fall like september or october time frame.
@Anti-Matter Yeah, that would be awesome, and the games would finally have some strategy involved!
-Already a new gen barely even a month since Legends
-The graphics and fps are just as terrible looking as Legends
-The starters are all ugly or underwhelming
Why are people even excited for Pokemon games anymore? Literally just going to be another soul less rush job. Fans really never learn, do they? I swear Pokemon fans have the absolute lowest standards of any Nintendo fandom.
@kalosn No, this isn't built on Unreal Engine, this is using GameFreak's own proprietary engine. The same one they developed with Arceus, obviously with an extra year's worth of updates. Anyway, the only difference between other companies and GameFreak in this regard is that instead of working on a single game for, say, 5 years, they prefer to release some games as they are developing their tech as well. For example, with Sword and Shield, they already had some of the groundwork ready for an open world Pokémon game, but not everything, so they released a game with what they had at the time. Same goes for Arceus, albeit with a lot more in place.
Basically, we are just getting more games along the way, but eventually we would get the fully open world Pokémon game, which is exactly what Scarlet and Violet is. You can always simply ignore those in between titles if you are not interested. Personally, I didn't love Sword and Shield as it was too similar to previous Pokémon games and I am kinda bored of that formula, but Arceus was definitely worthy of its standalone release, as it's very different. I am very happy we are getting Pokémon games at a steady pace. I hate that AAA games these days take absolute aeons to complete development. I prefer to play games rather than waiting for them, and I don't care if trees are life-like or not, it's something meaningless in the long run so I'm glad they are not spending too much time on details.
How many Pokémon games have they released in one year? Christ
New Pokemon entry, new comments from the self-assigned graphics connoisseurs - including ones whose age would imply less dependence on such fetishes, and who still manage to bellyache about this stuff more than you'd expect the spoiled younger generations to.😏 Me? I grew up on the 8/16 bit era including Atari 2600 stuff, I don't subscribe to creative ball'n'chains like the obligation to make a 2022 game "look like s 2022 game" (whatever the budget) and I don't wrinkle my nose at low resolutions unless they impair my text/UI readability. Xenoblade 2 reportedly drops to 540p on many occasions as well, and somehow still looks gorgeous. And this gen Pokemon games look nest as well - maybe because, despite having only experienced the platform via emulation, I actually KNOW what "N64 trees" looked like.😆
On topic? Yay, I suppose. My interest in the franchise remains peripheral to the point where I still haven't started the goddamn Gold on 3DS, and I have unironically racked multiple hours in Moon and Sword without actually getting anywhere far therein (blame Festival Plaza and Wild Area respectively😄). But I welcome a new iteration with a new region and what seems like some appreciably inherited aspects of Legends. Will I buy it for a similar leisurely romp here and there until catching up with the franchise binge for a serious journey? Quite possible, but might take a while unlike the almost immediate Sword purchase - especially as the release falls on the period where I expect my holiday income (assuming I'll have any - our economy might finally go belly up by then, and not for undeserved reasons) to be at least partly dedicated to some still wishlisted 3DS full-pricers instead. And that's also assuming there won't be any other must-gets in my book on Switch itself by then. Anyway, I will eventually get this one as well - time and the revelation of respective cover mons will tell.
@huyi they do it because millions upon millions of people buy them, unfortunately. More fool them, imo
Is Pokémon going to be the FIFA of Nintendo, with yearly rushed out entries? Let's hope Gamefreak doesn't learn about microtransactions.
@Otoemetry they churn out more than COD at this rate lol
Nintendo's 2022 1st party software lineup:
> Jan: Pokemon Legends Arceus
> Mar: Triangle Strategy (outside JP), Kirby and the Forgotten Lands
> Apr: Advanced Wars Reboot Camp, Nintendo Switch Sports
> Jun: Mario Strikers Battle League, Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes
> Jul: Live A Live (outside JP)
> Sep: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
> Summer: Splatoon 2
> 2022: Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, Zelda Breath of the Wild 2, Bayonetta 3
If you squint really hard, it almost looks good, I guess?
But seriously, I don't understand why Pokémon games continue to look so ugly and low res. The Switch could easily handle better graphics than this, and TPC are swimming in heaps of money, so there really is no excuse.
Sure looks like Arceus 2 to me..
At least the world looks much more interesting, even though it will probably have fps drops pretty bad unless the towns are deserted.
@RubyCarbuncle Pokémon Perywinkle and Puce
@deafdood I suppose, but considering the DLC for Sword and Shield I was kinda hoping for next year. I’m still really excited though, don’t get me wrong.
What it looks like to me is they put out Arceus to judge the feel and response of the new systems from the fans. Almost like a Beta. Obviously they had this in the work ready to go but were waiting on what system of game play they were going to go with.The great reaction to Arceus allows them to go ahead with this new project. If arceus had flopped I'm sure this game would of been pushed to the next year with maybe a different style of game play but more closely linked to Sword&shield.
Lol people complaining that Gen 9 is happening too soon and it’s a rush job based off a 3 minute clip. No one knows how long Game Freak has been developing this game. If the presents simply ended after the PLA update and we got no Gen 9 the same moaners would be saying worst Pokemon presents ever. Damned if they do, damned if the don’t. I am thankful Game Freak decide to do rather than don’t
I like that they're going back to naming their games off of colors, but these logos look fan made.
@Octane I love the way you come out with that based on a clip that's merely a matter of minutes long. Stupid thing to say tbh.
I was hoping we'd be moving away from this con of having 2 versions, at least it looks to retain the open world of Arceus
Normally, I get the fire-type starter, but this may be the first time I go with a grass-type starter. The visual designs for the fire-type and water-type starters just don't appeal to me.
@nhSnork yeah - gameplay > graphics. Heck, I played many text-based games in the past, I used to dream of having graphics
I think we all took a collective sigh of relief when we saw the more open areas. Legends, was such a breath of fresh air, and I am so, so happy to see that influence in the next gen. I can’t wait.
I think it looks fantastic. I'm more worried about gameplay than graphics.
A true open world mainline Pokemon game. People should be excited.
Wow. What a reveal. I love the starters <3 So far.. 2022 is such a BANGER for Nintendo and it's only February.
Why can't they make the game look good? Many games on the Gamecube looked better than this. I'm not even a graphics snob, but if you're going to commit to 3d, put some love and polish into it. Here's hoping the final product will greatly improve what's shown here.
The framerate is the main thing which concerns me, i feel like the big sweeping camera shots the trailer was going for kind of lost their impact when it started chugging.
I'm hoping the final release can keep it stable, i enjoyed arceus a lot but it definitely felt like the game was running into the systems limitations rather than being built around them (as opposed to something like Mario odyssey which was visually vibrant but also managed to keep a very good framerate meaning the gameplay was also very smooth and responsive)
I’m sorry, but I’m skeptical. We’ve had 3 mediocre games in a row and then one good game, so can they go back to their former glory?
Once Arceus came out, so many people said they wanted Arceus to be like the old Pokémon games with gyms and badges, but have the feel of Arceus… Looks like they got their wish! As for me, I’m thrilled as well. Arceus is absolutely fantastic and an early GotY contender for me (yes, I’ve enjoyed it more than Horizon… and no… I’ve not started Elden Ring), so I’m actually happy to have a second Pokémon game to close out the year. Seems like Gen 9 came quick, but I don’t mind if the quality remains like Arceus.
@Mauzuri Pokken and the Let’s Go games?
Awesome. Back to the normal pokemon games. Which means I might get this one, instead of that last one.
I think this game looks pretty good, but that's just me.
@somnambulance It's funny that way, isn't it? They beg for something other than the gyms (Sun and Moon), then they long for them. Then when the gyms come back (Sword and Shield) they long for more exploration. Then when exploration is key (Legends Arceus) they long for gyms and a league again.
I'm not saying that TPCI, Nintendo, and Game Freak make the best decisions, but I trust them so much more than the flip-flopping masses that don't really know what they want. I was hoping they would space out the releases more, but this game looks even more promising than Legends Arceus did.
@luckiernut it looked like similar to Legends, or maybe it's just wishful thinking 🤣 just hoping they don't go back to the tired and old formula.
Geez. Already on to the next iteration. That's kind of uncommon these days.
I don't actually play Pokemon anymore, but I'm curious - did Sword and Shield have some sort of stadium area for battles? Something reminiscent of the old Pokemon Stadium games.
standard Pokemon negativity in the comments, the same ones who no doubt will pre-order and love it once its released!
This looks surprisingly good. But please turn legends into a spin off series for adults.
Feels a bit too soon. Sword shield/Arceus still feels recent. Hopefully it's a finished game vs unfinished/rushed.
"did Sword and Shield have some sort of stadium area for battles? "
Yes, it has.
Okay, so first impressions are it looks like an improved Sword and Shield. I feel like this is going to be an above average entry. Quaxly all the way for me, it looks like a duck in a little pirate cap! Also, Seviper getting an evolution is great, I love it when old Pokémon get new evolutions, and especially a Team Rocket and fellow snake Pokémon make me extremely happy. The graphics seem a little shaky, but they seem improved from Sword and Shield, and I think we’re going to have to make middling graphics a nonissue in the home console era. However, what’s going to make or break this game is the creativity. After playing BDSP, I finally realized what it is that makes or breaks a Pokémon game: something interesting has to go on or I’m going to give up.
It’s where gyms and the main gimmick of the game, Raid Battles (four people fight a big Pokémon) took place. It didn’t really go anything except show where your Pokémon could turn big, but it looked pretty cool.
Scarlet is a Shade of Red
Violet is a Shade of Blue
They're just remakes
@JakedaArbok So nothing for something like one-on-one battles? Maybe the Battle Tower from Ruby/Sapphire would be a better frame of reference. Nothing like that in Sword/Shield?
@eaglebob345 I just hope that the new game has a narrative that is actually interesting. Pokémon typically has such bland storylines (Gen 5 excluded, as much as I do love the majority of the games), and I was really impressed with what Game Freak did with Arceus. It was unique and a great story with solid dialog. It didn’t treat the player as… well… a 10 year old.
I think Arceus made catching Pokémon actually fun too, so I hope Gen 9 continues that. I mean, for as dedicated as I was to the series years ago, for Gen 7 and 8, I pretty much just caught a core team and hammered the game out with six tough Pokémon and that’s about it. Did the same thing with Gen 3 and 4 too. In Arceus, I can honestly say I’ve trained A LOT of Pokémon, more than any other game before. Gen 2 was the generation that I caught ‘em all, but I’m pretty close in Arceus. Never thought I’d feel that was again. Hope Gen 9 continues in the path of Arceus.
@Marioman2020 Which games are they remakes of, genius?
Actually there is a Battle Tower in this game that looks somewhat like the stadiums but is a bit smaller. It works just like in Ruby and Sapphire, but it doesn’t quite have the same scale as the gyms and Max Raid Battles.
You’ve got it totally wrong!
It’s just another remake of Red and Blue with different characters, towns, gameplay, scale, and Pokemon-
Wait a second.
To me, someone who doesn't play most Pokemon games but loves JRPGs (have only played through Pokemon Y, they're all way too similar for me to invest that much of my limited time), this didn't look as appealing as Legends Arceus. I will eventually buy Arceus, but I'll need to see more of this. I'm glad i didn't give in & buy sword or shield like I've planned to a few times. These seem like they're released way too close together for games that want u to collect all the pokemon in 2 versions of the same game (if they realize that gamers play other games, & don't want to get burned out...but after CoD, everyone wants that Activision yearly release money). If they're only trying to get people who are already fans of Pokemon to be interested/buy these games, i guess they're not trying to appeal to me anyways, so what do i know...
They shouldn't show unfinished game footage for an announcement trailer. Too soon to show it imo. Everything else from the trailer is good though.
Well I am not hyped for this game for now, will have to see if I will be hyped for this or not later. (In October - November 2022 that is. Yep I'm going for that much later.)
@IceEarthGuard what i hope is that unlike swsh they TAKE THEIR TIME!! swsh was very rushed probably to get all the hype so everyone buys it for christmas, but ihope they take their time to make it and maybe come out in late april - very early july. also i hope they take a year to make the DLC. i heard that the swsh DLC was being made BEFORE the game came out. and i didt really enjoy it.
@Troll_Decimator i think he was insinuating they're remakes of Red & Blue?
@Noel360 it says it's coming later this year, so your hopes are dashed, sorry.
@Marioman2020 I think that implies they're reboots more than anything.
EDIT: I just realised they're the colours of the old Spanish flag: scarlet, violet and yellow in the middle (just like the yellow border around the titles).
I'm in. The only thing I didn't like in Arceus was the setting and this feels way better.
I just went and watched a bunch of reaction videos on YouTube. I still can't believe this is happening. I mean, I suspected we would get news on Gen 9. But I didn't expect that level of footage, game names and starters.
I've gotta say, I think all of the starters are pretty darn cute, with equally cute names to boot
@JakedaArbok did I miss the part where they confirmed an evolution for seviper?
Well, that was a pleasant surprise.
A water type duck?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
Seems legit
@Lizuka Arceus isn’t a new Gen though and GF has two different teams , which is why it was able to be done so close
Please understand, the poor indie game company The Pokemon Company can't do high fidelity art unless they cut the roster... oh, uhh... hmm...
We dont even have BotW2, Pikmin 4 or Prime 4 yet. But ok!
These people will NEVER be satisfied.
Instead of saying oh, look how hard game freak is working putting out all this content and all these games, they're like wow gamefreak releasing all these games all at once they must be really f****** lazy.
Not surprised we got gen 9 announcement. We have basically got 2 pokemon games every year for the last couple of years may it be remakes, new generation, spin off or mobile games. It there was bound to something else new for this year.
No offense, but I was really hoping it was Alex from Nintendo life xo
@pnott yup, some people are just complainers based on nothing. Really annoying.
@Xansie after rewatching the trailers many times, I think this looks better than Arceusy and maybe it's even the best looking mainline game, but the environment textures still look like a bad Gamecube port, it looks like Sunshine in 3D All Stars.
Heck, even Galaxy and SSHD had better textures and those were ports of Wii games.
But of course, the models themselves look much better than in those other games.
@AzzyC Pokémon is the biggest franchise in the world, we will be only satisfied when Pokémon has the best graphics that art-style can offer.
Other games like Yokai-Watch 4 have a similar art-style but look much better.
@RubyCarbuncle The things they showed in the trailer don't look good. That's the point of a trailer, to give you a fair impression of what the game will be like. Looks worse than Legends, and worse than SWSH somehow.
@Octane Yeah but it's literally only a few minutes long. I'm sure what they show us in the near future will be a lot better. I would say what we saw in the Trailer was an Alpha build.
@RubyCarbuncle That's an excuse I hear people saying whenever a trailer doesn't look good. Surprise, the end result won't look too far off from this. SWSH didn't do a 180 on its reveal trailer, and neither did Legends.
Either way, if it does, then this is just a terrible trailer. The game needs to be pretty much finished in a couple of months before they enter playtesting, bug fixing and production. So it's not like they have a lot of time left to improve it.
@Octane Why does it have to be an excuse? I think the trailer looks good. It's very likely that the game will look even better when it comes out. Will it look miles different? Of course not, but it doesn't have to. The graphics don't bother me one bit.
And honestly? I am tired of people moaning about graphics while making the Switch their platform of choice. You are expecting amazing graphics on 7 year old tablet hardware? Only a few companies have the technical wizards required to get 100% out of any system. Either accept this, or sell your Switch and buy a PS5.
Nice to see they keep on the road initiated with Arceus, although it again looks pretty rough. I hope they keep the pokeball-mechanic from Arceus (I mean not only fighting and catching Pokemon, but also sneaking on them and catching them without fighting).
@Troll_Decimator Nintendo's own games look miles better than this, so it's not really an excuse. The Switch is capable of far more.
@Octane It is, but only if you push it to the absolute limits. GameFreak was never a technical beast of a company by any means. Their strengths lie elsewhere. If you need a game to be as optimal as it can be, I'm afraid you'll find not even 0.1% of any given system's library does this and you'd be missing out on tons of awesome games. No game is perfect anyway, you either accept it with its flaws, or you move on. Mario 64 is also completely laughable technically compared to plenty other N64 games, and it's one of the best 5 games on the system.
@Troll_Decimator True, but Mario 64 was a launch game, and Nintendo's first proper 3D game. And I'd argue it still looks good (N64 standards) in comparison to other big titles such as Ocarina of Time.
This is Gamefreaks fourth proper 3D entry (fifth if you want to count Legends, and more if you want to count the remakes/reboots), and it still looks like they're just discovering 3D games. Even on Switch it's their fourth set of games.
@Octane Yes, but ultimately, it doesn't matter if it was an early title, what matters is if it's a good or not. Plus, the only people that would care if it was an early title are those that were actually there at launch, i.e. a tiny minority of people. After all "early title" is relative, these days games are FAR more complex, and studios like Nintendo's EAD had a headstart compared to Pokemon which were still on 3DS, while Nintendo studios were already developing Wii and Wii U titles. The effort and team training is cumulative over many years. However, again, what matters is if the games are good or not, for Switch titles, they don't look bad; could be better, but hardly a deal breaker.
@Troll_Decimator Doesn't the same logic apply to Pokemon then? It doesn't matter if Nintendo EAD had a head start compared to Gamefreak, what matters is if it's good or not.
Story-wise Pokemon already falls short (barebones animations, and hardly any complex story). In terms of gameplay they're ridiculously easy (unless you do post-game online battles). And because of their graphical shortcomings (and lack of VA), they're not that immersive as other games. But that's just my opinion.
@Octane Absolutely, but whether the games are good or not is in the eye of the beholder. You might have noticed that despite all the shortcomings, the newest Pokémon games are extremely well liked in Japan, and even in the west they sell like gangbusters despite detractors. It's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with some of the aspects. I am happy that GameFreak is changing up the games a bit even if they don't have to (because they are selling too damn well for their own good). I'll give you that lack of voice acting is annoying though, it was the one thing that held back Legends Arceus for me.
@Troll_Decimator I definitly get your point, I theorised these things too.
Game Freak said in 2019 that they prefer to add new things "gradually" which I thought meant we could still see an open world game one day. If Square-Enix had done that, they could've released Final Fantasy experiments before XV.
I can now see the excitement for this game, even if it's still coming maybe to soon, because there is still one concern I have: Longevity.
With all the ambition this is going for, how long do you think the main game will be? I'm still wishing for one day, a Pokemon game with a reasonably long campaign and detailed cutscenes, at least like Dragon Quest XI for example. Hopefully this game gets the closest to that dream.
@Octane I was pretty much going to say what the other guy said but he beat me to it so not much point in anything being repeated. I will say this though: after the success of Legends and how well received it was I think people should hold off on judging the games now and wait for them to show actual gameplay. The Trailer didn't really show us anything of that and regardless of what everyone here may think these games will always sell. Love them or hate them Pokèmon is still very popular.
@kalosn Not gonna lie, the wait for FF XV wasn't worth it at all, maybe if they released more titles in between, they would have gotten more feedback which means they would steer the boat better along the way. Then again that game was in development hell so it's probably a miracle it even came out at all.
@Troll_Decimator FFXV might have faults, but it still was one the biggest Final Fantasy experiences with intense boss battles, a really long story and rich in graphics detail.
Maybe a better comparison would be the Zelda games released before BoTW. Nintendo boosted Wind Waker HD with BoTW's lighting and remastered Twilight Princess.
But, those are different cases than developing an Expansion Pass of the previous game alongside an new exploratory game set on past Sinnoh.
A lot of people work on the Pokemon games so maybe that's not an issue at all. The only concern I have is on the main story, I mean the game will surely have a lot replayability like an good open world game should, while free updates and DLC help adding new side-content and stories.
The main story, though, is the principle of the bought game. I hope it won't be as streamlined as Sword and Shield's adventure was.
Sinds i've finished BD and PLA, i'm ready for the next one.
Used to see this as a release but now it's more like spam.
None the less, i like it. I would rather live in the world of pokemon then this world tbh.
"Scarlet is a Shade of Red, Violet is a shade of Blue"
Red and Blue, to answer your question. BTW, that was a joke.
@Marioman2020 Ok, I was hoping it's a joke, these days I'm reading so insane things that I can't take anything for granted.
Sprigatito my beloved~
I'm very excited. I hope to get the same giddiness from X and Y when it came to all the innovation. In fact, I can't believe how old those games are now haha. Bringing Pokemon into the 3D world was a great move.
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