Life Is Strange: True Colors finally came out on Switch, after a few delays, last December — and now, a couple months later, the boxed game is finally here, too.
Sadly, it doesn't include any of the special content that other platforms have on offer as part of their Ultimate and Deluxe Editions — on Switch, it's only the Standard Edition. Other platforms have the choice of accessing the Life Is Strange: Wavelengths side-story, the first Life Is Strange game and Before the Storm remastered, and 4 new outfits for Alex Chen.

You can order the physical edition here.
The Life Is Strange Remastered Collection is still coming to Switch, but we still don't know when, following January's delay.
Comments 35
I can see the "Download" sticker so ... is the whole game playable from the cartridge or no?
It is not playable we should NOT call this a physical edition.
Yeah, we need to know what is on the card.
I preordered this from GAME and it arrived this morning. The blue label is when the game is on the cart but an additional download is required. The orange label is for empty boxes with download code for the digital version. If that helps.
4 new outfits for Alex was the pre-order bonus.
.. starring Kate Gray:)
The digital download for True Colors is pretty thicc (20GB).
The "Download Required. See back." sticker tells me I should probably brace for a hefty download if I get the physical version.
Is the physical cartridge playable without the download? Essentially, is the physical cartridge worthless on its own? The "Download Required" makes it sound like a fundamental part of the code is in the download. I generally only buy games on cartridges, but its silly to buy a cartridge if the base game isn't on it.
Anyone verify they got the Preorder bonus???
@gb_nes_gamer So you can play the game from start to finish without the download? Like the Outer Worlds physical edition?
There you can play the WHOLE game but if you want higher resolution textures you have to download them. Is that the case here as well?
You beat me to it! The protagonist honestly looks like Kate, not gonna lie...
Is there a reason everyone acts like it's the end of the world when they have to download some additional files? I'd assume if you can afford brand new 5+ year old games, you could afford a very large SD card? I like only have 128gb plus whatever measley storage on the switch Lite and I get everything digitally. Maybe once every 2 months I have to move/archive something. That's with Fortnite being a permanent 15+ gb and growing file.
I get its completely pointless to buy an empty box for a download code, but so what if it requires a couple gigs? You can't be playing EVERYTHING in your storage regularly enough for it to matter to archive a game and have to redownload a few gigs if you want to play it again.
The main reason I like it is because it means that if I ever want to go back and play a game, it'll be there to play. We have no idea how long Nintendo will support to Switch's downloads once Switch 2.0 is released. It also means I can gift a game to a friend or family, or re-sell it after I've played it. Download-only games are convenient, for sure. But, they are too restricted for me.
It defeats the point of a physical release. These extra downloads take up space and will eventually fill up a memory card.
@UglyCasanova Do you really think it is ok to produce a physical edition of a game that is NOT playable from the cartridge?
If they can't make sure that the game is playable from the cartridge just stick to an eShop only version. Otherwise it is dumb practice used for marketing/shelf space.
I have nothing against digital only games but if a company makes a physical edition at least the BASE game MUST be playable.
I go back to my question to the group: Does anyone know what is on the cartridge here and what is in the required download?
The fact that Square hasn't made this clear is shady business practices. I agree with @Zuljaras. If the cartridge is just more plastic/metal and you need a download, then the cartridge is worthless and just environmental harm without a purpose.
@UglyCasanova Physical collectors have already spoken their piece, but I'm not Physical only or Digital only, and I usually get physical for Nintendo games or games that have a massive digital downloads to save space on the SD.
I have about 40 digital games on my 400GB SD card, and when a game has a file size over 15GB, I have to consider if it's worth it to have that one game at 15GB or have multiple games that are smaller than 15GB instead. More than half of my digital games are less than 1GB.
As an example of why people care about the full game being on the cart: I have LA Noire on Physical, and while I only have to download 13.1GB with the cartridge vs 27.5GB for digital only, it's still a pain to allot so much file space for a game I can't play unless I both download 13.1GB of files + have the cartridge in the console.
Meanwhile, physical releases for massive games like The Witcher 3 Complete Edition (27GB) are all on the cart ready to play without any downloads required.
I'll join the chorus - what is on the cart, and what isn't?
That answer determines whether I spend the bucks for a physical version, or wait a long time for a heavy discount on the eshop.
@UglyCasanova Sorry for not having low standards.
Definitely getting this soon!
@Astral-Grain Witcher 3 was an excellent physical release handled correctly - cdpr basically accepted high cart cost to make sure it’s all in cart, really appreciated that. All this comes down to in simple terms is publishers want more profit and that’s it, there is simply no other justification for it
@UglyCasanova it’s just that if I wanted to download even part of the game (disregarding patches mind) it’d be better buying digitally. Physical purchase used to be a complete game on the media, ps one, n64, etc etc. it’s be nice to have the complete game on cart to preserve it - you can still play a physical snes game now all these years later but these physical switch games probably won’t be playable in 10 more years or so as switch eshop closes as you only have a small portion of the game on cart. Yes it’s a long way off, but still it’s going to happen eventually
I've got the physical copy, It's a 6.2GB download
@DiamondJim - What does the back of the box say about the download? The front "download required" language says to see the back.
@DiamondJim the real MVP, thank you!
It's too bad it's not all on the cart, but some games have Update Data/Patches larger than 6.2GB - it's less than I expected for sure.
@UglyCasanova - "So what if it its just a couple gigs?"
It being mandatory is the problem. Many people still play their 3DS and are quite upset about their digital games becoming ultimately unreachable. Imagine the same thing if you wanted to hunt down the game physically.
Pretty fruitless for the consumer end if you're essentially getting a physical cart and having the same problem if you were to download it.
@ModdedInkling @Justaguest
"Kate Gray: The Game: True Colours", perhaps? 🤔
@ozwally As a consumer, it's hard to get over paying the same price for physical and digital for a game when the publishers pay way less to host digital sales versus the production/shipping costs of physical versions. You would think the profit of the digital sales would make up to justify investing in higher capacity carts for the physical versions, but companies are often cheap with this decision.
Digital Price: $59.99 - Pay this price and get the entire game on your console to play any time you want (Assuming you have the space).
Physical Price: $59.99 - Pay this price and get a cartridge that you need to put into your Switch which requires and additional download to even play the game (Assuming you have the space).
Physical releases tend to get the short end of the stick in my opinion. I can understand collectors and physical-only people being upset about this.
@UglyCasanova Look, most of us are used to buying a disk on our PS4s that do not require dozens of gigs of extra downloads, okay? That never happens on PS4.
I purchased the digital copy of this game when it was released on day one. I’ve been enjoying but haven’t gone through the whole game. it’s a 20.2GB download for the digital version
I purchased this for PS5 when it was on sale. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I'll pick up a physical copy for Switch when it drops in price to around $20.
@Zuljaras the download took the game from version 1.00 to 1.04. It took 20 mins to download. It could just be a patch. I didn’t try playing the game before the download.
@GC-161 Some of us remember buying carts for Atari, NES, MS, SNES, Megadrive, NEO GEO, PC-Engine, Intellivision, Collecovision, MSX, N64 tapes for C64, Spectrum, Amstrad, Disks for Amiga, Atari ST, CDs for PS1, Sega Saturn, PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox Gamecube. Because yeah, requiring a download NEVER used to happen. It's a shame kids don't know what they are on for.
@Astral-Grain absolutely. For me with these physical copies which require downloads, I’d prefer they be digital only like they did with doom eternal. Such as shame so many games release with a download required, but switch could very well be last Nintendo console with physical media
Doom Eternal could fit on cart they choose not to. That the Fact all other Doom where on cart. That was a poor excuse - alot of people were wanting and PreOrder for that reason. They charged full cart price for Digital which was even more a slap in the face.
Are we living in "The Wizard of Oz World". Your comment is a joke.
@SwitchForce sorry don’t quite follow, why’s my comment a joke? Also Doom 2016 wasn’t full on cart, that requires a very large download though I agree they could fit doom/doom eternal on carts and I wish they did do that
Anyone try to play the physical version without the download, or know what the back of the cartridge box says about what the download contains?
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