The year may well have only just started, but Pokémon Masters EX fans already have plenty to get excited about.
The development team is kicking off the new year with a special giveaway that'll see 100 million Gems be offered up to players. Anyone who logs in to the game between now and 8th January at 5:59am GMT will automatically be entered to win a share of the prize pool. Here's how it'll go down:
"Five players will win 60,000 Gems, thirty players will win 12,000 Gems, one hundred players will win 6,000 Gems, one thousand players will win 3,000 Gems, while all other players will win between 300 and 1,000 Gems."

Once the entry period is up and the Gems have been awarded, you'll be able to claim your share between 13th January and 13th February – make sure to log in then to see what you've won.
That's not all, though, as a new trailer has also been released to celebrate all of last year's events (see above), and there's plenty to see and do if you haven't played in a while:
Players will be able to add New Years-inspired versions of Volkner (New Year’s 2022) & Electivire and Sabrina (New Year’s 2022) & Chingling via the Volkner and Sabrina Seasonal Scouts, available from now until January 18 at 5:59 a.m. GMT.
An in-game story event titled “New Year and New Friends” is also available now until January 18 at 5:59 a.m. GMT for players who have completed Chapter 1 of the Main Story. This event features Volkner and Sabrina in their New Year’s outfits as they participate in the New Year’s Battle Tournament, a competition where the team with the longest winning streak is declared victor.
To commemorate the New Year, players that log-in to the game before January 16 at 5:59 a.m. GMT will receive a gift of 3,000 Gems, while players that log-in daily during this period can earn up to 7,000 additional Gems.
Will you be playing more Pokémon Masters EX this year? How have you been finding the game so far? Share your thoughts with us down in the comments.
Comments 9
100 millions gems that neather the Dutch or Belgians can't collect
If I'm being honest I forgot this game even existed a long time ago
As is tradition for Pokemon mobile games.
Magikarp Jump
Rumble Rush
I think most of the above have stopped receiving updates, and at least a few have been closed forever.
Lol me too
@iLikeUrAttitude Just got reminded with this article LMAO.
“The gameplay is incredibly bland and repetitive as can get“
It’s literally no different to most Pokemon games, except the focus is on triple battles from Gen 5 with a few mechanics throw in here and there.
Gacha elements aside, the battles genuinely have you work up a strategy for the harder content that has been steadily releasing over the past year or two.
@DragotheKomodo they will never bother releasing that game here.
Kinda stupid to begin with.
They still didn't change the name lol
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