We're nearly at the end of the year, and by now if a certain game hasn't shown up on the Nintendo Switch it's probably not going to make 2021.
With this in mind, Fall Guys by Mediatonic won't be arriving this year. After being delayed in May the UK-based developer has now provided another update in a new post over on the game's official website - stamping out theories about the Switch and Xbox versions arriving alongside Season 6.
"We know everyone’s excited about Fall Guy coming to Nintendo Switch™ and Xbox, with good reason. There's been a lot of speculation on social media connecting these new console releases to the Season 6 launch and we want to clarify that that's not the case so no one’s left confused looking for the game on these platforms. Thank you for being patient with us, it's one of our top priorities in active development and we can't wait to share more details with you in 2022."
As noted, more details about the Nintendo Switch release date will be revealed in 2022. On the plus side, this extra time has allowed Mediatonic to implement crossplay. Fall Guys was originally announced for Nintendo Switch earlier this year in February.
Are you still interested in checking out Fall Guys when it lands on the Nintendo Switch? Tell us below.
[source fallguys.com]
Comments 47
I wonder what’s taking so long, my computer is about as powerful as the switch or maybe a little less powerful and the game runs pretty well all things considered. And on Xbox that’s also a mystery. I would have to bet it’s something to do with the servers
man im sure the game still has an above average player base, but they really missed the mark not releasing this sooner when it was a hotter game
It seems like a fun little game to play when it comes out.
Man I still had hope it would come this year, But whatever, I can wait, its probably the cross play bit.
@OnlyItsMeReid In my mind it's one of two things.
Either the implementation of cross-play etc. is taking them a while on the back end, likely due to Epic Games integration and the like, after they were bought in the summer.
The other, is PlayStation. Exclusive PlayStation costumes have been popping up very heavily recently, and it wouldn't shock me if they pulled a FF7 Remake and actually extended the timed exclusivity here.
The other option, also tied to PlayStation, is cross play itself. Epic in court revealed the PS cross play policy, wherein if they provide loads of players, but the in-app purchases on other platforms are not proportional to what PS THINKS they should be getting for providing those players, they demand compensation.
Given Sony paid for Fall Guys to launch on PS Plus, and thus be free, and was also the most downloaded PS Plus game ever at the time, that's a LOT of players, and now cross progression is a thing, purchases dont have to be on PlayStation for those players.
@OnlyItsMeReid They’re a small team. Maintaining the current platforms probably takes up most of their time.
@uptownsoul Which is why I believe option 1 is the most likely, as I explained in that comment: Epic Games.
"the implementation of cross-play etc. is taking them a while on the back end, likely due to Epic Games integration and the like, after they were bought in the summer."
You get a small team being bought by that AFTER announcing these two versions, then doing all the backend changes for cross progression, Epic Accounts, eventual cross play etc etc. While making new content.
So as I stated in the initial comment, yes, I agree with you. It is one of the two possibilities I listed. Thanks for reading!
@OnlyItsMeReid I still play this game and most of the buzz is they wanted cross-play implemented with many speculating it may go free to play like other epic games like Fortnight and Rocket League. Just speculation but you now need to link an epic account play so there's more going on then just porting
This game and Genshin Impact should have launched on Switch a long time ago. I feel like they've lost their optimal window and when they do come out it will be very underwhelming.
Fall Guys was a very fun little game when it first came out. Had dozens of hours with friends playing this on Steam. Sadly cheaters destroyed this game and while waiting for patches and whatnot we got bored very early on. Regardless of how many patches they put out we literally report cheaters every time we finish a run and there was no end to it. We haven't touched the game at all this year.
Hopefully things got worked out and people try it out. Their biggest fail (understandably) was not releasing content fast enough and not releasing to other platforms fast enough. Ultimately, streamers got bored and dropped the game and other players followed.
@Zyph Cheaters were dealt with a month after release with the implementation of anti-cheat. I've put over 500 hours in and have not seen a single one since early September last year.
Just in time for nobody to care about the game any longer!
@Drake We were still seeing people flying around to the finish line around that time. Or maybe we stopped playing right around before EAC was implemented, I forgot.
Perhaps waiting to launch a free to play version? I'd say it's an easy bet.
I've wanted this game for so long but my hype lowers a bit everytime they delay. I hope they actually give a specific date someday soon.
(I know this is a little off topic) Free to play worries me, because right now almost all skins are availible through either crowns or sometimes kudos, which you both get by playing the game, I feel like if the game went free to play then they would make the crowns only availible through paying money and they would suck
Take your time folx. It'll be ready when it's ready.
Lmao..... Of course.
Hm shame. Looks interesting. Any news for genshin impact or guardian tales?
It's a difficult situation--would you rather the game not get as many players and potentially die because people aren't as interested in a game they have to pay for?
I know I'd be more willing to try it if it was free. But there's no clear answer here.
@Zyph It didn't last that long.
@Snatcher Yes, I think we stopped playing just before they tweeted they were implementing EAC. We still played a ton before then.
@Zyph ah ok, Well def give it a another shot
So many delays this year.
This game will get a second wind when it releases on consoles. Glad they are taking their time with it.
It's funny how folk see gaming as trendy or fashionable. Flavour of the month etc. How can this game be late when so many haven't played it still? I don't get it.
Game somehow have popularity in parts of the world. Surprised I even got a match on PS4 few weeks ago. Wonder how mucb they gonna charge Switch users. Seems like a game that needs to be on a service I mean the game was free on PS+ why not do the same thing with NSO.
@Greatluigi yeah I still enjoy genshin for the exploration alone, I’d love to be able to play it on switch
well...atleast we have... a m o g u s
I love it on my PS5 and it really looks like something Nintendo would create. I wonder if Nintendo is making their own version...like a Mario Party Battle Royale??
I thought this game already dropped? I mean i never actually cared about it yo begin with. Just kinda surprising.
shame it's taking so long, but happy to wait, really looking forward to this!
Honestly can't wait for this, and with the Cross Platform Progression being added this is a must for me. I've put hundreds of hours into Fall Guys on PS4 since launch and still play every week (the new season is incredible). It's a great game and always brings a smile to my face. The 'Bean' characters are adorable and the costumes, emotes etc that you can unlock keep pulling me back. It's a feel good game and I love it! Also the love the Devs give the game and community is amazing, and for that alone they deserve the support on this.
At the risk of upsetting Uptownsoul, I do think this is mainly down to Sony money. Yes the team is small and hit the big-time all at once so of course this factors in. But with all that cash they can arrange for more employees to come in and handle the other platform versions. Not to mention the Epic money/manpower. They should really want to get on Xbox and Switch while the game is still hot. It was good fun on PS Plus - would love to see it come to other platforms sooner rather than later.
Well, this news just confirms the Switch Pro is real.
@uptownsoul That was the situation with more complex permutations and possibilities.
With Epic, based on what we know, it's a simple cut and dry reason as to why.
With the other option being Playstation, there are several reasons they would do it, hence it took more time to spell it out.
Y'all need to stop being so paranoid. Not everything has hidden meanings or purpose.
When in doubt, don't announce an easy port if it's not going to be easy. Genshin Impact also falls under the same category.
I reckon when they've got their ducks in a row a switch launch could be a huge event that will reinvigorate Fall Guys.
Hopefully for their sake they make it free to play. Especially considering there's microtransactions. At this point I don't think too many people will care otherwise.
I can't believe this wasn't on a Nintendo System day 1. Honestly, I don't care about cross play so if they want to just release it now without that feature, I'm down.
@ModdedInkling Things happen, They planned for a summer launch, But something happened, Unlike Genshin Who From Memory has never said anything about a date, It really does feel like they could care less.
@Qphlat27 The only thing you can buy in this game or the optional Kudos, and the Themed cosmetics that go along every season. Plus the BP is free, and all of there cross over's, So FTP does not sound like the route to go here.
@GrailUK Its on PS4 and its no where near the levels of it once was, the game is still fun but cheaters have taking over and its appeal can only last so long.
Its too bad they couldn't get this onboarded while Fall Guys was super hot. I feel that ship sailed loooong ago and it will be DOA...
@uptownsoul No, the Sony option was very much on the cards given they extended exclusivity with FF7 Remake past the initial date, as noted in the small print.
It was just the less likely of the two, but no less a possibility.
Regarding the MH Rise comparison, nice try, but the Capcom Megaleak that revealed the PC version before they told us, and Capcom's plans up to 2025 or so, noted Nintendo paid very handsomely for timed exclusivity.
So yeah, people blame Nintendo for Monster Hunter Rise taking a while to hit PC. Because we know factually its true.
Nice try though.
@OnlyItsMeReid Is your PC a Raspberry pi?
@invictus4000 my thoughts exactly, this was a hype for two months in 2020, and then all kids sailed away..
Although i have to admit i was sort of surprised among us is so high on the switch best seller list*, when the switch was late to the party there too...
Fed up of companies giving release dates then constantly delaying, just quit messing fans around and tell them straight from the beginning.
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