Update [Fri 10th Dec, 2021 08:00 GMT]: Paper Mario has now been added to NSO's N64 Expansion Pack service. Enjoy!
Original article [Fri 3rd Dec, 2021 01:30 GMT]: Nintendo will be adding a N64 classic to its Switch Online Expansion Pack service next week on 10th December.
It's the original Paper Mario game - which launched the entire series in the year 2000. Here's the plot directly from Nintendo's PR, along with a video:
"In Paper Mario, his vile viciousness – Bowser himself – has absconded with the magical Star Rod and lifted Peach’s Castle into the sky with the help of Kammy Koopa. Who will stop him now? It’s up to Mario (and you!) to save all seven of the Star Spirits, guarded by Bowser’s handpicked minions. Can you rise to the occasion and pull off a storybook ending?"
Of course, to access this game you'll need to subscribe to Nintendo's Switch Online Expansion Pack tier. This premium service will also give you access to Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games as well as Animal Crossing's Happy Home Paradise DLC.
This next game addition to the N64 library bumps the total amount of offerings up to 10 here in the west. To see the full line-up, check out our guide:
Will you be trying out the original Paper Mario on Switch Online? Tell us down below.
Comments 196
Cool! Get FZero and Banjo on their soon.
Nintendo: As an update to our premium service, please welcome this update, which includes new games. Have a look at the list!
. . .
Paper Mario
So every 3 months... they will give us... one new n64 game...
I hate this service so much
At the rate, the value of the n64 online expansion pack should catch up with its actual price by about.... 2027, give or take inflation.
My favorite game of all time coming to NSO EP. Can't wait!
Honestly let me buy Paper Mario separate instead, Nintendo.
At a pace this slow, everyone who wants to play Banjo Kazooie will be forced to renew their subscription. Thanks Nintendo!
A whopping one new title.
Nintendo, slow down
As someone who's never played the OG, I can't say I'm not excited but I do agree with the sentiment that one game every couple of months is a bit crap.
They are releasing these too slow. On the other hand this is one of my favorite games and probably the N64 game that holds up the best by today's standards. So I guess I'll take it.
Paper Mario is great, but I find it quite tragic we still don't have freakin Super Mario RPG.
Can we get new NES and SNES releases too? Patience, I guess...
@OldManHermit Talk to SquareEnix. I think they are the ones preventing it from coming to the online service.
One game? They have to be trolling. Like the service is an actual rip-off.
One of the few N64 games I actually want to play on the Switch. But the service is a complete and total rip-off. Let me buy it via VC, Nintendo.
How about a permanent price reduction?
That one dude was right it’s actually cheaper to buy a real N64 and get your own library.
10 down, 28 to go!
I'm glad this is coming as this was the only Paper Mario game I never got to complete. Got this downloaded on my Wii back in 2009 and for some reason didn't get a chance to return to it. Can't wait for next week indeed.
I haven't played any games from the Paper Mario series. Guess this will be the perfect place to start!
Has the emulation gotten any better?
One eraser?
I'm used to Nintendo betraying me,
I was in 'Nam...
The only way they can fix this expansion pack is to either give it a permanent price cut or add a substantial amount of new content (GB/GBC/GBA). And that's not even mentioning that the online itself is still bad. ***** this service
@MrHonest you can on WiiU
Awesome, at this rate I’ll be super pumped to play Banjo on my Switch 3 with 8k 120fps!!!1
Yessssss, this is the single game I've been most wanting! So glad it's coming next!
@MrHonest the Wii U has you covered. $9.99.
It doesn't come out for another week. We know of like 7 titles that are going to be coming to the Nintendo 64 service. Maybe Nintendo plans to reveal one new game a day leading up to it, and all those games we know about (Paper Mario, Kirby 64, F-Zero, Banjo, Majora, Mario Golf, Pokémon Snap) are gonna drop all at once. Could be wrong, but we'll see.
EDIT: Well, this aged poorly. Sorry.
I might get this expansion pass soon because I've been wanting to play N64 games for a while now and mario 64 on the go sounds great! I think once smash bros 64 and the original mario parties come out this will be kind of worth it. I still agree that one game every few months is not good. The expansion pass still needs either 1. more n64 games at a faster rate, 2. more game consoles like game boy and 3. maybe free games every month like ps plus?
Notice how no one is asking about future sega games, and Nintendo isn't offering any
1 game is pretty grim but hey, I’ll totally play this.
I've wanted to try the OG Paper Mario for a while, so that would be great... if the Expansion Pass wasn't ridiculously overpriced. Lower the price of the Expansion Pass and then we'll talk.
I never played the og paper mario. And I played all the other ones. (Okay I haven’t started origami king yet but soon)
Excellent game, but I don't like the vibe I'm getting from this news. Feels very much like Nintendo is trying to just add games to the N64 tier of service and that's not okay.
Some of the people in the comments need to chill. Like, I understand and agree with the complaints, but you still sound too hostile.
38 N64 games were datamined, of which 10 of them will be on NSO + Expansion Pack by the Dec 10.
At a pace of 1 N64 game per quarter, it would take 7 years to see the rest of the datamined games arrive on NSO, which is a really, really long time.
Hopefully, adding a single N64 title per NSO update is just a one-time thing 😂.
(52 Sega Genesis games were also datamined, but adding more Genesis games to NSO + EP may depend on what Sega is willing to allow.)
And this is the Wii U is still relevant today, I can get this game on the VC. Would I like it on the switch? Yes. Would I pay the price nintendo is asking for 10 N64 games? No.
Love this game. I have always liked the paper Mario series , they are such great games.
hopefully Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie will be next.
@Not_Soos this seems pretty likely
i love paper mario, but its just a weird thing to hype up your online service with a single player rpg. and it costs $50/80 a year to do so
Is it wrong to expect more from NSO? Paper Mario is a great game addition but one game every two months seems laughably slow and pathetic. Nintendo is gonna release like three new consoles by the time the N64 rollout finishes
I feel validated by this embarrassing drip feed. Nintendo really needs to respect its customer base again.
This series has went from perfection to meh. I know it's hard to top a masterpiece but lord I sure hope I live to see them do it.
@Turnip_Knight They've acknowledged your disappointment and a check for the full refund of everything you've paid to NL is in the mail.
@Axecon It's Nintendo being Nintendo. They're so protective of their IPs that they even keep it from themselves.
I’ll just go ahead and say it… I was going to buy the expansion pack and I even bought the dang N64 controller and opened it and charged it up. I have yet however to buy the expansion pack lol. This however might be the game that sends me over the tipping point though. I might finally subscribe now. But we’ll see…
I already own all the N64 games ever released in my region, all complete.
Nintendo sure know how to make us collectors feel good about collecting.
If I waited for Nintendo to release the 244+ N64 games I already own I'd be dead.
N64 Classic (mini)
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
Yoshi’s Story
Donkey Kong 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
F-Zero X
Star Fox 64
Pokémon Snap
Super Smash Bros.
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
Megaman 64
OgreBattle 64: Person of Lordly Calibur
Packaged with one controller for $99.99 MSRP.
15 titles based on the 30% cut of total games from NES mini to the SNES mini with a $20 increase based on the same criteria. Selected titles based on previous Nintendo minis and slight speculation. Apologies to Mario Parties/Sports, Sin and Punishment, most Rare games, etc.
Do it, you cowards.
Pay an extra $30 a year, or pay $0 a year for upscaled in retroarch. Hmm, tough choice.
I’d rather just pay for the game, not the subscription. But since I’ve only been given one option, the answer is nope. Plenty of games I can play that are actually mine forever, and not an expensive rental like this.
I'm just glad at least it wasnt a 6 month wait like NES/SNES games tend to do these days, but then it could just be Christmas one off....
I'm just wondering how Paper Mario is rated T now when it was rated E before.
I love Paper Mario on N64! Add in FZero and the Banjo games and I'm even more tempted to take the plunge. I don't think the price is justified yet, but I'm hoping as more titles (and hopefully systems like GBA or GC) are added, NSO will get there.
Wow, 1 game added to our high quality emulation service, how very generous of Nintendo.
One of the most interesting ones, considering the price of an original cartridge, even loose.
But... Only one addition? Is this going to be the new normal?
Whoa one more game! Wonder if it includes the bonus DLC to allow it to run poorly like the others.
So we're still getting games months at a time...
Yeah you're all just better off emulating them yourselves lmao
Nintendo: releases Paper Mario The Origami King
Nintendolife: "Please Nintendo give us Paper Mario (64 or GameCube)"
Nintendo: Here is Paper Mario for NSO + expansion pack.
Nintendolife: "We don't want Paper Mario... give us x"
There really is no pleasing this crowd.
Good, this game was fantastic when I played it as a child. When zelda mm and dk64 come in, I may be the sucker who actually purchases this expansion pack.
NSO's N64 emulation is an absolute garbage. Do not support it.
@Nameless_Shame they will never do that now that we have N64 games as a part of NSO
I just don't understand why we can not ALSO buy the games separatly, if we want to.
Just like the Gamepass or the Playstation Now services. A subscription is a good idea ("just pay a few fee - play ALL these games !") but we HAVE to be able to choose an alternative.
Imagine if all games avalaible to gamepass were exclusives to this programm. Like... you just can't buy Halo or Forza. It's subscription or nothing. It's just insane.
I love my Nintendo games, and I would happily buy some of these classics again (like, for the fourth or fifth time !) but this subscription-hostage situation really don't suit my playstyle...
@BlackenedHalo yes and next to that it's way too expansive and it's just insane we cannot try it for a single month.
If good content comes in and I really mean good content, I may purchase it the last month before my current subsription ends. I don't think I'll need longer than a month to complete the games I'm actually interested in since I played most of them before anyway.
@Nickinator this is perfect! The artwork is so unique, I think it's aged really well!
Ooohhh, we can all see what's happening here. That list of games to come, that's the final list! We'll have that in about a year and a half!! 😂
I literally just hooked up my old N64, with a retro bit controller. That puppy isn't dying on me anytime soon!
Wish I found a way to make the expansion pack games look good on my TV though! Anyone got tips? 😁
I remember how I felt when I subscribed to NSO for one year, saw the lacklustre snes offerings and immediately regretted it. Never again Nintendo.
Haven't played it and it's not enough to tempt me to get the service. Mystical Ninja though...
Are you guys really too poor to pay 70$ per year? Never seen people so salty anywhere else..
Never got this back in the day so I must be the one person here who is excited by this!! Screw the lot of you I’m gonna have some fun!
wow, the drip feeding never changes
FFS! Are they serious?! If you're going to drip feed us with one frigging title can they not at least pick a decent one for the holidays? No offence meant to Paper Mario fans, and Paper Mario 64 is perfectly fine, but I could list 30 games I'd rather play this December ahead of this title.
What a disappointment.
I just want to know when Banjo-Kazooie is going to be released? Within the next month? The next six months? Christmas 2022?
@Not_Soos I love your optimism!! Let's see what happens tomorrow... lol
I’m in on the family plan and this is my third favorite N64 game so I’ll play it…but Nintendo is not handling this service well.
Wow, from "don't expect monthly updates" to... one game at a time.
Next autumn's inevitable "pre-renewal showcase" is going to be a hard sell.
That's one way to look at it, I guess... but would you pay 70 to get 20-something-year-old games at such a slow rate?
What's so damning about this is not the situation per se, but rather the sum of its parts.
I have Paper Mario 64 on my Wii and it’s one of my favorite games of all time. I’m glad that Nintendo will be releasing it next week. But… SERIOUSLY?! One Game??
NSO is a big joke compared to VC.
@Leksa a fool and his money are soon parted
Everyone needs to give this game a try. Game still looks beautiful today.
First i thought,.this actually a game which will work well on this.. then i realised i had it virtual console but almost never played it... still.. if we ever travel again it's a nice game for on the train i suppose
@Rakso92 I honestly doubt it’s gonna be just one. The announcement is to early and they’re gonna want to push subs for Christmas. We’ll probably get another announcement tomorrow.
@Kirbo100 That threw me for a loop for a second too, but it's not what you think. That ESRB rating is for the N64 app as a whole, as it includes games rated E-T.
@nocdaes Lol, thanks. I may very well be wrong, but when Nintendo updates the games in their online service, they usually only show maybe 15 seconds of gameplay for each in their highlight reel. The fact we got a minute and a half trailer makes me wonder if that's Nintendo trying to sell you on each individual game as part of their premium service. Maybe they think putting them in one compilation de-values each title or something. I don't know why they would have put in so much effort for this one.
While I get why people are sorta angry about their pace of updating that service, I'm wondering why its such a big deal. When I feel like its now a good time to invest in that upgrade, I will do it maybe for one time, have a year of playing through stuff like Banjo Kazooie and Paper Mario again and then just not renew the whole thing. Noone forces anyone to stick to these things forever.
I felt like the original NSO was way worse as that is not just about the NES and SNES library but generally the online functions, which just were embarrassing and in some cases even felt besser implemented on the WiiU at no additional costs. And games like AC would force my kids to also buy extra NSO accounts to make use of the most primitive little online gimmicks. Its pretty stupid.
This premium thing is what it is, an extra service for those who are willing to pay more. But its way more optional than regular NSO.
It's so weird to have more Nintendo Genesis titles than Sega 64 on NSO... I feel like something is off in my sentence...
@BlackenedHalo In other words, the dream is dead. They probably got wise to us after we used hakchi to mod the first two. They would've bundled it with a USB-C cable that is for power only, no data transfer, so you can't add games to it.
Also, the semiconductor shortage affects everything, including Nintendo device manufacturing.
@sanderev That's how it looks like but in reality people who asked for this game are probably happy. The complaints aren't about this game but the slow service of adding games to the library, imo you cannot blame them if you look at the other platforms and services around you.
@Leksa Are you trolling?
Real poor people who cannot miss an xx amount of money a year are generally not playing Nintendo I guess, everything is freaking expensive if you compare that with the Xbox or Playstation.. A first party Nintendo title cost already 50/60 bucks and hardly drop in price at all.
I’ve been waiting for a game I really want to play before subscribing to the new upgrade , banjo kazoo is top of the list but have always loved the paper Mario series particularly the 3ds game sticker star , I might have to subscribe now as I genuinely want to play this
Getting N64 games was a big deal back during the Wii’s VC days. They do this slow drop every time. It’s obnoxious. Just emulate and be done with it. I’m sure most of you have the old games kicking around anyway.
Excited to play this again, I hope every update to the expansion pack isn’t just one game at a time though.
@Blooper987 its one month
@Aezetz That would be true if this was the only case where this kind of whining exists. But no, it's almost constant here, with almost everything Nintendo does or doesn't do.
And the strange thing is. No other Nintendo-fansite has this kind of issue. At least not at this rate.
At this rate Nintendolife is more toxic than Twitter. And that is putting the bar really low.
And to be more on topic; If you don't like a product or service. Then don't buy it. It's that simple. But seeing the hate the new Pokémon games got on this site and comparing that to the sales of said games (same goes for Sword & Shield and the Let's Go games) Nintendo is still sitting on a gold mine. And I think that the majority of people who complain here still got those games and services. And yeah, I even believe that they are loving the games. Because I don't complain about the games and I am loving them very much as well.
And honestly I don't know why I still come here. After the first Shining Diamond / Brilliant Pearl leaks I blocked Nintendolife for two weeks and looked at other Nintendo fansites (which didn't leak the info) and I really noticed the lack of Nintendohate and whining on those sites.
@dustinprewitt And notice that while the N64 controller sold out minutes after listing, the Mega Drive controller is still available days after listing (or was last night - haven't checked today). Nintendo wins the console wars again.
I loved Paper Mario on N64 back in the day! Happy to jump back in again.
Still dreaming we get a "Rare" surprise for NSO at Christmas.
Banjo, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps (and the very unlikely Goldeneye and Conker's Bad Fur Day).
Given the high price this is an excellent reason to chill out and be a late adopter after the catalogue fleshes out a bit
@dustinprewitt "At the rate, the value of the n64 online expansion pack should catch up with its actual price by about.... 2027, give or take inflation."
Umm, no. Nintendo charged £10 for N64 games on virtual console. Including Paper Mario would put the value of NSO+ at £100. Thats not counting the Mega Drive games, which adds and extra £112 to the N64 games.
@Gwynbleidd yeah, why spend £35 when you can spend £100. Great money saving advice there.
Oh boy here we go again with the same stuff. Can't they add Pilotwings? Pretty sure it has never been on their previous VC offerings.
Paper Mario: the very first image of the very first Nintendo Life article
… and I still need to play it!
Def on my list
@sanderev yeah the people here are really entitled and like to act holier-than-thou.
I paid for the Expansion, I don't regret it, I'm looking forward to playing Paper Mario for the first time!
It's okay to complain but it gets taken to a whole other level here.
I added the youtube dislike counter plugin so I could see how many dislikes this got. It is actually pretty popular. Only 3.3k dislikes apposed to 12k likes. Perhaps the people who boycotted NSO stopped watching.
Yet again more complaining in the comments, you would think a nintendo fansite would have far less of that!
Looking at this from a Nintendo stand point, you just can't beat the marketing information you can get from releasing this way. Firstly attach it to popular product to increase initial take up, then add one game at a time so you can see what reaction you get each time. By the time we get the next expansion adding in Game cube they will know exactly how to extract the most amount of cash.
@sanderev Yeah the bedwetter count on this site is high - but if it wasn't, I probably wouldn't frequent this site to laugh at their meltdowns.
@sanderev No, I’d think Twitter is still king of online toxicity.
Really poor service by Nintendo, I decided not to upgrade as the price was way too much. You would of thought they would of implanted messaging and party chat with the prices they charge for their online service. You can play all these games in expansion pass on a pc and run a lot better.
@sanderev Understood, that's why I rarely read comments on any website. ^_^ For me the drop that spilled the glass was during my World of Warcraft time where the forums are completely overrun by 'players' who whine all the time but still play 24/7.
@dew12333 there won't be any gamecube on NSO.
@Trikeboy what costs $100, this doesn't add up?
@Moistnado Maybe switch number 2 will get it? or maybe they will remake them individually for £50 a pop, or a gamecube mini.
Nice they are adding it, but I bought it on my Wii U so will stick to playing it there. Should go back to it although may have to restart.
I checked how much it would cost to upgrade my NSO membership at stated £50.
Yeah, that ain’t happening.
@dustinprewitt the way I see it is that of its anything with how the base service was they might simply introduce a new console to it(as strongly hinted) berfore they get the full run of N64 games and THEN you might start seeing people going about how this is "more like it".
SNES did disappoint over time because of how slowly the additions came but at release the initial collection landing all at once euh what were seen as some of the console's better first party titles was seen as he start of a game changer.
Tbh that's why I feel the expansion is not quite there but might see opinions changing if they add gameboy or even GBA titles.
I haven't got it yet for the aforementioned reasons though the fact i'm paying for a family subscription has sometimes made me tempted to get this for a friend in it that never played the original Paper Mario nor actually ever owned one of the consoles where it was an actual virtual console offering like the WiiU(in fact their last Nintendo console prior to switch was a gamecube).
@MrHonest You can, buy the N64 cartridge OR buy it on the Wii U shop (was also on the Wii shop but you can't buy it there anymore).
@Blooper987 Considering it came out a month ago, it seems like it might be more often than every three months. They also said they'd continue with the SNES/NES games and Genesis games. Though it's too early to tell how the release cadence will shake out either way.
Well I know what I'm playing next week. Can't wait, been ages since I've played through this.
And people moaning about this being the first game in months since release of the Service, calm down! The Service launched with a good selection of games to keep you going for months, so I'm sure they planned not to add anything for a while. And how do you know how often Nintendo will add new titles in the future?
If they added 3 games each month would you play all 3 along side any other games you're currently playing, probably not. It's a great service, why can't people just be appreciative these days and stop finding negatives in everything!
@Bobobiwan Hate to break it to you, but if you think the ultimate goal for Xbox isn't Game Pass only and streaming, you're mistaken.
You won't be buying games soon. It'll all be game pass.
@Lyricana @Bustacap oops sorry. Guess I forgot it didn’t release alongside the announcement in september. That seems like a better schedule Ido hope they add a few more snes titles though
@Just2Milky lol you could be the head of PR for Nintendo!
Nintendo: "look we have an EXTRA game for you, AND there will be another game in a month!" Please understand."
For those of you who don't understand the hate behind subscription services, let me give you a quick comparison. Imagine renting vs actually buying a house. With rent, you're just throwing money away because it doesn't raise the value of your place. You're just constantly paying away to no avail. If you actually buy a house, that keeps its value and you eventually don't need to keep paying. The value of it stays there because you actually bought the house and you get to keep it.
Same idea goes with NSO vs Virtual Console. You're pretty much throwing money away with NSO.
Why do so many people think it'll be one game every few months? That doesn't make any sense and there's zero indicators for anything like that.
Renters do not have to worry about upkeep. If the furnace dies or the roof leaks they don't have to fix it. When an appliance dies it gets replaced.
Rent is not just thrown away: you've had a roof over your head.
Removed - offensive remarks
That is blatantly false. Have you seen the going rate for N64 cartridges? A loose cartridge of Mario Kart 64 alone costs $40.
Go to PriceCharting.com; N64 games aren’t cheap.
@HeadPirate hahaha love this! To think people find value in different things is just ABSURD!! How dare you make sense on the internet!
/s to anyones feelings I may have hurt
@Haruki_NLI I don't know, really.
All digital ? Sure, it's already here. Kinda.
But all subscription ? I honestly think it's a loss-loss situation.
For example, I've read that gamepass subscribers tend to buy more games than the non-subscribers. I honestly didn't understand why until I subscribed myself : now, I'm all for digital, gamepass is a thing that allow me to try games and when I really like them, I buy them. In sales, eventually, but still.
The same thing could totally apply for Nintendo : the NSO for accessing all retro-games avalaible, but also an option to buy the ones we trully like. That would definitly make my day.
@dew12333 yeah, maybe the next gen. It is more likely they emulate a rom on a cartridge like with Mario Sunshine.
@kingbk I wonder if they just arent fans of the subscription model. They were fine offering it for sale on Virtual Console. I was messing around with it just two weeks ago on my Wii U lol
@Bobobiwan when you give people multiple options they buy less because they know they always can “one day” - it’s a weird psychological thing that hurts profits (note: i think it’s weak and I don’t care about profits, but that’s why)
Have they at least fixed the issues with the previously released titles? The NES and SNES services are full of great games and I'm not playing those either.
Maybe not for one year, but what if you only plan to play a half dozen N64 games, then you’d be saving money after about 3 years
@Toy_Link @Toy_Link
I play Banjo 1 and 2 on my series x with gamepass
Sweet. Though I played the originals many years ago on my N64.
To be fair, the expansion pass started on October 25th with quite a lot of content with the Sega, N64 games and ACNH DLC. I wouldn't call it a drip feed yet since I have only scratched the surface on what's on offer so far.
Our best option is to not subscribe and be very loud about it. Nintendo needs to be better than this.
I'm not devastated that it's only one N64 title arriving, it's more the choice of game. If you're just going to release one title for December - a month when most of us will be fortunate enough to be off work for a while - pick one of the big guns surely?! Absolutely no offence meant to Paper Mario fans - but yea, like I said before I could think of 30 N64 games I'd want before that one!
@ModdedInkling that's an awful comparison.
You said get FZero and Banjo on their soon when you meant get Wave Race and Wave Race on there soon.
That’d be Wave Race
I'm more concerned with wanting Gamecube games on the online Service. Nintendo needs to have that to entice me more to subscribe to their virtual console online service.
Sweet! Never played a paper Mario so this’ll be fun to try! Need to get F-Zero and other VC games out soon I’m already bored of the launch library.
I really miss the virtual console. In fact, right after the expansion pak launched I started playing the Wii U again just to play the VC games.
I noped my way right past all of the early polygon games when they hit the market. Expansion pack is the first time I played the N64. Woof. It appears I’ve paid $50 for MUSHA. 😂
Lol nothing can convince me to get the expansion
This should be included in the base sub.
Horrible service like this.
I'm still playing the Megadrive games. Haven't even looked at the N64 yet.
@Snatcher it's not "like" "actually" a ripoff but okay
@Kiyata if I was given 70 dollars and rented dozens of video games for a year, that's considered expensive?
@CammyUnofficial I really hope your not defending this, If you are I have no idea what to say. And give me one good reason why this wouldn't be a rip-off?
I’m excited. I can’t remember if I ever played Paper Mario 64, so either it will be a new experience, or I’ll recall a lost memory. A win for me.
I don’t get why pay $30 now to get access to only a fraction of games that will be available for the same price in a few years.Nintendo loves to drip feed for some reason.
So Nintendo wants to sell annual subscriptions and add games very slowly so people pay for 10 years before they can play all the N64 games they wanted to play.
As much as I love Paper Mario, I'm still going to wait for more big hitters before I give Nintendo my subscription money.
1 game in two months seems stingy. At least add another SNES game, 2 NES games and 2 Megardrive games to round off the year.
Predictable and foreseeable, nothing more to add here. 💧
People asked for N64 games, they got them, now they are coming in a dropper, I told this was going to happen, so many NES and SNES games are still missing, but people ask for more N64 games instead of asking for games coming faster.
Plus, I admit that I was wrong in one claim, I told people that N64 games on the service would improve it, but not fix it, I was wrong, N64 games on the service made it worse, since now they are behind a more expensive tier, I knew this service was bad, but I wasn't expecting them to charge more for N64.
@Trikeboy no it isn't write. I have the Wii U and most of its N64 VC games, about 6-7 years. NSO online for N64 (I don't care about Genesis at all) for 7 years is 280€ that is much more than -let's say 14 N64 VC games- that is 140 and you own them forever. If you are a kind of person that finishes a game and never plays it again maybe it's ok, but in the long run it's too expensive compared to VC.
@sanderev Nice strawman.
@Arkay I don't think entitled means what you think it means. Demanding value from a service that you pay money for is not entitlement.
I'm so excited! We're FINALLY getting a good Paper Mario game on Switch!
@I-Like-Soup Yeah this good one will go well with the excellent Paper Mario the switch has.
Not really.
Again, go to PriceCharting.com and look at the price of loose cartridges for the Mario games, Zelda games, etc.
They're all $30+. And this ignores the cost of the console itself, controller, expansion pack, etc.
It is not cheaper to play these games on an actual N64. It just isn't.
You can get a console and a controller for $150 add your top 3 games for $30 a pop and that’s 3 years of the family plan covered.
@Dr_Lugae What are you talking about? There aren't any excellent ones on the Switch. Only the garbage one with origami.
I think people don’t realize this upgrade plan is entirely just to make money off the niche hardcore fans. No families with young kids (Nintendo’s target audience) that I’ve talked to have this plan. I’d wager that it’s so expensive since they don’t expect many people to sign up for it anyway. Kids don’t really want to play N64 games. I didn’t sign up for it either lol.
Edit: Just to clarify, this is not saying N64 games are bad at all! It’s just there’s less of a market for them among kids when compared to games like Splatoon and Smash.
@RushDawg except this is, to a large extent, a nostalgia cash-in on people who played the originals. Because they bought the originals. I owned most of these games new, and still have the cartridges in storage. I’m willing to pay something for the convenience of renting them to play on the Switch, even if the emulator is deplorable, but it shouldn’t necessarily be compared to the cost of buying these games outright.
I am not the one who started comparing the cost of this service to the cost of purchasing a N64 and cartridges. It was Screen who originally said that it was cheaper to buy an actual N64 and games than it was to purchase a NSO Expansion Pack. I simply pointed out that this was demonstrably false.
One whole addition, huh?
At least the Virtual Console rocked hard for a while before starting up its drip feed of updates
They really need to start ramping this up... Also where are the other Mega Drive games?
What other Mega Drive games? None have been announced.
It's almost 4 a.m. and I've procrastinated on going to sleep for hours. Now that I've laid down, this drops? Ah, well. I guess I can fix my sleep schedule when I'm dead.
Nintendo Switch might be successful, but it does not reflect how non user friendly the console is.
The console's OS lacks of many features even Wii U had, Virtual Console is a total joke compared to Wii or even Wii U, the Switch eShop is too slow...
@RushDawg everdrive?
@I-Like-Soup while it is a good paper Mario game, it isn't really on switch, it is more temporarily hovering around switch until your subscription ends.
@BlackenedHalo oh no. I supported it. And loving it so much actually... is something bad gonna happen #shockhorror
Meh I bought an Xbox Series S and will make it my emulation slave. I am kinda done with these awful first party emulations.
Wanted to replay Kirby 64 from my childhood but guess it’s gonna be a few months. I’m sharing a family plan with friends so whatever. At this point I could replay the game on Wii via the VC or the 30th anniversary collection at this point but I guess I can wait…
at the risk of sounding pedantic, it's just called "Paper Mario," there is no "64." pretty sure.
Did they do any work on the emulator with this “update”?
Wow, it's almost like the same drip feed of games from the Wii era all over again. Will this service even exist on Nintendo's next console? Remember back when we thought the Virtual Console on Wii was the future of how Nintendo would handle their retro games for the future, but it wasn't? Makes me not want to invest this service, because Nintendo will likely come up with a new terrible idea for retro games with their next console that replaces this, and repeats the cycle of drip feeding games all over again.
@yuwarite That's the irony of streaming. It's essentially a rental service, like renting an apartment rather than buying your own home. It isn't really an investment at all; you're simply paying for a limited time access to the content, in perpetuity.
I don't think Nintendo will walk away from streaming completely, but I would consider it possible for Nintendo to reset the available content on an all-new streaming service for their next generation consoles.
@-wc- that's just to easily clarify which one it is
i believe that but it is the only one available on any of NSOs supported platforms. so, im the best kind of correct: technically correct. 😊
Great game, for sure, but I already bought it on the Wii. It's still there in my Wii U. So this is a big fat zero for me. Come on, Nintendo
@Moistnado Semantics.
You speaking to a few people you know is hardly a great indication to the wider Switch demographic, just saying.
I do tend to agree with you on most things, and understand your point of view on this, however I think with this and all debates we need to stop the defending line, as it wrongly assumes that there is something wrong in the first place, when in reality this is down to people's own subjective opinions to the value of the whole online service, normal or the expansion pack.
I personally have no issues with the service at all and think it's good value, now this does not make me correct from an objective point of view, but it does not make me incorrect either, and I am certainly not going to suggest that someone who does not share the same view needs to defend their own personal position in any way.
@johnvboy Of course not, its your hard earned cash, and you should spend it on whatever makes you happy, I wont Bash someone for Buying the service, nor are you wrong for doing so.
I Just think from a Price plus how much it actually works point of view, there asking for 60$ for something that just doesn't work, The games are fine, and wile it make take a long wile for it to Show up, there still great games, My issue comes from the fact that I could go boot up mario maker 2 right now, and Its just Crap, It lags all the time, I can't get one game in, i'm lucky if I can even make it past the starting line.
That and the fact that these games are old, but that one is opinion, as they can be worth that much cash or not, But they also bundle it with AC just the increase the price, Like what if I don't have Animal crossing? and even when you do you don't get to keep it, you have to keep on paying.
Tho, all that above is opinion, (Even tho I do say fact a lot LMAO) and Like I said buy whatever makes you happy, I'm not going to bash anyone for spending money on something they Enjoy, My problem stems from Hardcore Nintendo defenders who Think every little thing they do is perfect, Which BTW you did a great job Talking about both sides, and how one isn't wrong, but isn't right all at the same time.
So sorry if this post was very long or to long, (I might have keep't repeating myself) and it didn't really add much to the convo, Though I will say I respect your opinion, And we don't always have to agree to Enjoy a nice conversation.
No problems at all, I tend to ramble on at times as well.
Just feel at $79.99 for the full family membership it's pretty inexpensive, at $0.21 a day it's nothing.
And $49.99 for the single membership is a steal too, $0.31 as day is also pretty inexpensive.
@johnvboy Hey if your bringing in the cash like that, I don't see why you shouldn't buy it.
@johnvboy for many its just "expensive" compared to better deals like from xbox and playstations subscriptions. sure people will vote with their wallets but i also think its easier to inflate prices for nintendo fans with how nostalgia heavy their products are, and their games rarely dropping in price
outside the nintendo bubble its easy for anyone to raise their brow at their pricing next to the actual service being given
Again it's a personal view, I have no issues with people finding the service poor value, I simply do not agree.
I have the full family plan, no issues thus far.
@Blooper987 and we never gonna see any news to nes and snes in long time either i guess
@Moistnado Everdrives are awesome, but the price of an Everdrive, N64 and controller are still way more than the price of NSO
@RushDawg depends on the number of years you want access to these games. NSO is very expensive for people who collect games for the future.
@RushDawg I looked up 2nd hand N64s. They are notably cheaper than one new Switch game and usually come with a few games and controllers. Everdrives are expensive though.
@Moistnado Meh! Splitting hairs! At least the Switch FINALLY has a good Paper Mario game, and we don't have to settle for Origami Crap!
@I-Like-Soup switch doesn't really "have" a good paper Mario game. It's rented, it has temporary access to the game. Hair splitting for some, but a really important deal breaker for others.
@Moistnado Sure! Fine! Whatever!
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