Hot off the heels of this week's 'Become a Pokémon League Champion' trailer for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Nintendo's back with another ad to keep the hype rolling ahead of this month's release.
This latest clip, called 'Rediscover the Sinnoh Region', offers up another quick look at the remakes' reimagined version of Sinnoh and reminds us of the three starter Pokémon we'll be choosing from – Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.
As we mentioned earlier this week, we recently shared our early impressions of the new games following a special preview session we were able to attend (feel free to check out our thoughts here), and pre-orders for both games are open right now.

Only two more weeks to go!
Comments 19
I'm really hyped for this game. They even have clothing options, which was probably one of my most-wanted features. Definitely buying this when I have the chance.
I will definitely buy this because it is Pokemon. I hope that it is as good and detailed as Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
I will pick Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, but not Day One because i have planned to get Skylanders Imaginators PS4 bundle in December 2021.
Shellos and Gastrodon look a LOT cuter in 3D, and I'm tempted to migrate my still unevolved shiny West Sea Shellos all the way from Pearl to Shining Pearl and finally have this very patient sea slug on my team (boxed since 2007).
Of course, this means that I will have to subscribe to both Pokémon Bank and Pokémon Home. Ugh. It would probably be less cumbersome to try and breed one in Sword/Shield.
I have mixed feelings about this game. On one side I like that they're updating Diamond and Pearl because even though I liked them, Gen 4 was slow as hell. On the other side it is looking more and more like an extremely safe remake, to the point that it bears question if it should exist at all.
i assume there'll be another last trailer that'll show the giratina world
I am so hyped for these. I already have both of them pre-ordered. I loved the originals on DS.
Girlfriend is getting it for me for my birthday which happens to come out on my birthday
So happy 41st to me!!
Waiting on the reviews to find out if they're even feature-complete compared to the originals and Platinum. Can't say I'm optimistic.
It's rather quite satisfying to see that DS boot-up even for only a second or two. That clamshell design became an icon for a reason!
I'm getting it Day 1 but they really should have added Platinum's content to this. D&P were never that great or content rich, in fact they are pretty barren once you beat the game and catch all the Legendaries what this time is not even exciting due to S&S DLC giving you every single one. It was Platinum what made Sinnoh and gave it stacks of content and a great post game, they should have added what that gave it or at the very least done a Gen 2 Remake thing where they added a condensed version of Crystal's main story. Sadly i feel this being the weakest remakes for the series as it feels like a 1 on 1 recreation with very little new things added.
Eh, I'll play if someone else in my household buys. I was really underwhelmed with Sword and Shield, feeling a bit of Pokemon burnout...
These? Not for me. I loved USUM to the point of making them my favourites because they innovated so much, a safe remake is not my cuppa tea. Legends arceus is day one though... This is going to be a very risky game, seeing as legends comes less than ninety days later.
@Zuljaras ORAS was good until the Battle Plateau - or lack thereof.. We had no post game content apart from the Delta Episode
@Zuljaras agreed that is my favourite pokemon game that I have played!
@Nephestinus at least the delta episode was cool!
Looking forward to these! Still don’t know which one I want.
Never had a DS & never played the originals , seems like a good oportunity to me. on the other hand its kind of expencive for a game that adds a minimum of new stuff...Still buing tho.
Cannot wait to play both of these. I have both pre ordered. Looking at all of the old and new features, this is going to be epic.
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