Metroid Dread came out less than a month ago, but speedrunners are already hard at work trying to grab the world record for fastest time to completion.
Even just a few days after the release, we were marvelling at how good some players were at the game — and the current world record holder, karterfreak, is an excellent example. With a current time of just 1:22:52 on an Any% run, karterfreak's time is just under a minute ahead of the second place runner-up, Bdog.
Karterfreak's run involves some nifty tricks, like figuring out how to parry the EMMI, perfecting bomb jumps, and just being really, really good at platforming.

Karterfreak has been doing runs for at least four years, and holds records for Yooka-Laylee and Super Lucky's Tale, as well as ranking pretty highly for Shovel Knight. Safe to say he's a fan of old-school-style platformers, then!
Of course, the world of speedrunning is a fast-paced one, and the tricks and skips in Metroid Dread are still being figured out... so you can probably expect this time to keep going down in the coming weeks and months, even though that seems impossible. Speedrunners are basically wizards.
Are there any tips for playing Metroid Dread that you learned from this video? Do you reckon you could beat karterfreak's time? Let us know in the usual place.
Comments 43
Meanwhile here I am, sucking terribly at this game :')
My 100% completion was just over 13 hours.
This was a fun read, and Karterfreak has a great avatar!
Wow, just E.M.M.I WOW!!! 😲
$60 for a 90 minute 2D game? No thanks Satan!
I'm curious about the methodology for developing this knowledge of the game in such a reasonably short time. Is it best to just do playthrough after playthrough, or mix it up with watching others? Wonder what the total hours this guy has put into the game so far.
Why is this listed as random? I've been wondering this.
Well i managed to beat the game on hard with 100% but unfortunately i forgot to hit record 🤦♂️. You will just have to take my word for it 😉.
In all seriousness id love to be able to be this anything.
I'm 10 hours in and finally got the gravity suit. Now back to filling out all of that map.
Nintendo had the audacity to sell this for $60? Wow! It should have been 100++ hours.
It was a joke. Calm down
@MsJubilee I'm hoping for some free DLC to help justify the $60. The game needs more content for this price and I think I read that a lot of content was cut in streamlining development. Not holding my breath for DLC though.
This game needs a boss rush mode. I just keep rebeating the final boss now for fun and fidget management.
It's been like 3 hours since this article was published, and already that chosen run become a former world record.
I love how popular this game has proven among the speedrunning community, hopefully it's got a long life behind it.
I also wish that Nintendo & Mercury Steam would officially implement a speedrun mode, but I doubt they ever will.
I know someone who beat it faster.. 1.4 hours
Nice for a speed run.
And some say David Jaffe is still stuck in the “Jaffe room”.
Meanwhile I’ve been stuck on the same boss for that length of time (experiment something) so moved on to a different game
@Moistnado @Moistnado the game is worth $60
Im about to fight the final boss and I can honestly say this is the only metroid game I’ve enjoyed playing. And yes i have played them all but never liked any of them. After im done with this game I want to give super metroid a second chance
@MsJubilee And why exactly should they not?
I am stuck in this game, enjoyed every battle, but most of the time I just don't know where I need to be to progress resulting in wasting hours wandering around.
It's nice the game still had that speed run aspect of the game like its predecessors.
@MsJubilee Yeah but speeding through the game doesn't mean you 100% complete the game. There are post game contents and also hidden contents lurking within the game where even the most speed runner wouldn't care about. Remember you truly did not complete the game if you skip on most of the challenges the game had to offer. For speed runner it is a $10 worth of playthrough but to truly get that full $60 worth of contents you had to explore and discover things for yourself, that means stop watching someone else play the game or spoil yourself with playthrough.
I will wait for a sale... 15 hours is pretty short for this type of game at full price.
I beat this game in 10 hours and loved it!
@Moistnado It's worth $60. Not everything needs to have the length of The Witcher 3. If it was, I bet the game would have been a buggy mess at launch like The Witcher 3.
@Einherjar @Gwynbleidd @Specter_of-the_OLED That was a joke post. So I don't know.
@MsJubilee I'd recommend not quitting your day job to pursue a career as a stand-up then...
@Gwynbleidd I paid about $40 for Dread at launch. I have never paid $60 for a game on Switch. I think BOTW was maybe worth $60 but I got my BOTW for less, I think about $40 again.
@theGamerPad no it isn't.
@FredsBodyDouble Uhm, no it's not. 8-15 hrs is pretty standard for the Metroidvania genre.
Just like the survival horror genre. I mean look at Resident Evil. Some of the the best in the series are generally considered to be 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 with those titles mostly being around 10hrs long, except 4 which is about 15. Resident Evil 6 is 30hrs long, and it's considered the worst in the series, so longer doesn't always equal better.
@Gwynbleidd no, day 1 retail prices. I have found that shops in my area are competitive when a new game comes in but then the price goes up when they have less stock, the games are more scarce and they know they can shift them for more.
@Bret mine was just over 17!
@hakjie11 when you're stuck try using the map to highlight different areas you've yet to visit, particularly anything labelled ???
@jsty3105 So was my roommate's, he came in at something around 17:10.
@jsty3105 This. Usually, the new ability to get around those ???s is actually nearby. Also look for gaps in the map where you may have missed a spot.
@jsty3105 Thanks, I guess I could figure it out if I really wanted to. This is my first Metroid game, I enjoyed it very much, but expected it to have clear indications (maybe a a highlighted next destination on the map) Old metroid fans willl will like the wandering around and finding out by themselves where to go. But to me it is just too time consuming when you walk through the same room 20 times.
90 minutes was probably the time I took just getting killed over and over again by bosses (probably more).
@Moistnado you paid $60, maybe $50
@hakjie11 i felt like it was so obvious and smooth it felt like a pretty linear Metroid game. Didn’t spend much time exploring or wondering
@theGamerPad how would you know what I paid? We're you in the shop with me? You don't even know what country I live in.
@Moistnado no where sold it for that low. Giftcards and trade in credit is money equivalent
@theGamerPad lol OK, believe what you like. Enjoy your life!
Bring the receipts
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